MM29V8 3 Madison College Ubrarg %«■ BREEZE Harrisonburg, Virginia i Vol. XXXIV Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, March 28,1958 No. 18 Six Major Officers Students Elect New Minor Officers Wednesday Program Take Office Soon For Campus Positions In Coming Year Features Glee (Sub The six major officers of the stu- Madison College Glee Club, which dent body will be installed April 16, Congratulations are extended to all the new minor officers. The results were announced in recently returned from a successful in the noon assembly. During this Alumnae at 9:00 p.m., March 25. tour of Southwest Virginia will pre- time the outgoing major officers will Barbara Cooley was elected vice-president of S.G.A. She is from Warwick and is a member sent next Wednesday's assembly. present the officers-elect with the of Sigma Sigma Sigma social sorority, Sigma Phi Lambda, Westminster Fellowship, and State A varied program will range from formal recognition of their responsi- popular show tunes to selections by bilities. Council Presbyterian Virginia United Christian Youth Movement. Bach and Brahms. Dr. Tolbert, Dean of Students, Among the popular compositions to will be our speaker and it is be presented will be "Without a hoped that the Glee Club will Song," "YouTl Never Walk Alone" sing. The presidents of the and "Malaguena" with a solo by Men's Student Government, Lucy Hook. Women's Student Government, Included in sacred music will be and Honor Council will speak "God's Time is the Best," Bach's briefly. The Reverend Earl Cantata No. 106, and the highlight Roberts, teacher of Bible and of the program, "The Thirteenth philosophy from Elkton, Vir- Psalm" by Brahms. Also in the pro- ginia, will give the invocation and gram will be a spiritual, "Ride the benediction. Chariot" with Frances Swanner as Following the recessional there will soloist. be a luncheon in honor of the new The Glee Club under the direction major officers and the outgoing major of Dr. Lester Bucher, has devoted officers. many hours of practice to their pro- -i Minor officers of Student Gov- gram and it promises to be one of ernment and Honor Council will the outstanding assembly programs be installed in a Monday As- of the year. sembly by Helen Warren, presi- dent-elect of Student Government, on April 21. At a later date there Sigma Phi Lambda will be separate installation as- semblies for the officers of Taps New Members YWCA and AA Council. Sigma Phi Lambda is Madison College's honor society. It admits women students after the first semes- The Fine Arts Club ter of the freshman year with a 3.00 Smiling at their recent successes are the newly-elected minor officers for the 1958-59 session. Pictured, average. Chooses Officers left to right, are, front row: Barbara Bishop, Joan Lambert, Gail Matthews, Ellen Ashton, Winnie Brown; This society strives to promote second row: Allene Cross, Feth Morris. Sharon Keith, Mary Tod, Jo Artz, Stuart Brooks; third row: scholarship, fellowship, and leader- Alpha Rho Delta, the fine arts club, Liz Dawson, Marilyn Thomas, Joan Flora, Judy Vought, and Barbara Cooley. here on campus, has elected its of- ship among its members. ficers for the coming year. They Winnie Lee Brown, from Herndon Sharon Keith will serve as treasurer Judy Vought from Westfield, New The officers are as follows: presi- are: president, Jackie Jeffress; sec- will serve as secretary of S.G.A. Her of S.G.A. She is from Shenandoah Jersey will be Recorder of Points. dent, Harriet Hamesbarger; vice- retary, Angelica Roystone; and treas- activities include Recreation Council, and is a member of Alpha Sigma Her activities include German club, president, Judy Wise; secretary, Mary urer, Barbara Newby. Alpha Sigma Tau social sorority, Tau social sorority, Sophomore Ad Stratford club, Frances Sale club, Tod; treasurer, Louise Brooking; and Jackie Jeffress, a sophomore is a S.G.A. representative, Sigma Phi visory Committee, Glee Club, Y.W.- Student-Faculty Committee, and Alpha adviser is Dr. Bessie Richardson. member of Student Government Asso- Lambda, and secretary of Westminster C.A., and Cotillion Dance club. She Sigma Alpha social sorority. The following are members of Sig- ciation and Alpha Sigma Tau social Fellowship, Synod of Virginia. is also treasurer of the junior class. Joan Lambert will be Editor of the ma Phi Lambda: Ann Benesek, Mar- sorority. Angelica Roystone, a soph- Handbook. She is from Richmond guerite Crockett, Kay Daggy, Peggy omore, history major has worked on Stratford's "Arsenic And Old Lace" and serves as News Editor of The Frith, Judy Grove, Ann Hayter, Ann the Breeze and is interested in psy- Breeze, member of the Student-Fac- Melton, and Sue Sybert. chology. Barbara Newby, a fresh- ulty Relations Committee, Panhellenic Joan Bennett, Cynthia Couble, man, is a member of the French Presents Murder In Hilarious Comedy representative of Sigma Sigma Sigma, Mary Davis, Mary McConnell, Martha club, Junior "Y" and the Criterion On- March 28 and 29 at eight o'clock in Wilson auditorium, treasurer of Association for Child- McManaway, Grete Mehr, Judith club. hood Education, and co-chairman of Roberts, Lisa Schindler, Mrs. Ger- Stratford Players will present as its spring production, a hilarious, Publicity for May Day. aldine Smith, Dorothy Thompson^ This club is open to Latin students fast-moving comedy written by Joseph Kesselring and entitled, and all other students interested in Stuart Brooks from Richmond will Mary Townsend, Eleanor Wwn|K the fine arts. Membership is by in- "Arsenic and Old Lace." Directed by Dr. Mary Latimer and serve as Chairman of Standards. Her Mayre White, Libby Wingate. vitation and it must be maintained in Wayne Garber, this comedy combines homicide and nonsense in a activities include German club, Sigma Norma Abbott, Alma Brown, Louise accordance with the qualifications of way that has audiences laughing one moment and shuddering the Sigma Sigma social sorority, Social Conway, Frances Coomes, Mary Committee, Frances Sale, and soph- Craun, Elizabeth Currin, Patricia the club. The purpose of this club next. is to create a better understanding omore counselor. Davis, Gayle Fitzgerald, Mary Flynn, and appreciation of the fine arts and Beth Morris will be Social Chair- Judith Garrett, Clariece Gilbert, Jean to promote more interest in the same. man. She is from Richmond and is a Grogan, Wanda Hinton, Lois Howard, member of Alpha Sigma Alpha social Hildred Hull, Verna Jones, Sallyann sorority, German club, Social Com- Lawrence, and Sarah Lindsey. mittee, Nominating Committee, Clara Long, Lenore Maynard, Aud- Class of '61 Elects Frances Sale and The Schoolma'am. rey McClanahan, Patricia Miley, Lo- Allene Cross from Portsmouth was retta Morris, Shirley Morris, Nancy Sponsors of Qass elected vice-president of Honor Coun- Nestor, Barbara Newby, Virginia cil. Her activities include Honor Newton, Catherine Philippe, Rowena Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Tolbert have Council representative, Stratford Puckett, Jane Ragsdale, Nedra been elected sponsors for the fresh- Players, Alpha Sigma Alpha social Schultz, Mary Shinaberry, Gail Short, man class. (Continued on Page 3) Violet Spainhower, June Stinson, Dr. Tolbert is a graduate of Cul- Patricia Tolley, Gean Tuggle, Mary pepper High School. He attended Tyler, Virginia Wagner, Geraldine Randolph Macon College for a year, Whitner, and Mary Wood. then transferred to the University of New Organization Virginia from which he graduated. Interests Students His education was furthered at Ohio The organizational meeting of the Spectacular In life State university and Columbia Uni- student VEA was held on Tuesday, versity Teacher's College. March 18. The student's response to Dramatic In Death Dr. Tolbert has been teaching since this club was shown when 125 stu- 1939, first in Gordonsville, and then dents attended. by Mary Minor WINE AND WOMEN play prominent parts in Stratford's production in Fairfax county. In the summer of A member of the student VEA has "Spectacular" is not always used as 1951 he taught here at Madison after of "Arsenic and Old Lace. In this dramatic scene are: Ken Holtz- man, Pat Lumpkin, Allene Cross, Judy Murphy, George Teed, Eddie several advantages—she becomes a a movie term; it can also be applied serving some time in the army. From Broyles, and Al Strickler. member of both NEA and VEA, she to life and death. 1952 until 1957 he was a professor Consider the life and death of Mike "Arsenic and Old Lace" centers will receive the benefit of programs at North Carolina State College. He Allene Cross will, appear as Elaine Todd. His early life was not distin- around Abby and Martha Brewster, provided to give each member a bet- has worked four years for the State Harper, Mortimer's fiancee who wants guished; Aurom Hirsch Goldbogen two lovable old ladies whose hearts ter understanding of the teaching pro- Department of Education and is now to marry him in spite of the insanity was the son of a poor rabbi, but be- are full of charity and cellar filled fession, the club will serve as a co- Dean of Students at Madison. which runs in his family. fore Aurom was twenty he had made with corpses—twelve of them. Abby ordinating club for all other educa- Mrs. Tolbert resides at home with George Teed will play the role of and lost one million dollars in real and Martha's favorite pastime is to tion clubs on campus, and a state their two young daughters, Margaret, Jonathan Brewster, a well-established estate. befriend elderly, homeless males and convention will be held with seven 3, and Jane, 5, who will be freshmen murder whose main interest is to As a Broadway producer, his box- invite them to taste an arsenic-flavor- other Virginia Colleges attending.
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