World: Taylor ties to Kenya Page 3 Life & Times: The good, the bad, the ugly: Taylor police Page 4 Opinions: When is a person a person? HE CHO Page 7 TFEBRUARY 22, 2008 ET AYLOR U NIVERSI T Y SINCE 1915 - VOLUME 95, NO. 17 The final debate: SBP candidates to face off BY ADRIENNE CHAUDOIN ed SBP will attend meetings STAFF WRITER and speaking engagements to prepare for next year, talking Elections for the 2008-2009 to administrators and students student body president con- about upcoming initiatives. tinue, with juniors Becky Chow And the newly elected cabi- and Zach Hunsinger emerging net, whose members serve as as the final candidates after vice presidents of Taylor Stu- Tuesday’s primary. dent Organization, then begin A mere 11 votes separated their own hiring processes, said Chow and Hunsinger in the pri- senior Zach Whitesel, TSO Vice mary, and all four candidates President of Finance. finished within 100 votes of one “It gives the new executive another, a first for Taylor’s SBP cabinet VPs time to begin the elections, Director of Student hiring processes for their cabi- Programs Steve Austin said. nets,” Whitesel said. “This is The final election is Tuesday, especially crucial for cabinets with the final debate at 10 p.m. like Student Activities Council Monday in the student union. which have events right at the All students can vote. Seniors beginning of the school year.” are encouraged to vote because Once the new student body the SBP candidates are upper- president is elected, Shaya is classmen, and freshmen have not out of a job. She remains in not had as much time to get to office until graduation, serving know the candidates, current as a connection between stu- Student Body President Tamara dents and Taylor leaders. Shaya said. “I’ll continue working on ini- The election process does not tiatives and representing the end with the selection of Tay- student body until my term lor’s 2008-2009 SBP. The new- ends in May,” Shaya said. “I’ll ly elected student body presi- be available to the next student dent then begins an individual body president to provide ad- process of selecting a cabinet. vice on hiring cabinet members, Shaya and her elected cabinet working through initiatives and members will finish out their anything else next year’s SBP term this spring, while mentor- needs.” Photo by Timmy Huynh ing the newly elected SBP and News Editor MaKenzie Doepke Photo by Timmy Huynh cabinet. and Editor in Chief Chrissie Thomp- Junior Zach Hunsinger speaks at the primary debate on his Junior Becky Chow speaks at the primary debate on her plat- campaign platform: "idealism + realism = action." Meanwhile, the newly elect- son contributed to this article. form: "building community through authenticity and prayer." ing autobiographical songs Taylor to give IFC concert expands minds and fictional songs,” he said. “I think that stories in song and in film and in literature … tell three honorary us something about ourselves. They reflect our culture, and sometimes they do it accurate- degrees ly; sometimes they do it in a manner that is distorted.” Stories in art can be “danger- BY BENITA LEE Divinity degree from Taylor, is ous,” Bazan said. STAFF WRITER the founding and senior pastor “A lot of our social norms at Grace Community Church in come to us through these kinds The Taylor board of trust- Noblesville. of stories in ways that we don’t ees decided last week to award Under Rodriguez’s leader- necessarily always clearly real- three candidates an honorary ship, the church has grown ize,” he said. degree at this year’s commence- tremendously. Since 1991, he Bazan attempts to express ment ceremony. has also headed various church who he is through his stories, Taylor gives the degrees to plantings, engaging in Grace’s but also learns more about honor the impact of the recipi- strategic affiliation with other himself, he said. ents on the lives of members of churches. “I think David Bazan is a the Taylor community. Rodriquez’s ministry has left good example of someone who This year’s recipients are Is- a mark on Taylor University is doing what we want to do rael Gaither, Dave Rodriguez through the lives of those who in IFC,” said senior Michael and Paul Zurcher. attend his church. Goodrich, IFC’s concert series Gaither, who holds the rank Rodriguez will also speak coordinator. “He is someone of commissioner in the Salva- May 9 during chapel as part of who is in a way being tagged as tion Army, is the 2008 com- 2008 baccalaureate service, a making Christian music, but mencement speaker. new tradition for Taylor’s com- he’s making it at a very high Gaither accomplished nu- mencement ceremony. level.” merous firsts in Salvation Army Paul Zurcher, a business- Photo by Timmy Huynh Music doesn’t have to be history: man who will receive a Doctor David Bazan, formerly of Pedro the Lion, performs Thursday night to a capacity crowd at the “overtly Christian,” Goodrich For instance, he was the first of Business Administration de- student union. said. African-American appointed gree, is also involved in the local “People have this very lim- divisional commander, chief of community. BY KIM RUPP Bazan’s Thursday night per- “Maybe ‘conflicted Christian’ ited viewpoint of what Chris- staff and commissioner. Zurcher founded the lo- ASSOCIATE EDITOR formance at Taylor, said they would have been (a better tianity and Christian art and Described as one of the Top cal chapter of the Lion’s Club, When it comes to beliefs, the brought Bazan to Taylor as a term).” Christian music can be like. 10 Communicators in 2006, by served as a volunteer firefight- most accurate label to describe way to expand mindsets. Bazan attended Bible college All good art conveys truth, and the San Francisco Examiner, er and has served as a Sunday recording artist David Bazan Bazan first played at Taylor and has performed at other all truth at the end of the day Gaither will receive a Doctor of school teacher in his church for would be “agnostic,” he says. five years ago. Christian colleges. is still God’s truth,” Goodrich Divinity degree from Taylor. more than 50 years. But members of Taylor’s In- “That was at a time that I Bazan considers his music said. “Whoever you are, what- The Rev. David Rodriguez, He has also served on Tay- tegration of Faith and Culture would not have considered folk as opposed to fine art. ever you’re singing – there is who will also receive a Doctor of lor’s board of trustees. organization, which sponsored myself agnostic,” Bazan said. “I’m telling stories and do- beauty in that.” Taylor says fee increase 'average' for peer schools BY CHRISSIE THOMPSON time. Sutherland said. Consortium schools. raising tuition year after year Still, the school is starting to EDITOR IN CHIEF But the increase should keep “We’re more driven by the In addition, Taylor’s total after year, or is that going to be observe other colleges’ alterna- The rate increase for next Taylor’s sticker price in the things we need to do, the chang- cost in 2007-2008 for tuition, flat-lined and eventually come tive revenue sources to get ideas year’s Taylor students should middle range of those at peer es we want to make, the things fees and room and board ranked down, or are we going to look for how Taylor could bring in keep the Upland campus “aver- institutions, said Ron Suther- we’re trying to accomplish, but about average: seven out of the at alternative revenues?” Tay- money that doesn’t come from age” as compared to the cost of land, Taylor’s vice president for we set that in the context of 13 Christian College Consor- lor President Eugene Habecker students’ and parents’ pockets, attending a comparable school, business and finance, and the what others are doing,” Suther- tium schools and 11 of the 27 said. Sutherland said. officials say. university hopes to find ways to land said. private colleges in Indiana cost The discussion is in its earli- Until then, some students Returning students received slow tuition hikes in the future. Last year’s increase was one- more than Taylor. est stages, Sutherland said. will see rate increases come notice this week of the 5.24 Before settling on a rate hike third of a percent lower than the But last week, Taylor’s board “It’s one of those conversa- back to their pockets, Suther- percent increase in tuition, fees for the coming year, Taylor of- average Indiana private college of trustees began a discussion tions that you wish you could land said, citing increases in the and room and board, which will ficials compare the school’s rate hike, and one-tenth of a about how the school might turn it on a dime and fix it for federal minimum wage law that put the cost of a year at Tay- most recent annual increase percent lower than the average curtail future rate hikes. next year,” he said. “It’s going will raise student wages next lor above $30,000 for the first with those of peer institutions, rate hike at Christian College “Are we simply going to keep to take some strategic time.” school year. News NEWS FEBRUARY 22, 2008 PAGE 2 Q&A: the soundtrack to Andy Whitman's life BY BRENT CLOUSE CONTRIBUTOR Andy Whitman, a columnist for “Paste Magazine,” spoke Monday night in Ayres Alumni Memorial Hall, giving a lecture entitled “The Soundtrack to Life.” What has brought you to Taylor University tonight? I was asked to speak tonight by the (Integration of Faith and Culture).
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