Desktop Virtualization: Not for every user – but it is for every company Industry researchers are forecasting steady growth in the desktop virtualization market. According to Gartner, “HVD (hosted virtual 1 Source: Gartner, “Emerging desktop) deployments are forecast to reach 74 million users by Technology Analysis: Servers 1 Deployed to Support Hosted Virtual 2014 or 15% of professional desktop users.” in addition, Gartner Desktops,” 18 March 2010. also states, “while the installed base is relatively small today, 2 Source: Gartner, “Hosted Virtual Gartner has spoken to clients with deployment plans that include Desktops Are the Catalyst Behind Changing How Organizations 2 tens of thousands of employees using HVDs in an organization.” Manage Storage,” October 2009. Tech Dossier If you think desktop virtualization should only be discussed in theoretical terms, or put on the back burner because it’s not ready for today’s environ- ment, think again. Desktop virtualization products and services are viable and available; it behooves IT and business executives to begin exploring how the technology can transform the way people work. Desktop virtualization may well turn out to be the most disruptive technology innovation since server virtualization in the 1990’s and even perhaps since the advent of the personal computer itself. Decision makers should look at it as a new way of computing that leads to enhanced IT controls, improved intellectual property management and substantial employee productivity improvements. Industry researchers are forecasting broad economic impact on organiza- Desktop solution with 15 desktops us- steady growth in the desktop virtual- tions. As with most organizations the ing Dell™ OptiPlex™ flexible comput- ization market. Gartner predicted in initial focus is on hard cost savings, ing systems and Dell PowerEdge™ its March 2010 “Emerging Technology which for desktop virtualization are servers with Intel® Xeon® processors. Analysis: Servers Deployed to Support quantifiable if the organization runs Hosted Virtual Desktops” report that the an effective desktop environment. The pilot was immediately successful, hosted virtual desktop market will ac- But hard costs are only part of the prompting the Guadalajara NOC to celerate through 2014, reaching 74 mil- economic impact. Examples of soft request that it be rolled out to ap- lion users. In its October 2009 “Hosted costs include: the creation of a more proximately 85 desktops, creating a Virtual Desktops Are the Catalyst Behind efficient enterprise; increased em- redundant NOC resource that could Changing How Organizations Manage ployee productivity; the support of a be used in the U.S. in the event of an Storage” report, Gartner notes that while distributed workforce; improved secu- emergency. Dell is also planning to roll the installed base of virtual desktops is rity; support for business continuity/ the Managed Virtual Desktop solution relatively small, some organizations plan disaster recovery; and reduced energy out at its Malaysian facility outside to deploy them to tens of thousands of consumption. Kuala Lumpur. employees. Organizations in a variety of indus- While desktop virtualization is avail- A new survey commissioned by Dell tries already are seeing some of the able as a contingency solution, the and conducted by market research benefits of a move to desktop virtu- benefits spread far beyond. Ben Taylor, and consulting firm Penn Schoen Ber- alization. At Dell itself, for example, global NOC manager, observes, “The land (PSB) shows that over 80 percent the H1N1 flu outbreak in Mexico had a Dell Managed Virtual Desktop solution of the large enterprises in the U.S. and silver lining: the perfect opportunity to allows us to control the environment U.K. surveyed have already initiated pilot a desktop virtualization solution. and maintain tighter security.” desktop virtualization deployment in some capacity. Improving data secu- Dell Guadalajara’s network operations Mr. CIO, Tear Down rity and reducing costs are top motiva- center (NOC) was concerned that tions for deployment, and adopters the outbreak might make it difficult This Wall! often focus on things like lowest total for employees to come to work and Deploying desktop virtualization cost of ownership when evaluating for others to travel to Mexico. At the presents formidable challenges. Com- desktop virtualization partners, ac- same time, Dell had been working on panies must first recognize that this cording to the report. a Managed Virtual Desktop solution is a disruptive technology, crossing and was looking for an opportunity traditional IT organizational boundar- Desktop virtualization promises a to implement a pilot. Dell Guadalajara ies and substantively modifying how number of key benefits that can have a implemented a pilot Managed Virtual enterprise applications and infrastruc- Tech Dossier: Desktop Virtualization 2 ture are utilized by many employees. extend applications to remote users be managed before, during and after Like the first personal computers were worldwide. With desktop virtualization the implementation through effective to typewriters, desktop virtualization the desktop is now in the data center, communication among management represents a significant shift in the way right next to those applications, basi- and staff. things are done. cally providing every employee with LAN performance. Desktop virtualization is for every The technology fundamentally company, but it’s not necessarily for changes the way employees use en- For many organizations, a key ques- every user, especially early on. Some terprise applications and dramatically tion will be who manages this new types of workers and functions are alters the way a company’s IT assets environment. Because the technol- better suited to the technology, while are controlled. Employees will have to ogy involves moving the desktop others will do well continuing with understand that previous individual to the data center, turf battles could traditional PCs. For example, road freedoms created mass amounts of result. For example, the majority of the warriors will not likely replace their variability that substantially increased desktop virtualization investment is laptops; (although the day will come management costs and exposed them within the enterprise data center for when providing every employee a vir- and the company to security and server, storage and network. End-user tual desktop as their primary comput- privacy issues. devices, which may or may not be ing device is within reach). It’s up to IT replaced, are managed by the people and business managers to determine Perhaps the most dramatic change in charge of desktop computing rather where virtualization fits best. will be the improved access and sheer than by data center managers. performance of enterprise applica- In addition, the implementation of Another challenge is deciding which tions on a global basis. For example, desktop virtualization fundamentally of the desktop virtualization technolo- today many companies utilize ex- shifts control from the individual end gies available are the most suitable for pensive terminal services (Citrix and user to the data center or IT organi- the company or the particular user Microsoft are the most notable) to zation. These cultural aspects must groups or business functions that will initially implement them. Each vendor and technology has its strengths and weaknesses, and offers a variety of features and capabilities that compa- nies need to carefully consider. Today just two vendors (VMware and Citrix) represent more than 90 percent of the desktop virtualization software market. Security is yet another challenge. Organizations must be sure that the virtualized desktop environment is protected against security breaches. According to the PSB survey, security is the top motivation for deploying desktop virtualization and also the top barrier. Companies are most con- cerned with security features, func- tions and controls. Steps to success Organizations that are considering or The team should include people from various planning a move to desktop virtualiza- tion first need to identify and put in disciplines within IT: enterprise applications, place a strong cross-organizational servers, desktops, networking, and storage, as team lead by a change agent who will push through barriers in both IT and well as virtual desktop architects and engineers. the business community. The team should include people from various Tech Dossier: Desktop Virtualization 3 disciplines within IT: enterprise appli- the excitement of working with new one of the top desktop virtualization cations, servers, desktops, networking, technology can lead to viral adoption, vendors. Two-thirds of the respon- and storage, as well as virtual desktop at which point organizations can let dents expect Dell to be a leader in the architects and engineers. user acceptance of the technology category. Upon learning that Dell offers drive successive deployments. desktop virtualization, more than half Building the team is step one. In the U.S. respondents said they were step two the CIO or other top-level Tapping a trusted more likely to consider deploying it. IT executive must spread the word among key business stakeholders to advisor Dell’s desktop virtualization approach qualify and quantify the IT and busi- Choosing a trusted advisor—someone takes into account the people, pro- ness reasons to initiate the project. It’s who can define the path that yields cesses and
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