':/ Section VIII THE STATE PAGES '•J- • • i '•*'«.,, •©• .••"•;•/ //-.v-.- •J- trsq / State Pages HE following section presents individual -pages on all of the TStates of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Coinmon- wealth of iPuerto Rica,' the Territories of American Samoa, Guam and the Virgin Isliands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. X • - • * Included are listings of various executive officials, the Justices of the Supreme Courts, ?^d officers of the Legislatures. Lists^of all of­ r ficials-are as Of late 1971 or early 1972^ Comprehensive listings of state legislators and other state officials wilTbe carried in two 1973 Supple­ ments: Concluding each page are population figures and other sta­ tistics provided by the United States Bureau of the Census. Preceding the individual state pages, a table presents/certain, his­ torical data on all of the States, Commonwealths and Territories. \: •^ I , •\¥^ \i THE STATES OF THE UNION—HISTORICAL DATA* Date Date Chronological organized admitted order [of State or other as • to admission jurisdiction Capital: Sour.ce'of state lands Territory Union to Union —. ^ ^ Alabama Montgomery •Mississippi Territory. 1798(a) March 3. 1817 Dec. 14. 1819 22 Alaska Juneau . Purchased from Russia, 1867 Aug. 24, 1912 Jan. 3. 1959 49 Arizona' Phoenix Ceded, by Mexico, lS48(b) Feb. 24. 1863 Feb. 14. 1912 48 Arkansas..... Little Rock, Louisiana Purchase. 1803 March 2, 1819 June 15. 18.?6 25^ California Sacramerito Ceded by Mexico, 1848 .(c)^. Sept. 9. 1850 31 Colorado Denver Louisiana Purchase, 1803(d) Feb. 28, 1?61 Aug. 1, 1876 38 . Connecticut.. Hartford Fundamental Orders, Jan. 14, Jan. 9, 1788(f) • 5" , 1638; Royal charter, ApriI-23, 1662(e) Delaware.". Dover Swedish charter, 1638; English ; Dec. 7, 1787(f) charter 1683(e) Florida. Tallahassee Ceded by Spain, I8I9 March 30, 1822—March 3, 1845 27 Georgia. Atlanta Charter, 1732, from George II to Jan. 2. I788ff) 4 Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia(e). Hawaii.... Honolulu Annexed. 1898 " June 14. 1900- ^ Aug. 21. 1959 50 Idalio Boise Treaty with Britain, 1846 March 4. 1863 -'July 3, 1890 43 Illinois.. Springfield. Northwest Territory, 1787 . Feb. 3. 1809 Dec. .1 1818 21 Indiana/.. Indianapolis Northwest Territory, 1787 May 7, 1800 Dec. 11, 1816 19 Iowa...... Des Moines Louisiana Purchase. 1803 June 12, 1838 Dec. 28. 1816 29 Kansas. Topeka Louisiana Purchase. 1803(d) May.30. 1854 . Jan. 29. 1861 • 34 Kentucky. Frankfort Part of Virginia until admitted (c) June 1, 1792 15 as State • ' : Louisiana. Baton Rouge Louisiana Purchase, 1803(g) ' Mtirch 26. 1804 April 30. 1812 18 Maine. ... Augusta Part oiMassachuseits until ad- . (c) March 15.:1820 23 mitted as State • , • Maryland Annapolis Chartpr,/1632. from Charles I to April 28. I 78S(f) Cnlveft(e) Massachusetts. 'Boston . Charter to Massachu'setts ' Bay Feb. 6. 17.88(f) , Company, 1629(e) Michigan Lansing Northwest Tercjtory. 1787 .Tan. 11, 1805' Jan. 26; 1837 26 Minnesota.. St. Paul Northwest Territory, 1787(h) March 3. 1849 May 11, 1858 32 Mississippi Jackson Mississippi TerritoryCi). April 7, 1798 . " Dec. 10, 1817 20 MlssouriV. ...... Jefferson City Louisiana Purchase, 1803 June 4. 1812 Aug, 10, 1821 24 Montana . Helena Louisiana I'urchase,. 1803(j) May 26. 1864 . Nov. 8. 1889 41 Nebraska....... .Lincoln Louisiana Purchase. 1S03 May .W. 1854 March I, 1867- .37 Nevada......... Carson City Ceded by Mexico, 1848 March 2, 1861 Oct. 31; 1864 36 New Hampsiiire. Concord Grants from Coumil for New. June 21, 1788ti») 9 England, 1622 and 1629. Made roval province. 167.9i'e) New Jersey..,;.. Trenton , Dutch settlement; 1615; English -.. : Dec-18, 1787(f) •-chartpr. 1664(el. • New Mexico Santa Fe Cp<ieil bv Mexico. 1848(b^ Sept. 9, 18.50 Jan. 6, 1912 47 New York....., Albany Dutch settlement. 1623; English .....'...: July 26. 1788(f) 11 control, )664(e) Nortn Carolina. Raleigh •Charter. 1663. frorii Charles 11(e) ......: Nov. 21. 1789(f) 12 North Dakota.. Bismarck Louisiana PurchaseXl8031 k) March 2. 1861 Nov. 2. 1889 39 Ohio.,.. .:..... Columbus Northwest rerritorv),l787 May 7, 1800 . March 1,1803 17. Oklahoma:.. Oklahqrria City Louisiana Purcha-e. IS03 M.ay 2. 1890 Nov. 16. 1907 46 Oregon Salem' • SettlementandtrAty with Brit- Aug. 14, 1848 Feb. 14, 1859 33 ain, 1846 "~^-. Pennsylvania. Harrisburg Grant from ChnrlesII to Wfl- -.^ Dec. 12, 1787(f) Ham Penn. 168We) • .~ '.•- Si . Rhode Island. Providence Charter. 166.Vrom Ch.Trles IlCe) ....• May 29 ,• 1790(f) 13 South Carolina. Columbia Charter. 166V^ from Cliarles 11(e) 7; ""May 23 , 17S8(f) 8 South Dakota.. Pierre Louisiana Purchase. 1803 i March 2, 1861 . Nov. 2 1889 40 rTennessee Najhville Part of North Carolina until land June 8, 1790(1) June 1, 1796- .. 1<5 ceded to U.S. in 1789 ._^ -_ • ' • Texas...... Austin Rei)iiblic of Texas.-1845 (c) Dec, 29. 1845 28- Utah. Salt Lake City Ceded by .\fexico. 1818 Sept, 9, 1850 Jan. 4, 1S96 45 Vermont •Montpclier From lands of .New Hampshire (c)v» March"4. 1791^ 14 and New York ... Virginia Richmond Cha'rter.1609. from James I to ',-........ June 25, 1788/f) 10 London Companv(e') • Washington..... Olympia Oregpn Territ/iry, 1848 March 2, 1853 Nov. 11.1889 42. West Virginia... Charleston Part of Virginia until admitted . (c) June 20, 1863 35 as Slate , •, ' • " '" Wisconsin Madison Northwest Territory, 1787 - April 20, 18.36 May 29. 1848 .30 Wvonling Cheyenne Louisiana Purchase. 1803(d,j) July 25,. 1858 July.lO, 1890 44' D.C MarylandCm) • •• ...... American Samoa Pago Pago Became a Territory, 1899 Guam. Agana Ceded by Spaih..1898 '' Aug. 1, 1950 Puerto Rico... San Juan. Ceded by Spain. 1898 „ . .. .; July 25. 1052(n) TTPI. ,......;. Saipnn Administered as trusteeship fgr the United Nations, Jul; IS. 1947 Virgin Islands... Charlotte Amalie Piirchased from'Denmark, January ,17, 1917 ; •Table of ofTicial nam*;8 of States, legisjatlve bodies and , Spain. 1810, added to 1-ouisiana.lSI2. capitoN is on page 59. (h) Portion of liand obtaincrl by Louisiana Purchase. TS03. fa) By the Treaty of Paris, 1783. EnRland Rnve up ctaim^to (i) See footnote (a)._ The lowifi-portion of Mississippi was also the thirteen oriKinal Colonics, and to all land within an area acquired from Spain in 1813. extending aloni; the present Canadian border to the Lake of the (i1 Portion of land obtained from Oretton Territory. 1848. Woods, down the }<feisissippi River to the 31st parallel. e;6t to (k) The northern portion and the Red River Valley were the Chatfahoochie. 3own that river'to the.mouth of the Flint, acfiuire<) by treaty with Great Britain in 1818. east to the source/f the St. Mary's, down that river to the -JJ-^O) Date Southwest Territory {identical boundary as Tennes­ ocean. Territory west of the Alleghenies was claimed by varioiis see) was created. • Stat««B. but was eventually all.ceded to the Nation. Thus, the (m) Area was originally 100 square miles, taken from VirRinia maior part of Alabama was acquired by the Treaty of Paris, but and Maryland^ Virginia's portion south of the Potomac was. -the lower portion from Spain in 1813..: . _ given hack to that State in 1846. Site chosen in 1790, city- (b) Portion of land obtained by Gadsden Piirchase, 1853.. Incorporated 1802. - • (c) No territorial status before admission to Union. (n) On this date Puer|o Rico became a self-governing Com­ (d) Portion of land ceded hy Mexico.-1848. monwealth by,fompact approved by.the United States Congress (e) One of the original thirteen Colonies. - and the voters of Puerto Rico'as provided in U.S. Public Law- (f> Date of ratification of U.S. Constitution. • 600 of 1950. (g) West Feliciana Diitrict (Baton Rouge) acquired from 561 ALABAMA Nickname ,.,,.........;,. .The Heart of Dixie Tree Southern (Longleaf) Pine Motto We Darc'Defend Our Rights Song .......,...; .... .Alabama Flower .......,,...:.....,... , .Camellia Fish ...'..., , .Tarpon, Bird . f Yellowham^per Entered the Union December 14, 1819 ; Capital City ...-..". .Montgomery SELECTED OFFICIALS Governor ........ .,...................GEORGE C. WALLACE Lieutenant Governor ,............ JERE BEASLEY Secretary of State .......;...... .'.... MRS. MABEL AMOS. Attorney General !....... WILUAM BAXLEY SUPREME COURT I HOWELL T. H.EFLIN,. Chief Justice THOMAS S-LAWSON JAMES N. BLOODWORTH. , JAMES S. COLEMAN, JR. ROBERT T. SIMPSON PELHAM J. MERRILL ROBERT B. HARWOOD HUGH MADDOX , DANIEL T. MCCALL, JR. \ LEGISLATURE President of the Senate........... .JERE BEASLEY Speaker of the House. G. SAGE LYONS President Pro Tem of the Senate. PIERRE PELHAM Speaker Pro Tem of the House TOM GLOOR . Secretary of the Senate ..... .MCDOWELL LEE Clierk of the House... .^. JOHN W. PE.MBERTON STATISTICS* Laind Area (square njiles)_ ,. v.. .50^7081 __LajgestJJity .,...,, .Birmingham. Rank in Nation.' \ .!...'. .^... .':•...... .28th Population ..... .300,910- Population .3,444,165 Number of Cities over 10,000 Population..... .32 Rank in Nation ,, .21st Density per square mile. .67.9 Number of Counties. .-. 67- Number of Representatives in Congress....' 7 Capital City ,.;..... ... Montgomery Population .133,386 •Based on 1970 census statistics coippiled by the Bureau N. Rank in State; •........... .4th of the Census. ' ; / 562 "-4. f^ ALASKA Motto , .....North to the Future Stone ..,.......;.............,..... .Jade TiFlower Forget-me--not Fish ...;.............: .y .... .King Salmon Bird .. .......Willow Ptarmigan Purchased: firom Russia by the , Tree ,. ...... .. .Sitka Spruce United States ................March 30. 1867 Song .. Alaska's Flag Entered the Ui.ion ...January 3, 1959 \^Gigjtal
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