B 0ZE M A N M 0 N TA N A DENVER C 0 EA RT HJ" s T I c E INTERNATI 0 N AL J u N EAU ALASKA March 16,2007 Blanca Bay0 Director, Office of the Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399 RE: Docket No. 070098-EI, Florida Power & Light Company's Petition to Determine Need for FPL Glades Power Park Units 1 and 2 Electrical Power Plant Dear Ms. Bayo, Please find enclosed an original and 15 copies each of the supplemental testimony of Richard C. Furman filed on behalf of Intervenors, The Sierra Club, Inc. (Sierra Club), Save Our Creeks (SOC), Florida Wildlife Federation (FWF), Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida (ECOSWF), and Ellen Peterson. Thank you for your attention to this matter CMP -. COM 5 Sincerely, CTR /iJ&&/ e.-- \/ GCL __._II hichael Gross Earthjustice OPC p__ 11 1 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. RCA -, Tallahassee, FL 32301 SCR .- (850) 681-0031 sGA---- SEC - CC: All Official and Interested Parties OTH _L_ I I I S. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BLVD..TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 024 I I 6 T: 850.681.0031 F: 850.681.0020 E: [email protected] W: www.earthjustice.org 16 IOY, NON WOOD FIBERS. 901 POST CONSUMER PAPER, PROCESSED CHLOR'NE FREE FPSC-CIIMMISSIIIH CI ORIGINAL BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In re: Florida Power & Light Company’s DOCKET NO.: 070098-E1 Petition to Determine Need for FPL Glades Power Park Units 1 and 2 Electrical Power Plant I SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RICHARD C. FURMAN ON BEHALF OF THE SIERRA CLUB, INC. SAVE OUR CREEKS FLORIDA WILDLIFE FEDERATION ENVIRONMENTAL CONFEDERATION OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA ELLEN PETERSON MARCH 16,2007 Table of Contents I. Background and Work Experience.. ................................................................ .l 11. Summary of Testimony.. ............................................................................ ..3 111. Schedule Errors for Submittal of Testimony,. ..................................................... 8 IV. Comments on Testimony of Steve Jenkins.. ...................................................... .9 V. Comments on Testimony of David Hicks. ......................................................... 24 Table of Exhibits Supplemental Exhibit RCF-27 Tracking New Coal-Fired Power Plants Supplemental Exhibit RCF-28 IGCC Output Enhancement Supplemental Exhibit RCF-29 Refinery IGCC Plants are Exceeding 90% Capacity Factor After 3 Years i 1 I. BACKGROUND AND WORK EXPERIENCE 2 Q- Please State Your Name and Address for the Record. 3 A: My name is Richard C. Furman. My address is 10404 S.W. 128 Terrace, 4 Perrine, Florida 33 176. 5 Q: What Is Your Occupation? 6 A: I am a retired consulting engineer, and I volunteer my time to advise utilities, 7 government agencies, environmental groups and the public about the potential 8 benefits of using coal gasification technologies. I have testified in previous 9 permit hearings for proposed coal plants concerning emission control 10 technologies, applicable emission regulations and alternative technologies 11 concerning Mercury, NO,, SOa, particulate and COz emissions and their 12 associated costs. 13 Q: How Long Have You Been Retired? 14 A: Since February 2003. 15 Q: What Was Your Occupation Before You Retired? 16 A: During my entire engineering career, I have worked on new energy 17 technologies, alternative fuels for power plants, and pollution control for power 18 plants. Prior to my retirement, I was an independent consulting engineer for 22 19 years to various utility companies, government agencies, process developers and 20 research organizations on the development, technical feasibility and application 21 of new energy technologies and alternative fuels for power plants. 22 Q: What Did You Do Before You Were An Independent Consulting Engineer? 23 A: Prior to my work as a consulting engineer, I managed Florida Power & Light’s 24 coal conversion program and fuels research and development program, which 1 included the first conversion of a 400 megawatt (400MW) power plant from oil 2 to a coal-oil mixture to reduce oil consumption after the second oil embargo. 5 Prior to this, I directed the engineering study for the conversion of New England 4 Electric’s Brayton Point Power Plant, which was the first major conversion of a 5 power plant from oil to coal after the first oil embargo. 6 My first engineering job was working for Southern California Edison 7 Company to modify their power plants for two-stage combustion to reduce 8 nitrogen oxide emissions in 1969. 9 Q: Please Summarize Your Formal Education. 10 A: I received my B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic 11 Institute in 1969 and a M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Massachusetts 12 Institute of Technology in 1972. I was a researcher at MIT for the book entitled 13 New Energy Technologies by Hottel and Howard. After researching for this 14 book, I decided to do my Master’s thesis on coal gasification because of its 15 potential as a future energy source and its environmental benefits. My Master’s 16 thesis at MIT was entitled Technical and Economic Evaluation of Coal 17 Gasification Processes. I was also a teaching assistant at MIT for the courses of 18 Principles of Combustion and Air Pollution and Seminar in Air Pollution 19 Control. My resume was attached to my original testimony as Exhibit RCF-1. 20 Q: How Does Your Education and Experience Prepare You to Provide Expert 21 Testimony in this Case? 22 A: Both my education and work have required an in-depth understanding of past, 23 present and new forms of energy technologies that can be used for power plants. 24 My education and work experiences also involved an in-depth understanding of 25 all the various fuels for power plants including the different types of coals, fuel 2 1 oils, natural gas, petroleum coke, synthesis gas, biomass, and refinery wastes. 2 My graduate education and subsequent work experiences have provided me with a detailed understanding of the techniques and costs for controlling power 4 plant pollution including mercury, NO, SOz, CO, particulate matter and CO2 5 emissions. My prior work for 3 major electric utility companies allowed me to 6 make use of this knowledge to help develop and utilize new fuels and emission 7 control technologies for power plants. My current volunteer experience allows 8 me to keep informed about the latest developments in new energy technologies, 9 coal gasification technologies, fuels for power plants, techniques for controlling 10 power plant emissions, costs associated with the application of these 11 technologies for power plants and the development of new technologies that 12 may be applicable to power plants. 13 Q: On whose behalf are you testifying? 14 A: My testimony is sponsored by the Sierra Club, Inc., Florida Wildlife Federation 15 (FWF), Save Our Creeks (SOC), the Environmental Confederation of Southwest 16 Florida (ECOSWF) and Ellen Peterson. 17 11. SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY 18 Q: What Is Your Expert Opinion About the Testimonies Submitted by FPL? 19 A: I was not allowed sufficient time for the preparation of my testimony and to 20 review and prepare responses to the Petitioner’s testimonies. I did not have 21 sufficient time to review the testimony of Mr. Hicks and others. 22 It is essential to be able to determine the wide differences that exist 23 between the Black & Veatch Report that was prepared for FPL, Clean Coal 24 Technology Selection Study, Final Report, dated January, 2007, submitted as 25 Document No. DNH-2 and the U.S. Department of Energy Study, Federal IGCC 3 1 R&D: Coal’s Pathway to the Future, by Juli Klara,gresented at GTC, Oct. 4, 2 2006 which I used for my Exhibits RCF-5 and RCF-7. Since the conclusions 3 reached by each of these studies are so dramatically different it is necessary to 4 evaluate the various input assumptions that were used for both of these 5 studies to determine what created the opposite conclusions. This evaluation 6 would be prudent before a final decision is made for this FGPP plant. 7 I have shown that coal gasification offers opportunities to significantly 8 reduce emissions and provide lower cost electricity for the future. I would like 9 you to consider all of these facts before you make a decision on the proposed 10 FGPP plant that will increase the cost of electricity, cause increased health I1 problems and damage the environment. 12 My supplemental testimony shows that Mr. Jenkins has selectively 13 picked information that does not accurately represent the current status of 14 gasification technology and commercial IGCC plants. 15 Mr. Jenkins has presented a very narrow view of gasification technology 16 and IGCC plants by specifying only four coal-based IGCC plants. In my 17 original testimony, Exhibits RCF- 16 and RCF- 17, I presented the widely 18 accepted data by the Department of Energy that the 2004 World Survey of 19 Gasification showed 117 operating gasification plants with 385 gasifiers and 20 that there are 14 commercially operating IGCC plants. 21 The commercial IGCC plants that have been operating for more than 10 22 years are about 300 MW each and consist of a single gasifier and a single gas 23 turbine. To provide larger size plants multiple units of this same 300 MW size 24 are already in commercial use. The Salux and ISAB Energy plants in Italy as 25 described in Exhibit RCF-17 are multiple unit IGCC plants of more than 500 4 1 MW and operating at greater than 90% availability. The use of multiple units 2 has already been demonstrated successfully. Therefore any size IGCC plant can 3 now be built as shown in my Exhibit RCF-20. This exhibit shows the 1200 4 MW IGCC plant that has been announced by Nuon, in The Netherlands.
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