Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1935-36 4-3-1936 The thI acan, 1936-04-03 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1936-04-03" (1936). The Ithacan, 1935-36. 13. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1935-36 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. i\lumnt fhttinu Recess Begins Instruction Resumed Wed. At Noon m e Jt atan Tue,day, April I+ Vol. VI., No. 14 Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, April 3, 1936 Page One "Iolanthe" "Damn Deborah" Freeman - CALENDAR Students Cancelled Until Fall TONIGHT, APRIL 3 Postponed To May 30 Prepar~s Squad -l- -1- Show Talent it has been found necessary by House Dance, Kappa Gamm,1 \Valter Charles Roberts' "Damn For 13-Game Schedule the administration to cancel the pro­ Psi Deborah" has been postponed to take In One-Act Plays -1- posed production of Gilbert and MONDAY, APRIL 6 the place of the operetta which was -1- The varsity baseballers have been Sullivavn's "Iolanthe" until next S.A.I: Banquet and Initiation tq have been presented at the end of As an example of the work done in showing up satisfactorily in practice year. The unusually heavy schedule the semester. "Deborah" will be pre- Mr. Robert's playwrighting classes, each day at Percy Field. Coach of coming events for the remainder TUESDAY, APRIL 7 sented on the Saturday afternoon of th~ee one-act plays wer: produced "Bucky" Freeman has been working of the year make it impossible to pro· Senior Demon. the Alumni \Veekend, as well a., Fnday and Saturday evenings, March the squad for two weeks now, and duce the opera at this time. The McDermott and Campfield throughout the following week. The 20, 21. things look bright for a successful time necessary to produce the opera ~ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 first performance will be given at l\ iss Helen O'Hara's play, "\Vith­ season. in the style of those given heretofore, Recess begins at noon three p. m. Saturday, May 30. rlJe- rn:a" was an olcl stury refreshing!y is all too short, and the standard of finite dates for the other presbita- told. It concerned frustrated love lll Nothing more than preliminary TUESDAY, APRIL I+ productions could not be maintained. tions have not been decided, but it is connection with an actress who has conditioning practice 1s the order Instruction resumed now but as soon as it is possible Coach The Gilbert and Sullivan work probable that ther will be given on reached her peak and has begun the Freeman expects to whip his squad was to have been presented at the the evenings of June 2, 3, and 4. decline. Sentimen.t, the chief char- into shape· for a 13-game schedule. time of the Alumni Reunion, and • D I p· As has been planned, two casts act~r was well deh_n~ated an_d .played Contests ·with the Elmira Pioneers throughout Commencement Week. phI e ta I will present the comedy, the first cast an important part m determu11ng the and the Binghamton Triplets of the Much of the work, as far as the • being made up largely of graduate cour~e of t_he play. The gentle man- New York-Pennsylvania League are technical end is concerned has been COnVelleS Wtth students, headed by Virginia Herman ner in ~h1ch the_ play proceeded left planned as :well as the usual inter­ completed, and the scenery and stag­ Beeler, Sally Osborne, John Brown, the audience ~es1rous of more when collegiate frays. ing will be well on its way when the A. S.P . E . Meeting Betty Dodge, Edwin Whittaker, and the final curtain rang down. The biggest tr-ip of the season will musical goes into rehearsal next Fall. _ 1_ Frances Batterson Powers. A great jump was made in mood take in three games m the North --~-- Phi Delta Pi, national professional ---I--- when the curtain opened on "The Country. On May 9 the Collegians fraternity for women, held a success- D S • St;ige ls Struck" a farce-comedy will play a double-header with St. Frosh ful eastern province convention at the rama entofs written by l\fr. Michael Fusco. The Lawrence at Canton, and Monday, Plan Spring Hop Syracuse Hotel, this past weekend, In Recital Tuesday laughs began with the opening scene May 11, the team will stop off for a -!- On Friday meetings were held in and continued throughout the play's affiliation with the American Phvsical l'h -i- C I duration. l\fr. Fusco's exceedingly single game with Clarkson Tech~ Arrangements are being made by · e Misses Mary ampfie d and hilarious scenes were aided materi- The territory hardest hit by grad­ the Freshman class for a Spring Hop Education Association and on Satur- A nge Ja ..,M cD ermo t t, st u d en t 5 0 f M rs. all_,, b_v the interpretation given b,.· uation is the infield where Ken Pat­ to be held Friday, April 17, in the day morning meetings formally open- Rose C · B roug h ton Wt·11 present a Je~n Heaton 1'n the role of an a.<. rick is gone from first base; Bus Re­ gym from 10 to 1. The price has ed for Phi Delta Pi convention mem- com b'me d recita· I next T ues d ay eve· piring" actress. The time taken by., cordin from second; and Schlossburg been set at $.75 per couple and $1.00, hers. ning at 7 :45 in the Little Theatre. the play was most enJ· oyable and from shortstop. Pete Hatch is back Miss Grace Jones of Summit, New ;\.II'' C fi Id ·11 d "Th · stag. The hop will be informal and <f· ' ·.LISS amp e WI rea e laugh-provoking, but when one stop- at the hot corner and is expected to the decorations, under fhe direction Jersey, ·an honorary member of Pfi1 v·megar T ree '" , bY p au l O sb orn. I n ped to th1·11k abot1t 1't he d1'dn't kno'" have little opposition.. Al Saake is a of Eleanor Nellist, are to be of an en­ Delta Pi and secretarv-treasurer· of t h e N ew y ork .pro d uction,· 1\1' ary B o- at what he ,vas laugh1'ng-a most del-" potential candidate for the initial tirely different trend than the usual the eastern district American Physical Jan d w1·11 be remem b ere d f or creating· icate bit of writirig. Education Association, was the princi- h I d' I h" h I sack duties while the kevstone com­ arrangements. Special lighting effects t e ea mg roe, w IC was ater es- The third pla}', written b}' El•·1'n bination will be made ·up of new and the music of Gene North's or­ pal speaker at a luncheon given in the saye d bY ...M ane· T empest ·m L on d on. H. Pierce, was of an undecided na·' material. chestra should combine to make a Syracu~e Hotel on Saturday. An Miss McDermott has chosen for honorary membership pin was present· h S · D · G d ture. Theoreticallr it was a tragedr The pitching, catching, and out­ most pleasant evening for all those er emor emon5tratmn, ertru e but in the handl1"ng of the then1e ·ft field departments are well fortified who attend. ed to Miss Jones by lVIiss Eva Pletsch T on k onogy '·s 'fh ree C ornere d ,.I,t· oon. had the appeara, nee of a corned,·. E'n- with veterans. Don Webb will be There will be a meeting of the of Temple University, a past national Th"15 d e1· ig h t f u l come d Y h as been ca 11 - t1'tled "Gates· AJ'ar" no clue cot1ld' be officer of Phi Delta Pi. Guests at this d h d f k missing from the mound but he was freshman class this afternoon in Room e a c atty stu Y O a moonstruc · ga1·ned there a0 to the plav' 0 true na- of little service to Freeman's club 12, at 4 :30, for the purpose of ap­ luncheon were Katherine Siblev. of f am1·1 Y, an d h as f oun d great success ture. However,~ when Mr., " Pierce last spring anyway. Gid Hawley is pointing committees and arranging Svracuse Universitv and Mr. :Vliles h d of the S'tate Education Dept. w enever presente . had told his ston- one felt that some- the Qnly experienced Collegian back for the dance. It is urged that all These recitals are open to the pub- thing had beAn · accompli"shed. The At a meeting in the afternoon Miss 1· · h d · · h ' although Rip Riley can take care of members attend. IC, wit no a misswn c arge. "something", ho\,•ever, \"a" ope11 to himself in any league. Ryan is an­ --I-­ ::\Iartha Gable of Philadelphia gaw I • " a professional talk on "Lacrosse". ------ speculation-which might be a ju,ti- other newcomer to the squad. ANDERSON PLAY Bill Bennett appears to be in line Other subjects discussed during the N. Y. SOPRANO fication for the drama. READ BY M. E. CONNORS dav included membership, placement HEARD IN RECITAL A most realistic characterization for the first string backstop job now -!- bu.reau of Phi 0elta· Pi, magazine - 1- was done by l\Ir.
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