7th ROYAL FUSILIERS THE CITY OF LONDON REGIMENT SGT MAJORS REGIMENTAL SERGEANT MAJORS BANDMASTERS, BAND SERGEANTS, DRUM MAJORS SERGEANT DRUMMERS Compiled and Edited by J P Kelleher 2013 © Copyright and all Rights Reserved BACON, Sgt Major William DCM 883 1st Bn Crimean War 1854-56 Born Chesterfield, Derbyshire – Enlisted at Manchester 4.1.1836 – age 20 – a collier Sgt Major 27.9.1854 : Gunshot wound left shoulder at the Redan. DCM + £20 gratuity : Discharged December 1855 BAXTER , Sgt Major Owen 132 Born Birmingham 1834 (alias Leonard Owen) Enlisted 47th Regt 6.11.1855 Transferred to 1/7th. RF 1.6.1857 : Sgt Major 1.6.1862 – 25.7.1866 Re-enlisted 65th Regt 8.10.1866 – 16.3.1877 : Sgt Instructor 2/Durham RVC 1877-1882 Indian GS medal ‘Umbeyla 1863’ BELL, Sgt Major Joseph 1215 1st Bn : Born Woolwich Enlisted Dublin 5.7.1838 age 19 – a painter Sgt Major 1.2.1856 Crimea Medal + Alma/Inkerman/Sebastopol /French War Medal/ Legion d’Honneur /LSGC Discharged 7.9.1860 : Served in Garrison Military Police Portsmouth c. 1878 : Died 1901 BELL, Edward Inkerman Sgt Major Commissioned Lt & Qmr 2nd Bn 15.1.1895 Retired 14.3.1908 Born 16.1.1855 Died 1927 BRIGHT, Regimental Sgt Major Arthur Ernest 4543 WO1 from Grenadier Guards Commissioned 4/Royal Scots BRIGHT, Sgt Major Arthur Edward Henry MC DCM Born 5.11.1874 20y 322d in the ranks Sgt Major 7th.Bn 23.8.1914 S/8327 7th. (Extra SR) Bn DCM 1916 Commissioned 31.10.1917 4/East Surrey Regt. Order of St. Anne BUCKEE, Regimental Sgt Major James RF Depot : Born 22.12.1886 In Ranks 22y 332 days : WO2 5y 266 days : Sgt Major 12.7.1921 CANNING, Regimental Sgt Major Albert 15550 10th (I) Bn 1914-1919 : Joined from Special Branch Royal bodyguard : Fist Chief Constable from Special Branch CARTER, Sgt Major William 18y 152 days in the ranks Lt & Qmr 4.8.1898 Capt & Qmr 6.4.1913 Retired 1.11.1917 Born 27.9.1862 CHRISTER, Regimental Sgt Major Albert Edward 4061 Enlisted RMLI 1889 Transferred to 2RF 1891 : Served South Africa / Tibet LSGC 1.7.1908 MSM 22.2.1919 Discharged 9.7.1910 15th Bn Royal Fusiliers 26.10.1914 ; 1.9.1916 52nd Bn Rifle Brigade 1917-18 Died 1950 CLARKE, Sgt Major Edward 2580 1st Bn 13y 322 days in the ranks Warrant Officer 9y 348 days Tibet Medal & Clasp LSGC 1904 Hon Lieut & Qmr 3rd Bn 10.9.1910 Born Norfolk 1868 COATH, Regimental Sgt Major Percy Adams 5600 1st Bn Served Tibet – Medal : RSM depot LSGC 1.1.1917 Died 1933 COLE, Regimental Sgt Major G. 644268 1st Bn LSGC 1930 COOPER, Regimental Sgt Major Herbert MC 4391 2nd Bn 25.3.1908 15y 197 days in the ranks : LSGC 1.1.1911 : Born 9.1.1874 : CROSS, Regimental Sgt Major Clement Frederick 4316 4th Bn 11y 107 days in the ranks Warrant Officer 6y 296 days LSGC 1.1.1911 Hon Lieut & Qmr 4th Bn 10.9.1910 DOCKERILL, Sgt Major Henry Born Essex Enlisted 2/RF 6.10.1874 age 20 Sgt Major 11.4.1889 Retired 4.10.1899 EDWARDS, Regimental Sgt Major Herbert 3rd Bn 28.1.1914 : 16y 310 days in the ranks : Born 24.9.1878 FLACK, Regimental Sgt Major Henry (Harry) Albert MC Born 15.4.1887 In the ranks 9y 225 days : WO2 361 days RSM 22.3.1916 1/RF 6446009 1st Bn LSGC 1924-25 FOWLER, Sgt Major John 2803 Born 1830 Enlisted 1846 : Sgt Major 1868 Crimea + Alma/Inkerman/Sebastopol : Wounded 22.3.1855 : LSGC 1868 Died 1919 FRANKLIN, Sgt Major Henry Commissioned Lieut & Qmr 14.7.1883Retired Captain Born 2.12.1845 GARDINER, Sgt Major H R Retired 1.3.1895 GOWING, Sgt Major Timothy 3387 1st Bn : Born Norwich Enlisted 28.4.1854 age 19 – a shoemaker Served Crimea – wounded twice at the Redan 5.9.1855 / NWF Umbeyla 1863/LSGC 1863: Sgt Major 27.6.1866 – 2.9.1869 – reduced to Private by Court Martial : Joined 1/5th Fusiliers 24.12.1869: Garrison Sgt Major un-attached list India 1.4.1872 : MSM Discharged 22.2.1876 : Died 3.2.1908 GREENHILL, Regimental Sgt Major George Frederick 6448533 4th Bn ‘Iraq’ LSGC 1928 GUN, Sgt Major - : Medal of Merit (Gold) MGSM HARDING, Edwin Sgt Major 3527 3rd Bn 10.12.1903 14 y 260 days in the ranks Warrant Officer 10y 49 days LSGC 1.7.1907 Hon Lieut & Qmr 4th Bn 28.1.1914 HARRIS, Sergeant Major Henry Enlisted 21.7.1865 from Oxfordshire Militia age 18 49/832 later 1134 1st Bn. Sgt Major 24.5.1882 – 10.8.1886 LSGC 1888 – became a Yeoman Warder Tower of London HARRIS, Sergeant Major John 49/368 Born Newton Abbott Devonshire 1832 Enlisted 2nd Bn 2.11.1857 from Coldstream Guards : Sgt Major 2/7th 7.4.1869 – 17.10.1873 transferred to 1/7th. 18.10.1873 – 18.12.1873 Discharged : Crimea + Clasp Sebastopol LSGC 1870-71 HARTY, Sergeant Major Patrick 1221 Born Wandsworth : Enlisted 21.2.1884 age 19 : selected to join newly raised 4th Bn as Sgt Major on formation 1898 : LSGC 1.7.1902 / Coronation Medal 1902: Discharged 17.11.1903 “Insane, worn out from doing his duty” Died 28.3.1906 HAWKINS, Sgt Major Edward Born Somerset Enlisted grenadier Guards 9.11.1878 age 24 Permanent Staff 6th (M) Bn RF LSGC 1901 Coronation Medal 1902 Retired 7.11.1904 HOLMES, Sgt Major George William Born Ceylon : Enlisted 15th Regt 3.6.1863 age 14 Sgt Major 2/Gloucester Regt unattached list 26.9.1889 : Served Afghan War 1779-80 : LSGC 1.1.1883 Volunteered for 1/RF Sgt Major 30.9.1893 Retired 17.4.1895 HUBAND, Regimental Sgt Major Frank OBE MC DCM Born 9.6.1885 In ranks 11y 151 days : Sgt Major 1.10.1914 2/RF 6446609 LSGC 1923 Quartermaster & Lieut 1/N Staffs Regt 1924 OBE 1924 JOHNSON, Sgt Major Died of sickness at Martinique 2.3.1809 : Transferred to 1st from 2nd Bn RF and had served in Ireland and Copenhagen. Promoted to Sgt Major 25.1.1809 JOHNSTONE, Sgt Major William Medal of Merit 2.3.1809 Commissioned Ensign 57th (W) Middx Regt JONES, Regimental Sgt Major H A 14028 LSGC 1.1.1919 MSM 15.3.1919 KEY, Regimental Sgt Major Frederick W. MC 13th Bn Royal Fusiliers 1914-18 Enlisted 1883 age 13y. Served Egypt 1882-85 Retired Colour Sgt 4th Bn. Re-engaged WO1 13RF : MC 1917 Died 1933 MANLEY, Regimental Sgt Major George Henry : Enlisted 1st Bn 27.11.1896 No 5571 Orderly Room Clerk 1904 : Orderly Room Sgt 1908 : Colour Sgt 1908 Quarter Master Sgt 1911 : RQMS 1RF 26.1.1914 Tibet Medal + Clasp 5th Bn 21.8.1914 WO2 2.2.1915 : Depot 15.11.1919 LSGC / MSM 22.2.1919 : Discharged 5.3.1920 MARSTON, Sgt Major George Allen 1390/1026 1/7th Born Portsmouth Hants Enlisted 20.3.1867 age 18 – a clerk : Sgt Major 14.7.1883 Retired 19.10.1888 : Died 15.2.1939 MAULE, Regimental Sgt Major Ernest Albert Foster Born Pemroke : Enlisted 15.7.1886 No 2666 – a clerk : LSGC 1905 : Discharged 30.9.1912 MSM 22.1.1919 : MID 13.8.1918 : Re enlisted 21.9.1914 – 19.8.1919 Married Rebecca C Hunt METCALFE, Regimental Sgt Major Harry Francis MBE DCM MSM 2nd Bn 14y 306 days in the ranks Warrant Officer 8y 172 days LSGC 1902 / MSM / MBE 1919 Hon Lieut & Qmr 25.3.1908 Born 3.12.1864 son of Capt Timothy Metcalfe, Royal Fusiliers MOLE, Sgt Major Gilbert 632 Born 1826 Northumberland : Enlisted Coldstream Guards 26.8.1845 age 19 Served Crimea : Sgt 1852-3 Reduced to Private for desertion and branded with ‘D’ : Promoted Cpl 1855 Transferred to 2/7 RF 2.12.1857 Promoted Sgt Major 28.3.1862 Discharged 22.3.1869. Permanent Staff 4th Bn The Yorkshire Regt. c.1883 MOSS, Regimental Sgt Major William 11y 176 days in the ranks Warrant Officer 13y 10days. Lieut & Qmr 24.2.1912 Retired 1.9.1919 Born 22.6.1869 NAGLE, Sgt Major William John Hatson Commissioned Lt & Qmr 6.4.1898 & 6.4.1913 Retired 1.7.1918 :Born 28.2.1866 NEALON, Regimental Sgt Major John 5th (SR) Bn (Depot) Born London : Enlisted 25.11.1885 age 18 : Sgt Major 3rd Bn RF 1.4.1905 Posted to Permanent Staff 5RF 28.5.1905 : Discharged 31.12.1910 : LSGC 1.4.1904 : became a messenger at the House of Lords. Died 1946 NEWBERRY, Regimental Sgt Major Robert Amos 433/1984 Enlisted 16.6.1885 age 18 – a groom : To Pension 1897 – Joined Permanent Staff as C-Sgt I-O-M 1903-1908 : Re-enlisted 10.9.1914 Sgt Major 12th Bn RF later Depot then 14th Bn RF :B.E.F. 1915-16 LSGC 1.1.1915 RSM RE Inland Waterways 27.1.1918-19 OLD, Sgt Major William 49/1275 Born Cornwall : Enlisted 1/7th 14.3.1877 age 20 – a clerk : Sgt Major 3rd (Militia) Bn 28.7.1889 : Served South Africa with 5th (Militia) Bn No.3198 Queen’s South Africa Medal + Cape Colony/Orange Free State/ South Africa 1901/South Africa 1902 : WO1 1.4.1904 : LSGC 1.4.1895 To Permanent Staff 5th Bn : Retired 1.4.1905 PENMAN, Sgt Major Michael Born Cork : North Cork Rifles Militia : 76th Regt 1860-62 : 1/7th RF 24.12.1862 age 18 – a cooper : Sgt Major 1.3.1873 Retired 24.5.1882 PERKINS, Regimental Sgt Major Reginald James DCM 10th.(Stokebroker’s) Bn Royal Fusiliers 3rd Bn Grenadier Guards 1884-1897 Served Egypt 1882-85 Medal ‘Suakin 1885’ Enlisted 10th (Stockbroker’s) Bn RF from National Reserve 29.8.1914 age 44 – a catering manager B.E.F.
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