0 F D E L T A s G M A p Mankato State College, Mankato, Minnesota PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FRATERNITY FOUNDED 1907 MARCH 1964 The International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi Professional Commerce and Business Administration Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi was founded at New York Univer­ sity, School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, on November 7, 1907, by Alexander F. Makay, Alfred Moysello, Harold V. Jacobs and H. Albert Tienken. Delta Sigma Pi is a professional frater­ nity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social ac­ tivity and the association of students for their mu­ tual advancement by research and practice; to pro­ mote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a high standard of commercial ethics and culture, and the civic and commercial welfare of the com­ munity. IN THE PROFESSIONAL SPOTLIGHT Caught in our Professional Spotlight is Alpha Sigma Chapter at the University of Alabama while upon one of its recent indus- trial tours. Pictured are the members in a control center of the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center of the National Aero­ nautics and Space Administration in Huntsville, Alabama. March 1964 • Vol. LID, No. 3 0 F D E L T A s G M A p Editor J. D. THOMSON From the Desk of the Gra nd President 82 Associate Edito1· A Word From The Central Office 82 CHARLES L. FARRAR Postmaster: Please send copies returned Georgia Southern Granted Epsilon Chi ... .. .... 83 under labels Form 3579 to Delta Sigma Pi, 330 South Campus Avenue, Oxford, A Further Appraisal of Schools of Business 87 Ohio. The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi is With the Alumni the World Over 92 published four times annually in the months of November, January, March, and May. Publication Office-Curtis Reed Among the Chapters . .... ..... ... .... 98 Plaza, Menasha, Wisconsin. Editorial Office-330 South Campus Avenue, Ox­ ford, Ohio. Delta Sigma Pi Directory ... .... ... ... .. .. ... 117 Subscription pr~ce : $3 per year. Second class postage paid at Menasha, Our Cover Wisconsin, and at additional mailing offices. Acceptance for mailing at special The attractive campus of Mankato State College in Mankato, rate of postage provided for in the Act Minnesota, is featured in full color on this cover of The of February 28 , 1925, embodied in para­ DELTASIG. This continues our university series which began graph 4, Section 538, P. L. & R., 1932 edition. Printed in U.S.A. in 1950. DELTA SIGMA PI is a charter senior member of the Pro­ fessional Interfraternity Conference, organized in 1928. The members of the Conference comprise: ARCHITECTURE, Alpha Rho Chi. CHEMISTRY, Alpha Chi Sigma. COM­ MERCE, Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Pi. DENTISTRY, Alpha Omega, Delta Sigma Delta, Psi Omega, Xi Psi Phi. EDUCATION, Kappa Phi Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Ep­ silon Kappa, Phi Sigma Pi. ENGINEERING, Theta Tau, Sigma Phi Delta. LAW, Gamma Eta Gamma, Delta Theta Phi, Sigma Delta Kappa, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Beta Gamma, Phi Delta Phi. MEDICINE, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Theta Kappa Psi, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Pi, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi Lambda Kappa, Phi Rho Sigma. MUSIC, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. PHARMACY, Alpha Zeta Omega, Kappa Psi, Rho Pi Phi, Phi Delta Chi. :Jrom the :J)e1k o/ :Jhe (}rand Pre1iJenl JoE M. HEFNER Beta Upsilon-Texas Tech. The first half of this college year is now history, and before If you can answer "yes" to these questions, then you have we realize it, we will be in the process of winding up our most likely filled your chapter program with sufficient so­ fraternity year. Many of the goals that were set in September cial occasions; such as parties, dances, picnics, and stag have been reached, but still we have fallen short on others. smokers. Could it be that we have strayed from the fundamental If your chapter has not been the ideal chapter so far this aims and purposes of Delta Sigma Pi? I believe that this is year, now is the time to make some changes before it is too partially true, and that we should pause and take inventory late. Each member is responsible for the quality of his chap­ of our goals immediately before this year has escaped com­ ter's operations and must assume his responsibilities or for­ pletely. ever live with the knowledge that he failed his brothers. What is your chapter or alumni club doing to carry out I suggest that we endeavor to give Delta Sigma Pi its true the obligations as set forth in the preamble to our constitu­ meaning and make this a "Great Year." Let's make each tion? Has your chapter provided the professional programs activity of our chapter or alumni club accomplish one or that you desired? Have the speakers brought you new ma­ more of the aims or purposes of Delta Sigma Pi. Let's develop terial, thoughts, and ideas not found in your textbooks or in each of our members a feeling of satisfaction of their lectures? Have you had worthwhile professional tours? Has brotherhood in Delta Sigma Pi, derived from experiencing your chapter maintained its membership quota and carried the benefits of our fraternity. out a constructive pledge training program? Has your chapter It is proud brothers enjoying their affiliation that will ex­ been of service to the university, school of business, com­ pand and perpetuate Delta Sigma Pi, so it behooves each munity, and its members? Has your chapter attained the of us to create such members through our individual chapter highest place possible in the Chapter Efficiency Contest? Has and alumni club programs. it been an ideal chapter, and have you been an ideal member? "For He Profits Most Who Serves Best" A Word From The Central Office SINCE WE LAST CHATTED with you in this column The next sixty days will find us busy installing this new many things have transpired at The Central Office. Among chapter at Christian Brother , participating in the Biennial them are the completion of a brand new Pledge Manual Meeting of the Professional Interfraternity Conference in which makes the sixteenth edition for this publication, at­ Atlanta, representing Delta Sigma Pi at the 50th Anniversary tendance at our first meeting of the Council for Professional of the Commerce Club of Northwestern University, and Education for Business of which we were honored to become engaged in completing the details of our 25th Grand Chapter member last summer, and the granting of a charter to Congress slated for the Grand Bahamas in 1965. We are Christian Brothers College in Memphis, Tennessee. looking forward to a busy spring.-JIM THOMPSON 82 The March, 1964, ISSUE of 0 F D E L T A s G M A p Georgia Southern College Granted Epsilon Chi Chapter GEORGIA SOUTHERN COLLEGE charge and charter with appropriate re­ at Statesboro, Georgia, was awarded the marks. Pa t Regional Director Monroe Fraternity' 127th chapter charter when M. Landreth, Jr., North Carolina, was Ep ilon Chi Chapter was installed on Sat­ also on hand to extend the fraternal urday, November 9, 1963. This marked greetings which had been sent from all the first new chapter of Delta Sigma Pi over the Delta Sigma Pi world. to be installed in the State of Georgia Present for the ceremonies were Grand ince Alpha Tau Chapter was installed President Joe M. Hefner, Lubbock, at Mercer University in Macon on March Texas; Past Grand President Homer T. 26, 1927. There are two other chapters Brewer, Atlanta; Past Southeastern Re­ in the State, the others being Kappa Chap­ gional Director Monroe M. Landreth, ter at Georgia State College in Atlanta Jr., Charlotte, North Carolina; Georgia and the University of Georgia in Athens. District Director James R. Westlake, At­ lanta; and representatives from Kappa The installation program began at Chapter at Georgia State College, Pi 11 :00 A.M. with registration of the Chapter at the University of Georgia and guests in the Holiday Inn in Statesboro, Beta Gamma Chapter at the University followed by a tour of the Georgia South­ of South Carolina. Local Deltasigs from ern campus. At noon an informal lunch­ the faculty and business community were eon was held in the Faculty Lounge of Chapter Advisor Paul Wischkaemper, the Williams Student Center for the guests WELCOME DELTA SIGMA PI greets the Auburn, James H. Jackson, Tennessee, arrival of guests at the Holiday Inn in States­ and Dean of Students Ralph K. Tyson, and members. The afternoon was de­ boro, Georgia, for the installation of Epsilon voted to the informal and formal initia­ Chi Chapter at Georgia Southern College. Georgia. tions which were held in the Holiday Inn. GRAND PRESIDENT JOE M. HEFNER, Texas Tech, presents to chapter president Jerry Past Grand President Homer T. Brewer K. Reid the Epsilon Chi Chapter Charter concluding the installation of the Fraternity's !27th chapter at Georgia Southern College. served as toastmaster for the installation banquet held during the evening at the Holiday Inn. The new members and guests were welcomed to the campus by the Dean of the College, Paul F. Carroll. Dr. Paul F. LaGrone, chairman of the Division of Business, then gave a history of the Division. Dr. Paul Wischkaemper, Auburn, related the facts surrounding the founding of Beta Alpha Sigma Fraternity and its success during its brief history. The climactic moment of the day came when Grand President Joe M. Hefner, Texas Tech, presented the charge and charter to President Jerry K. Reid of Ep- ilon Chi Chapter. Brother Reid, on be­ half of the Chapter, then accepted the The DELTASIG of DELTA SIGMA PI 83 name of the school from Georgia Normal School to South Georgia Teachers Col­ lege.
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