eyeeye THESUNDAY EXPRESSMAGAZINE AWRITER’S PUNE,LATECITY REVOLT DECEMBER6,2020 Acampaignofhatebrought 16PAGES,`5.00 Perumal Murugan, SHareesh to mainstream attention DAILYFROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PAGES 13,14,15 OFFER TO AMENDLAWSTURNED DOWN Cleared in UK, Pfizer Farmershardenstance,Govtweighs first in India to apply for emergency use options,Housesessionnotruledout an application on December 4to PAYALBANERJEE the DCGI seeking emergency use NEWDELHI,DECEMBER5 authorisation(EUA) forits Covid- As unions insist 19 vaccine," asource said. "The PFIZER INDIA has become the firm has submitted the EUAap- on repealoflaws, firstpharmaceutical firm to seek plication in Form CT-18for grant Govt says will from the Drugs Controller of permission to importand ‘The3farm General of India (DCGI) emer- market Pfizer-BioNTech'sCovid- getbackwith gency use authorisation forits 19 mRNAvaccineBNT162b2in laws are Covid-19vaccine in the country, the country,"the source said, cit- proposalonDec 9 afterits parent companysecured ing the application. suchclearance in the UK and VKPaul, who chairs the neither helpful Bahrain. high-levelNational Expert HARIKISHANSHARMA In itsapplication to thedrug Group on Vaccine for farmers &LIZMATHEW regulator,Pfizer has sought per- Administration, had earlier NEWDELHI,DECEMBER5 missiontoimportthe vaccine for spelledout India’s strategy with nor consumers’ sale and distribution in the coun- respect to candidates likePfizer THE CENTRAL government try, besides waiver of clinical tri- and Moderna whichhaveshown found itself hemmedinon als on Indian population in ac- positive resultsinPhase III Saturday withfarmerunions cordance with the special abroad but arenot being tested once again taking amaximalist provisionsunderthe NewDrugs here. “Weknowthat doses of Raju Shetti position demandingarepealof and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019,of- this vaccine (Pfizer) will notbe all three farm laws. ficial sources said. availableinhugequantities... If To resolve the stand-off, an "Pfizer Indiahas submitted CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Former MP and farmer leader option to convene aspecial RAJU SHETTI hashit thestreets in Parliament session is being con- support of theongoing farmers’ag- sidered,asenior government Representativesoffarmerunions brought their ownfood forthe meeting at Vigyan Bhawan, in NewDelhi on Saturday. ANI itation in thenational capital. source told TheIndian Express.“It SUNDAY STORY Shetti, whorecently recoveredfrom is notruledout, but no decision Covid-19,had spentanightoutside has been taken,” the source said thedistrict collector’s office in to aquestion if aspecial session ROLLING OUT Kolhapur,singing bhajans as a wasbeingconsidered. GOVTINABIND No politics, only farm issues: Ateam THE VACCINE mark of protestagainstthe three On Thursday, Leader of ■With so manyvoices Backend preparations newfarm laws,whichheclaims Opposition forCongress in the from 40 farmer union monitors the stage, decides speakers forthe mammoth exercise will ruin Indian farmers. PARTHA Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan representatives, the of inoculating lakhs SARATHIBISWAS spoke to Shetti Chowdhurywrote to Speaker Om governmentfindsitselfin about theongoingagitation and Birla requesting ashort winter abind. It argues that it has AMILBHATNAGAR PAGE 10 theway forward. session of Parliament to address madekey concessions, NEWDELHI,DECEMBER5 “veryimportant issues” including from parity between Farmers from Punjab and the “ongoing farmers agitation”. mandisand private MORE THAN 500people sit Haryana have been camping on But sources in the Speaker's office markets, settingupa cross-leggedlistening to Covaxinvolunteer Vij Delhi border forthe lastfew said the government had notyet registration system for speeches blaring out of two days.InMaharashtra, the discussedsuchapossibility. traders and giving loudspeakers fixedatopatrac- Swabhimani Shetkari On Saturday, talksbetween assurances on MSPbut tor, as farm leaders address them tests positive, govtsays Sanghatana and other farmer thegovernment and represen- farmersare insistent on a from the main stageatSinghu on organisations have also hit the tativesoffarmer unions repeal. With little elbow the Delhi-Haryana border —the streets.Butwhyistheprotestnot CONTINUEDONPAGE2 room politically, itsally focal point of their agitation. Diljit Dosanjh at the protestatSinghu borderonSaturday. ANI was yet to get full dose getting the same support here? gone and theOpposition Their stand resoluteagainstthe The implementation of the lending itsweight to the farm laws,and conscious of at- contentious farmlaws have been JAISHANKARTOSKIP tempts to paint their agitation as makes it to the stage, the vetting teers. Details of the speakers are CANADAMEETING protests, anyresolution stoppedbythe state government. seems achallenge. dictated by vested interests,the handed over to amanagement carefullymaintained, and chits EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE CONTINUEDONPAGE2 MORE REPORTS, PAGE 5 protesters arecareful of who committee, including volun- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CHANDIGARH,NEWDELHI, DECEMBER5 TWOWEEKSafter takingthe firstdose as partofthe trials for Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin vac- PM to lay foundationstone for new cine,Haryana HealthMinister Anil Vij, 67,announced on Saturdaythat he washospi- ParliamentbuildingonDecember 10 talisedafter testing positive for Anil Vijinhospital after the coronavirus. testing positive on Saturday Vijwas thefirstvolunteer for the Covaxin Phase III human tri- LIZMATHEW als in Haryana, as partofwhich ED NEWDELHI,DECEMBER5 around 600people in the state Two-dose and over 25,000 across the vaccine PRIME MINISTER Narendra countryare enrolled—half of PLAIN E ● candidate Modi will laythe foundation them receiving aplaceboaspart EX stonefor the newParliament of the "double blind" study. The building on December 10,and Union Health Ministryaswell COVAXIN IS meant to be the ceremonywill be attended as officials conducting the trials takenovertwo doses, and T-108, with the snare-like wirecoiledaround itsneck. Express by leaders and representatives in the statesaid Vij's infection on November 20,Anil Vijre- of all parties who will be present could notbeattributedtothe ceivedthe firstshot(with a physicallyorvia virtual mode. vaccine,asevenifhewas 50% chanceofithaving Ranthamborecamera Making this announcement among the volunteers who got been aplacebo).Boththe at apress conference Saturday, Amodel of the newParliamentbuilding which is estimatedtocostRs971 crore. PTI the vaccine, it wasonlythe first government and Bharat Speaker Om Birla said: “We of twodoses, andsufficient an- Biotech saidantibodies startedthe journeyofindepend- tibodies onlydevelop afterthe were meant to developonly traps find wire noose ent India in the old building, and building… It will notbeabuild- The building,hesaid, will re- terms of architecture, modernity second. twoweeksafter the second when we complete75years, we ing of bricksand stones, it willbe flect the country's diversity and and safety. Adiabetic, Vijrecentlyunder- dose, with the whole will have the session of both the fulfilment of the dreams of richart culture, and will be the “The present Parliament went asurgeryafterfracturinghis process spread over 42 days. around tiger’s neck Houses in the newParliament 130crore people.” best Parliament building in CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 day—one wasofFridaymorn- DEEPMUKHERJEE ing while the other wasfromthe WORLD GOVT &POLITICS JAIPUR,DECEMBER5 night before —whichshowed Bollywood director seeks to retain foster the tiger,T-108,withawiretan- ASTATEWIDE alertagainst gled around itsneck. It wasa poachinghas been issuedafter matter of concern. The field di- child, mother says she’s medically fit now cameratraps in and around the rector contacted us to seek per- RanthamboreTiger Reservecap- mission fortranquilising the to retain his custody longer. that had been handedoverthe city department has nowcalled tured images of atiger with a tiger,” said Arijit Banerjee, U.S.COURT ORDERS EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE The 30-year-old mother said care of the babysaid theyshould foradetailedinquiryreportfrom hunting snare-likewirenoose Additional Principal Chief MUMBAI,DECEMBER5 she wasmedicallyfit to look af- keep him longer, as themother the CWCand the NGOs involved, coiledaround itsneck. Conservator of Forests(Forest REINSTATEMENT OF terher son now, but the foster wasnot yetfit mentally. The even as the CWChas sought a DACA TO PROTECT Stateforestdepartment offi- Protection) and officiating Chief ATWO-YEAR-OLD toddler's fate familyhas raisedconcerns over CWCdirected that the child be fresh medicalfitness certificate BJP TOLD CONGMLAS cialssaidthetiger,T-108,wastran- WildlifeWarden, Rajasthan. IMMIGRANTS hangs in the balance with a her mental state. Amidstall this, movedout of thefosterhome forthe mother from agovern- quilisedandthewireremovedon Banerjee said permission Bollywood film director-writer the child has livedinthree and giventoalocal NGO, but re- ment hospital. “Wewilltakea RAJASTHANWILLBE Saturday. Thedepartmenthasor- wassought from the National RUSSIASTARTS who fostered thechild over the homes over thepastone year. versedthe same afew hours decision by next week,” Deputy SIXTH GOVTTOBE deredaninquiryintothe issue. TigerConservation Authority MASS SPUTNIKV pastseven months, as hisbiolog- At ameeting of the Mumbai later,atmidnight. WCDOfficer,Mumbai, Prema TOPPLED: GEHLOT “Two images from separate (NTCA)totranquilise the animal. VACCINATION PAGE 9 ical mother underwent treat- CWConDecember
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