KOTULPUR GRAM PANCHAYAT KOTULPUR, BANKURA. 03244-240257 E-mail – [email protected] Memo No. – 425(18)/ Kotulpur G.P. Dated – 10/03/2018 NOTICE INVITING e- TENDER Notice No. 02 /e-NIT/MGNREGS/2017-2018 Dated- 10.03.2018 (For viewing Tender: www.wbtenders.gov.in) The Pradhan, Kotulpur Gram Panchayat, invites percentage rate e-tender from the bonafied Reputed, Reliable, Experienced and Resourceful Supplier or Un-employed Engineers Co-Operative Societies having requisite credential as per column-7 of following Table for the work detailed in the table below. Work would be executed from MGNREGS Fund. (Submission of Bid through online) S Name of Work Earnest Money (in Tender Eligibility of l Rs.) Participation Bidder N Fee Amount Amount Period of Period o Tendered (In Rs.) . Completion Supply of Matirials for Construction of Rs. 17600 /- (i.e. 2% of Rs. 1000/- Concrete drain from Laxmi Aher East the tendered cost) (Through Bank Unreserved Side Curlvert to Pitch road of Mouza- (through Bank Draft Draft from any (50% Kotulpur J.L. No- 51 of Kotulpur from any Nationalize Nationalized Credential for 1 Gram panchayat , under Kotulpur Bank in favour of Bank Bank in Supply work) . Panchayet Samiti, Dist Bankura from Pradhan, Kotulpur favour of MGNREGS Fund for the year 2017- Gram Panchayat) Pradhan, 2018 Kotulpur Gram 45 Days Days 45 Supply Rs. 8,79,149.00 Panchayat) Rs. 8,79,149.00 [ As per Procurement Manual – 2014] In the event of e-filing intending bidder may download the tender document from the website www.wbtenders.gov.in directly with the help of Digital Signature certificate and necessary cost of Tender Participation Fee & Earnest money may be remitted through demand draft issued from any Nationalized Bank in favour of Pradhan, Kotulpur Gram Panchayat and also to be documented through e-filing (scan copy is to be submitted). The original draft of Tender participation fee, EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) and other original documents as submitted online should be submitted physically for verification in office of the undersigned as and when communicated by this office. Submission of above mentioned documents would not be allowed by any means by post or courier so that no miscommunication may occur in future. Concurrently duly Digitally Signed in the www.wbtenders.gov.in as per the time schedule. The documents submitted by the Bidder should be properly indexed & digitally signed. Page 1 of 8 1. Both Technical document & Financial Bid are to be submitted Technical (Statutory & Non - statutory Folder) and financial folder concurrently duly digitally signed in the web site www.wbtenders.gov.in. 2. The Financial offer of the prospective tenderer will be considered only if the technical document (Both Statutory & Non- Statutory) of the tenderer found qualified by the undersigned. The decision of undersigned will be final and absolute in this respect. The both list of responsive and non-responsive Bidders will be displayed in the website and also Notice Board of this Office on the schedule date and time. 3. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE TENDER. i) The prospective Bidders shall have satisfactorily completed as a prime agency during the last three years from the date of issue of this notice at least one work as mentioned in the above table in column-7 of each serial no of work” under the authority of State/Central Govt./ Central Govt. undertaking/Statutory Bodies constituted under the stature of the Central/State Govt. and having a magnitude of 50 ( fifty)% for SL No-1 & 40 (forty) % for SL NO - 2,3 of the amount put to tender (Non Statutory Document) in the form of Payment Certificate, Completion Certificate & Credential Certificate . 4. P. Tax deposit challan for the year of 2017-18, PAN Card, GST Registration Certificate has to be accompanied with the Technical Bid Document (Non- statutory document). 5. Register Partnership Deed in case of Partnership Firm has to submitted. The company shall furnish the Article of Association and Memorandum. Where an individual person holds a digital certificate is own name duly issued to him against the company or the firm of which he happens to be a Director or partner, such individual person shall, where uploading any tender form on behalf of Company or Firm invariably upload a copy of registered power of attorney showing clear authorization in his favour by the rest of the Director of such company or the partner of such Firm to upload such tender (Non- statutory documents). 6. The Tender shall established field testing laboratory equipped with requisite instrument and technical staffs according to the requirements of works to be executed. 7. Payment will be made as a when fund is available from the concern source. No claim whatsoever for delay in payment, if any will be entertained suppliers requested to quote their rate accordingly. 8. No arbitration is allowed in this contract. 9. The schedule of rates as given in BOQ. 10. During scrutiny if it comes to notice of the tender inviting authority that the credential or any other paper found incorrect/manufacture/fabricated that bidder would not be allowed to participate in the tender and that application will be rejected without any prejudice. 11. The authority reserves the right to cancel the NIT due to unavoidable circumstance and for this no claim will be entertained. Page 2 of 8 12. Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than 30(thirty) days from the last date of submission of financial Bid. If the bidder withdraws the bid during the validity period of bid, the earnest money as deposited will be forfeited forthwith without assigning any reason thereof. 13. Before submission of tender the tenderer shall have to acquaint by actual visit to the site as regards prevailing condition and tenderer submitted tender shall be deemed to have done so. He must acquaint himself with local condition of labour, materials, transport, electricity, water, Panchayat regulations etc. 14. The contractor’s responsibility to keep the road opens to all kind of traffic during the execution of work. No claim what-so-ever will be entertained for idle labour, establishment cost of hire and labour charges of tools and plants etc. at any circumstances. 15. Date and time schedule : Sl. Particulars Date & Time No. 1 Date of publishing of e-NIT and starting date of documents downloading 14/03/2018 at 5.00 Hours 2 Date of closing of downloading the documents, etc 26/03/2018 at 15.00 Hours 3 Date of start of submission of Technical Bid and Financial Bid 14/03/2018 at 11.00 Hours 4 Date of closing of submission of Technical Bid and Financial Bid. 26/03/2018 at 15.00 Hours Date of opening of Technical Bid at Office of the Pradhan, Kotulpur Gram 5 28/03/2018 at 15.00 Hours Panchayat. Date of opening of financial bid at office of the Pradhan, Kotulpur Gram Will be notified later in the 6 Panchayat. website. Date of Submission of Original Credential and tender participation fees & To be intimated to the agency 7 E.M.D. to be Communicated to the agencies by this Office later on. through Official Letter. 16. The supplier shall pay of charges & fees legally payable for act out of their works & hold the employer free of such cost. 17. Supplier has to execute the work on strict supervision of the Nirman Sahayak/Engineer-in-Charge (Authorities) 18. Decision of the Tender Committee authority will be final & binding on contractor in case of any dispute. 19. The works are time bound project & time of completion of work should be strictly followed. 20. The undersigned reserved the right to ask the Tenderer to submit analysis of the quoted rate of any point. 21. Audit accounts of last financial year i.e. 2016-2017 will have to be submitted in case of Engineers Co- Operative Societies & labour Co- Operatives. The tender forms are to be received by the Chairman or Secretaries or any member of the society having proper per of attorney………. Credential of similar type of Page 3 of 8 works as mentioned in column -7 of each serial of work will have to be produce in case of Engineer Co- Operative Society also. 22. Time is the essence of contract the successful supplier must start the work within 7 days from the date of signing of agreement /contract falling which the undersigned may cancel the work order and contract and forfeit the earnest money. The work should be complete within the prescribe time. No extension of time will be allowed expect the special cases if it is found that daily cost due to such reason which is beyond the control of the contractor and on the issue whether any reasons is beyond the control of the supplier, and on the issue whether any reason is beyond the control of the supplier, the decision of the undersigned shall be final. a) A penalty @ 0.1% (Zero point one percent) of the value of work may be imposed on per day of delay if the authority wants so. b) If during execution of work it is found that the it is found that the progress of work is very slow and the supplier failed to speed up the work even after repeated reminders and the work is going to be delayed unnecessarily due to fault on the part of contractor and/or the quality of work is not as per the plan & estimate and the supplier does not make required rectification after being so instructed, the work order and contract shall be cancelled, the earnest money shall be forfeited, the supplier may be blacklisted and claim of payment of work already executed before such termination, may not be considered or entertained.
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