ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Perla Jahr/Year: 1979 Band/Volume: 04 Autor(en)/Author(s): Redaktion Artikel/Article: Recent Plecoptera Literature 15-38 Recent Plecoptera Literature This section Includes the Plecoptera papers published since Perla 3 was sailed two years ago. In the future the plan is to publish Perla every two years and include a literature section in every Issue. Please help us to make this section as complete and correct as possible by sending us copies of your publications and/or notes on errors found. IS AHSAN, H.(1974). Aquatic Fauna of Swat Valley, Pakistan; Pact II. A preliminary report on Freshwater Insects. Blologla (Lahore). 20: 173-178. (In English). ALIiDV, A. F. & N. V. SIIADRIN. (1977). Clorlc content oF some representatives of freshwater benthos. Ilydroblol. Zh. 13: 60-06. (Russ, with Engl. sum.). ALLAN, J. D. (1970). Trout predation and the size composition of stream drlEt. Llrnnol. Ocesnogr. 23: 1231-1237. ANDERSEN, T. A., FJELLNEIH, R. LARSEN & C. OTTO. (1970). Relative abundance and flight periods of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera In a regulated Nest Norwegian river. Norw. J. Ent, 25: 139-1«. ANDERSON, N. H. 6 J. R. SEDELL. (1979). Detritus processing by macrolnvertebratee In stream ecosystems. Annual Reviews of Entomol. 24: 351-377. ARM1TACE, P. D. (1978). Downstream changes in the composition, numbers and biomass of bottom Enuna In the Taes below Cow Green Reservoir and In an unregulated tributary Halze Beck, in the first five years after impoundment. Hjdroblologla 56: 145-156. ASHLEY, D. L., D. C. TARTER & V. D. WATKINS. (1976). Life history and ecology of Plploperla robusta Stork and Gaufln (Plecoptera: Perlodldae). Psyche 83: 310-318. BAGGE, P. & V. SALMELA. (1970). The macrobeatlios of the River Tourujok; end Its tributaries (Central Finland): 1.Plecoptera Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera. Not. Entomol. 50: 159-168. BALDUZZI, A., E. GRA1N0 6 S. SPANO. (1976). The Arroscla-Centa hydrologic system (western Liguria) In relation to Its zoobentlionic populations, with special attention to Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Boil. Hus. Inst. Biol. Univ. Genova 44: 25-54. (Itnl. with Engl, s u m . ) . 10 BAUHANN, R. U. (1976). An annotated review of the systematica of North American atoneflies (Plecoptera). Perla 2: 21-23. BAUMANN, R. H. (1977). Hater Insects and their relatives. Aaer. Bio. Teacher 39 1 295-299. I1AUMANN, R. U. (1979a). Stoneflles of the Rocky Mountains. Gowasser und Abwasser. 64: 48. HAUHANN, R. W. (1979b). Nearctlc stonefly genera as Indicators of ecological parameters (Plecoptera: Insects). Gt Basin Nat. 391 241-244. BAUMANN, R. H., A. R. CAUFIN A R. F. SURDICK. (1977). The stone- fllea (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains. Memoirs Amat. Entomol. Soc. 31, 208 pp. BEDNAR1K, A. F. & U. P. HcCAFFERTY. (1977). A checklist of the stoneflles or Plecoptera of Indiana. Great Lakes Entomol. 10: 223-226. BENFIELD, E. F., D. S. JONES A M. F. PATTERSON. (1977). Leaf pack processing In a pastnreland stream. Olkoa (Copenhagen) 29: 99-103. BFMCTSSON, J. (1977). Food preference experiments with nymphs of Nemoura cinerea (Retz.) (Plecoptera). Flora Fauna 83: 36-39. (Ccr. with Engl. summ.). BERT1IELEMY, C. (1979). Mating calls and taxonomy In Pyrenean Isoperla. Gewässer und Abwasser 64: 71-72. BUMIAK, P. (1970). Contribution to the knowledge of the relationship of zoobenthos to food of brook trout and of grayling. Acta rer. natur. Hus, Nat. Slov. (Bratislava) 24: 41-03. (Czech, with German summ.). BLOF.5CH, J. (1977). BodenfaunlRtlsche Untersuchungen ln Aare und Rhein Schweizer. Z. Hydroblol. (Basel) 39: 46-6B. 17 BONAZZI, G. & P. F. CIIETTI. (1977). The macrolnvertebrate populations of Parma Stream: Results of a yearly cycle of research. Ateneo. Parmense Acta. Nat. 13: 351-396. (Ital. with Engl. sum. ). BRAASCH, D. & W. JOOST. (1977). Leuctra kumanekil n. ep. — eine neue aptere Stelnfliege(Plecoptera, l^uctrfdae) aus Bulgarien. Ent. Nachr. 21: 1B3-185. BRAASCH, D. & E. ODRICW. (1975). Amphlnewura borealis (Horton 1694) - a new plecoptcrlan for the DDR. Ent. Nachr. 19: 66-70. (Cer. with Engl. b u m .). BRITTAIN, J. E. (1977). The effect of temperature on the egg Incubation period of Taenlopteryx nebuloaa (Plecoptera). Olkos (Copenhagen) 29: 302-305. BRITTAIN, J. E. (197B). Semlvoltlnlsn In mountain populations of Nemurella plctetll (Plecoptera). Olkos (Copenhagen) 30:1-6. BRITTAIN, J. E. (1979). SemivoltInlsm In mountain populations of Nemurella plctetll (Plecoptera). Gevaaaer und Abwasser 64: 29 (Abs.). BRITTAIN, J. E. & A. LILI.EH AIMER. (1978). The fauna of the exposed zone of Ovre Helmdalsvatn: methods, sampling stations snd general results. Ilolaret. Ecol. (Copenhagen) 1: 221-228. BRODSKIY, A. K. (1979). Evolution of the flight apparatus In Plecoptera. Part 1. Functional morphology of wings. Entomol. Oboer. (Leningrad) 58: 69-77. (In Russian). BR00KER, H. P. 6 R. J. I1EM5 WORTH. (1978). The effect of the release of an artificial discharge of water on lnvertegrate drift In the R. Wye, Wales, Hydrobiologie (The Hague) 39: 155-163. CASPERS, N. & H. STIERS. (1977). Contribution to the knowledge of the Plecoptera of the Elfel (Insects: Plecoptera). Dechen Inna L30i 136-150. (Cer. with Engl. suns.). CHINO, Y. (1978). Tlie female of Noglperla ucnol (KOHNO) (Plecoptera, Peltoperlldae). Now Lntonol. 27: n-H, 10 CLIFFORD, H. F. (1978)- Descriptive phenology and seasonality ol a Canadian brown-water streaa. Ilydroblologla (Den Hoag) 58: 213-231. COIFFAIT, II. (1976). Recent works on taxonomy and blogeogrophy. Nouv. Rev. Ent. 6: 325-332. (In French) (Plecoptera references). CONSIGLIO, C. (1976). On some stoneflles of the genus Heoperla fron Ethiopia (Plecoptera). Accad. Nazlon. del Llncel 243: 59-61. COWIB, D. ,A. J. CONNER & L. N. CONNER. (1978). A survey of the benthic Invertebrates fron the Fresh Mater Volley, Stewart Island, New Zealand. Mauri Ora 6: 27-32. CRISP, D. T., R. II. K. MANN & J. C. McCORHACK. (1978). The effect# of Impoundment and regulation u|von the stonach contents of fish at Cow Crean, Upper Toesdale. J. Flail. Biol. 12: 287-302. CUSHMAN, R. M., J. W. El,WOOD & S. G. HILDEBRAND. (1975). Production dynamics of Allopecla mediana Bonks (Plecoptera: Chloroperlldae) and Dlplectrona aodesta Banks (Trlchoptera: Hydropsychldae) In Walker Branch, Tennessee. Oak Ridge Natl. Lab. Environ. Scl. Dlv. Publ. 765. CUSHMAN, R. M., J. W. ELU00D 6 S. C. HILDEBRAND. (1977). Life history and production dynamics of Alloperla nedlana and Dlplectona modesta in Walker Branch, Tennessee. An. Midi. Nat. 98: 354-364. DAUTI, E. (1977). Contribution to the study of the fauna of Plecoptera In the river system of upper flow of the Nerodlmka River. Acta Biol. Med. Exp. 2: 65-70. DEVONPORT, B. F. & M. J. UINTERDOURN. (1976). The feeding relation­ ships of two Invertebrate predators in a New Zealand river. Freshwat. Biol, (Oxford) 6: 167-176. DIEM, F. (1977). liber die Fauna des Nik!baches (Naturschutzgebiet Seng9engebirge O. O.) nit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stetnfl legen (Insects: Plecoptera). Hausarbeit l.eliramtsstudlum Universität Innsbruck; unpublished manuscript. 111 pp. 19 DONALD, D. B. & R. S. ANDERSON. (1977). Distribution of the stone- flies (Plecopters) of the Hsterton River Drainage, Alberta, Canada. Can. Wildlife Service. Syeais 10: 111-120. D0RGEL0, J. (1976). Further observations on drift in two brooks In Auvergne. Ann. Stn. Biol. Besse-en-Chandesse 10i 233-249. DOSDALL, L. (1976). Saskatchewan winter stoneflles. Blue Jay 34: 196-202. DOSDALL, L. & D. N. LEHKUHL. (1979). Stoneflles (Flecoptera) of Saskatchewan. Quae9tlonea Entou. 15: 3-116. DURRENFELDT, A. (1976). Untersuchungen zur Besledlungablologle von Kalktuff - faunlstleche, ökologische und elektronenaikroakoplsche Befunde. Arch. Hydroblol. Suppl. 56: 1-79. DUTMER, S. G. (1977). Neuropteroldea from the river bed of the As of Drenthe. Entonol. Ber. 37 1 61-85. (Neth. with Engl. sum.). F6T, J. M. (1977a). Die Aufheizung eines Hlttelgeblrgafluaaes und Ihre Auswirkungen auf die Zoozonoee - dnrgestellt an der Lenne (Sauerland). Arcli. Ilydroblol. Suppl. 53, Honogr. Beltr.: 307-363. FET, J. H. (1977h). Ein Beitrag zur Biologie der Lenne. Der Sauerlandlsche Naturbeobachter, Veroffentlo Naturwlsa Verein Lüdenscheid 11: 1-19. FIANCE, S. B. (1977). Tie genera of Eastern North Anerlcan Chicroperlldae (Plecoptera): key to larval stages. Psyche 84: 306-316. FIELDS, W. C., Jr. (1977). A new Hegaleuctra from California (Plecoptera: Leuctridae). Par-Tac. Entonol. 53: 211-214. FlNNl, G. R. 6 L. CHANDLER. (1977). Postdiapause instar discrimination and life history of the capnlld Btonefly Allocapnla granulate (Classen) (Insects: Plecoptera). An. Midi. Nat. 98: * 243-250. 2 0 FINNI, G. R. & L. CHANDLER, (1979). The micro distribution of Allocapnla nainds (Plncoptera: Cnpnlldoe). J. Kntin. Entomol. Soc. 52: 93-102. FLANNACAN, J. F. (1978). The winter stoneflles Allocapnla granulata (Capnlldne), Taenlopteryx nivalis and T. parvula (Taenlopteryeidaa) in southern Manitoba, Canada Ent. 11.0: 111-112. FREDEEN, F. J. II. A O . T. SPURR. (1978). Collect Inn semi-quantltatlve snap1es of black fly larvae (Dlptera: S(nulll<lae) and other aquatic Insects fron large rivers with the aid of artificial subBtraten. Quaestlones Entom. 14: 411-431. FRIBERG, F., L. H. NILSSON, C. OTTO, P. 5.IUSTRQM, B. W. SVENSSON, B. SVENSSON, AND S. ULFSTRAND. (1977). Diversity and environments of benthic Invertebrate communities In south Swedish streams. Arch. Itydroblol.
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