Vol. 6 No. 9 November 1996 $5.95 NEW IDEAS CHARLES STURT UN I VERS I TY ~ Graduate Certificate in Religious Education (Catholic) 1 year part time- D ista nce Edu cation The course has bee n developed by Charl es Sturt Unive rsity and Vi anney College Wagga Wagga for th e purpose of enh ancing the professional capac ity and kn owledge of teachers in th e Catholic sc hool system. Applications and brochures are available from: Admissions Office, Charles Sturt University Locked Bag 676, Wagga Wagga NSW 2678 Tel: (069) 331212 Fax: (069) 332063 ryHE fJJATICAN LIBRARY COLLECTION o:r (j 1ns Jt'J{'D j 'E'WELL'E20' is now avai !able. Ea ch piece is an artistic creation inspi red by an original work of art in the Vati can Library or by the architectu re and pa intings in the Library. Th e Vatica n Library w as offi ciall y founded by Pope Nicholas V in th e yea r 1450, although many of the collections date back to as ea rl y as the yea r 35 0 AD. As sc holars, sc ribes and artists created new works, the Collecti ons continued to grow and today include so me of th e greatest arti sti c works in ex iste nce. Much of the bea uty of the Vati ca n Library is in its architectu re . Th e ori ginal Biblioteca Apostoli ca Vati ca na was des igned by Domenico Fontana in 1588. Th e buildings, lavishl y decorated with pa inted ce i I i ngs, an abundance of frescoes and ri ch ornamentati on, sti II house the ri ch and unique Collections. TJ{'£ V Jl'TICJl7{ L rB'l(J't!l?Y C oLL'ECTI07{ of Gihs and jewell ery includes Bookmarks , Pens, Prayer Beads, Rosary Rings, Re li quary and Rosa ry Boxes plus ma ny other items that are ideal gifts for all occasions. Each piece in the Coll ection is elegantly gift boxed. To rece ive a free cata logue telep hone: 9579 4666 Melbourn e area 1800 335 0 11 Free ca ll for In terstate or Country ca ll ers. jewell ery Brands Pty Ltd. A.C. N. 004 44 1 034 2 EUREKA STREET • N oVEMBER 1996 Volume 6 Number 9 EU sr November 1996 A magazine of public affairs, the arts and theology CoNTENTS 4 27 COMMENT ARCHIMEDES The view from on high 6 28 is also down to earth: LETTERS BOUGAINVILLE ASSASSINATION James Griffin reports on the death of Professor Bob Gregory 9 Theodore Miriung, the island's Premier. CAPITAL LETTER (pictured above) writes 29 10 WELL WROUGHT on the comparative FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE A special supplement on work in progress at France's creed of Liberty, Equality and the Research School of Social Sciences, welfare of Australian Fraternity does not extend to its Australian National University, with Aborigines and Native immigrants, argues Alastair Davidson. Geoffrey Brennan, Sir Anthony Mason, Lisa Strelein, Bruce Chapman, Americans, p50 in this 13 Nicholas Brown, Paula J. Byrne, THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY Hilary Charlesworth, Bob Gregory, month's special Dr Peter Doherty's Nobel Prize highlights F.B. Smith and Judy Wajcman. deficiencies in the funding of Australian supplement on research science research, says Tim Thwaites. 59 MUSIC & THEATRE at the Australian 14 Bruce Williams reviews the Victorian State STREETON'S GHOST Opera's Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, National University. Tim Bonyhady questions the current and Black Swan's Corrugation Road. style of art sponsorship. Andrew Hamilton goes to Steven Berkoff's and Shakespeare's Coriolanus. Cover: From centre top, clockwise: 17 ANU scholars: F.B. Smith, Geoffrey A FIRST FOR NEW ZEALAND 61 Brennan, Lisa Strelein, Paula J. Byrne, David Braddon-Mitchell examines the FLASH IN THE PAN Sir Anthony Mason, Nicholas Brown, uncertainties in the election aftermath. Bruce Chapman, Bob Gregory, Judy Reviews of the films Kansas City, I Shot Wa jcman. Centre: Hilary Charles­ Andy Warhol, Th e Grass Harp, Life, Fled, worth. Photographs by Bill Thomas. 19 Multiplicity and Martha. OUT IN THE MIDDAY SUN Cartoons pp?, 62 by Dean Moore. Cartoon p19 by Andrew Marlton. Paul Sinclair goes barking mad. 63 Graphics pp 10, ll, 13, 59, 66 BOOKS by Siobhan Jackson. 20 Film Special: Ray Cassin reviews Sin and Photographs pp3,20, 29-53 TURNING THE TABLES Censorship: The Catholic Church and The by Bi II T homas. Melvyn Bragg tells Catrion a Jackson Motion Picture Industry and Jon Greenaway about talking heads, public broadcasting consumes Ben Elton's Popcorn (p65). Eureka Street magazine and D ennis Potter. Jesuit Publications 66 PO Box 553 22 WATCHING BRIEF Richmond VIC 3121 TASMANIA Tell03)9427 7311 Fax 103)9428 4450 Peter Pierce on how we m ake the 67 email: [email protected] history of our island state. SPECIFIC LEVITY VoLUME 6 N uMBER 9 • EUREKA STREET 3 C OMMENT A magazine of public affairs, the arts LOUISE CROWE and theology Publisher Michael Kelly SJ En-Nobeling Editor Morag Fraser Consulting editor Michael McGirr SJ wA; people hw d the Assistant editor 1news of thi~s yeH ar~'s" pr":ese"ntati ~~~:on of the Nob:el" P eace Prize to their Jon Greenaway popular Bishop, Carlos Belo, and the East Timorese spoke man, Jose Ramos Horta. The prestigious award gives recognition to Production assistan ts: the dem ands, by both the Catholic Church and the resistance Paul Fyfe SJ, Juliette Hughes, m ovem ent, that a solution encompassing East Timorese rights Chris Jenkins SJ, Siobhan Jackson, and self-determination must be achieved. It has focused interna­ Scott Howard tional attention on Belo, whose outspokenness has often left him isolated, even within h is own Church. The occasion drew Contributing editors rare public praise of Belo's role from the Vatican, whose cautious Adelaide: Greg O'Kelly SJ approach to the conflict refl ects their concern for the interests of Brisbane: Ian Howells SJ the Indonesian Catholic minority. Perth: Dean Moore President Suharto's refusal to acknowledge the award Sydney: Edmund Campion, Gerard Windsor during his recent visit to East T imor illustrates w hat Belo European correspondent: Damien Simonis has been saying for years---;- that there has been no genuine feeling of integration in East Timor, from either the East Editorial board Timorese or the Indonesian sides. Jakarta's signals that the Peter L'Estrange SJ (chair), N obel aw ard will not alter its position on East Timor m ean Margaret Coady, Margaret Coffey, it will continue to u se a security approach to control the Valda M. Ward RSM, Trevor Hales, people. H ow ever, the added impetus for change will find Marie Joyce, Kevin McDonald, Indonesia increasingly having to defend its role there, both Jane Kelly IBVM, Peter Steele SJ, Bill Uren SJ to the local and the world community. • Business m anager: Sylvana Scannapiego Louise Crowe has just completed an MA, on the C hurch and Advertising representative: Ken Head East Timor, at N orthern T erritory University. Pa trons Eurel<a Street gratefully acknowledges the C oMMENT: 2 support of Colin and Angela Carter; the trustees of the estate of Miss M. Condon; Jo N GRE EN AWAY Denis Cullity AO; W.P. & M.W. Gurry; Geoff Hill and Janine Perrett; the Roche fa mily. Worlzing it out Eureka Street magazi ne, rssN 1036- 1758, Australia Post Print Post approved l ST " '0' TO THt S<CN<NC of tho agmment on indus"ial pp349 181/003 !4 relations by the Government and the D em ocrats last m onth, is published ten times a year Peter Sam s from the NSW Labor Council and Jennie George by Eureka Street Magazine Pty Ltd, from the ACTU appeared on Lateline together. Sam s has 300 Victoria Street, Richmond, Victoria 3 12 1 publicly diverged from the ACTU lin e on occasion s, in Tel: 03 942 7 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 e-mail: eureka@werple. net.au particular to w elcome the opportunity the W orkplace Responsibi li ty for editorial content is accepted by Relations Bill will off er for the disamalgamation of super­ Michae l Kelly, 300 Victoria Street, Rich mond. unions w hich have n ot been happy m arriages. However, what Printed by Doran Printing, was m ore apparent in their television appearance was the 46 Industrial D ri ve, Braeside VIC 3 195. similarity of their respective positions on th e impending © Jesuit Pu blications 1996. legislation : unions must find ways to organise and represent Unsoli cited manuscripts, including poetry and employees in what will be a tougher environm ent fo r workers. fictio n, will be returned only if accom pa nied by a The concessions C heryl Kernot ext racted from Peter stamped, self-addressed envelope. Req uests for Reith will preserve in the new IR legislation- due to com e permission to reprin t material fro m the magazine in to eff ect n ext February or March if the rest of the senate should be addressed in writing to: complies-som e of the existing safeguards. Most importantly, T he editor, Eureka Street magazine, the Industrial Relations Commissions will be allowed to vet PO Box 553, Richmond VIC 3 12 1. a w orkplace agreem ent if there is doubt that it satisfies a no- 4 EUREKA STREET • N OVEMBER 1996 disadvantage test, and to arbitrate beyond a core of 18 award part-time and casual jobs will increase. Since the ability of such conditions originally set down in the bill.
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