www.thebreeze.org Knowledge is Liberty" VOL. 78, NO. 25 M M N DOW JONES B R z E &&dose: 10.S7S.54 U N V E R S JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY UBRAPV MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2000 r nAnHlbllNBUnb,VM.2i8UI Spirit for In remembranceDEC 04 200U the season Family, friends honor sophomore Annual holiday tree Leslie George s memory Wednesday lighting brings crowds BY JENN LOWRY shocked JMU this past and carols to Quad contributing writer September. At the same time, however, George's BY RICHARD SAKSHAUG JMU students, as well as memory filled the room assistant news editor friends and family of the through pictures, tears and late Leslie George, gath- hugs amongst those in More than 200 people braved the ered Wednesday night in attendance. freezing temperatures last night and her memory. Of the approximately gathered outside Wilson Hall to sing A dry eye was a scarcity 200 in attendance, many carols and witness the lighting of the in PC Ballroom during the were family, friends, facul- holiday tree on the Quad. memorial service for ty and members of Tri- Following the Holidayfest concert George, the sophomore Sigma sorority. in Wilson Hall, the Student Govern- whose battle with bulimia The service was conduct- RYAN PVDLOSKVsenior photographer ment Association held the "Holidays and anorexia nervosa and Sophomore Lauren Hospital signs a guestbook at Wednesday's on the Quad" event at 6:15 p.m. on the sudden related death see MEMORIAL, page 9 memorial service for late sophomore Leslie George. steps of Wilson. It featured the Con- temporary Gospel Singers and the JMU Brass Ensemble. The event started with the Brass Ensemble playing "O Come All Ye Faithful." SGA president Mark Sulli- Football Sports teams van then welcomed everyone in attendance. He said the program was a time to "come together and corn- coach seek support see QUAD, page 9 Athletes, coaches vie for area under backing to preserve teams BY TOM STEINFELDT news editor question nu Key >i;i in lews Athletes and coaches are rallying support for the BY TRAVIS CLINGENPEEL tee is expected to rule on the case eight teams facing potential elimination by encour- assistant sports editor before the Christmas holiday. aging efforts on campus, in the community and JMU athletic director Jeff across the state. The NCAA is investigating Bourne said that should the The initial thrust of the efforts has been directed an allegation that JMU football committee decide that a viola- at disseminating information to alumni, parents, coach Mickey Matthews provid- tion has taken place, the likely friends, coaches and local residents to raise aware- ed $500 to the mother of a Bay- punishment from the NCAA ness of the Centennial Sports Committee's recom- lor University recruit in 1999 to would be a limitation of recruit- mendations to cut the teams. Through e-mail, phone pay for a test preparation ing visits allowed to be taken by calls and word of mouth, athletes and coaches have course. Matthews was an assis- Matthews himself. received positive feedback from supporters. tant coach at Baylor in Waco, "We're supportive of his "I haven't heard a single person in favor of what Texas at the time. position," Bourne said. "In the they're (the administration) trying to do," men's The Houston Chronicle reported end we believe there's no truth swimming coach Ryan Frost said. that the mother of recruit Julius to this allegation." Frost's program, along with men's archery, gym- Maumalanga received a package Matthews was on a recruiting nastics, tennis and wrestling, and women's archery, containing $500 after he asked trip and therefore unavailable for fencing and gymnastics are slated for elimination. Matthews for help in paying for comment. Whatever the decision, Frost said he has heard this reaction on campus, the test preparation course. Matthews' job will not be in dan- in the community and among alumni and perspec- Baylor officials and Matthews ger. "We're just going to wait tive students. have appeared before the NCAA and see what the ruling is," Senior Steve Reynolds, a member of the men's XRIS THOMASIphoto editor Division I Committee on Infrac- Bourne said. "We'll deal with it Students gathered at the tree tions in Indianapolis. The commit- from there." see SPORTS page 9 lighting ceremony held last night. (mml Ecstasy: The Facts Dukes Beat Duke Ii.-uvi.-il Line Up and Sign Up Dance Like No One's Watching As ecstasy takes lives, knowing all the The wrestling team defeated Duke Students camped out in Wilson "Billy Elliot" charms one critic, facts becomes more and more impor- University Friday 26-16 in front of a Thursday night to sign up for Alterna- but will it dance to the top? tant every day. substantial "Save Our Sports" crowd. tive Spring Break trips. Page 3 Page 25 Pages 20-21 The Dukes are now 1-1. Page 31. < > Monday, December 4, 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR NEWS Alternative spring break 3 Art education center 3 MONDAY, DEC. 4 TUESDAY, DEC. 5 Operation Santa 5 American Criminal Justice Association/Lamb- • Transfer Student Organization meeting, 6 to 7 p.m., Tay- da Alpha Epsilon meeting, 6:15 p.m., Tay- lor 311, call Brian at 433-6692 lor 402, e-mail Dave at kenneddw OPINION • Yoga Club, 5 p.m., Taylor 305, e-mail Kai at safranka 1 Campus Assault ResponsE House Editorial: Considerations more (CARE) meeting, 6:30 p.m., than 'exercise' for student athletes 14 Taylor 302, e-mail Andrea Milo WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6 at miloal Spotlight: What is the worst X-mas • Habitat for Humanity general meeting, 5 to 6 p.m., Taylor present you've ever received? 14 • Planetarium program, 6 and 305, last meeting of the semester, e-mail piercesm 7 p.m.. Miller 102 (John C. Addressing the semestral demon Wells Planetarium), free, of burnout call JMU-STAR by Terrence Nowlin 15 Darts & Pats 15 Student speaks out against conditions TO SUBMIT A DUKE DAY EVENT: E-mail Richard at The Breeze and products of sweatshops at saksharh with the information (event, date, location, contact info, by Peter Gektertoos 17 etc.) Please submit by Friday for a Monday issue and Tuesday for a Thursday issue. STYLE Darrell Hammond 1» POLICE LOG WEATHER "Nuncrackers" preview 23 flASEY BONDS The victim reportedly went into the Style Weekly 23 men's locker room and put his JAC \)police rqwrter card and keys on a shelf while he Today Movie reviews 25 combed his hair. Sunny A faculty member reported that a Book review He reportedly saw a person out of 25 subject not registered for the class High 39 Low 21 the comer of his eye grab his JAC card seated himself in a class in Zane and bolt from the room. FOCUS Showker Hall on Nov. 30 at 10:38 a.m. The victim allegedly gave chase but The subject reportedly did not speak 1 nw failed to catch the subject who was High when he was asked questions, and described as a white male, 5 feet 10 Ecstacy 101 20-21 according to some members of the Tuesday Partly cloudy 47 19 inches tall, wearing a gray sweatshirt, class, began cursing. red sweat pants and a bandana on his Wednesday Partly cloudy 37 18 SPORTS The class reportedly met briefly m a head. first floor classroom before breaking up Littering into groups for meetings on the fifth floor. Thursday Partly sunny 40 23 Thomas J. Carbone, 19, of East Wrestling vs. Duke 31 The subject reportedly left after the Greenwich, R.I., was cited with littering groups had left the classroom. Friday Cloudy 44 27 on Port Republic Rd. at Bluestone Dr. Women's basketball 31 Campus police were not called on Dec. 1 at 1:55 a.m. immediately and the subject was An officer was reportedly following an Water polo 33 reportedly gone on their arrival. eastbound Chevy Blazer when it turned The subject was described as a black MARKET WATCH into campus. As it turned, the passenger Men's basketball 33 male, 6 feet to 6 feet 2 inches tall, of Friday, Dec 1,2000 reportedly threw a plastic bottle out of heavy build, missing front teeth, having a the vehicle. Blitz Over Easy 35 West Indies or African accent, bald- DOW JONES AMEX The officer reportedly ran over the headed and wearing a black leather bottle and pulled the Blazer over. 40.95 6.79 jacket. The occupants allegedly stated that close: 10.373.54 ♦ close: 853.38 4 LIFESTYLES they were coming from a fraternity In other matters, campus police report house where someone had urinated in the following: NASDAQ S&P500 the bottle and they were taking it to 28 Horoscope 37 Petty Larceny 47.36 A throw it away. 4 • A JAC card was reportedly stolen Crossword puzzle 37 • Number of drunk in public charges close: 2,645.29 T close: 1,315.23 ' from a student in UREC on Nov. 30 at since Aug. 28: 42 6:30 p.m. INFORMATION The Breeze is published Monday and Thursday mornings ADVERTISING STAFF CLASSIFIEDS and distributed throughout James Madison University and the local Harrisonburg community. Comments and com- Assistant Advertising Manager: ION plaints should be addressed to Gina Montefusco, editor. Monica Montgomery How to place a classified: Come to The Breeze office week- Mailing address: Advertising Executives: BREEZE The Breeze Brandi Duncan days between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. II Ml | V II I |TT G1 Anthony-Seeger Hall Melissa Forrest Cost: $2.50 for the first 10 MSC 6805 James Madison University Melissa Reynolds words, $2 for each additional 10 "To the press done, chequered as it is with Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807 Tim Ritz words; boxed classified, $10 per Jennifer TiUow Phone: (540) 568-6127 Fax:(540)568-6736 column inch.
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