RADIOAND TE,eMyimon SPECIAL MIRROR CBS ISSUE! OCTOBER 25$ THEY'RE BACK ON THE AIR! 46 pages of special stories — color pictures of your radio and TV favorites ^HHI^HHH ADDED ATTRACTIONS: Arthur Godfrey Rosemary Gene Autry Morton Downey ! Show the world a lovelier complexion- with your very first cake of Camay Wonderful things happen when your skin is soft and smooth! And you can be lovelier with your first coke of Camay! Change to regular care —use Camay alone. Never let a lesser soap touch your skin. You'll have a fresher, clearer complexion— very soon! Where in the world will you find a finer beauty soap than Camay? It's so mild and gentle— so quick with its rich, creamy lather. And no other soap has ever quite captured the flattering fragrance of Camay. Yes— Camay gives you the finest kind of complexion care— your very first cake brings a lovelier complexion! SCENES FROM J ANE'.SY ROMANCE Courtship in Hipboots! A trout stream can set the scene for romance — when one of the anglers has a complexion like Jane's! She says: "Camay is my best beauty aid. Camay's lather is so kind to my skin!" Honeymoon on Wheels! Luray Caverns in Virginia was one of the exciting stops on Jane and Albert's auto trip through the South. Camay went along in Jane's beauty kit! Her first cake of Camay brought new skin beauty. It can do the same for you! Q.it^ Mrs. Albert Molokoff the former Jane Kasmer of Union City, N. J Camay-the soap of beautiful women You can count on keeping your mouth and breath more wholesome, both. So don't risk halfway dental care. Use doubly-effective Ipana care sweeter, cleaner— if you guard against tooth decay and gum troubles for better all-around protection for your whole mouth. Keep your Whole Mouth Wholesome! Fight tooth decay and gum troubles with the one leading tooth paste specially designed to do both !* To enjoy a healthier, more wholesome no other leading tooth paste is specially mouth — you must fight tooth decay. But, designed to stimulate gum circulation — dentists warn — you must fight gum trou- promote healthier gums. bles, too! Remember, Ipana is the only leading tooth With one famous tooth paste—*with Ipana paste made especially to give you this and massage — you can guard your teeth doubly-protective, doubly-effective care. and gums BOTH. Now, today, start this double protection- No other tooth paste — ammoniated or keep your whole mouth "Ipana whole- has been proved more effec- some." You'll like Ipana's wholesome, re- "I have confidence in Ipana . otherwise — Bristol-Myers makes it," tive than Ipana to fight tooth decay. And freshing flavor, too. Get Ipana! says Bobbie Snow NEW! of Woodside, N. Y. Big economy size Ipana Bristol-Myers, makers of Ipana Tooth saves you up to 23$ Paste, have worked with leading dental authorities for many years on scientific studies of teeth and gums. You can use Ipana with complete IPANA confidence that it provides effective care for teeth and gums both. It's an- other reliable Bristol-Myers product. For healthier teeth, healthier gums for lasting OCTOBER, 1950 RADIO PIN CURL BEAUTY... MIRROR VOL. 34, NO. 5 KEYSTONE PEOPLE ON THE AIR Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico 4 Best Answer to Nora Drake's Problem (Names of the Writers of the Five Next-Best Letters) 11 Unique Newsman 19 Horace Heidt 20 Jack Curtis 26 Why An All-CBS Issue 27 "I Remember Arthur—" by Mary B. Quigg 28 Many Milestones by Lowell Thomas 30 No Boss—Not Me! by Gladys Hall 32 My Father, Bob Crosby by Cathy Crosby 34 Do You Remember . .? (Through the Years with CBS daytime serials) 36 Mrs. Burton Asks: "Is A Mother-In-Law Ever Justified In Taking Sides?" 44 My Two Generations of Downeys by Mrs. Elizabeth Cox Downey 48 ll.'MI.HM.IM Inside Radio 68 Information Booth , 86 FOR BETTER LIVING ^^42217 k°k pins Heads Above The Crowd by Dorry Ellis 12 stronger grip — won't slip out Traveler Of The Month by Tommy Bartlett 14 Come and Visit Marie Wilson by Viola Moore 40 Radio Mirror's Daytime Serial Fashions For You 42 Fine Food—Fine Friends (Favorite Recipes of Godfrey and Friends) 46 You don't need a flair for hair styling This Is My Life by Aunt Jenny 60 to set this newest hair fashion. It's Nonsense and Some-Sense by Art Linkletter 62 Poetry 71 a breeze with De Long bob pins. When A Girl Marries by Joan Davis 72 Alluring, natural curls last longer, for De Long's grip holds hair tighter. TELEVISION Take the blue De Long card home today. Home In The Hills 50 New Friends, Old Friends On CBS-TV. 52 to Set the "U" Bob-styled by Mr. tarry, How Jingle Jamboree Contest 57 eminent iVeto York hairdresser. • Set top hair in two rows, turning first row toward face, next row YOUR LOCAL STATION away from face. (Work with even strands.) Pin two vertical WCBS: A Way With Women 6 10 Native Son | rows at left temple, the first row WBEN: It Pays Educated 16 toward face, second away. WTOP: To Be Unbeatable Combination 22 Make circlets across the back to WPEN: right ear, in two clockwise rows. Do right temple like left. To RADIO MIRROR READER BONUS comb out—brush hair up briskly, then down into a soft halo. Radio's Own Life Story by Llewellyn Miller 8 A Woman Like Me (A Rosemary Story) by Blanche Weatherbury 58 Daytime Diary 54 ON THE COVER: Identification of CBS stars on page 7 Editorial Director Editor Art Director t'RKU K. SAMM1S DORIS McFERRAN JACK ZASORIN Associate Editor Associate Art Director JOSEPHINE PEARSON FRANCES MALI Editorial Assistants: JOAN POLLOCK, MARYANNE CROFTON, MARIE HALLEB Ass't to Editorial Director: NINA SITTLER Television: FRANCES KISH Home Service Department: ESTHER FOLEY Chicago Office: Editor, HELEN CAMBRIA BOLSTAD Hollywood Office: Editor. ANN DAGGETT Managing Editor. FRANCES MORRIN Assistant. BETTY MILLS Staff Photographers. HYMIE FINK, STERLING SMITH Assistant. BETTY JO RICE PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden Publications, Inc., New old as well as your new address. Write to Radio and Tele- York, N. Y., average net paid circulation 590,240 for 6 vision Mirror, 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. months ending June 30. 1949. MANUSCRIPTS, DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS should be EXECUTIVE, ADVERTISING, AND EDITORIAL OFFICES at accompanied by addressed envelope and return postage and 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Editorial Branch will be carefully considered, but publisher cannot be re- Offices: 321 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif., and sponsible for loss or injury. 221 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, III. O. J. Elder, Presi- Re-entered as Second Class Matter June 15. 1950, at the dent; Herbert G. Drake, Ernest V. Heyn, and James L. Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3. Mitchell, Vice Presidents; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and 1879. Authorized as Second Class mail, P.O. Dept.. Ottawa, Treasurer. Advertising offices also in Boston, Chicago, San Ont., Canada. Copyright 1950 by Macfadden Publications, Inc. Francisco, and Los Angeles. All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. You're always "set" with De Long Hair Pins • SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 one year, U. S. and Posses- All rights reserved under Pan-American Copyright Conven- sions, and Canada. $5.00 per year for all other countries. tion. Todos derechos reservados segun La Convencion Pan- CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 6 weeks notice essential. When pos- Americana de Propiedad Literaria Artistica. Title trademark Curl Setting Pins "Safety Pins* Hooks and Eyes* please y sible, furnish stencil-impression address from a recent registered in U. S. Patent Office. Printed in U.S.A. by Art Snaps«Pins«Hook and EyeTapes»Sanitary Belts issue. Address changes can be made only if we have your Color Printing Co. Member of Th« TRUE STORY Women's Group > How could he treat her this way? HER FIRST date with a most attractive man Isn't it foolish to risk offending when Listerine . and hete she was, back home, and on Antiseptic is such an extra-careful, wholly de- the point of tears, by half-past ten. What had lightful precaution? she said . what had she done to change his You merely rinse the mouth with it night and eagerness to indifference? She would never know morning, and always before any date and, lo! : . didn't even suspect! your breath becomes fresher and sweeter. More- Can You Be Sure? over, it stays that way, too . not for seconds •. not for minutes . but for hours, usually. How dare any woman assume that her breath is While some cases of halitosis are of systemic origin, always beyond reproach? most cases, say some authorities, are due to the bac- Halitosis (unpleasant breath) has a habit of terial fermentation of tiny food particles clinging to Listerine Antiseptic quickly halts cropping up when you least expect it ... of put- mouth surfaces. such fermentation, then overcomes the odors fermen- ting you in the worst sort of light when you tation causes. want to be at your best. And you, of course, Lambert Pharmacal Company, St. Louis, Missouri may not know when you're guilty. Before Any Date LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC The Extra-Careful Precaution Against Offending July READER'S DIGEST reports the same research which proves that brushing teeth right after eating with COLGATE DENTALCREAM STOPS TOOTH DECAY BEST TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES Better Than Any Other Way of Tooth Decay According NEW MEXICO Preventing to Published Reports! upon a time, the little town of Truth or Consequences, New Reader's Digest for July reports on one Once Mexico was known as Hot Springs.
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