1940-lTHACA DIRECTORY-1940 107 Dodge Brothers DODGE BROTHERS AND Trucks WM. T. PRITCHARD PLYMOUTH MOTOR CARS Sales and Service 308 S.CayugaSt. ;~;;e MANNING'S Ithaca Alphabetical Directory 1940 Copyright 1940, by H. A. Manning Co. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE The information in this directory is obtained as far as possible by actual canvass, and is compiled in a way to insure maximum accuracy. While the publishers will in no way be held responsible for any errors that may occur, they will be pleased to have any inaccuracies called to their attention, for correction in succeeding editions. TO FIND A NAME YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT There are many ways of spelling some names with practically the same Dronunciation Abbreviations-Adv, advertisement; agt, agent; asst, assistant; av, avenue; byd, beyond; rbkpr, bookkeeper; bldg, building; blvd, boulevard; clk, clerk; com trav, com­ mercial traveler; c, corner; ,Corp, Corporation; Co, Company; cont, contractor; dept, department; dist, district; do, ditto; E, East; E s, East side; e1ec, electrician; emp, employed; eng, engineer; ext, extension; gen, general; h, house; hskpr, housekeeper; ins, insurance; inst, instructor; Jr, junior; lab, laborer; loco, locomotive; mfr, manu­ facturer; mfg, manufacturing; mgr, manager; N, North; N s, North side; opr, operator; o c, out of city; pI, place; pres, president; prof, professor; prop, proprietor; R R, rail­ road; res, residence; R D, Rural Delivery; rd, road; r, rooms; Ry, railway; S, South; S s, South side; slsman, salesman; sta, stationary; sten, stenographer; supt, superin­ tendent; tel, telegraph; phone, telephone; W, West; W s, West side; wkr, worker; wid, wido:l¥ Wife's name is shown in parentheses following husband's name; when wife's name is unobtainable the word (Mrs) is printed Allen-Wales Adding Machine Corp Ithaca Schools IS A-W AM Corp JB Lang Engine & Garage Co LE&G Co Arctic Ice Cream &M Co AIC & M Co JG Pritchard & Son P& Son Cayuga Heights Cay Hts Morse Chain Co MC Co Co-operative GL F Exchange Inc CGLFE New York State Electric & Gas Corp Cornell University CU NYSE&GCorp Driscoll Bros & Co DB& Co Farm Security Administration Division of Finger Lakes Garage FLG Land Utilization FSA Div LU First National Bank of Ithaca FNB of I Renwick Ren HCT Motor & Equipment Co Robinson & Carpenter R& C HCTM&ECo Rothschild Bros R Bros Herman M Biggs Memorial Hospital Soil Conservation Service US Dept Agr HMB MemHosp S C S, U S DeptAgr International Salt Co IS Co Stanford Crowell Co SC Co Ithaca College IC Tompkins County Memorial Hospital Ithaca Gun Co IG Co TCMHosp Ithaca Ice Cream Co Inc IIC Co Tompkins County Trust Co TCTCo Ithaca Ice & Coal Co II&C Co Treman King & Co TK&Co Ithaca Journal News IJN Willard Straight Hall WSH Ithaca Railway Inc I Ry Inc Works Projects Administration WPA 108 1940-lTHACA VIRECTORY-l)'"tU HUDSON MOTOR CARS :~o~~ H. C. T. MOTOR CO. 430 W. STATE ST. ITHACA, N. Y. AAA Headquarters 211 E Seneca Ackley Hulda T rl08 W Seneca Aarnio Helen maid 414 Cayuga Hts rd Cay Ackstein Frederick barber r518 N Tioga Hts r do Acton Mary M Mrs emp ISCo ·h502 W ." Hilda L Mrs cook 414 Cayuga Hts rd Seneca Cay Hts r do Adams Alice sten CD rl09 Cook Abbe Elfriede M student CD r 123 N Quarry ADAMS ARMAND L (Louisa H) (Newman &: "Frieda wid Cleveland J r h123 N Quarry Adams) and v-pres Ithaca Credit Associa­ Abbott Abraham (Anna) h 125 Pearsall pi tion hSOI N Aurora ,"Amelia sten MCCo rl25 Pearsall pI ADAMS ARTHUR G (Minerva A) lawyer 6re " Amelia J elk IjN r210 N Corn insurance and notary 114 N Tioga (406) ;; Bros Joseph N Abbott prop groceries 912 h702 N Aurora see p 91 W State "Barbara student rl09 Cook " Catherine emp MCCo r210 N Corn "Bristow (Luella F) prof CD h202 Fall "David M elk State House Albany rl25 Creek dr Pearsall pi " Catherine V wid Robert M h314 Ithaca rd "Edward P student r210 N Corn "Charles E (Rhea H) asst adm offr ses '" Etta M wid James B r707 N Aurora Div L Acquisition res Valois "John (Virginia) custodian CD h210 N " Ellen F sten CD rl09 Cook Corn "Everett W (Caroline) emp WSH eu :" Joseph N (Ruth M) prop Abbott Bros res RD2 h912 W State "George Sins agt 111 S Tioga res New­ ," Josephine C elk SS Kresge Co r210 N field Corn ;; Harrison (Josephine D) county sheriff '" Julia J nurse TCM Hosp r 125 Pearsall pi h128 Linn ;; Mary H elk Abbott's Cash Store r502 W "Irene (Mrs John Q) sten CD res RD5 State " John C (Alice DeB) asst prof CD h 208 ;; Michael (Cath M) gro 213 Titus av h do Iroquois rd Cay Hts "Solomon G (Abbott's Cash Store) h502 "John Q (Irene) elk NYSE&GCorp res W State RD5 "Theodore N (Abbott's Cash Store) r502 " Josephine D (Mrs Harrison) matron T W State County Jail h128 Linn " Victoria elk R Bros r210 N Corn " Louisa H (Mrs Armand) tchr South Hill ABBOTT WILLIAM E (Naomi S) gen sec Young Sch h501 N Aurora Men's Christian Association hSOI N Aurora " Mary L r128 Linn Abbott's Cash Store (Solomon G and Theo­ ADAMS PAUL (Mary) physical director Young dore N Abbott) grocers 502 W State Men's Christian Association h126 Hudson ABC Board First Nat Bank Bldg "Paul D (Ruth) emp DS Farm Security Abel George W (Mary M) grad stu h708 Admn res Hector E Buffalo " Paul J (E Margaret) janitor IC h603 W Abendschein Helena C wid Albert chaperon Buffalo Sigma Tau Delta Sorority r do "Thurston M (Dorothy M) grad stu h Aberle Christian (Florence) cook D&H Forest Home dr Forest Home RD2 Diner r714 N Tioga Adamson John student h117 Oak av '" Florence (Mrs Christian) emp HMB Mem Adelmann Howard B prof CD r4 South av Hosp r714 N Tioga Adessa Louis golf pro r313 E Fall Abraham Fred slsmn r405 W Green AERO MAYFLOWER TRANSIT CO Dean of itha­ "John N (Emma M) barber Ithaca Hotel ca Inc agts 401-409 EState Barber Shop 11405 W Green AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO Maurice L Taylor Abrams Abe L (Isabel G) 'prop Roberts insurance counselor 112 Lake av see p 85 Furniture Store h 508 S Albany Agard Merritt M (Maude) slsmn LE&GCo Acacia Fraternity 318 Highland rd Cay Hts res RD3 Trumansburg Ackerman Doris (Mrs Henry W) nurse E Agnew janitress Driscoll Bros & Co 11428 F Hall res W Shore RD3 N Cayuga ACKERMAN HENRY W (Doris H) mgr Peck "Ralph R (Anne W) prof CD h Belleayre Furniture House res W Shore RD3 apts (39) Ackles Edna G maid 116 Mitchell r do Agostine Louis (Assunta) emp DL&W h311 ," Florence E bkpr City Welfare r416 W Park pI Seneca Agricultural Advertising and Research Ser­ '" Horace A h 111 Monroe vice (Inc) Tompkins County Trust Co "John R (Elizabeth A) emp CD h 325 Bldg 110 N Tioga pres-mgr William D Hector McMillan v-pres Mrs Mary F Kemper ;; L Mae wid Ephraim h416 W Seneca "Conservation Program supv Merrill F " Leon E emp MCCo r522 W State Curry Post Office Bldg (12) Tompkins "Robert F emp NYSE&GCorp r522 W County state office Earl A Flansburgh State supvr Savings Bank Bldg I940-lTHAcA DIRECTORy-I940 109 Fireproof Garage DEAN of ITHACA, INC. and 401-409 E. State St. Dial 2531 Automobile Storage Agricultural Economics Bldg off Reservoir Alexander Cath elk 111 E Green r319 Casca­ av Campus dilla ;; Experiment Station NYS College of Agri­ ;; Earl G (Ethel M) prop I Hotel Barber culture Roberts Hall Campus Shop and prop I Hotel Beauty Shop Aguilar Carlos (Lotta N) emp IGCo hI04 h1202 EState First " Elizabeth wid William r411Y, EState "Domingo (Lucy 0) emp IGCo h521 N ;; Ethel M (Mrs Earl G) clk CGLFE h1202 Albany EState "Gustavo (Esther V) emp IGCo hI07 ;; Flora T Mrs emp MCCo h611 Hudson Second "Frank (Irene) chief eng HMB Mem Aho Lila E maid 316 The Parkway Cay Hts Hosp h218 N Corn r do " Frederick student r319 Cascadilla " Victor J (Anna) carp h114 Estey " George D clk MCCo r319 S Geneva Aiken Charles H lab rAE Soyring ;; Isadore B (Ida C) (J B Grill) h319 S " John W r Anselm E Soyring Geneva Aikin Ann research asst CD rl11 Ithaca rd "James S (Mary P) emp CJ Rumsey & AINSLIE ELSIE M (Mrs Kearney M) hairdresser Co h820 N Cayuga 723 Cliff h do " John A r319 S Geneva AINSLIE KEARNEY M (Elsie M) plumbing 723 " John W student r820 N Cayuga Cliff h do see p 69 ;; Margaret M elk AW AMCorp rl202 E Ainsworth Charles H (Emma H) elk NY State SE&GCorp h325 S Geneva "Miriam H student r218 N Corn Akenstine Frederick C barber 205 EState Alfred PA& Minar (Alfred Pao1angeli r518 N Tioga and George E Minar) dry cleaners 219 AKERS eDWARD T (Mildred A) prop Auto N Aurora Body & Radiator Works hlOIO EState Alfreds Clarence B (Clarabel C) bus opr Albanese Frank lawyer r715 E Buffalo I Ry Inc res Ellis Hollow rd Alberger Mary K wid Frank J dietitian IC Algiers Helen nurse TCMHosp rI15 Valen­ rl30 E Buffalo tine pI Albert Calvin D (Claudia L) prof CD h23 Alhambra Grill Thomas A Herson prop 204 N Aurora East av ALLANSIIN CLIfFORD A (Estelle K) comp­ Albrectsen Louise J (Mrs Raymond) sten troller & sec-treas Rotbschild Bros & dir CU res RD3 Chamber of Commerce res Slaterville "Raymond (Louise) ext inst CD res RD3 Springs Albright Alice M wid Fred nurse 315 E Allee Ralph H (Ruth) grad stu h695 Dry­ State (6) r do den av "H Darkes (Eliiabeth N) inst CD h210 Allen Alfred P retired r504 N Meadow Delaware av "Antonia (Mrs John T) maid 7 South av Albro Wayne R (Gladys M) rooms 116 W h410 Geneva Green h do " Arthur A (Elsie G) prof CD h208 Kline Alby August (Angelina) gen foreman city rd h316 Washington "Arth P emp Arth B Treman Co res ;; Frank (Louisa) lab h616 W Green Homer "Frank A (Suzzann L) mason h1101 E "Beach J janitor 114 Summit av r do State ;; Bertha A elk CGLFE r315 S Albany "Louis (Martha) emp city h320 Washing­ "Clarence (Dntilla B) emp Purity Ice ton Cream Co h420 First ;; Martha (Mrs Louis) cook I Children's ;; Dorothy clk 112 S Cayuga r802 N Tioga
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