I Dally Nat Ptmm Ran f » . l i f t The Weather IT TIm Week llnded 5 October n , m i Clear tonight wlih patohy tog - ^ again toward momlnci low In BOa. Tomorrow moatly sunny- 15,555 and mild; high near 70. Manchetter— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXXI, NO. 26 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES — INCLUDING TV) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTTOBER 30, 1971 (OlMeifled AdveiHeiiic on Face 21) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTB r ^ m ■ a*'- ■ -rfa.™*., C ' f ■ ."."J ta f M. : -Jt »• .If■. **« t Y a r i AL m I I s f i ■ |r*t> ■ .rT>^ I Senate Vote ,^ t> h . >4 ’*w .-»a ■>*' British Posts «fw| ■ 4liae .HI .1 .n '• '* I’ «il< KraMi MrraM \dvrrtiarmrfiUi Blown Up By Kills Bill On IRA in Ulster Foreign Aid BELFAST, Northern Ireland (A P)— Irish Republican By CARI. P. L£UB8DORF Army guerrillas blew up eight British customs posts WASHINGTON (AP)—The Senate has voted a stun­ along the Irish border today and bombed a British army ning end to more tlmn two decades of U.S. foreign aid post in Belfast, killing one soldier and wounding eight 'b y decisively rejecting a $2.9 billion bill to extend the civilians. —----------------------------------- program for two more years. The aoldier, a cook, died as The raids followed a powerful ’The~ 41-10-2741-to-27 vote SYiday ha was making; lunch for Scots blast Friday which ripped night—not totally unexp«cted— could be proposed) but It would Guards troopa. The civilians, apart a Belfast police station left in doubt the future o^jl)ie take a long time to formulate Including their children, were and killed an Inspector, brlng- aid program, which woa sttcRed and is considered unlikely to Rfinington Injursd when their house next ing Ure British province’s death to get the Western World back pass .Aid tor specific purpoMs otoor coUa{iaed In the Roman tcli in more than two years of on lU feet after World War H’s could be attached to other Oathollc Springfield Road dls- civil strife to 141. ravages. measures, but they are also ex­ Trinccss liady Shaver trict. A sergeant, his wrife and two While various procedures to pected to meet etUf resletaivce. The IRA, which refuses to children narrowly escaped extend foreign aid remain pos­ sible, Democratic leader Mike And, most likely, foreign aid ■•ecogniie the border between when their heme In the Flnag- could be extended through a Ncrthem Ireland and the Irish hy district was blown up late Mansfield of Montana said any republic, struck In a half-hour Friday night. They had left It effort to keep it going would be (See Page Eight) coerdinated bomb attack. minutes earlier. An adjoining met with extended debate. S7.70 'The government still has $4.7 < M illie ninloured shaving heads with priilec- Police said raiders armed police house was badly dam- billion in unspent foreign aid Iive guard combs. Kashitmubic boudoir ca.so. wlth submachine guns drove up aged. to the posts, ordered the cus- The third house hit no longer l-4^' funds appropriated before last #<l,50 ________________ - Foreign Aid toms officers out of danger, belonged to police "A case of July, but when that runs out so stopped all oncoming cars and bad IRA intelligence," the Brit- 6 ‘ does aid to foreign nations. Wew up the small wooden tsh army commented, President Nixon was quick to At a Glance buildings. At least one band of A precinct house in Belfast’s decry the Senate action, calling 7 guerrillas escaped across the Antrim Road was bombed early South Viet troops carry weapons along highway near firebase. (AP Photo) for an “immediate restoration WASHINGTON (AP) — Here, fronUer into the republic. today, but was only slightly Downey Kin cf the absolutely vital foreign at a glance, is what ttie Senots Border stati(ms were blowm damaged. An electricity com- assistance pregram.” did Friday ctr foreign aid. Killeen and ’Tullydonnell pany office next door suffered In a statement related by a Action—voted 41 to 27 against In County Armagh, Aimamartln worse damage. At Border White House aide, Nixon called authorizing the $2.9 billion pro- **“1 Aghalene In County Ferma- Several civilian targets also Americans Killed in Crash the Senate vote ”a highly irres- poaed to extend UJ3. foreign aid CAF Fathom, Carrick- were picked-out by the bomb- pcnsible action which undoes 25 from July 1, 1971 to June 30, duff, Cotoitlvrln and Cullavllle. ers. years of constructive bipartisan 1978. Of Red China foreign policy and produces Police In Belfast arrested The owner of a Belfast liquor Funds affected—$1.3 bUUon unacceptable risk to the natton- ive an Extra nine men d u i ^ ^ s searches store who tried to defend his ’Copter in Sea Off Vietnam HONG KONG (AP) — Mary for economic aid and $1.6 bil­ V. Downey Is "looking forward al security of the United pri'Perty by hurling bottles at An Army OHO light observa­ lion for milltaiy asalstance in­ SAIGON (AP) — A big Army force of 40.00D to 60,000 Ameri­ eagerly and prayerfully’’ to vis­ States.” Children’s Bible masked raiders was shot In the tion helicopter was shot down cluding funds to provide weap­ Talking helicopter crashed at sea near can troops and minimum air iting her son John In a Red Chi­ ’The Senate vote came as a Approved by all three faiths. ^ Hospital authorities said Nha Trang and sank in about by enemy greamd fire today 27 cover. ons to Isreal, some $250 mllUon \ i % bombing three homes and a nese prison where he has been climax to long years of grum­ OFF 120 feet cf water last ’Tuesday, miles northwest cf Saigon, kill­ for Pakistani refugee relief, precinct station. (See Page Eight) Peak U.S. strength was 543,- serving a life sentence since bling over the aid program. Na­ I yrlci'S on View-Master killing all 10 Americans aboard, ing one crewman and wounding $139 million for United Nations OOO treeps during ’Hiieu’s first 1952, another son said today. tional polls have always shown the U.S. Commstnd disclosed In another. term in office and It has Mrs. Downey, 74, of New It one ^ the government’s least p r y a m S ’ $809 mlUlon 3.47 a delayed report today. A U.S. Navy OVIO light at­ dropped to 200,000 in a little popular undertakings. for the Alliance for Progreas, lag Blooining A spokesman, Maj. Chester tack plane was shet dewn Fri­ Britain, Conn., her sen, Wil­ $341 for assistance to Cam- "Wheels” mere than two years. liam, and his wife arrived Fri­ In the showdown, liberals Hanson, sold the cause of the day night In the Mekong Delta bodia, and funds for a variety by Arthur Hailey Meskill Says: On the eve of ’Thleu’s In­ day and expect to cross the who contended aid led the Author of •'Hotel" and "Airport" 8.88 crash is under Investigation. He about 85 miles southwest cf Sai­ auguration the U.S. Senate of other purposee. Ea.sy to use! Travel, cartoon, United States Into involvements land Bulbs said two bodies have been re­ gon, but there were no casu­ Hong Kcng border into China Funds not affected—Many .science reels available. stunned officials here by voting on Sunday morning. such as the Vietnam war team- -______ ... - M i4t*M 2.M covered but rough waters have alties. to end all American foreign ed up with conservaUve critics e x y ndltury 3 Keels of Talking View Masters! Degree of Aid to Schools “From the border,’’ the side the aid program. For ex- Pub. liti 7.95 prevented divers from reaching ’The losses raised to 8,001 the aid. of the billions spent on the pro­ the others. brother said in . a brief tele- ample, much support for South Buy 31) fun with Sound! 2.95 number of U.S. aircraft report­ Whlle the Senate action does phene conversation from his ho- gram to kill the bill. 5.57 Five of the dead were crew­ ed lost in the Indcchlna war ’The bill, which would have Vietnam Is contained in the nct affect military aid to South tel room, ”we will take the To Depend on Tax Income men aboard the Army CH47 since Jan. 1, 1961. Vietnam, It means a loss of train to Canton and then, we provided $1.3 bUlion for eco­ Chinook. ’The other five were (See Page Elglitj HAR’TFORjD (AP) — Gov. week amounts to about $1.1 $549 million In economic aid for have been told, we will fly from nomic aid and $1.6 billion for ’Thomas J . Meskill has eased mllllcn, since the payment Is passengers. SAIGON (AP) — President military aid until July 1, 1973, •e Wood 'Weather may have been a Nguyen Van ’Ilileu will be in­ the fiscal year unless Congress Canten to Peking sometime Save an Extra off on cuts In state aid to cnly the first of three bi- reconsiders. Monday. is for all purposes dead. Die inter Sets school districts, while adding stallments for the fiscal year. contributing factor. ’Typhoon augurated to a second four-year Senate tabled a motion to re­ Hester hit South Vietnam’s term Sunday in the face of ac­ U.S. officials said today there “If all goes as expected, we thAt’ the level of aid could in­ Meskill said he had eased up Is not enough money available should have our first visit with consider, thus killing the bill. crease or decrease depending cn the ADM grants In hopes the northern coast three days be­ celerated U.S.
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