Sigma Kappa Triangle Official Publication of Sigma K appa Sorority VoLUME XXI V M ARCH, 1930 NuMBER 2 Editor-in-Chief-MRs. F RANCES WARREN BAKER .... .. ... 7114 Ridgeland ave., Chicago Chapter Editor- Miss FRANCEs KIRKPATRICK ....... 108 W . Weber rd., Columbus, Ohio AlumnlE Editor- MRs . RUBY CARVER EMERSON . ... 72 Fayerweather st., Cambridge, Mass. Exchange E ditor-MRs. Lois WINE CuRTIS . ........ .45 Roxbury st., Worcester, Mass Contributing Editor- MRS. GRACE CoBURN SMITH, 2137 Bancroft st., Washington, D.C. Philanthropy Editor-Miss MYRTICE D. CHENEY . .. .. 655 Congress st., P ortland, Me. Executive Secretary- Miss HATTIE MAY BAKER ... .. ... ... 94 Oak st., Reading, Mass. Chapters, College and Altmwm must send manuscript in time to reach their respective editors before the first of November, February, May, and August. S IGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in December, March, June, and September at 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis., and entered as second-class matter October 15, 1910, at the post office at Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. P rice $2.00 per annum.. Single copies 50 cents. Life subscription $15.00. Ilca<.'Cn's Peak-!11 Glacier Par/( cJigma ~ppa rriangle ~------------------~-----------------------------------------+- VoLUME XXIV MARCH, 1930 NuMBER 2 -+----------------------------------------------------------------+- ~eaitle Convention Wtll J:gre ~igma l(gppas West in July By MAYTIELLE . GH'rcLIONE, Mu ESIDES the lure of convention salt water, picnic, canoe, fish, play tennis itself, there are countless attrac­ or golf, ride horseback for miles through B tions that should tempt every real woods, drive through formal land­ Sigma to come to Seattle this June; to . scaped beauty, listen to band concerts, meet some of her many "sisters" and to feed peanuts to the animals in the zoo or enjoy a thoroughly pleasant visit in this go boating. All these parks are con­ famous "vacationland." nected by superb boulevards. One of the many inducements 'Seattle Seattle is the gateway to the Orient, has to offer the traveler is rdief from being the nearest American port. Great heat. There is no midday heat to tor­ ships warp into the docks bringing silk, ment anyone. The average summer tea, hemp, rice, chinaware, and take away temperature is only sixty-'two degrees. tractors for Siam, radios to Timbuctoo Days are bright and invigorating, and the and an amazing army of articles to other ~venings and nights are cool and refresh­ remote corners of the world, from tooth­ mg. paste to locomotives. Then again, there are the beauties of It is also the gateway to Alaska, which the Northwest to inspire even the most sends old gold, copper, fish and furs to a casual visitor. It is difficult to write about waiting world. Who has not seen the beauty of S,eattle without sounding Seattle's "waterfront" has not "seen like a "piece of publicity" and yet one can America first." Seattle has become hardly tamper with the truth in order to America's greatest port in Oriental trade sound honest, and if one be honest he and next to New York and Boston in can only begin by saying that Seattle is value of foreign imports and second only one of the most beautiful cities in the to New York in number of people ·enter­ world. ~ng the United States through port cit­ Situated on num.erous hills, it faces to Ies. the west the intimate, though lordly Grave Orientals, big Norsemen from Olympics, Mount Rainier looms close in Bergen, gallant schooners from Alaska, the southern sky, a rpajestic snowcapped maybe a barkentine from Australia­ guardian over the city. Mount Baker tramp steamers from anywhere, or no­ rises to the north, and the sun comes up where, lend an air of romance and won­ rose-pink over the rugge·d Cascades, re­ der to an ever-alluring waterfront. fl ected in the waters of great Lake Wash­ What is there to do in Seattle? It isn't ington. hard to find something to do in Seattle, Over twice the area of ew York's but it is hard to decide which of the Central Park is ·included in its park sys­ thousand things that demand your atten­ tem, in which one may swim in fresh or tion you want to do first. • 108 Sigma Kappa Triangle S eattlE downtown view taken at night when fle et was in the harbor. Lights from the battleships lighting ~~P the Elliott Ba~;. Do you like swimming? Very well. ably at any time. For motoring there are Shall it be fresh or salt water swimming? the boulevards and drives through the Outdoors or indoors? You see, there are city, that fascinate and charm with their six salt water beaches, seven fresh water ever changing vistas of mountains, lakes beaches, three indoor pools with salt and lovely homes. water and a· dozen or more with fresh water-so you can take your choice. Government Locks Interest Then there is always golf or tennis. Of interest to the visitor also are Seattle has eleven golf courses, more than Government locks and the Lake Wash­ any other city in the country of equal ington Canal. The canal is eight miles size. With the evergreen fairways, and long, connecting Lake Washington and the cool days, you can play golf comfort- Lake Union with Puget Sound, and hence the Pacific Ocean. The locks are the second largest in the world, second only to the Panama Locks in size. Here great ships can pass from salt to fresh water in a few minutes. It is adjoining the University of Wash­ ington campus that Mu chapter of Sigma Kappa is building its new home. The site has a sweeping view of Lake Washington and the Cascade Mountains. When con­ vention starts, this new home will be well under way so that all the Sigmas who come West will see what it will be like. Besides visiting the campus, you may be interested in seeing the military post in Seattle, Fort Lawton, which stands Looki11g west -across downtown district-Puget with a wide view of Puget Sound and the Sound and Olympic M ountains i1~ the dista11ce Olympics. Convention to Lure Sigma Kappas West 109 Take Boat to Bremerton These sights and many more can be seen just by driving through Seattle. For a delightful short trip on the Sound, the steamer·voyage from Seattle to Bremer­ ton, the location of the Puget Sound Navy Yard, offers not only recreation, but real interest. On Bremerton Bay, with its line of battleships and bustling marine activi­ ties, is one of Uncle Sam's great navy yards. Or, if you prefer to view the Looking across Seattle's downtown district Sound from the air, go to Bremerton by toward Mownt Rainier in the distance. Seattle's "Air Ferry" which makes the . flight across the Sound in ten minutes, and you will also see some new sky­ while it takes an hour by boat. scrapers, just recently completed. More­ While you are here, you will be stay­ over, you will be shown where hills have ing at Seattle's finest hotel, the Olympic, been washed away in Seattle to make way a $6,000,000 palace in the heart of the for civic development. Even now, a huge city. hill, in the heart of town, is gradually be­ Seattle is a growing city, and you wi ll ing sluiced into the deepest parts of Puget see large buildings under construction, Sound. View showin.Q Government L ocks and Lake Uniotl Canal which connects Lake Union a11d the Sound. Residential and Industrial sections surr01mding the Canal. Lal:e Union and Lake Washington in the distan.ce. R01tte of th.e Couve11tion Special We' II ruff/ Travel West Together ONVENTION "fireworks" wi ll thence from Seattle to Bellingham, Wash., start on the Fourth of July when and return, via the Great Northern rail­ C delegates, friends, and members of road, destination of ticket to be Belling­ Sigma Kappa entrain at Chicago for Seat­ ham, Wash., from where a motor side tle, our convention city. Briefl y our sched­ trip to Mt. Baker Lodge for house party ule is: will be made. Leave Chicago (Union Station), 11 :00 Pullman sleeping car reservations will A.M. July 4 be made in the Chicago office of the C.B. Arrive St. Paul, Minn., 10 P.M. July 4 and Q.R.R.; address S. J . Owens, general Leave St. Paul, 10:30 P.M. J uly 4 agent of that company, 179 West Jack­ Arrive Glacier Park, 9 :25 A.M. July 6 son blvd., Chicago. Check covering cost All day Sunday, J uly 6, sightseeing in of Pull man ticket and the Glacier Park Glacier Park. side trip should accompany reservation Leave Glacier Park, 6 :30 P.M. J uly 6 request, which must be received not later Arrive Spokane, 6:30 A.M. July 7 than June 27. Total cost of trip in Gla­ Leave Spokane, Wash., 7 A.M. July 7 cier Park $10.75. Sleeping car reserva­ Arrive Seattle, Wash., 5 P.M: July 7 tions should be made as soon as possible. All those who are unable to take the Space will be assigned in the order re­ special out of Chicago should endeavor ceived. A reservation blank will be found to join the train at the nearest point be­ in this issue of THE TRIANGLE. tween Chicago and Seattle. A postconvention trip to Alaska is be­ In order to benefit by the reduced rail­ ing arranged by Mrs.
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