:;?r:3&wr it. ,f lliilil': liSssss^swie^^ tyliiiiwwi^ **« MPwNflN n Yw ww * * Co-Operating * * *•& for *•*? National •*"• in* Recovery, OFFICIAL NmSPAPM OF THE ROCHESTER DIOCESE sMp*s*MmaHMsss«0iipi f * Fiv* Cent* per Gopy ^*^sa^s^^g ^^^%^Fa^sf~*^"%^^sf^saiay- Volume V. ROCHESTER, K. T*. THURSDAY, ©ECEMB£& El, 193$ HMO 9W Tear |l * •MM* •*""^f11^! GERMAN-AUSTRIAH DISPUTE CATHOLIC FILM CHRISTMAS BROAD DISRUPTS CATHOLIC GROUPS NOTED CATHOLIC ENDINGFORMER COOPERA TION TOGO THR0UGH0U ?lrcf)btsif)op iHoontp'a ON BROADWAY Nazi Requirements Affect Klan Organizer's Returns to Air Societies In Reich Area, Mother One of 22 Tracea Catholic Nearby Countries In Convert Group C\)t\$tmte Greetings t Church History From By DR. FREDERIC FUVDER Colorado Springs — iN.C.W.p.) Dawn of Christianity (Vienna Correspondence.- Nt.C.W.C! •—-Of -22 converts received into News Service) I the Church at the Gloclcner sana­ This" Issue of fho Catholic" Gdurier af­ oT the TOjylBf picMre, th* bijtwjf >*>; torium conducted by the Staters of fords me ah ^opportunity to extend to all Vienna. Dec. 11.—The differences: Charity of Cincinnati, here, this th,ft Catholie Churflh, (rj|m llj)*JilWa which have arisen between Austria year, one was the mother of a Ku the readers of our diocesan newspaper Rih* and German; are having their effect KIux Klan organizer, another had of Christianity to the pr***at ity, on a number of big Catholic union*, been a well-known spiritualist and cere wishes for a Merry CKrtsTrrVas; and a j-fTifHTra»t h«en» pf*HP»a~iorr~iiir in which the Catholics of Austria! a third was a former counterfeit­ Happy New-ifear, York aUdUuees: ' at :-tha . Wtism and Germany heretofore joined in er. Broth**'! t*e*ler, common work tor common aims. By] Three nurses were among th* May God's grace and loving care BnUtlfd. «thtojUiftt 1M 0*tiMiTli1»f" this union of forces they bad en-j converts. tt« pleture, a oeisipo«lt* •f>eln«Matle abled each other to achieve Irrfport-; abide with you this Blessed Feast of Chris> creative work:, »*w» pictur**, *a4 ant things. -- — — — .._ motion photography of nature, was One of the oldest unions of this mas and remain wif}i you during *tiie cpmtng *up*ryl»i« by Mrs. Hit* E jsCeOoT*^ kind was Kartellverband der Kathol- ^ear. "-••< riek, noted Caihellc l»V3»o»iUl. fhl NOTED RECTOR i scBHario of the jftrst part of tit* pi*« Hehen Deiitschen studentenverbfn* - dungen (Confederated Union of Cifth. Hr» EDWARD MOONEY Mr*—Oft esrljr ~hiiiioTry-"-'br—the ollc German Students .Association.), Clmrch as portrayed lu the N4w f *U generally referred to as C.V. It OF EPISCOPAL tament—.was wrltt*» *y U* ley, -was the pride of the German Catho­ rraneia X. talsot, a.I., literary Ml- lics, much envied by .other organiza­ tor of America, Seensa ot the Vatl- tions, founded as early as In 1868, FAITH CONVERT •at, th* poiy r*tk*r, rellgi*** e«r*- It comprised an ever-Increasing num­ monfes in Rome and battle-see***-** ber of Catholic students' associations New York—INCWO—The R*v. the World War at*je«*r|fe( *>ri**» in the universities of Austria. Ger­ Carl William Bothe, former Protean pie!««»»-"-wnll* other vfeiwijeTlai*** ••Mi.iaytoew* w**»raa£*iw' prassa^^tj^-i^ many and Switzerland, and likewise tant Episcopal minister, was re­ —wild lift a»d aeeaery—la isaay »•*- Included men "of various professions: ceived Into the CatholicrChuoreh Wed­ Card. Hayes Giving Medal Lauds tiota ef th* w«M an *4t«*l •*«<•- crtphs eoll*«i*4 (row— rarieu* . .. _.W^^^^ \w^^ i- ..priests, medical men, jurists. Stat* nesday of last week at the Church of sources. ' - officials, journalists and university Our Lady of Lourdes. • Qr. Bothe Alfred E. Smith's Catholic Action «M**»»* W*^W> professors. was at one time an assistant at the The domlsaat tlwime «l tM pic­ Mony Nottble Members Episcopal Church of St. Mary the New York—(NCWC)—The St. Bonaventure,« Sfedal for ture Is th* leadUg rat* taksmg •> *i fceiile*) il> ii Virgin here, under the Rev. Dr. Catholic MlstXHtartM la ChrtMli Io 1914 the union had 12.000 Catholic Action was awarded to former Governor Alfred E, Smith, work ot elvHIstag the w*f»«. members, but after the war It de- Selden P. Delany, noted convert who of New York, by His Eminence Patrick Cardinal Hayes, "Arch­ veloped rapidly and in the period has just received the "tub-dlaconate pletures *« »aUre U h*r • lH*l<l»: bishop of New York, on SundayMJaudette Sunday, atat* are deelgaed to ihew lb* Mefh from 19*0,to 1S40 its membership)at Rome. A distinguished gathering ef ilpn of varlou* part* ef tbe w««M 1*V rose to,about 30.000. of whom 10.-j Dr. Bothe received conditional I received an honorary Doctor ot Bishops, monsignori; and $rl««t* Haws degree from the tlfllveralty of fore th* arrival ot tit* wtasi*a*rt** 000 were students. Many statesmen;. baptism from the Ri. Rev. Msgr. Jo- and th* dtaeulUes *»e*«ae*s«4 *T cam? from Its ranks: In Germany, eeph H. McMabon, pastor of the from various diocese* as well as of the State of N. Y. It li an honor prominent laymen attended the cere­ tha,t comes to -very-tew~m*ir.—The th«-«**M,l*t* ef'Chris^iar tMar «at Relehs-Chancellors Cuno and Brun-I Church of OurLady of Lourdes. Foi. alsughu Ml p*|aal*M **4 I ing; in Austria the Federal Chance): j lowing the ceremony, Dr. Bothe av­ mony and the banquet which fol­ prealdent of the university is the lowed. commissioner of education of this Vltws *( BSIMI*** Md mis* ion. Ramek. Selpel and Dollfuss, i slated at Mass celebrated by the from Alaska to Afrlea, skew »f Many ministers and leading person- i Rev. George Casey, pastor of St. 8te- During the event the St. Bonarea- state, and be told me that the state had thus honored me keeius* I was trait, the *ff«t of the «iesi««*rt*a« alities In the spiritual life of, this cltyiPhen's Church at Stevens Point, Wis., ture Glee Club tendered musical work, were among them. There was not a where Dr. Bothe formerly was pas- numbers;. After the singing the Very the greatest frlsnd of public eduea- lion Mace the days of DeWItt Clinton. single German university In which tor of the Episcopal Church of the Iter. Thomas Plassmann, O.F.M., I'edro. d« C*r«oba, th* w*U there was not represented at least Intercession. At the Mass, the for­ prealdent of St. Bonaventure's Col­ OiHe* Belov^ CKiaett aelor, ar narrator, Jeed* hi* ir**»*i one of the 130 associations forming mer fnlseopal clergyman - received lege, gave-abrlef hfciU>ry~oI-Cathfi» —**f«rr.lng-l«r-febmfth- ar-tmroff *[»W - t«*^r*Ts„j|. ; his First Holy Communion. The R*v. lie Mellon *a#-of th* Catholic ^Kt>. Am*rie**» **«tV beloved elthMtu,' early stag** of the pldt* s »• * m * i i # riPe>.>T#» f*f; (Conthtud OH Peg* 4) Joseph L. McCann, pastor of St. Jo­ tloh'Medal, land iatroduowt Cardinal Cardinal Hayes declared that th* for­ th* end he speak* for Fep* seph's Church, Bronxvllle, N.' Y., Hayes. mer Governor has been ^highly en Th* showlni 64 th« aim take* a* where Dr. Bothe recently was in His Bmlnenee dwelt upon the sig- dowtd by the Creator with a head to hour and a quarter. charge of Christ Church, attended. nincance of ||tis distinction and upon rule ,* hand to guide, and a heart of This aim hai*altr*eted wii* attea- -"""THE—~ i Dr. Bothe was—once—connected tH« merlU of Ike candidate, After understanding toward ill* fellow^ tlon'In thu «lt^. Oa th* night rt lit ! with SL Paul's Episcopal Church, receiving the award, fit. Smith ex­ man," Citing Mr. Smith's as* of his premiere tk« dasallnx llghU of j Brooklyn, and went from there to CATHOLIC pressed his deep appreciation and Broadway wir* dimwtd (or on* jstiN* H. Braydsn, aHit*t*iidin« . J^natrnt w % i , ,yj *t 1 \ I the Episcopal Church of St. Mary the outlined the rote assigned to tfathov {Ctmtimui m P*a* *> me a* a sMuta tn the nuUt JUm, and eorrespeadtstls .1r*l*ad Jet ta* Virgin^ He then went to Stevens lie Action in the life of the Church. WORLD OVER toint, Wis., and later to Bronxville. The Jtey. Br. John P. Boland, na­ at his r**ld»a*s- i* »r»y. 0«JI __^ > — tional president of the 81. Bonaven- *l»kl**ri. ***ordiifg t* • '*##> • «•* ture Alumni AMOclatloni-^elcomed Interior Redecoratioit in Auburnceitsd tMre. »• WM «t-y**r« *l *»*. - jta .'Fprbiddefi&aiHP . National Basketball, _.. Mr. SiilJth Jhtfl'th* Alumni Amioeia- Borne-- (NCWC-Fides) —-In Af­ tlon aM istf Bdnesa the - ssott irwr: a? .-**avwr»: ^Toufney for Catholic .^f 1(S SSSSBSj^esSMBjL^ __ ^ _ _ ghanistan, a land closed to Catholic John M, Gannon, Bishop of Brie. t» mtyTamtyt^ _.. ..... , ttl''li |i**: v his address, Bishop Gannon ateonded r*«i* *3i'i*T fHv priests, a Barnablte Father has been Schools Is Announced msgk, CoMty An»a»», Uia4*r, *ad Usssstf ' tfissrif *|gb|M Dr. Bolahd's words of welcome and Auburn—The first solemn high Mass to be celebrated in MoJy Hying aod^exerelsing his ministry for 1 wai adaeaied i* hisaatir* m* **< *t almost a year. The Rev. Beidlo Cas- Chicago.—(NCWC) —Loyola Uni­ touched upon the iisoelatlen ef tir. Family Church, here, since improVementa in th* church intarlor unirerwy 5piJ*fB» W*^- MS wasj Smith with the brown-robed son* of **al a*'**!- panl arrived at fcCabul,,tile •capital, versity will hold the eleventh an­ were begun seven weeks ago, will be celebrated on Christina* 1^- *.-7*pw**r .J»^tt*-.r1S*1twri" ;ffrrti|«, isaiiMtm last Christmas as chaplain * at the nual National Catholic Interscholas- St.
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