ETHNOGRAPHY 35109 Highway 79 South 11810 Pierce St. Stoneridge Estates Spc. 22 Riverwalk Executive Suites #209 Warner Springs, CA 92806 Riverside, CA 92505 CULTURAL/TRIBAL RESOURCE RECORDS SEARCH AND HISTORIC BUILDING PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBER 432-270-012 PREPARED FOR: City of San Jacinto 595 S. San Jacinto Ave. San Jacinto, CA. 92583 ON BEHALF OF: DSW CORP c/o Douglas Whitney 5524 Rich Hill Way Yorba Linda, CA 92886 PREPARED BY: SRSINC At Riverwalk 11810 Pierce St. #209 Riverside, CA 92505 Nancy Anastasia Wiley, PhD, RPA Principal Investigator, Author Michelle Garcia, BA(s) Graphic Production SRS Project No. 1804 January 2019 Keywords: Cultural/Tribal Resource Records Search, Historic Building Preliminary Assessment, Riverside County APN 432-270-012, 2451 West Seventh Street, San Jacinto, T4S, R1W, Section 32 SBBM, 1947 Concrete Block Vernacular Farmhouse, Hipped Composition Roof, Gabled Addition with Porch, Garage, Farm Complex Outbuildings. TABLE OF CONTENTS MANAGEMENT SUMMARY 2 INTRODUCTION AND NATURAL SETTING 6 PREHISTORIC SETTING 9 HISTORIC SETTING 12 HISTORIC CONTEXT AND PROPERTY HISTORY 17 RESEARCH DESIGN AND REGULATIONS 22 RESEARCH METHODS 28 RESEARCH RESULTS 29 ANALYSIS OF STUDY RESULTS 43 RECOMMENDED MITIGATION 46 REPORT CONCLUSIONS 47 REPORT CERTIFICATION 47 REFERENCES CITED 48 APPENDICES APPENIDX A: PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS APPENDIX B: CONFIDENTIAL NAHC SACRED LANDS FILE SEARCH & TRIBAL RESPONSES APPENDIX C: CONFIDENTIAL EASTERN INFORMATION CENTER RECORD SEARCH RESULTS APPENDIX D: PRIMARY SITE RECORD- #33-17928: 1947 CONCRETE FARMHOUSE LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Chronological Template for Native Occupation in the Region. Table 2. List of California Ranchos and their Location. Table 3. Newspaper Articles Referencing Sale of Cawston Ostrich Farms & Removal of Birds (1911-1914). Table 4. Dominant Plants in Typical Local Plant Communities and their Uses by Resident Native Americans. Table 5. Scoping Letters Tribal Recipient Chart Based on NAHC Contacts List. Table 6. Historic Structures Located on or Within a Mile-Radius of the Subject Property LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. General Location of Proposed Project Area USGS 1979 Santa Ana 1:250,000 Map. Figure 2. Location of APN 432-270-012 (11.5 acres) at Seventh & Sanderson in San Jacinto, CA. Figure 3. Tentative Tract Map for the Project Area (11.5 acres). Figure 4. Map of Southern California Ecoregion. Figure 5. Map of the Ancestral Territories and Location of the Project Area. Figure 6. Map of the California Ranchos. Figure 7. Showing plucking Ostrich Plumes, Plumes made into an Ostrich Fan, and different forms of Riding with Ostriches. Figure 8. 1867 Plat Map for Township T4S, R1W, San Bernardino Meridian. Figure 9. Project Area as Shown on Respective Historic Aerial Photographs. Figure 10. 1967 Historic USGS Map and 1967 Aerial Photograph Showing Location of the Project Area. Figure 11. Entrance to the Residential Complex Surrounded by Mature Stand of Trees. Figure 12. Eastern Side of Building Complex Showing Gabled Addition Attached to the Southern Side (Front) of 1947 Concrete Block House. Figure 13. Views of Eastern Side of 1947 House and Highlights of Concrete Brick Construction. Figure 14. View of Back of Concrete Structure looking South and Very Old Willow Tree. Figure 15. Repair Seams on East Side and South or Back Wall of the Main Structure. Figure 16. View of Back of Concrete Structure Showing Attached Wooden Converted Garage Looking Southwest. Figure 17. Closeup of Old Shiplap Construction on Part of the Attached Garage and Views Looking East at the Complex. Figure 18. View of Front of Building Complex Looking Northwest Showing Attached Garage and Gabled Wooden Addition to the 1947 Concrete House. Figure 19. Entrance to Ranch Looking North Showing Fence Complexes Bordering 7th St. Figure 20. Examples of Animal Husbandry and Agricultural Products on the Ranch. Figure 21. Goats, Turkeys, Egg Laying Chickens and Cock Pens on the Ranch Near the Residential Structures. 1 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY In September 2018, SRSINC was contacted by Pam Weatherly, Blaine A. Wormer Civil Engineering, to conduct a Cultural/ Tribal Records Search and preliminary Historic Building Assessment for a 11.5-acre property lot situated in the San Jacinto area in southwestern Riverside County. The project area is located at Seventh and Sanderson Streets; it is in Township 4S, Range 1W, Section 32 of the San Bernardino Meridian; can be found on the USGS 7.5’ Lakeview Quadrangle and is identified as Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 432-270-012 (see Figures 1 and 2). The property owner, Mr. Mr. Douglas Whitney of DSW Corp, is seeking approval of 41-lot single family residential subdivision as shown on the Tentative Tract Map No. 37495 (Figure 3). The City is requiring a Cultural/ Tribal Records Check and evaluation of Historic Structure(s) on the Project Area/Area of Potential Effect (APE) as part of the Land Use Application. A record search was requested by SRSINC Principal Investigator, Dr. Nancy Anastasia Wiley (see resume: Appendix A) on October 10, 2018, from the Eastern Information Center (EIC) located at the University of California, Riverside. The results were mailed to SRSINC on November 2, 2018.The EIC is the official cultural resource records repository for Riverside County and is part of the California Historical Resource Information System, established and maintained under the auspices of the Office of Historic Preservation. The record search identified 30 previous cultural resources studies/surveys within one mile of the project area; none included the subject property (see Appendix C). Further, the EIC records show that a total of 13 cultural resources have been recorded within one mile of the project area. One of the thirteen resources was located within the project area: 33-17928: a 1947 Concrete Farmhouse (see Appendix D). The Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) was contacted on October 19, 2018 by Michelle Garcia to request a Sacred Lands File record search to serve as a preliminary method to locate areas of potential adverse impact within the area of potential effect (APE) (see Appendix B). The NAHC response was received on October 26, 2018. The NAHC record search did not produce any record of Native American cultural resources or sacred lands within a one- mile radius of the proposed project. SRSINC contacted thirty-eight (38) entities representing nearby Native groups. SRSINC received comments back from 8 tribal groups including: Agua Caliente and Augustine Bands of Cahuilla Indians, Cabazon, Morongo, San Manuel and 29 Palms Bands of Mission Indians, and the Pauma and Soboba Bands of Luiseno Indians. The Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians is the only tribal group requesting formal consultation; the others either deferred to Soboba or stated that the project area was outside their traditional territorial boundaries. An in-field survey of buildings within the project area was conducted on November 23rd, 2018 by the SRSINC historical crew under the direction of Dr. Wiley. A 1940s simple vernacular concrete block house had been identified by the records check as a building of potential historic interest within the project area. This structure was examined in detail; given its altered and damaged state it does not meet the criteria for significance. Aside from the residence, no prehistoric or potential historic cultural resources were identified within the project area. As all other known recorded resources located within one mile from the project are outside of the project’s view shed and would not derive any potential significance based on the project area, the project will not have any impact on neighboring resources. In order to mitigate any negative impacts on potential subsurface cultural resources, specifically as related to the historic building complex within the project area, and as is customary within the City of San Jacinto, we recommend monitoring of all ground-breaking activities by both a Riverside County qualified archaeological monitor and a Native American monitor. In the event that any evidence of cultural resources is discovered, all work within the vicinity of the find should stop until the qualified consultant can assess the find and make recommendations. 2 Figure 1. General Location of Proposed Project Area USGS 1979 Santa Ana 1:250,000 Map. 3 Figure 2. Location of APN 432-270-012 (11.5 acres) at Seventh & Sanderson in San Jacinto, CA. Note House Depicted by Square at the North End of the Dashed Driveway. 4 Figure 3. Tentative Tract Map for the Project Area (11.5 acres). Historic Concrete House is Situated Top Center in the Residential Area at the North End of the Entrance Driveway (grey underlayer). 5 INTRODUCTION AND NATURAL SETTING Project Goals The goals for this research and survey are to locate and record the presence of any cultural resources as defined by CEQA (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, §15000 et seq.) within the proposed project area. If identified, resources are to be recorded and put into archaeological and/or historical context. All cultural resources discovered will be documented utilizing State of California Department of Parks and Recreation Archaeological Site Forms (DPR523 series). As a general guideline, historic and/or archaeological sites will be evaluated based on the presence of three or more historically significant artifacts within a 100-meter radius, or one or more historical or archaeological features. Using the California Department of Parks and Recreation Archaeological Site Forms in conjunction with a careful surface survey and examination of all built structures on the property, all isolates and sites will be assessed using the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) criteria for significance determination, the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR) significance criteria under CEQA (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, §15000 et seq.), and City of San Jacinto General Plan. If any cultural or historical resources are identified, SRSINC will provide recommendations on how to mitigate any negative effects that may be caused by the proposed project.
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