SBBB1 mm ••« BEST ISSUE AVAILABLE G01D 'Wn**^ OVER $1400!! Milestone 3BV Farmer feature Westem-WashtenY •—•—-**cXft-TP^HTT^C-tfo9" ' ~-se Acres owner GOLD & SILVER Area NMlue Expref CHE^SEA D1ST L,BRARV about her craft turns 35. 221 S MAIN ST PageS-B ^ Sell Your Unwanled/ CHELSEA Ml 48118-1267 ' Broken Jewelry Here Wt BUY - COINS & CURRENCY . 1\;UT (filing II 70S. MAIN STREET •CHELSEA (/34)433-9900 Minutes from Ann Arbor 1-94 Exit 159 Heritage VOL. 138, No. 27 THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2011 Web: Make sure to click • on www.heritage.com v around the clock (or the most in-depth coverage of Washtenaw County. Our most vk*we<rstory this week Is "Staff layoffs at Jeff Daniels' Purple Rosei Theatre* ' By Ericj McCain . customer information was- Heriti'je Media " , ' compromised and we had no security breach of bur com­ Chelsea State Bank has puter sygtem." bew.,makingsecurity ' - Mann said he was proud Checkout changes in the past month of his'employees for iden-. after fraudulent debit card ' tifying the fraud so quickly our video: charges totaling morethan and stopping it and identify­ • Sounds & Sights: $380,000 hit bank accounts ing customers'concerns. The Dexter Jazz Morns over Mother's Day weekend. "My staff came in • WAVE anniversary The chai ges were iden-; . Saturday morning and saw tified the day before the many charges denied from Heritage Media , Australia and knew some- Sunday holiday and forced 1 Mark Braun, otherwise known as Mr. B, hauls his 352-pound piano with the the bank's staff to shut, thing was up and tried to help of his bandmates on a previous Joybox Express Tour. down its system to stop the stop the fraud in its tracks monster; fraud., tright there by not allow­ > Click on the "jobs" tab' The bank Will reissue ing manual transactions," •on the home page of our • debit cards to all its custom­ Mann said, "but we needed website or go directly to ers on July 6 and, going for- cooperation from our ven- - http://lobs.heritage.com. " ward, wil1 block debit card • "dors to make it happen," ' ' activity in foreign countries. He said if the bank hadn't According to a press release taaen the drastic measure JolnusonlWttter. from the bank, customers of shutting down its system .Become a Chelsea By Erica McClain •.>• will conduct fundraising ridealohgs. should notify the bank about then and there, the loss Standard follower. Click Heritage media - ., Participating group riders mail in foreign travel to keep their , would have tripled. on the Twitter tab on "On Monday morning the home page of our ', pledge forms for charities of their • card activated abroad. website or go directly Bike riding more than 200 miles can choice and 100 percent of the funds are In addition, John Mann, _ we had long lines of cus­ 10 http^/twlfter.com/ be one tough iourney, but how about 4 donated. the bank'spresidentand tomers at our doors at 9 ChelseaDexter. with a piano in tow? Braun said on June 30 that aboir CEO, said the financial a,m. following the fraud," ThaTs exactly what Mark Braun, bet­ six teams had already formed and one institution will cover late .Mann said. "Many thought ter known as boogie woogie blues pia­ person had already raised $600 for the' > fees for customers who'can their accounts were empty becauie Wtnade the com­ nist Mr, B, and his bandmates have set Greater Ann Arbor Ecology Centerf y'' document losses and show Facebook: -bat to do in for the third year in, a row "(The tour is) about community - they didnothaye another puters think accounts were Click on the facebook on their Joybox Express Tour. •_"• building and bringing people together way to pay bills durin&th* zeroed out. tab on the home page of The quartet, Mr. B, drummer Pete from different groups and enlightening"' shutdown period. s "It was a daunting task our website or search for V but our employees stood us On Facebook. Siers, guitarist Brian Delaney and each other with the prospects for their . •u, ' " 'I The bank is enoouragutg •, up and, really, I can't say bassist Carl Hildebrant set put July 2 in own individual projects and groups customers who continue to • .-.'••/'•V •••••'-. ' •: * . Holland, Mich, for a 12-day trip across suGceedinr'iri making our little small have an.y problems to. call or enough about how my Michigan ending in Detroit. spots better places," Braun said. 'And I visit a branch office. employees responded and The blues band will stop over in •' „. would encourage people to be a part of "We regret this inconve- also how understanding cus­ Chelsea on July 10 for a°l p.m. show at that and ride a little ride with us. : nience, but safeguarding tomers have been" the Chelsea District Library. "We're pulling 500 pounds, so don't * our customers' funds and Though the'FBI case But the ride isn't just about biking worry, we wonS be going very fast." v per; onal information was^ remains unsolved, Mann ine mani0i|Haco; and* playing music around the state. our top priority,"Mann said, r Local ads are On several concert stops, the band •' :,PLEASE T0UR/3*A "No customer lost-money, no, PLEASE BANK/15-A just a hop away at the Mlcentral.com marketplace. While you are there, you can check out all the special supplements of Journal Register Co. newspapers in Michigan, Click on "marketplace'' BySean Daltorv Jiat end of the operation is going on the home page of our Heritage Media .• .'••'''•;*••• very well," Sanville said. "It/was website or go directly just time to make a change. These to www.marketpjace. Staff at the Purple Rose were great people. It had noth­ mlcehtraLcom/ROP/' Theatre. Company in Chelsea ing to do with their performance Categories.aspx. ,- confirmed Friday the layoff of, and they're moving oh to other three employees, including long­ things." time Managing Director Alan Sanville said he couldn't provide r N Ribant. The theater is the brain­ any more details because there are , INDEX child of Holly wojod actor and still Purple Rose Theatre Company Chelsea native Jeff Daniels board meetings that need to take Editorial Page6-A of "Terms of Endearment" and place so that the company's man­ "Dumb and Dumber" fame. aging directors can hash out what Calendar Page 3<B The employee, who asked not to the future staff roster is going to be identified, said that the staff , look like and whether duties heed . Deaths . PagefrA "moved oh to-better opportuni­ to be reshuffled or existing staff ties," particularly when, asked fof will be shifting to new posts; Sports Page1-C Ribant.' > The three employees are still on Artistic Director Guy Sanville the payroll, Sanville said, despite. Community Pagel-B downplayed the layoffs and headed a source close to foe affected off any speculation that the cut^ . employees on Facebook saying News Tip HotHne: 475-1371 backs were ah indication of the. that the three employees were let theater company being in any goon Wednesday "without prior financial straits. •- * notice .; (due) to budget cuts," , "In this case, it's not bad atall," The Facebook source indicated . Sanville said. "People are moving that he wanted the theater to be •on to other opportunities. We are forthcoming withtafonhatibn on downsizing a bit... we're just get- who was let go and how severe the ting ourselves.in a better situation budgetQUts, if any, were going to to face the future." •' be;..-::: -•.•-/-: 'File'.Photo "We're in great.shape... we have Printed on ^ Bi»t»eM^MM, Jeff Daniels efts inside tte recycled paper ® to fund-raise $700,000 a year (and) PLEASESEE LAY0FF8/3* ^eatg. Daniels 1buiHledthethealBrin1991. Just 15 Minutes from 1-94 • No entrance fee y . <JANTON STARTING AT $2,895 PER MONTH RETIREMENT with medication administratidn in ALL levels of care CENTERS, INC. 5025 Ann Arbor Road, Jackson, Ml :.com ,5#;;^' •764-2000 for your no obligation tourl ^M^iki PAGE 2-A • www.h0rltage.con1 THURSDAY, JULY 7, 201 t La Fontaine Is A j American J, Cancer • It nsor % Society ncourages tveryone To Participate Cancer survivor helps fight back through American Cancer Society Relay for Life in Saline. It's the beginning of Spring. The weather is starting to warm and the outdoors ts beginning to blossom. It's that'time oTyeaf after a hard winter when you can fee! like everything is just awesome.' Even though physically you're just not feeling quite right. Must be a tit of those yearly allergies you get. But soon you find that your symptoms are getting much worse. You're getting tired more often. Soon you feel like you must have a very batfftu. YourenergV level is quickly dropping evenI more. Severe night sweats begin. Youthink this just can't bethe flu, something else must be wrong. Next you notice to large lumps.inyour neck and are beginning to feel them unde^your arms. Nowyou are sure, something very serious is goingon. You hold on to wait for the insurance to kick in. You don't say muchto anyone, don't want to worry them. Finally the Doctor visit comes; 'it's a struggle to go, but your still able to do it with a smile. Even With some fun and laughter Head back to <- work to struggle through rest of the day. It's getting close to time for you to shut down oh your late night, J- - then the office phone rings. It's the doctor; her voice comes through its very somber and you think she is going to cry arsee starts to talk.
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