
301 (IV). Question of Indonesia which have materially assisted m bringing relief to Palestine refugees ; The Gtnerai Assembly, , 5. Recognizes that, without prejudice to the Having regard to its resolution 274 (III):i1 of provisions of paragraph 11 of General Assembly 11 May 1949, resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948, con­ l. Welcomes the announcement that an agree­ tinued assistance for the relief of the Palestine ment was reached at the Round Table Confer­ refugees is necessary to prevent conditions of ence held at The Hague between 23 August and starvation and distress among them and to further 2 November 1949; conditions of peace and stability, and that con­ structive measures should be undertaken at an 2. Cam mends the parties concerned and the early date with a view to the termination of inter­ United Nations Commission for Indonesia for national assistance for relief; their contributions thereto ; 6. Considers that, subject to the provisions of 3. Welcomes the forthcoming establishment of paragraph 9 ( d) of the present resolution, the the Republic of the United States of Indonesia equivalent of approximately $33,700,000 will be as an independent, sovereign State. required for direct relief and works programmes ior the period 1 January to 31 December 1950 of 27211d plenary meeting, which the equivalent of $20,200,000 is required 7 December 1949. ior direct relief and $13,500,000 for works pro­ grammes ; that the equivalent of approximately $21,200,000 will be required for works pro­ 302 (IV). A~sistancc to Palestine grammes from 1 January to 30 June 19 51, all refugees inclusive of administrative expenses; and that The General Assrn1/1/y, rlircct relief should be terminated not later than 31 December 1950 unless otherwise determined Recalling its resolutions 212 (111) 32 of 19 No­ by the General Assembly at its fifth regular vember 1948 and l <J..J. ( [ 11 J :;:; of 11 December ,iession ; 1948, affirming in particular the provisions of 7. Establishes the United Nations Relief and paragraph 11 of the latter resolution, vVorks Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Having examined with appreciation the first Near East: interim report31 of the United Nations Economic (a) To carry out in collaboration with local Survey Mission for the ?-.Iiddle East and the re­ governments the direct relief and works pro­ port"" of the Secretary-Ceneral on assistance to g-rammes as recommended by the Economic Sur­ Palestine refugees, vey Mission; l. Expresses its appreciation to the Govern­ ( /J) To consult with the interested Near East­ ments which have generously responded to the ern Covernments concerning measures to be taken appeal embodied in its resolution 212 (III), and by them preparatory to the time when inter­ to the appeal of the Secretary-Ccneral, to con­ national assistance for relief and works projects tribute in kill(l or in funds tu the alleviation of is no longer available; the conditions of starvation and distress among the Palestine refugees; ~- Establishes an Advisory Commission con­ sisting of representatives of France, Turkey, the 2. Expresses also its gratitude to the Interna­ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern tional Com,nittee of the Reel Cross, to the League Ireland and the United States of America, with of Red Cross Societies and to the American power to acid not more than three additional Friends Service Committee for the contribution members from contributing Govcrnmenb, to ad­ they have made to this humanitarian cause by dis­ vise and assist the Director of the United Nations charging, in the face of great difficulties, the re­ Relief and \Vorks Agency for Palestine Refugees sponsibility they voluntarily assumed for the di;;­ in the Near East in the execution of the pro­ tribution of relief supplies and the general care oi gramme; the Director and the Advisory Commis­ the refugees; and welcomes the assurance the:, sion shall consult with each N car Eastern Gov­ have given the Secrdary-Ccneral that the, ,,,·ill ernment concerned in the selection, planning and continue their co-operation ·with thl' United execution of projects; Nations until the end of l\farch 1950 on a nrntu­ ally acceptable basis; 'I. Requests the Secretary-General to appoint the Director of the United Nations Relief and 3. Commends the United Xations International \Vorks ,\gency for Palestine Refugees in the Children's Emergency Fund for the important Near East in consultation with the Governments contribution which it has made towards the United represent eel nn the Ach·isory Commission; Nations programme of assistance : aml conm1ernls those specialized agencies which have rendered (a) The Director shall be the chief executive assistance in their respective fields, in particular officer of the United Nations Relief and \Vorks the \Vorld Health Organization, the United :\gency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Nations Erlucational, Scientil1c and Cultural Or­ responsible to the General Assembly for the ganization and the l ntPrnational Ref ugce Or­ opnation of the programme; ganization; ( /,) The Director shall select and appoint his 4. Exprcss,·s ib thanks to the mmwrous reli­ staff in accordance with general arrangements gions, charit;11,k and l111111:u1itari;m organizations made in agreement with the Secretary-General, :II Sec ()flicic1f R1'r"1 1 rds of flic third session of fh1· Gen­ 31 See Official Records of the fourth session of the Gen­ er,,( .·lssc,n/,f.\', florf I!. Rc...,()111tic111-,, pag-L' 19. rra/ .·1ssc111h/_\'. A1111cz to the Ad Hoe Political Commit/re, "" Ibid., !'art I. Resolutions, page 66. document A/1106. 33 Ibid., page 21. "'' Ibid., documents A/1060 and A/1060.'.\,ld.1. 23 including such of the staff rules and regulations Assembly resolution 212 (III) and to make with­ of the United Nations as the Director and the drawals therefrom for the operation of the United Secretary-General shall agree are applicable, and Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees and, upon to the extent possible utilize the facilities and the request of the Director, for the operations of assistance of the Secretary-General; the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East; ( c) The Director shall, in consultation with the Secretary-General and the Advisory Commit­ 17. Calls upon the Governments concerned to tee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, accord to the United Nations Relief and Works establish financial regulations for the United Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Nations Relief and Works Agency hr Palestine the privileges, immunities, exemptions and facili­ Refugees in the Near East; ties which have been granted to the United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees, together ( d) Subject to the financial regulations estab­ with all other privileges, immunities, exemptions lished pursuant to clause ( c) of the present and facilities necessarv for the fulfilment of its paragraph, the Director, in consultation with the functions ; , Advisory Commission, shall apportion available funds between direct relief and works projects in 18. Urges the United Nations International their discretion, in the event that the estimates Children's Emergency Fund, the International in paragraph 6 require revision ; Refugee Organization, the World Health Organi­ zation, the United Nations Educational, Scientific 10. Requests the Director to convene the Ad­ and Cultural Organization, the Food and Agricul­ visory Commission at the earliest practicable date ture Organization and other appropriate agencies for the purpose of developing plans for the organi­ and private groups and organizations, in con­ zation and administration of the programme, and sultation with the Director of the United Nations of adopting rules of procedure; Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees 11. Continues the United Nations Relief for in the Near East, to furnish assistance within the Palestine Refugees as established under General framework of the programme ; Assembly resolution 212 (III) until 1 April 1950, or until such date thereafter as the transfer re­ 19. Requests the Director of the United Nations ferred to in paragraph 12 is effected, and requests Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees the Secretary-General in consultation with the in the Near East : operating agencies to continue the endeavour to (a) To appoint a representative to attend the reduce the numbers of rations by progressive meeting of the Technical Assistance Board as stages in the light of the findings and recommen­ observer so that the technical assistance activities dations of the Economic Survey Mission; of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency 12. Instructs the Secretary-General to transfer for Palestine Refugees in the Near East may be to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency co-ordinated with the technical assistance pro­ for Palestine Refugees in the Near East the assets grammes of the United Nations and specialized and liabilities of the United Nations Relief for agencies referred to in Economic and Social 36 Palestine Refugees by 1 April 1950, or at such Council resolution 222 (IX) A of 1: .. ••"'USt date as may be agreed by him and the Director 1949; of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (b) To place at the disposal of the Technical for Palestine Refugees in the Near East ; Assistance Board full information concerning any 13. Urges all Members ~ the United Nations technical assistance work which may be done and non-members to make voluntary contribu­ by the United Nations Relief and vVorks Agency tions in funds or in kind to ensure that the amount for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, in order of supplies and funds required is obtained for that it may be included in the reports submitted each period of the programme as set out in para­ by the Technical Assistance Board to the Tech­ graph 6; contributions in funds may be made in nical Assistance Committee of the Economic and currencies other than the United States dollar in Social Council ; so far as the programme can be carried out in 20.
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