/ ^ \ THE O bserver The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Marys OLUME 43 : ISSUE 61 TUESDAY, DECEMBER2, 2008 Jenkins addresses economic crisis in letter President tells faculty and staff that University will survive the recession , but that it must operate more efficiently was not sent in response to how to address the ship of the University’s ments to financial aid, By AARON STEINER specific concerns, but he said University’s situation with resources is necessary at all research, graduate student News Writer Notre Dame is aware of regard to the recession have times, it is critical in these support, library funding, con­ p o t e n t i a l been ongoing during the past grave economic conditions,” struction projects, and faculty On the day when govern­ c o n c e r n s two or three weeks, stating he said, stating he has asked and staff salaries. ment officials announced that and issues. that such discussion are sim­ academic and administrative University Executive Vice the country has been in a “ W e ’ r e ply “prudent planning.” leaders to identify possible President John Affleck-Graves recession since December of not oblivi­ In the e-mail message, savings and reduce costs confirmed that current con­ 2007, University President Fr. ous to the dated Dec. 1, Jenkins said the where possible. struction projects will contin­ John Jenkins wrote to faculty e c o n o m ic University is “well positioned Jenkins also wrote that he ue to function, telling The and staff about the current conditions to weather the current asked the University budget Observer on Nov. 20, “All of economic downturn and its th a t are storm,” but also wrote that office to develop contingency the construction projects we potential effect on the facing the economic pressures would plans “in the event that eco­ have on campus are fully University. university Fr. John Jenkins force the University to “do nomic conditions worsen.” funded, and we are not going Notre Dame Assistant Vice com m uni­ University more with existing resources Jenkins said Notre Dame to stop construction.” President for News and ty,” he President in order to reduce expendi­ would rem ain com m itted to Affleck-Graves said con- Information Dennis Brown said. tures.” the core mission of the told The Observer the letter Brown said discussions about “While responsible steward­ University, noting commit­ see ECONOMY/page 4 Reish to use survey results as guide TCEs Many students identify off-campus safety as a concern , but say they feel safe on-campus move to By JOSEPH McMAHON a major concern for many stu­ dents. While 94.6 percent of Internet Assistant News Editor students said they felt safe BELIEVE TREATMENT Wl I N walking around campus at MEN & WOMEN'S DORMS G MODERATELY or EXTREMELY By AMANDA GRAY The results from last month’s night, 78.9 percent of students ; FEEL SAFE WALKING AROUND News Writer student survey, which was said they did not feel safe 05 55.4% {mm} taken by 3,658 students, will walking off-campus at night. Yes, but not. an issue. 53 94.6% Yes, on campus. help guide future student gov­ Reish said 89 percent of G3 53,4% {women) Notre Dame will be imple­ ernment initiatives and influ­ women feel unsafe off campus H 78.9%No, off campus. Yes, this is an issue. menting a new system to ence the final months of his at night, compared to 67 per­ (89% immm, 67% mm} evaluate professors and administration, student body cent of men. More upperclass­ courses at the end of this president Bob Reish said. men said they felt unsafe off 65.3% 72.8% semester, according to the BACK TO CA M PU S C O N S ID E R POSSIBLE DISCIPLINARY “ 1 think this information will campus than underclassmen, Course Instructor Feedback be very valuable both in the he said. AT NIGHT. CONSEQUENCES BEFORE CALLING Web site. different initiatives our office Reish said student govern­ N D S P o r RESIDENCE HALL STAFF. Course Instructor decides to pursue as well as ment would respond to these Feedbacks, nicknamed GIFs, helping provide hard numbers concerns with several initia­ will replace Teacher Course # 7 % D O N T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE STUDENT UNION. in support of some of these ini­ tives, including a winter break Evaluations (TCEs) this tiatives to both the faculty and safety forum “where students 71.6% UNSURE f THEPE'T A\ L'HDERuRAL'i.,' T ,,UL'ENT CONSTITUTION. semester. According to administrative offices on cam­ will find out how to help keep Gunty, the new system will be pus,” he said. their off-campus apartment or 84.4% DON'T HAVE A PRINTER IN DORM BUT WOULD LIKE ONE. completely online, so stu­ Reish said there was “no sin­ house safe as well as be able to dents will have a longer time gular, pressing issue” that sign up for an off-campus safe- 94.8%IN FAVOR OF ONLINE SYLLABUS DATABASE to fill out the evaluations. arose from the survey results, but said safety off-campus was see SURVEY/page 4 Observer Graphic by Mary Jesse see GIF/page 4 Irish fans disappointed, embarrassed by USC loss Students cite Marching Band's halftime show as highlight of game; Notre Dame falls 76-3 in two years to Trojans which gave me a lot of hope, By LIZ HARTER and KATIE but then the offense was unable KOHLER to come up with even a first News Writers down until the third quarter.” Senior George Packer said he Notre Dame students who was not only disappointed in traveled out to the University of the loss, but embarrassed. Southern California this week­ “It’s embarrassing. We have end were hoping for a miracle lost 76-3 to USC the past two — but instead they got a mas­ years. Father Jenkins only gave sacre, watching the Irish fall Ty Willingham three years. 38-3 at the Coliseum. Why should Charlie [Weis] get Waiting until only seconds left more than four?” Packer said. in the third quarter for the “It sucks that we fell apart Irish’s first first down, students right at the end [of the sea­ t were disappointed in the last son],” Buddie said. “But I think game of the regular season. Weis will stay another year ... “I was disappointed overall,” too much money and overall said Saint Mary’s senior Allison improvements have been made Buddie, a member of the Band to have Weis leave now.” of the Fighting Irish. “Our Breaking Charlie Weis’ con­ ALLISON AMBAOSE/The Observer defense was able to keep it tract could cost the University A disappointed fan watches the Irish’s 38-3 loss close through the first quarter Notre Dame fans Dana Jason, left, and Ashley that some students called “embarrassing.” see USC/page 6 Cook watch the Irish’s 38-3 loss at USC Saturday. page 2 The Observer ♦ P A G E 2 Tuesday, December 2, 2008 Inside C olumn Question of the Day: D o you believe in second chances? Umbrellas in the snow I don't think anyone is a fan of the snow that fell on campus on Monday. Daniel Reimer Jenna Heffernan Liz Peterson Meghan Lee Nick Ward It doesn’t settle on the ground in aes­ thetically pleasing drifts. It just kind of meekly melts on the sidewalks or feebly senior freshman senior senior senior tries to cover the grass on the quad. It’s off-campus Walsh off-campus off-campus Duncan either hard and stinging or wet and slushy — not that “Absolutely. “Yes, as long s “Yes, but I don’t “Yes, but how “No, but I big, feathery kind that elicits visions Jordan Gamble How would ‘Top the ‘second believe in third, many second believe in of idyllic Christmas G un’ have chance’ only fourth or fifth chances does miracles, you cards. ended if lasts one more ones. ” one person sexy thang ." Having Christmas Scene Writer card snow fall on Maverick didn’t football game. ” get?” your bare head is graduate?” cool, because it settles all angelically and stuff. But the kind of snowfall we had yesterday? I’d much prefer to keep it off my hair, face and clothing, thank you. I don’t relish being wet and cold once it all melts when I go inside — especially when outside. Notre Dame is going to be some degree of both for the In B rief next four months. To protect against the undesirable Join the Creative Writing snow, some people wear hats, others Program for a read in g by hoods, others are just tough and zip up poets Graham Foust and their jackets and saunter through the Catherine Wagner. They elements. But me, I use an umbrella. will read selections from I know, I know. An umbrella in the their work at the Hammes snow? Who does that? Notre Dame Bookstore One my friends, a native Californian tonight at 7:30 p.m. The who had never seen snow before com­ readings are free and open ing to South Bend, had the same ques­ to the public. tion freshman year. Some people told her it was nerdy, that you’d definitely Human rights activist stick out as a newbie to winter weather Winona LaDuke will speak if you were seen with an umbrella in on “The New Energy snowfall. Economy: Nonviolent strate­ I told her what I saw as the most gies of change utilizing rational approach: If it works for rain, indigenous knowledge” why not just use it for crystalline water tomorrow at 7 p.m.
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