THE LINK 50p July 2019 Tarporley Parish Magazine Page 2 ANDREW P. DEAN Dip N.T.C., C.G.L.I., A.V.C.M. PIANO TUNING REPAIRS and RESTORATION We’re here to help you. Your professional local service. Please call Joanne 01829 730969 0784 152 9960 [email protected] www.mollymopcleaning.co.uk (01829) 261222 Hibberts llP SOliCitOrS For all your Legal Services - Private and Commercial avenue Buildings, High Street, tarporley, Cheshire CW6 0aZ tel: (01829) 733338 Fax: (01829) 733055 email: [email protected] Phoenix Accounting Services Tax and VAT Returns Revenue Accounts Book-Keeping Administration of Will Estates INDEPENDENT ESTATE AGENTS Open 7 Days a Week 55 Woodlands Way, Tarporley, 56B High Street, Tarporley, CW6 0AG Cheshire CW6 0TP T: 01829 730 021 t: 01829 733552 m: 07966 405314 E: [email protected] W: www.hinchliffeholmes.co.uk W: www.hinchliffeholmes.co.uk Page 3 A. W. BurroWs & son FunerAl Directors Long established family business since 1841 Private chapel of rest in Peaceful rural surroundings complete Funeral Arrangements Personal 24 hour service. Memorial Monuments. contAct nigel BurroWs tel: 01270 524243 / 07711 468917 snowdrop Villa, swanley, nantwich. cW5 8QB www.awburrowsnantwich.co.uk email: [email protected] PROMINENT HIGH STREET LOCATION ------- ESTABLISHED REPUTATION ------- EXPERIENCED PROPERTY PROFESSIONALS ------- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SEVEN OFFICES ACROSS CHESHIRE FREE NO OBLIGATION VALUATIONS PROVIDED THINKING OF SELLING? Contact:- Tarporley Office - 01829 731300 Nigel Eckersley:07802 362064 or Robert Reed:07515 063337 E:Mail - [email protected] Web: www.wrightmarshall.co.uk PARISH DIRECTORY – TARPORLEY Page 4 Services: See Calendar page on the website or ‘The Link’ magazine. Weekday Service St Helen’s Church, Holy Communion: Wednesday at 10.00 am. (Note: all telephone numbers are area code 01829 unless otherwise stated). Rector: Georgina Watmore, The Rectory, High St, Tarporley CW6 0AG 732491 e-mail: [email protected] Associate Minister: Trevor Davies, 5 Allansford Avenue, Waverton, CH3 7QH 01244 332106 e-mail: [email protected] Tarporley: St Helen Churchwardens Phillip Posnett, Haughton Hall,. Tarporley CW6 9RH 260251 Liz Neely email [email protected] 07890 470899 Treasurer Anita Langford, 7 The Crescent, Utkinton, CW6 0LT 458351 P.C.C Secretary Marion Moss, 2 Torr Rise, Tarporley, CW6 0UD 733382 Organist Chas Hardern 732595 Bellringers Jenny Christian 732412 Chas Hardern Cotebrook: St John Wardens Bill Spiegelberg, Oulton Park House, Tarporley, CW6 9BL 760336 Peter Copland, Moss Cottage, 732618 Utkinton Lane, Cotebrook, CW6 0JH Organist Katrina Copland, 732618 Eaton: St Thomas Wardens Rosemary Lilley, Windward Mark, Eaton Lane, Eaton, Tarporley CW6 9AG 732948 Michael Scott, Shire Barn,Moss Hall Lane, Rushton, Tarporley CW6 9GJ 760750 Organist Marjorie Rathbone 732655 LINK Editor Andy Jobson, Plessington House, Huxley Lane, Brassey Green, Tarporley, CW6 9UG 732437 Electoral Roll Mike Kiddle, 1 Woodlands Way,Tarporley, CW6 0TP 733431 Safeguarding Officer Liz Neely email [email protected] 07890 470899 Sunday Sheet email [email protected] Tarporley C.E. Primary School Mrs Kerry Forrester 01244 981230 Utkinton C.E. Primary School Ms Lorna Pleavin 732322 Done Room Booking Secretary Kathryn Palmer 733040 CONTACT POINTS: Please do not hesitate to report cases of sickness or pastoral need to the Rector 732491 To make arrangements for a Funeral please contact the Rector 732491 To ask about Wedding arrangements, baptisms or general enquiries please contact Jan email: [email protected] Website: www.tarporleyparishchurch.org e-mail: [email protected] Items for ‘The Link’ should be e-mailed to [email protected] or posted to the Link Editor by the 16th of each month. Page 5 SERVICES FOR THE MONTH July 7th THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY St Thomas 9.00am Open Worship St Helen 10.00am Open Worship St John 11.15am Holy Communion St Helen 6.30pm Evensong 14th THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY St Thomas 9.00am Holy Communion St Helen 10.00am Holy Communion Julian’s formal welcome as a Deacon at St Helen’s. See page 11 21st THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY St Thomas 9.00am Holy Communion St Helen 10.00am Holy Communion 28th THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY St Thomas 9.00am Holy Communion St Helen 10.00am Holy Communion This special musical Communion Service will include ‘A Little Jazz Mass’ by Bob Chilcott sung by the Bunbury Singers Please join us: All are welcome. August 4th THE SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY St Thomas 9.00am Open Worship St Helen 10.00am Open Worship St John 11.15am Holy Communion St Helen 6.30pm Evensong Every Wednesday at 10.00am at St Helen’s there is a service of Holy Communion. At all our Eucharist services we welcome everyone to come forward for a blessing or to receive communion. If you have time, please stay for refreshments after the service Every Sunday at St Helen’s 1st and 4th Sundays at St Thomas’ 1st Sunday of the month at St John’s Page 6 The Revd Trevor writes: We have been particularly reminded over recent months about ‘The Call’ as Julian and Karen have shared their placement prior to their ordination with us. By the time you read this they will have been ordained as Deacons in the Church of England, having responded to the calling of God directly to them but also as mediated through the wider family of God in the Church. They have undergone a substantial period of demanding study and training as an essential part of their response. We must hold Karen and Julian in our prayers as they begin this new chapter of service in their lives. The word ‘Deacon’ is derived from a Greek word which means ‘servant’ and servanthood is a bedrock for all ministry be it as a Lay person or an Ordained person. We are all called to be ministers for Christ. This aspect of being a servant was highlighted for me again in the announcement of the death of Jean Vanier at the beginning of May at the age of 91 years. Jean Vanier was born into a devoutly catholic family in Switzerland. He became a theologian, a man of letters, an author and a passionate advocate for humanity and truth. He never became ordained but he was disturbed by a visit to an asylum in France where men with learning disabilities lived. This visit changed his life as he uncovered his calling to establish a community where disabled and like- suffering people could live together in equality with those who cared for them. This community, established in 1964 near Paris, was known as the L’Arche community. His calling was rooted in the idea that those with disabilities of any kind, together with those who cared for them, could heal the lives of each other. Those who know their French will realise that ‘L’Arche’ means ‘The Ark’ and there are now more than 150 such communities scattered through many countries. These are places of refuge and love in which every person is the servant of the other. I understand that the latest L’Arche community founded in the UK is in Manchester in 2013. Jean Vanier’s calling led him to think deeply about community and responding to God’s call to live together, and to quote from a couple of his books that I have – “If a community is closing its doors that is a sign that hearts are closing as well”. “We are all handicapped before God. Prisoners of our own egoism. But Jesus has come to heal us, save us and set us free by the gift of his Spirit”. Page 7 “We are all called to do, not extraordinary things, but very ordinary things. With an extraordinary love that flows from the heart of God”. The calling of each one of us to ministry in Christ’s name, in whatever form, is much more than being a ‘minister to’; it is equally being open to ‘being ministered to’ as Jesus himself has taught us. My own experience in ministry has confirmed the reality of this. As we move on through these summer months (hopefully with the weather to go with them) may we all reflect on these things and prepare our hearts and minds to be servants in the Name of Jesus, through our worship together in church, our personal times of prayer and reflection, through our service with and to one another. May we call on Christ to be our way, our truth, our light, our joy, in our various ministries as George Herbert puts it in his poem ‘The Call’ below. Every Blessing - Trevor The Call by George Herbert (1593-1633) Reference: John’s Gospel, chapter 14 verse 6 Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: Such a Way, as gives us breath: Such a Truth, as ends all strife: And such a Life, as killeth death. Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength: Such a Light, as shows a feast: Such a Feast, as mends in length: Such a Strength, as makes his guest. Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: Such a Joy, as none can move: Such a Love, as none can part: Such a Heart, as joys in love. Page 8 Events and spiritually uplifting experiences in June. This June so far has, with mid-summers day approaching, been very unlike the ‘Flaming June’ of 2018; in fact the weather could be fairly described as being the start of a ‘soggy summer’. The amount and nature of the rainfall has caused considerable disruption to many events and affected the lives and livelihoods of many people. Spirits may have been dampened. Yet here in Tarporley Parish and Cheshire we have had events and experiences to lift our spirits:- On the first Sunday in June at our Evensong Service in St Helen’s we were joined by ‘Vox Vocavit’ a visiting choir from south Cheshire.
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