PITTSBURGH O m I cr GL O I No. 24 350 Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, August 22, 1997 Msgr. DiNardo nam ed coadjutor bishop Pope John Paul II has named Mon- his kindness to me as well as his gifts that Bishop-elect DiNardo now signor Daniel DiNardo. pastor o f SS. encouragement In these past days. brings to his new home, the church of John and Paul Parish in Franklin “I add my gratitude to all the clergy, Sioux City." Park/Marshall Township, to serve as religious and faithful, especially the The episcopal ordination of Bishop- coadjutor bishop to Bishop Lawrence members of the new parish of Saints elect DiNardo as coadjutor bishop is Soens of the Diocese of Sioux City, John and Paul where I have been planned for the Cathedral of the Iowa. privileged to serve as pastor for the Epiphany In Sioux City on Oct. 7. He The announcement was made Aug. past three years. They have done so has selected as his episcopal motto 19 In Washington. D.C. by Arch­ much to help form me as a disciple “Ave Crux Spes Unica" (“Hail, O Cross, bishop Agostlno Cacciavlllan, apos­ and to encourage me in my ministry Our Only Hope”). tolic pro-nuncio to the United States. as a priest.“ Bishop-elect DiNardo was bom on A s p e c ia l As coadjutor bishop, he will auto­ Bishop Donald Wuerl called the May 23. 1949 to Nicholas and Jane matically become bishop of Sioux City appointment ‘a moment of great joy (Green) DiNardo In Steubenville, Ohio. k in d o f p la c e upon the retirement of Bishop Soens, and profound pride for the entire He has an older brother. Thomas: a 70. who has headed the diocese since Church of Pittsburgh. Catholic Famllyland, only twin sister, Margaret Rlesmeyer; and 1983. “Bishop-elect DiNardo is well quali­ 20 minutes from Steuben­ a younger sister, Mary Anne Homyak. Bishop-elect DiNardo said of his fied to carry out his role as shepherd, ville, has become a place He attended Saint Anne Elementary appointment: “Although I am a bit having faithfully served the Holy See for the entire family to have School in Castle Shannon and the overwhelmed In being called to this and the church of Pittsburgh with Bishop's Latin School before entering fun whlie strengthening episcopal office, I have already great distinction for 20 years both In St. Paul Seminary in Crafton, spend­ their faith. received the warmest possible wel­ parishes and In the diocesan pastoral ing two years at Duquesne University. See Pag* 7. come and promise of generous sup­ center. He is blessed with keen Intel­ In 1969, he received the Basselin port from Bishops Soens. I, In turn, lectual gifts enriched by his extensive Foundation Scholarship from Catholic pledge to him my loyalty and academic background. University of America In Washington. cooperation. “His pastoral and administrative D.C. where he received both his “In my 20 years of priesthood, the skills, his commitment to the Gospel, bachelor's and master's degrees In Diocese of Pittsburgh has been my and his love for Jesus and the philosophy. home and a source of great joy and church, expressed most recently as His theological studies were at the blessing. I want to offer my deepest the founding pastor of Saints John thanks to Bishop Donald Wuerl for S c h o o l o f and Paul Parish In the North Hills, are Sm MSGR. DINARDO on page 2 Bishop-elect Daniel DiNardo controversy Msgr. Charles Rice writes about the School o f the Ready for readin' and rltln' F r e n c h Americas and what he and many others believe to be j o u r n e y ’s the “ugly truth" about It. See Page 5. h a r d s h ip s r e w a r d e d EDITOR'S NOTE: Staff Writer James McCoy is travel­ ing uiith the diocesan contin­ gent in Paris for the World Youth Day celebration. G od's w a y s By JAMES McCOY n o t o u r w a y s Staff Writer Fr. Charles Bober has his say about recently There’s nothing like the real deceased non-church-goers thing. and the expectation of a Seeing the Eiffel Tower Catholic funeral. suddenly, as the spectacular See Page 7. background to what you thought was just another street, is more strange and School official appointed: Photo by Douglas Kaup exciting than reaching the end Sister Mary Jo Mutschler Is Like many other diocesan teachers, Andrea Turka, a social studies teacher at St Peter School on Pittsburgh's North Side, Is of a rainbow. the new diocesan assistant already in the classroom preparing for the new school term. Some of the pilgrims from superintendent for elemen­ Pittsburgh for the sixth World tary schools. Youth Day, which will be held See Page 3. Diocesan schools prepare for new year In Paris this week, gasped Everyone's child: A reader By JOHN FRANKO as thty saw it. discusses the many chal­ projections that Indicate enrollment conference to be held Aug. 28 at the Staff Writer has stabilized. Diocesan Pastoral Center, Downtown. Others were lenges facing Catholic par­ struck silent. ents and wonders If they “In spite of a few recent school clo­ Among the goals for the Department More than 35.000 students will sures and mergers, the projected of Education in the coming year Is to Everyone are up to the task. stopped and See Page 5. return to the classroom as the enrollments for 1997-98 remain sta­ begin the Middle States reaccreditation diocese's 122 schools open the 1997- ble," Dr. Paserba said. process. A total of 32 schools will par­ looked, some 98 school year next week. For schools like St. Elizabeth Ann ticipate In the first phase. pointing. Catholic solldartty: Curtis “In keeping with our theme for this Seton In Carnegie, the news is a wel­ The process focuses on faith Some Martin discusses the Cath­ year's Catholic Schools Week, “Catho­ come relief. formation/Cathollc Identity, academic seized the olic Common Ground Ini­ lic Schools: Faith In the Future," our “Our parents and children want excellence/total quality, growth ^ In m om en t to tiative and ways to foster students will again be enrolled In nothing more than a Catholic school enrollments, effective patterns of orga­ turn the mys- greater unity among Catho­ schools devoted to faith formation and education," said Sister of Charity Lou­ nization and administration, financial teriously lics. academic excellence," said Dr. Robert ise dePaul Burke, principal. "We've stability and support from parents and metallic and See Page 5. Paserba, diocesan superintendent of pretty much stabilized our numbers. community. beautiful century-old presence Into a schools. We feel this is a great accomplishment A few years ago, the diocese became i n d e x The enrollment Includes more than for us." the first in the nation to have all its photo opportunity. 4.000 students In the 11 secondary Dr. Paserba Joined other school offi­ schools fully accredited. It was a sudden, joyous Diocesan news........... schools and more than 30,000 In the cials In outlining plans for the coming The new year will welcome Sister of turn of events. We felt Editorial/official ......... .................... 4 121 elementary schools. Final num­ year at the annual principal's meeting Charity Maiy Jo Mutschler, as assis­ rewarded for all the hardships Opinion/comment ... ..............5 of our pilgrimage so far. bers won't be available until the sec­ held Aug. 19 at the Martina Spiritual tant superintendent for elementary Entertainment ............. Hardships? In the Jet age? ond week of classes. Center In West View. schools. She succeeds Divine Provi­ L i f e ............................... Regardless o f technological Classified .................... Diocesan officials and school admin­ He will also brief the media on the dence Sister Muriel Young, who advances, there is one thing National ...................... istrators are optimistic about recent state of the schools at a press retired. EG Obituaries .................... that will always show the wis­ dom of the ancient Chinese proverb: “The traveller Is accursed." That thing is luggage. Vatican: No plans for new Marian dogmas We pilgrims, “with stem impassioned stress," have By CINDY WOODEN spokesman. Co-redeemer. abandon the road marked out studying Marian dogma, but lugged our luggage, struggled Catholic News Service The pope will not solemnly At the Vatican's request, tty the Second Vatican Coun­ added that If the pope were to with our luggage, been bugged proclaim Mary “Corre- an International theological cil and proceed with the defi­ make a declaration about by our luggage, cursed and VATICAN CITY — Despite demptrlx“ (Co-redeemer), commission studied the ques­ nition of new dogma," the Mary, he would be likely to beat our luggage and even continuing requests for Pope "Mediatrix" (Mediator) or “Ad­ tion beginning In August of newspaper said. first appoint a more formal tearfully pleaded with our John Paul II to proclaim new vocate,” Navarro-Valls said. last year. Marlanist Father Johann study commission. luggage. All to no avail. Marian dogmas, a Vatican “This is crystal clear," he Its unanimous recommen­ Roten, who served on the In June, L'Osservatore The whole world may repent spokesman said no such said. dation against such a move commission, said the com­ Romano published lengthy and believe in the Gospel and proclamation is planned or Navarro-Valls made his was published in early June mission met two or three commentary on the theologi­ have a change of heart, as even being considered.
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