Founded on Faith, Preserved with Pride, Sustained by Spirit F A L LRound A2 publication0 1 1 for alumni, current & past parents, and friends ofTable Alter High School IN THIS ISSUE... The Road to 800 page 8 From the President, page 2 Phase II of Campaign Announced, page 3 A Note from the Interim Principal, page 4 Advancement Notes, page 5 School News, pages 9-10 The End Alumni Features: • Ryan Sharkey ’91, page 27 of an Era • Hall of Fame, page 28 pages 6-7 • In Memoriam, page 29 • Class Notes, page 30-31 SPECIAL SECTION: Annual Report 2011 pages 11-26 A special thank you goes to all of our loyal benefactors! VISION & STRATEGY From the President, Father James Manning Moving Alter Forward This has been a summer of transition for Alter High the new baseball field at Indian Riffle Park in the near future School. Although transitions can be challenging at times, they for our varsity and reserve teams. Because of this collabora- can also provide an opportunity for growth. My years in the tive effort and the work of many, Alter’s athletic facilities have priesthood as teacher, improved tremendously. associate pastor, pas- Such is the case with our technology program. We are ini- tor, and now president tiating a one-to-one tablet program with the freshman class of Alter High School which will evolve to the entire school in four years. In the have taught me not to 1:1 learning environment at Alter, each freshman student will be frightened by tran- have a tablet computer with them all day to provide them with sitions but to allow interactive “anytime and anywhere” learning at school and them to help me expe- home. Once again, along with Beth Budd in our technology rience more fully the department, God provided Jeff Fuell, Network Administrator. providence of God. He has done a tremendous job in the implementation of this Such is the case with the administration here at Alter. Nicki transition along with a recent graduate, Matt Burian ’10. Brainard is now the principal of McAuley High School, and Such is the case with our Answering the Call capital cam- Matt Sableski is the principal at Carroll High School. Stan paign. We were able to accomplish a great deal with Phase I, Troha has retired after 37 amazing years in campus ministry. including: new science labs and a culinary arts classroom, a But, God has provided us with Lourdes Lambert as the interim renovated chapel, lights on the athletic field, additional park- principal for the year and Dave Conard as the new director of ing space, an incredible new Spirit Shop, improvements to the campus ministry. Both bring a tremendous amount of energy gym and restroom areas, and un upgraded cafeteria space. We and spirit to our Administrative Team. also started three endowments for tuition assistance, faculty Such is the case with academics and athletics here at Alter. development, and technology. God has provided us with Christine Sanderman as the new Now, we move forward with Phase II which will encompass librarian, Marcus Makras as a new science teacher, Louan additional classroom space on the western side of the building Hilty as a new English teacher, Molly Althaus as a new art for the arts, turf on the athletic complex, and additional gym teacher, and Gary Hansen is going from part time to full time space through additional collaborative efforts which will enable math teacher. Christina Johnston also joins us as a new tutor. us to move the weight room to the auxiliary gym and move the And, in the girl’s soccer program, God has provided us with Advancement Office to the Administrative wing of the building. head coach, Javier Iriart. Stained glass windows will be installed in our chapel and the Such is the case with our Sports Medicine, Wellness, and campus ministry room will become the Tony Huesman Cam- Education Services. We are now partnered with the Ketter- pus Ministry and Leadership Center this fall. And, additional ing Medical Center. In return for sports medicine, health, amounts will be placed into the three endowments, bringing wellness, and education services provided by the Kettering them to 70 percent funded. Medical Center, Alter will guarantee Kettering Medical Center With so much accomplished this past year and more to exclusive advertising rights for all school events. In the words come on the horizon, I want to thank all of our loyal bene- of one of our Board members, “Kettering Institutions should factors for their unwavering support. Whether through the be supporting Kettering Institutions for the good of the City Annual Fund or the capital campaign, your gifts have pro- of Kettering.” Once again, God has provided us with Faith vided Alter and its students with the tools and foundation Rosselot as our Sports Medicine Trainer. needed to lead our world for years to come. For you are the Speaking of the City of Kettering, our collaborative efforts cornerstones of Alter’s future. with the city relative to Ernst Park are presently being imple- As transitions are a time to experience the Providence of mented. We are excited to announce that an additional tennis God, the beginning of another school year is a time to entrust court (making five in total), a new softball field, a full size soc- our future to the guidance and the direction of the Holy cer field, and a half size field for practice will all be completed Spirit. That is why we say here at Alter: Founded on Faith, for use by Alter’s athletic programs. We also look forward to Preserved with Pride, and Sustained by the Spirit. 2 the ROUNDTABLE Alter Announces Phase II of Capital Improvement Plan On the heels of a successful Phase I According to Father Manning, “Phase I Marty ’86 and Lisa Grunder. This will be of the “Answering the Call” capital cam- was a tremendous success with commit- the first of many such gatherings over paign that raised $5.6 million, Alter is now ments from nearly 1,000 loyal benefactors the coming year with a goal of raising positioned to launch Phase II. The new who made gifts of prayer, time and finan- an additional $5.5 million to make the phase will include: a new academic and cial resources to make it happen. Now it is new plans a reality. For more informa- arts wing added to the west end of the time to transition into Phase II.” tion or to make a pledge please call the main building, turfing of the athletic fields The official launch of the new phase Advancement Office at (937)434-2059. (soccer and football), irrigation for the will take place on October 27 at a cele- Ernst Park renovations, and an additional bration and reception at the home of thirty-three percent added to each of the three endowments (faculty development, technology, and tuition assistance). FALL 2011 3 VISION & STRATEGY I am so honored to address you as the Interim Principal of Archbishop Alter High School for the 2011-2012 school year. I feel fortunate to have already had the opportunity to meet and speak with some current Alter families as well as Alter alumni, and I have learned a lot about what this institution means to so many people. I have learned over the past few weeks that the history, traditions, and relationships forged at Alter High School run deep. It is important for someone like me to learn and honor that his- tory and to cultivate those relationships as we prepare to move forward, for without our traditions and connections to Alter High School this magnificent place becomes just a building on the precipice of its 50th anniversary. I am so enthusiastic about our future. Our students embody the spirit of what it means to be an Alter Knight. I am so A Note impressed with their intelligence, grace, spirituality and athleti- cism that I find myself taken aback quite often while in their from the presence. What an incredible example of what our youth can accomplish under the right circumstances – if they are valued, Interim nurtured, and held to rigorous standards – the results are just awe inspiring! Principal I look forward to meeting more of our current families, past families, and alumnus in the coming months and hearing about your experiences at Alter High School as well as your dreams for Alter’s future, for you are the cornerstone of our school as well as its future foundation. Without you, we would not be who we are just as I know without Alter you would not be who you are. Lourdes Lambert 4 the ROUNDTABLE www.alterhighschool.org ADVANCEMENT NOTES Alter to Celebrate 50 Years! Willits ’88 to Lead Next fall, Alter will begin a year- Advancement Efforts Father Manning has announced the hiring of Rick Willits long celebration commemorating as the new Director of Institutional Advancement. Rick will its tradition-rich history with many lead the efforts of the Advancement Office in the areas events and activities. Beginning of development, alumni relations, communications, mar- with a gala, A Starry, Starry Knight keting and enrollment management. While new to the on September 22, 2012 where Hall position, Rick is no stranger to Alter. of Fame inductees and other Alter Growing up in the neighborhood, Rick attended Saint shining stars will be recognized, Charles and Alter. He graduated from Alter in 1988, then there will be something for every- attended and graduated from Saint Joseph’s College with a bachelor’s degree in Mar- one throughout the year.
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