OCTOBER 12, 1964 50 CENTS Ilk 330 YEAR Q W Broadcasting THE BUSINESSSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO 73% of stations report increase in spot TV billing. p27 .? Radio income hit $681.1 million in '63, FCC says. p30 Radio talking about 24 -hour broadcast day. p82 :53 r.:= /- -J $11.5 million in TV station sales last week. p52 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 FOR GUARANTEED RATE PROTECTION FOR COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY FOR FIXED POSITION SPOTS TO DELIVER THE LARGEST AUDIENCES FOR CIRCULATION FOR MARKET INFORMATION FOR RELIABLE MERCHANDISING SUPPORT TO BE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOOD AND GREAT IN TWIN CITY TELEVISION! contact your nearest Peters, Griffin, Woodward, Inc. "Colonel" for the complete story wccoMinneapolis -St. Paul Great Lakes area magnates get some of their best ideas while shaving. And while they're eating breakfast, driving to and from In short, advertisers have found WJR's foreground radio work, relaxing at home -indeed, almost any time they a superb means of reaching top citizens in the Great Lakes happen to be listening to WJR. industrial community. Simply because those top citizens How come? Because WJR not only puts business news, go for exactly the same kind of adult programming that notes and roundups in its day-round fare of foreground our other 2 million regular listeners go for. radio. It also includes business commercials. For instance? Spot messages to styling VP's about new If you want to reach business leaders -by the hundred or uses for new metals. Or to top execs on new supplier by the handful -we hope you get one of sources for the annual automotive tool -up. Or to sales - your best ideas while reading this ad. A w minded board chairmen about new places to spend million - real brainstormer like "Say, why don't no KC WOO MS dollar ad budgets more effectively. we call our Henry I. Christal rep ?" DETROIT "St. Louis television is a brand-new ball game!"* ART BROCK ...winner of four Emmy Awards as an outstanding TV personality... brings his many talents to KTVI. THE r EXCITING *Art joins Spencer Allen, Pat Fontaine and Charlotte Peters- NEW as another member of the most ST. LOUIS Ze powerful television team in St. Louis. BROADCASTING, October 12, 1964 3 KRLD -TV is the dominant station in the Dallas -Fort Worth television market. According to the June /July ARB, your ad dollar buys a 40% Metro Share of Audience (Sign -On to Sign -Off, Monday thru Sunday). KRLD -TV also provides you with the greatest coverage in Texas (31% of ALL retail sales), reaching 807,100 TV Homes each week with a spending potential of $7.1 billion dollars.* Take advantage of Channel 4's PROVEN market domination. See your ADVER- TISING TIME SALES representative. °SRDS Consumer Market Data Jan. '64. represented nationally by Advertising Time Sales, Inc. THE L DALLAS TIMES HERALD STATIONS Clyde W, Rembert, President C'lai 4r Dai Ft WC MAXIMUM POWER TV -TWIN to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts 4 BROADCASTING, October 12, 1964 Bigger LBJ TV holdings? Without its consent and perhaps to CLOSED CIRCUIT its embarrassment, Lyndon B. John- son family may soon wind up with could lead to proceeding to bar groups on -air pay TV on UHF stations. Mr. increased ownership in television sta- from representing other than their Quinlan says pay TV is not primary tions. If it happens -and it's maybe own stations, as is already rule in reason for UHF acquisition, but he 60-40 that it will- here's how it will case of networks. does not deny that pay might be mixed come about: Texoma Broadcasters Study is brain child of Commis- into station's free service later. Inc., licensee of KXII -Tv Ardmore, sioner Robert E. Lee (CLosED CIR- Okla., is dickering to buy channel 10 CUIT, Aug. 31). He is concerned that Triple take KLFY -TV Lafayette, La., for more than groups might have unfair advantage NBC programers might wonder at $2 million. Majority stockholder in in with firms for competing station rep unpredictability of TV audiences. Texoma (75 %) is KwTx Broadcast- station clients. Other commissioners Teen -age love- making skit by comics ing Co., of which Texas Broadcasting terribly exercised about don't appear Mike Nichols and Elaine May on lack Co., which is principally owned by but neither were they averse matter; Paar Show couple of weeks ago President's wife and daugthters, owns to study being made. There's some brought round of parental protests to 29 %. Principal properties of Texas feeling that group representation of network and affiliates. Yet NBC Broadcasting Co., which was called non -owned stations might lead to authorities say skit not only was LBJ Co. until name was changed and abuses; indeed may even violate spirit cleared by their broadcast standards Johnson family stock put into trust if not letter of rules barring networks editors as tastefully done satire for that last December, after President took from same practice. hour (Fri., 10 -11 p.m. EDT) but had office, are KTBC- AM -FM -TV Austin, Tex. been carried on NBC twice before KwTx Broadcasting Co., in addition New career without incident: once on Perry Como to its 75% ownership of Ardmore Veteran broadcaster John F. Patt, Show, once on old Omnibus series. channel 12, owns 100% of KWTX- 58, who retired as chairman of Good- They think they've found explanation, TV Waco, Tex. (ch. 10), and 50% of however. will Stations (wja Detroit, WJRT[TV] Most complaints, they say, Tex. 3) as well as KBTx -TV Bryan, (ch. Flint, Mich.; WSAZ -AM -TV Huntington- came from Chicago area -specifically, 78.9% of radio station, KNAL Victoria, Charleston, W. Va.) after consumma- circulation area of Chicago Tribune, Tex. All TV stations involved, includ- tion of sales of properties last month, whose TV critic, Larry Wolters, had ing Louisiana outlet that Texoma hopes has opened office in Cleveland's Statler criticized it in print. to buy, hold CBS-TV affiliations, hotel as consultant to investors seek- though Bryan station is also affiliated ing broadcast properties. He's restrict- Job open with ABC-TV. Lafayette deal can be ing list to few clients and may himself Leaders of Station Representatives consummated without consent of trust- buy back into radio -TV. ee for Johnson holdings, and word is Association have been quietly looking around for new managing director, that relations between Johnsons and Suds in the eye majority stockholders in KwTx com- and chances seem good that one will plex are far from cordial. Principal Television stations and their repre- be chosen at Oct. 27 SRA board meet- owners of Lafayette station are Paul sentatives are reported to be elated ing -but not before. He will succeed H. and Thomas A. DeClouet. over hefty spending this year by beer Lawrence Webb, managing director and ale companies, with gross expendi- until he became vice president and Commercial clinic tures expected to soar to almost $80 general manager of KRLA Pasadena, million as against $68 million last year. Calif., and since then acting managing First of what could become series of Check with Television Bureau of Ad- director pending completion of sev- seminars on TV commercial produc- vertising indicates that substantial eral SRA projects already in work tion has been set by American Associ- boost is based partly on increased (BROADCASTING, Aug. 24). Mr. Webb ation of Advertising Agencies. It's to spending by such advertisers as Miller, is helping to screen prospects. be held Oct. 27 -28 at Charlotte, N. C., Liebmann, Pearl and Piel's breweries, with attendance limited to 30 repre- whose combined expenditures are ex- Glimpse of Eden sentatives of AAAA member agencies pected to top 100% over 1963. in North and South Carolina, Virginia, Here's man-sized list of long -range Georgia, Florida and Alabama (AAAA legislative goals National Association Pay in Chicago? of Broadcasters members will hear Southeast Conference). Plan is to cover full range of TV commercial produc- Pay TV may be factor in decision about Monday (Oct. 13) in Salt Lake City and NAB fall regional tion from local level to top- budget in of Marshall Field interests to buy into throughout conference tour: permanent, or at top production houses, with leading UHF station in Chicago (see story least longer term licenses with revoca- agency, independent and other produc- page 54). Field Communications, tion only for cause; legislation equat- in charge. If successful, AAAA which is headed by Sterling C. (Red) ers ing freedom of broadcasting with con- expects to schedule others. Quinlan, former Chicago vice presi- dent of ABC, has been studying all stitutional press freedoms; elimination of program control at FCC. Group reps under study forms of subscription television, on wire as well as on air, and is known Paul Comstock, NAB vice president Growing number of group station to be interested in staking out Chicago, for governmental affairs, says getting owners going into station representa- company's home base, for pay opera- Congress to enact program may "look tion business -to represent stations tion of one kind or another. Also like turning back Niagara" in view of other than their own -has sparked based in Chicago is Zenith Radio Capitol Hill's historic reluctance to FCC inquiry. There's nothing formal Corp., joint venturer with RKO Gen- trim FCC powers. But it must be about it yet -commission's network eral in on -air pay -TV experiment in done, Mr. Comstock says, and he'll be study staff was simply told to get facts. Hartford, Conn. Zenith has been is- seeking membership support for ideas But report staff eventually makes suing bullish reports about viability of during fall conference swing.
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