^ A G E TWENTY-EIGHT \ . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 A-\. iHanrbeBt9r loaning Hfralb Average Daily Net Press Run The Bible class of the Salva­ Mhr n s Week United Vernon The Weather A bout Tow n tion Army will meet tonight at F ie r a o ft September 37, 1 N 9 7:30 at the Ottadei to continue •Stove Needed Tldcete tor the O c t e Oom- . Fair and cooler tonight with its study: "Genesis-Truth or immion supper for the men of DeMolay Order Amorioan Legkm is seek­ Man, 45, Held lows 50 to 56. TonuHTDw (air, Tradition.’’ St. James’ CSiurdi m ay be ob­ ing donaUons of an apart­ s 15,775 pleasant. High 70 to 75. Sun­ Chapman Court, Order of tained from John Omrner o f 19 W ill Install ment Size elecftrical stove After Beating day’s outlook fair and wawn. Amaranth ,'will observe Past MancAegter^— /4 City o f VUiawe Chmrnt Virginia Rd., Frank Laraia of and a sleeping cot for a Matrons and Patrons Night to­ h 74 School St. and Frank Phil- Richard Raines needy faanUy, Henry Welrz- Francis Maizon, 46, of 78 VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 3 morrow at 7:46 p.m. at the Ma­ SNTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) opena of 16 Virginia Rd. The bicM, ssk-vlce oMteer an- West Main St., was arrested last MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER S, 1969 ^ (Classified Advertising on Page tS) sonic Temple. Past officers will Richard C Raines, sen of Mr. PRICE TEN CENTS supper wlU be held at the Man­ norsiced. exemplify the Initiatory degree, and Mrs. it. Craig Raines of night and charged with breach chester Country Club after the Anyone who wishes to do­ with Mrs. Neal M iller and W il­ TalcobtvUle, will be installed as of peace after police received 6 p.m. Mass at the church. The nate eMher item, may call liam Morrison presiding. A pot- master councilor of Fayette a complaint that another man Most Rev. John W. Whecdon, Woinbtcki, 86 Lockwiood 8t., luck will be served at 6:80 p.m. Chapter. Otxier of DelMoUy, had been beaten. Archbishop of Hartford, will be or the American Legion, and Refreshments will be served af­ Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Ma­ The alleged victim wan Ralph Stabbed Corpse guest speaker. someone wlU pick tt up. ter the meeting. Officers will sonic Temple on Orchard 8t. Maynes o f the same address. DISCOVER! Nixon Blocks wear colored gowns. Raines, a senior at Rockville Maizon is scheduled to appear Found in Car “ ■Who is a Real Christian?” High SohoiS, is pteanlng to In Rockville Circuit Court 13 D AN BU R Y, Conn. (A P ) — General Aecused of Stifling will be the topic of a sermon by MancheMer Veterans Council Montany Oaiitis Oct. 14. Two potice potratmen <Bs m v - David Tarbat of Danbury to­ will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at These Values ered the body of a 84-year- night at 7:80 at the Church of the VFW Home. Damage to Auto old man, die ^^nrent victim Christ <m Lydall and Vernon Rail Strike of a stabbing, in hta locked Sts. Chess O u b Sets i n A ITWCA class in oil painting Eugene R. Montany of 280 car Thuroday night. K E Y BISCAYNE, Fla. back where we were today. for men, womei^, and teen-agers WALL TO WALL Ferguson Rd. dtairman of the Meeting Tonight (AP) — President Nixon That's my opinlmt.’’ The body of Joseph L ik The meeting of the 60-80 Club will open tonight from 7:80 to pienski was seen at about CiUzena’ Advisory Committee, is acted today to block for 60 He said the unions are willing of St. M ary’s Eiscopal Guild 9:15 p.m. at the Community Y. The Manchester Chess dub 10:30 p.m. In Bie car, which Probe of GI Club Scandal asking the Town of Manchester to negotiate if the railroad in­ will be held tomorrow at 7 p.m. Registration may be Immediate^, days a threatened strike was parked near the m'unld- will hold the first meeting of dustry will bargain realistically. in Neill hall of the church in­ ly before class. ^ to pay $1,646 for alleged dam­ CARPET against major railroads. pal parking lot about one the season tonight from 6:80 to “ M y g^ueas is they w ill run to WASHING'TON (AP) — stead o f tonight as announced age to hla wife’s car. Nixon, friending the weekend mile from Ms home, accord­ % NYLON DUPONT m Congress” for special legislation in yesterday's Herald. Jehovah’s Witnesses tomor­ 10:30 at Iona Hall. Members { at his seaside home, signed an ing to police Oapt. Charies A conspiracy to manipu­ He claims, in a notice filed INSTAUJto OVER tt-os. WAFFUB FAD if there is no settlement during row will hold a theocratic min­ are reminded to bring chess executive order creating an Chdso. late currency of two na­ in the town clerk’s office, that the 60-day emergency board pe­ istry school at 7:30 p.m. and a sets. emergency board to look into When the car dom* was tions and plans to invest King DavM Lodge of Odd F el­ riod. lows will meet tomorrow at 7:80 service meeting at 8:38 p.m., the damage occured on Sept. The membership drive wlU I the dispute between the six rail forced' open, police found huge funds stolen from Congress 'in 1967 imposed a p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. both at Kingdom Hall. 18, when the car, being operat­ open at 7 and the business lines and the National Railway that Lu^enski had been special law for a mandatory set­ servicemen’s clubs were ed by his son, was involved in meeting will be held from 8 to SQ. YD ., Labor Conference.' Ekabbed in the ckomach. The tlement In order to halt a two- just two segments .of a an accident on Woodland St. 8:30. Plans will be made for | Ute board will make recom- weapon was not found. day shop craft strike that halted prolie halted by the Arm y’s Montany blames the accident tournaments within the club. mendaticHis after a 30-day peri­ The body was removed to most of the nation’s railroads. on a “ dangerous grade in the The meeting la open to the | od and parties to the dispute Danbury Hospital tor an au­ top police officer, senators “We will try to negotiate a road in the vldnlty of the rail­ public. Those wishing miore in­ ■wUl then have 30 additional topsy, and the car was roped were told today. road crossing.” formation may contact Roger I days to bargain. settlement,’’ Wlnplsinger said. off and guarded until a more TTiree key Army crtmtnal ii>-. There was no police report of Asslein of 302 Main St. and | m Press Secretary Ronald L. “ If agreement isn’t reached, I complete inveatigailDn could veatlgatorB teatifled their for­ FACTORY OUTLET the Incident. don’t know what we will do,” he mer superior—MaJ. Gen. CKrI Henry TfMen of 40 Stone St. ZStegier said, “We fully expect be conducted. added. C. TYirner, once Arm y provoat OOR. PINE ST. and HARTFORD ROAD they will be able to reach an AUlhortUee deecilbed Lu- Blchoid C. Baines But he indicated the unions marahal general—wtiitewaOted agreement in Hie 60-day perl- piensM as a “dean cut per­ would stick to their strategy of an Inveatigatlon into all aapaoto study Ohemical engineering KncHnueARPETm odj^- son.” BEDROOM calling strikes against only a of a case revolving around Wil­ when he enters college next fail. The presidential decision to few railroads tn an attempt to liam O. Wooldridge, then otr- The install Ing team will be name an emergency board LIGHTING FIXTURE avoid creating a national shut­ geant major of the Army. Connecticut State Chevaliers, a • 100% NYLON • HIGH DENSIT^ prevents a nationwide rail shut­ down that would provoke fur­ Reis R„^KBah, a longtime in­ group o f DeiMolays who have RUBBER BACK • LARGE ASST. OF down which was to have become 12” X 12” shoed gloss ceiHng fixture. ther government Intervention. vestigator ^ with the 3 2 Rieg. 2.84. / been accorded honorary de­ CbLO R S ___ effective one minute after mid­ Banker Links #C Wlnplsinger blamed the “ab­ criminal InveetlgaUon dlvsiaa grees, for outatandlng aoUvlUee night ton.’ghL solute intransigence” of rail­ (COD), teeUtlad ha hod enough and labor, by the Supreme Seeking to avert intervention, road Industry negotiators for information to heap doeen* of Council O r ^ r o f DeiMolay. Politicians, the four shoperaft unions had a K a n t a buay InveoUgaUag CRYSTAL CHANDLIER Ihie team includes R o c c o the failure to reach a settlement called a strike against cmly six through bargaining. Wooldridge. FrancoUne of Manchester; Al- railroads, but the Natiimal Rail­ 6-Ught Spanish bronze crystal prism. R O C den Chick of Bolton; B erry “ They could care less about Slum lords But he said lYirnsr ordarod way Labor Conference repre­ the case oloaed, saying ha hrd Reg. 44.96. A D Leonard, Wethersfield, and Har­ SQ. YD. the national Interest, the nation­ senting all the railroads threat­ al health or anything else. They ooiMuMad with Gan. tterold K. old Baurd, Roger Cole and War­ ened to halt all service. HARTFORD, Conn. (A P )__“A are determined to have their slum cannot exist when the Johnaon. than Arm y ohlaf of ren Cole, all of Merideo.
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