Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1944-1945 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1945 Eastern Progress - 09 Feb 1945 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1944-45/9 \ EASTERNStudent Publication of Eastern KentuckyPROGRESS State Teachers College RICHMOND, KY., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1945 VOLUME 23 NUMBER 9 Coach Speaks Maroons Win Over At Assembly Murray and Western Kyma Sponsors Pep Rally for Fifteenth Victory -Eastern's Maroons turned their faces westward last week for two contests with powerful conference rlvald, and Coach Rankin's Coach Rome Rankin was the boys decided that three hundred miles was too far to travel to lose chief speaker for the assembly £*& rR""?^?"™' Murra> ,el1 ln a thrill-packed program last Wednesday, January to 36 Easterners toppled the Western quint 44 31. Misa Madeline Corman lea we devotional reading. It .was on Monday night that the Maroons met their arch rivals. The Kyma Club, with the cheer- w£h wJH ^WUng >PrT- The HU,toPPert symn whammed leaders: Eileen Rensing Lewis, Ruby Owens, Robbie Owens, Juan* VerC mln M ita Shepherd, Katherine Mullins, STS^LS StSS *"" ° ° * * ^S^JTt and Phy(is Heymer, led the stu- Wl rP Lewta urtn dent body in a pep rally for the Mnu ?J r5! , P° s* the Points through the hoop and BUI team „™l° e 7! Matae; /natch'"K the rebounds, the Extern team which is to travel over the team simply hadh 0 too much for Coach Ed Diddles bovs to hartdlT week end to play two hard games, Murray and Western respectively. of Ngh'scorer1 * P°tatl *"»* * "et tor hl» 5&£l»"58. Some of the main thoughts and Eastern led 15 to 10 midway In the first half, and at intermlMinn ideas that Coach Rankin presented 2 0 24 r to the audience were the questions fra'ntTcalTvYn^thi ,, , '° 2X Wdmum* crew Wes ern^outfS of what are we looking forward to in the future; what are we do- ing to better ourselves for the future; and what are we contrib- Above are the Maroon cheer- We are printing the yells that Eastern locomotive n r hl 8Corer Murphy on tallled g vel1 the mo (Spell 3 times and yell 3 times) F^«r^ T £' , * el*™! uting to the good cause of the fu- leaders. They are, from left: *■ " °"en. * or Eastern Lewis was aided in the scorine- bv rtrn m™™, „,fc_ ture "Did you ever ask yourself," E-a-s-t-e-r-n, he said, "the question of what I Katherine Mullins, Mt. Vernon; Yea, Western. E-a-s-t-e-r-n, as an individual am doing to make Robbie Owen, Leitfihfield; Eileen E-a-s-t-e-r-n, v Eastern a better school?" He as- Rensing Lewis, Brooklyn, New Eastern 8ay9' hel,o! Eastern, Eastern, Eastern! serted that it was a problem not York; Ruby Owen, Leitchfield; only here in school but It would V-l-«-t-oir-y, always be before us, and we could Juanita Shepherd, Winchester; and yea Maroon! V-l-€-t-o-r-y, better face it by squaring our Phyllis Hemer, Covlngton. They yea, White! V-i-rf-t-o-r-y, sr.es wesst* •'=*«*-war i ;= shoulders and holding our head have led the college in yells Yea, Eastern! Victory, victory, victory! high as we prepared for the future. throughout the basketball season. Fight, fight, fight! Beat-WESTERN In this program Coach Rankin They will lead the cheering at also thanked the student body for Beat-WESTERN three more games this season. To- mBHHpMisi the splendid support and.excellent (Wll Beat-WESTERN cooperation and help they had morrow night we meet the Uni- ^^v7 BOOM! RAH! B.e.a.t_Beat WESTERN! given to the team, fie said that versity of Louisville again; on the team always felt like playing Wednesday night, February 14, we Maroon— -Fight harder when the student body was engage Lincoln Memorial Uni- White- -Fight off the beam and only got four points y Mgan *** way behind backing them. He also versity. Both of these games will We're with' ya team Team -Fight . continued "Sometimes the students be played on the home floor. East- We're with ya team Maroon, white, team FIGHT! but tfS^^SSgOS F£g £&« the first Mt can even win the game by good ern meets its traditional rival, We'll beat urn, beat-um, beat-um. support." Western, in the Weaver gym- We're with ya team Go, Eastern, Go! Art Exhibition The program was closed by sing- nasium on Friday, February 17. We're with ya team Go, Eastern, Go! Rehearsals For LTC ing the pep song, accompanied by This will be the game of the sea- We'll beat-um, beat-um, Go, Eastern, Go, Eastern, Go, Go, Due at Eastern Miss Betty Still at the organ. ■on. BEAT-UM! Go!! Production Being Held An exhibition of oil paintings Rehearsals for the Little Veronica Mimosa Eastern Welcomes POPULARITY ELECTION Seven Members Of by Celine Baekeland, well known Theater Club's first production of You have nominated the fol- Belgian artist, is due here at the the year are underway. The play Gives Concert Returning Team lowing people by your votes. Frim Milestone Staff Named art gallery in the Fitzpatrick Arts The Steadfast Tin Soldier", will these you will elect one for each Building. The delay is believed to be dramatized in the Brock The Fine Arts and Entertain- When Eastern's, Rome Rankin title. Seven members of the staff of be the result of transportation Auditorium on Friday afternoon, ment Committee of Eastern pre- and his victorious Maroons re- Miss Eastern the ' Milestone have been chosen difficulties and is expected to ar- February 16, at 3 o'clock sented Veronica Mimoso, distin- Virginia Schoonover Q by a committee composed of the rive at any time, according to Dr. Little Theater Club member* turned ltae Tuesday from a five- Fred P. Giles, head of the Arts guished young pianist, in a piano day stay in Western Kentucky, Alene Polao ...Q editor, Betty Jo Picklesimer; the this year followed in the foot- concert In Hiram Brock Audi- they were greeted by Eastern president of the senior class, Elois Department at Eastern. steps of prominent producers who torium, February 8, at eight o'- Le Faun Maggard [.") Tucker; the senior sponsor, Miss Celine Baekeland Is the widow have presented children's *an- with open arms. The open arms Petar clock. Miss Mimoso has appeared consisted, to be specific, of every- Miss Popularity Edith Ford; and the Milestone of the late Leo H. Baekeland, not- in Richmond in previous years and sponsor, Fred P. Giles. Other mem- ed scientist, inventor of Bakelite. EmP'J'SLflWizard of Oz," which" proved Pan" even «d body at Eastern, a special sur- Grace Carol Meade each time her playing has met prise dinner, with a huge cake Ut, bers will be appointed as the need She Is a member of the Allied more popular with the adults thaw with great applause and sincere and a centerpiece of maroon and Phyllis Hemer Q of them arises. Artists of America, National As- with the children. admiration. The present members of the staff sociation of Women Artists, Na- white carnations. Faye Jonea Q "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" la It is not often that a young pi- The dinner was served at six arc besides the editor: assistant tional Arts Club, Southern States' Dorothy Halloway's dramatization anist with such astonishing mus- o'clock to an altogether unsuspec- Mr. Popularity editor, Ruth Rice; business man- Art Association, Art Association of of Hans Christian Anderson's ical ability as Miss Mimoso pos- ting team. The table was set in Charles Splcer □ ager, Henrietta J. Miller; assist Newport, Society of Four Arts in story The play is a drama of sesses can be heard. the center of the large dining room ant business manager, Nina May- Palm Beach, Blue Dome of Mi- how toys come to life when the She is a graduate of the Con- of the college cafeteria. The Joe Hagenaoer „ □ field; art editor, Pauline Ambur- ami, Yoi.Kers Art Association, Pen grown-ups aren't around. It has and Brush Club, East Hampton servatory of Musical Art in New crowd cheered *as the team enter- Cevil Shyrock □ gey; feature editor, Katherine Fas- the traditional triangle of hero York, and the Manhattan School ed the cafeteria. The centerpiece sett; class editor, Mildred Stamp- Guild, and other art organizations. and heroine vs. villain. of Music. She has been presented of the table was a banquet of red Fred Lewis ,..D er McHenry; sports editor, Jim Mrs. Baekeland has held one* The Richmond American Asso- in Town Hall and has appeared maroon carnations, the com- ft: Wade; secretaries, Aline Dolan man exhibitions at many import- ciation of University Women with the New York Philharmonic pliments of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miss McPherson and Mary Lou Snyder. ant museums throughout the Un- charge of ticket sales. and the Cincinnati Symphony Or- Reichspfarr. Red candles lined Appointments for having pic- ited States, including the Currier chestra. Eugene Hoassens, direc- the table. In Cpncert Sunday tures made at Stanifer's Studio Gallery in Manchester, New Hamp- tor of the Cincinnata Symphony On the menu were: baked have been posted. shire, the Eastman Gallery ln Dr. Keith Speaks has said that Veronica Mimoso is chicken and dressing, creamed The Student Union Music Com- Anyone who has his picture Rochester, New York, Purdue Un- At Lions Meeting "one of the most phenomenal per- peas, potatoes, hot rolls and but- mittee will present Miss Frances made at MacGaughey's Studio will iversity in Indiana, Lyman Allyn formers for her age of the present have to pay for it himself.
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