University of winnipeg’s stUdent weekly ISSUE 2008/08/28 VOLUME01 63 Why expensive gas could hurt the city’s infrastructure page 3 Getting signed a ‘humbling’ experience for Port Amoral. Find out why page 11 August 28, 2008 the Uniter contact: [email protected] 02 NNEEwsws Free MP3s at uniter.ca see page 11 Are Manitoba’s lakes Winnipeg punk legends find out what worth fighting for? personality Crisis are the arts & culture “oompah-metal” “i call it the Bucko swamp… focus of GoFuckYourself page 9 is all about everybody calls it a lake Press’ latest publication until they come and see it” News page 4 arts & culture page 12 listiNgs page 13 News UNITER STAFF MAnAging editor Stacy Cardigan Smith » [email protected] BUsiness MAnAger Group eyes Winnipeg for car share program James D. Patterson » [email protected] PRODUCtion MAnAger City’s insurance policy eases program operation Melody Morrissette » [email protected] Copy And style editor Dan HuygHebaert Ashley Holmes » [email protected] beat reporter pHoto editor Mark Reimer » [email protected] news AssignMent editor o the delight of all green-minded Toban Dyck » [email protected] Winnipeggers, the Manitoba Eco- news prodUCtion editor Network is currently holding a fea- Ksenia Prints » [email protected] Tsibility study to see if car sharing co-ops Arts And cultUre editor Aaron Epp [email protected] would work in the city. » Car sharing programs allow members CoMMents editor Vacant access to vehicles located throughout the ”it makes you think sports editor city. Joining requires an initial deposit, but Joshua Boulding [email protected] the rest of the payments are calculated by twice before jumping » listings CoordinAtor hourly usage. into the car” Curran Faris » [email protected] Winnipeg is late to join the car shar- t BeAt reporter ing bandwagon. Car sharing began in aer b Dan Huyghebaert » [email protected] Switzerland in 1987 and came to Canada ghe BeAt reporter through Quebec City in 1993. It also exists Huy Joe Kornelson » [email protected] AN in other Canadian cities like Toronto and D BeAt reporter Calgary through such websites as carshar- Car sharing co-ops like Carol Radway’s Potluck Car Club are one of the models examined by Manitoba Eco- Sandy Klowak » [email protected] ing.ca. Network in its feasibility study. BeAt reporter Liz Dykman, a Car Share Group volun- Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] teer and coordinator at the Manitoba Eco- area since Carol Radway, the club’s man- she said. Network said that sharing a vehicle means ager, started it seven years ago after reading Radways hopes that more people will about similar car clubs in Victoria. be attracted to car sharing, adding that a driving less. ContriBUTOR LIST “In other cities, car sharing has reduced The club currently has four members in- central location is important to the group’s driving by members by half,” she said. cluding Radway. All four share a car nick- success. Brooke dmytriw, ethan Cabel, Jennifer pawluk, named Daisy. Dykman is now determining a busi- Bronwyn evelyn, Holly rose, Matt preprost, Sharing a car reduces emissions and traf- rob Mcgregor, lisa Moore, graca resendes, fic congestion. It also saves members money But Radway said that car sharing does ness plan for the project. Although they thomas Asselin by letting the renter off the hook for car in- not benefit those who drive to work every are looking at locations in the city for their surance, maintenance and other bother- day. pilot project, she has a feeling that Osborne the Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of “It would only work if people need it pe- Village will be “the likely candidate.” winnipeg and is published by Mouseland press inc. Mouseland some things. press inc. is a membership based organization in which students But it is also dependent on having a good riodically,” she said. “It would be good for The Eco-Network is also trying to deter- and community members are invited to participate. for more retirees and makes you think twice before mine whether a co-op or a profit model is information on how to become a member go to www.uniter.ca, or transit system and cycling paths present. call the office at 786-9790. the Uniter is a member of the Canadian “Car sharing compliments other modes jumping into the car.” best suited for the city. University press and Campus plus Media services. Radway also said the insurance system of transportation,” Dykman said. Those interested in joining The Pot Luck Car sUBMISSION OF ARTICLES, LETTERS, GRApHiCs AND pHOTOS Are in Manitoba makes it easier for the club to The Manitoba Eco-Network is in the Club (which does hold pot lucks) can e-mail WELCoMe. Articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word operate. (.doc) format to [email protected], process of conducting surveys. It will be Carol Radway at [email protected]. or the relevant section editor. deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. holding community meetings in mid-Oc- “If you have an accident, it goes against thursday, one week before publication. deadline for advertisements your license and not the car. In Ontario, Those wishing to participate in the Car Share is noon friday, six days prior to publication. the Uniter reserves the tober to gauge interest in the concept. right to refuse to print submitted material. the Uniter will not print One group that Dykman is examining you have to pay extra insurance if you have survey can contact the group at wpgcar- submissions that are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. is the Potluck Car Club, which has been other drivers attached to your car. Here, it’s [email protected]. we also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. up and running in the West Broadway so easy and there is no legal hassle at all,” CONTACT US » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 Editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 BY ANDREW MCMONAGLE E-mail: [email protected] HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT CAR CO-OPS AS Web: www.uniter.ca A RESPONSE TO RISING GAS PRICES? LOCATION » Room ORM14 University of Winnipeg Adam Morrissette Amanda Shingoose Cory Blair 515 Portage Avenue Welder/fitter with Arnie’s Cashier at A&W 1st year Kinesiology Trailers “It would be interesting… there “Sounds like a good idea, but if Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9 “It would be really good for would be less pollution. I have you have to bus across the city the ecosystem because it gets a bike, so that would be great to get to the car, the bus fare is MoUselAnd press BoArd of direCtors: people off the road. It opens up to have.” in addition. You’d have to do the david eisBrenner (chair), Mary Agnes welch, possibilities for lower income research to see if it works for you.” rob nay, nick tanchuk, Brian gagnon, devin king, families, if they want to go to the beach or whatever.” Meg Mcgimpsey, Ben Zorn, kelly ross (UWSA), scott nosaty for inquiries email: [email protected] Ellie Lee Jamie Paris Syl Fillion 3rd year Administration of University of Winnipeg Health care aide at St. Boniface Student Study alumnus, Research assistant Hospital COVER IMAGE “I think that people might not with Children’s Literature “I don’t think it would work in treat it well because (the car) is “I think they’re wonderful. Winnipeg. I think the cars would Arthur desmarteaux not their property. I would have They bring us out of a culture get stolen. Winnipeg doesn’t have Photography to think if it’s safe or not. I’d be of multi-car ownership, but a good reputation.” “portage street” worried about breakdowns.” it ignores the big problem of byscreenprint Colin onVandenberg: Artprint paper, 24x32 see inches, more 2007 on getting rid of our car culture. You’ll curb the gas cost, but eAprilxhibiting 18th at at“l a62 maison Albert, des 3rd artistes,” floor, the large movement should be toward carbon reduction.” 219 Boul. provencher,$5, 7:00 sp.m.ept. 4 to oct. 9, 2008. opening sept. 4th. Ne w s As s i g N m e N t ed i t o r : to b an dy c k contact: [email protected] the Uniter August 28, 2008 e-m A i l : Ne w s @u N i t e r .c A Ph o N e : 786-9497 NEws 03 FA x : 783-7080 Fuel costs could lower Gas tax funds City must provide sustainable alternatives for infrastructure, say critics Local rural students. news briefs SanDy KLowaK “There isn’t another option, Compiled by Andrew McMonagle beat reporter especially if you live out of the “People i know that have city,” said Ashley Kowalchuk, a fourth year theatre and history TrAvelinG reFuGee hile environmentalists long commutes are getting exhibiT coMinG To ToWn S student who lives in the RM of St. are praising high prices and doctors without Borders/ y Klo Andrew’s. at the pump for pro- hammered badly” “Basically, everything you ever Médecins sans frontières (Msf) is Wviding a wake up call to consum- wak bringing its outdoor educational need is in Winnipeg.” ers, gas expenses are hitting some exhibit, A refugee Camp in the Kowalchuk drives a gas-guz- harder than others and putting a Heart of the City, to winnipeg. Though he projects that gas do the resources for sustainable zling beater, which she feels is strain on the city. the free exhibit will display prices will fluctuate, “we can’t ex- projects.
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