VOLUME79, ISSUE3 “EDUCATIONFOR SERVICE” OCTOBER13,1998 THE Cbeck out Find out the how the men’s consequences golf team was of using fake able to capture IDS from the their third viewmint-- of REFLECTOR -.----- ferenYce title. UNIVERSITYOF INDIANAPOLIS police officer. See Page 11. 1400 EASTHANNA AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46227 See Page 6. W STUDENT CONTROVERSY Nursing criteria revised ment numbers. Suzanne Pettypiece “What happens is people take in Editor in Chief more students nationally that they would not have taken otherwise-that Beginning this August, changes do not meet their standards. So, they were made in the School of Nursing lower their standards and the national requirements and are placed upon this pass rate changes,” said Dr. Isaac. year’s graduating seniors. The Indiana State Board of Nursing Nursing majors preparing for the demanded that a corrective action plan final haul of their undergraduate ca- be developed. The Board wanted to reers are frustrated by the newly de- know what the nursing program at U veloped demands placed upon them, of I planned to do to improve the with only months remaining before situation. their graduation date. The Indiana State Board of Nursing According to Dr. Isaac, dean of the is in charge of regulating schools with School of Nursing, these changes have nursing programs and the licensing been made because a number of stu- exams for nursing school graduates. dents were admitted to the School of Nursing in prior years who did not NURSING cont. on p. 4 meet the admission criteria, because the School wanted to increase enroll- CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY Campus technology competes with area private colleges stand the kinds of things they’re want- Michael Raley ing to do,” Jones said Features Editor Joseph Harbouk director of UCS, believes that U of I has “good, solid, Compared with Butler University technology on campus compared to and Franklin College, the University universities our size.” of Indianapolis is adapting well to UCS offers U of I students 15 open changes in technology, which plays a and teaching computer labs, equipped crucial role in attracting new students with Apple/Macintosh and IBM com- and staying competitive. puters with word processing programs, Bob Jones is director of Media Ser- such as Microsoft Office and vices, which is responsible for all the Claris Works. audio-visual equipment, such as TVs Butler University, with approxi- and VCRs, on campus. Media Ser- mately 500 more students than U of I, vices also houses the university’s non- offers 17 Apple/Macintosh and IBM print material, such as video and cas- labs. sette tapes. Along with various spreadsheet and “We try as best we can to keep in front of the needs that the university TECHNOLOGY cont. on p. 5 has. The calls from the classroom, from faculty and staff help us under- PAGE2 THE REFLECTOR OPINION OCTOBER13,1998 COMMENTARY Student holds ,on tightly- to lifelong dreams - wrong about that idea. I can now see myself Some call it obsession; I refer to it as passion. Tara Sullivan working at Youth Today, writing on a monthly It is only the most passionate who can keep on News Editor newspaper about child advocacy issues. trying when others give up. The only thing that I still dream about having it all, though, separates people in a given situation is how much Maybe the only thing we have in this life is whether I am on campus or out in the real world. they are willing to put in to get something per- our dreams. I know that may sound a bit corny, On campus, I have certain priorities fectly wonderful out of but that is the foundation on which we build our that I put above everything. it. lives, our priorities. I hold on and I refuse, to let go Give somebody a reason to However, like The other day a friend of mine was upset even when I feel like when I admit dream and they Will dream for Pascal has already about the fact that I took my job seriously and to my dreams, people spit in my that reason. successfully proven, felt 1 had an obligation to stay late if 1 still had face. And that is hard to accept. I give a dog a bone for a people to help. went through a time when I hurt with everything trick and the dog will I thought a lot about our debate because. I in me, and I wondered about what I was dream- do the trick in order to get the bone. Translation: realized that I still believe in certain things, and ing about, and whether it was-all worth it. give somebody a reason to dream and they will that I still dream. It may sound silly, but those However, when I came back to the university, dream for that reason. All anyone needs is one same dreams that I held on to when I was little I very q&kly found I still had the same dreams reason. are still with me, only and I still believed in them The funny thing is that even the most logical changing shape into more with everything in me. of people in other situations will succumb to the wonderful dreams. I still dream about having it all, . I am writing this on a day easiest of reasons for holding on to their dreams. My original goal was to though, whether I am On Campus when I feel fabulous and is if Perhaps the point is that no matter the dream, become an attorney so I or out in the real world. the world is turning my way what truly matters is how long a person is willing ’ could have a big house for a change. Ask me tomor- to hold on to that dream in order to make it come with two cars, tennis row and I may change my mind and tell you that true. I would argue that one difference between courts, a golf course and a Newfoundland dog. dreams are not worth it. people who are alive and those who are simply Then I found I liked to write, and that changed Holding on to dreams that you honestly be- characters in a novel is our ability to dream, to everything in the respect that I could’no longer lieve in takes a lot more work than it sounds like believe in something until its fruition. Picture myself being an attorney but I could see when writing about the concept. It is like when a Maybe the next time you are enjoying our working at the Washington Post, Just like soldier gets in the trenches with a small semiau- beautiful canal you should reminisce over the William Raspberry. tomatic pistol, ready to fight heart and soul for dreams you have had and consider why you have My internship in Washington, D.C. proved me his coufitry. left them behind. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Student desires to make earth cleaner Recycling at u of 1: by improving program here on campus boxes, there used to be a couple of work in student affairs, and there is their own recyclables? If there is, I Eve Murray cardboard boxes on the floor next to a bin under each desk for papers that have neither heard of it, nor seen it, Stafs Writer the garbage cans where people could can be recycled. I assume that it is so it should be made known for leave their junk mail to be recycled the same case in other offices those who are interested. I’ve noticed that around this instead of thrown away. Unfortu- around campus. I also have seen that This may come as a surprise to campus there is not a lot of recy- nately, I have noticed that the boxes (at least in North Hall) there are big you because of the way I am pro- cling going on. You would think are no longer kept there. Would it be blue recycling bins for aluminum moting recycling, but I am not a that on a university campus, this so hard to simply put what you think cans. But as far as I can tell, that’s it member of Green Peace and I don’t would not be the case. is useless into the recycling boxes? for recycling. Or am I missing hug trees. I just feel that since we * In the basement of Schwitzer I do have to admit, though, that something? Is there a place on have a way of making the world a Center, right in front of the mail the offices on campus do recycle. I campus where students can take little cleaner, we should use it. I THE Letters to the editor, Suggestions, corrections, story Editorinchief ........... ...... Suzanne Pettypiece ideas, and other correspondence should be addressed to Managing Editor ............... ........ Melissa Bigam Business Manager ................... .............. Amanda King REFLECTOR The Reflector, Buxton Hall, Room 209, or also may be sent News Editor ...................................................... Tara Sullivan via electronic mail to ‘‘[email protected].” Features Editor .................................................... Micbael Raley University of Indianapolis Sports Editor ............................................................ Scott Mytyk 1400 East Hanna Avenue Requests for anonymity will be honored as long as the Opinion Editor ............. Kelly Chernausky Indianapolis, IN 46227 writer’s identity is revealed to the editor. To be considered ...................... .......... Spencer Block EntertainmentPhoto Editor Editor. .... for publication, letters must include a valid name and Contributing Writers ............................................ MeaganCodfrey telephone number, which will be verified. Letters are Jason Dilbone The Reflector is a student publication, and the opin- subject to condensation and editing to remove profanity. Ben Huddleston Kevin Taylor ions contained herein are not necessarily those of the The Reflector welcomes advertisers from both on and Eve Murray University of Indianapolis.
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