Neuroanatomy KRK 22.10.2018 Cranium – review. AW1, (Monday) General anatomical terms of nervous system: neuron classification, AW2, synapse, neuroglia, white and grey matter, nuclei, ganglia and plexus. AW3, Anatomical, clinical and functional division of the nervous system: central AW6, nervous system, peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous AU3, system. Structure and development of nervous system: formation and AU4, evagination of the neural tube, development of encephalon and cerebral AU5 cortex. Division of the brain: ontogenetic and phylogenetic and descriptive. Classification of nervous tracts and pathways (association tract, projection tract and commissural tract of telencephalon). Telencephalon: general termes, cerebral cortex (palaeocortex, archicortex, neocortex), telencephalon impar, comissure of telencephalon (corpus callosum, anterior commissure, fornix), preoptic area, septum pellucidum. Cerebral hemisphere (superolateral surface, medial surface, inferior surface, longitudinal cerebral fissure). Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe,limbic lobe and insular lobe (sulci and gyri).Localisation of functional centers within cerebral cortex: motor cortex, sensory cortex, acustic cortex, gustatory cortex, visual cortex. Motor and sensory homunculus. Motor and sensory aphasia, agnosia, acalculia. Domination of cerebral hemisphere. Lateral ventricle (parts, walls and limitations), interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro), septum pellucidum, choroid plexus of lateral ventricle. Meninges of encephalon: dura mater, leptomeninx (arachnoid and pia mater), meningeal spaces. Dural venous sinuses. Cerebrospinal fluid spaces and circulation. Clinical and radiologic anatomy: X-ray, CT, MR. 24.10.2018 Wet lab classes with PBL and SGD AW1, (Wednesday) Review of telencephalon, lateral ventricle, meninges and cerebrospinal AW2, fluid spaces and circulation. AW3, Rhinencephalon: olfactory bulb, olfactory tract, olfactory tubercle, AW6, anterior AU3, perforated substance, olfactory triangle, medial and lateral olfactory AU4, stria, amygdala, prepiriform area, diagonal gyrus, semilunar gyrus and AU5 sulcus. Paleopallium, paleocortex and piriform cortex. Primary and secondary olfactory cortex (centers). 25.10.2018 Diencephalon: division, external and internal features - epithalamus, AW1, (Thursday) thalamus, AW2, subthalamus, metathalamus, hypothalamus (white and grey matter, AW3, nuclei). AW6, Afferent and efferent tracts. Function of diencephalon. AU3, Hypophysis and neurohypophysis. AU4, 3rd ventricle (walls) AU5 lentiform nucleus, claustrum, amygdaloid body, internal capsule, external and extreme capsule, function of corpus striatum, caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus, claustrum, amygdaloid body. Pathways and tracts of internal capsule, external and extreme capsule. BasalClinical forebrain: and radiologic morphology anatomy: of corpus X-ray, striatum,CT, MR. caudate nucleus, 29.10.2018 Mesencephalon: external and internal features (cerebral peduncle and AW1, (Monday) cerebral crus, substantia nigra, red nucleus). AW2, Afferent and efferent tracts, medial and lateral lemniscus, medial AW3, longitudinal fasciculus.Mesencephalic aquaeduct. AW6, Blood supplying of the brain: arteries of the brain and circle of Willis. AU3, Cerebral veins (superficial and deep cerebral veins, veins of brainstem, AU4, cerebellar veins). AU5 Clinical and radiologic anatomy: X-ray, CT, MR. 05.11.2018 Rhombencephalon: division and morphology. AW1, (Monday) Metencephalon: pons and cerebellum. AW2, General terms, external and internal features. Hemisphere of cerebellum, AW3, vermis of cerebellum and cerebellar peduncle, archicerebellum, AW6, paleocerebellum, neocerebellum, vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum, AU3, pontocerebellum. paleocerebellum, neocerebellum, vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum, AU4, Cerebellar nuclei. Cerebellar tracts. AU5 Myelencephalon:medulla oblongata bulb: Cerebellar nuclei. Cerebellar tracts. General terms, external and internal features. Rhomboid fossa. Reticular formation. Nuclei of cranial nerves. Spinal lemniscus, trigeminal lemniscus th 4 ventricle (pars, walls and limitation). Subarachnoid cisterns, cerebrospinal fluid (circulation). Clinical and radiologic anatomy: X-ray, CT, MR. 07.11.2018 Axial Skeleton – 1st retake AW1-3, (Wednesday) AW6, AU3-5 08.11.2018 Basal forebrain and basal nuclei: tracts and connections of corpus AW1, (Thursday) striatum, caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus, globus pallidus, claustrum, AW2, amygdaloid body, internal, external and extreme capsule. Extrapyramidal AW3, pathways. AW6, Limbic lobe. Hippocampus: hippocampal formation, hippocampal AU3, cortex. AU4, Limbic system: tracts of limbic lobe and system, afferent and efferent AU5 fibres,basal nuclei. Rhinencephalon: olfactory pathway and connections. 14.11.2018 Wet lab classes with PBL and SGD (Wednesday) Review of lab 1 – 5 about CNS 15.11.2018 Spinal cord: external and internal features (sections of spinal cord, AW1, (Thursday) anterior, posterior and lateral column, funiculi of spinal cord). Proper AW2, pathways of the spinal cord. AW3, Autonomic centre of spinal cord, ciliospinal center. AW6, Spinal dura mater, epidural and subdural space, spinal arachnoid mater, AU3, spinal pia mater. AU4, Subarachnoid cisterns, suboccipital puncture and lumbar puncture. AU5 Pathways of CNS: classification of nervous pathways: descending pathways, motor pathways (pyramidal pathways – cortino-nuclear pathway and corticospinal pathway, extrapyramidal pathways, autonomic pathways). Afferent & efferent connections of the pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways. Neurotransmitters. Proper pathways of the spinal cord. Anatomy of motor pathways. Motor nuclei of cranial nerves, and course of their fibres (CN III, IV,V,VI, VII, IX, X, XI, XII) 19.11.2018 Sensory pathways: sensory receptors, tactile sensation and proprioception, AW1, (Monday) ascending (sensory) fibers: optic pathway, acoustic tracts, vestibular AW2, tracts, gustatory tracts and autonomic tracts. AW3, Pathways of pain and temperature, nondiscriminative (crude) touch and AW6, pressure. two-point (fine) discriminative touch and vibratory sense, AU3, proprioceptive sense. Anterolateral system. AU4, Ascending and descending pathways to the cerebellum (subconscious). AU5 Visceral pain. Autonomic nervous system: localization in brain and spinal cord. Function and connections. Sensory nuclei of cranial nerves, and course of their fibers (CN I, II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X) Clinical anatomy: Clinical aspects of the pyramidal pathways. Lower & upper motor neuron syndromes. Clinical effects of pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways lesions. Clinico-anatomical syndromes of the spinal cord injury. Tetraplegia, paraplegia, Brown-Séquard syndrome, hemiplegia, paresis, dysfunction of sensory pathways, spinothalamic tracts (localization and dysfunctions), taste pathway (course, dysfunction). The clinical signs of the lesions on different levels. Autonomic (involuntary, visceral) nervous system. centers, function. Paravertebral ganglia, prevertebral ganglia. Conscious control, vasomotor center (vmc), breathing (respiratory) center (rcc). Input and output pathways from/to limbic system. Main neurotransmitters. Clinical considerations, anatomical background of CNS problems. Injury of CNS, anatomical basis of clinical syndromes. Interruption of the lateral corticospinal tracts, posterior white column, lateral spinothalamic tracts and their clinical signs. Tetraplegia, paraplegia, Brown-Séquard syndrome, spinal hemiplegia, paresis. Clinical anatomy of blood supplying of CNS. Pathways of the CNS, review. AW1Aa 21.11.2018 Wet lab classes with PBL and SGD aaaa (Wednesday) Review of Cranial nerves, sensory and motor pathways 22.11.2018 CNS - Credit practical part (PINtest) AW1-3, (Thursday) AW6, 23.11.2018 CNS - Credit teoretical part (MCQ) AU3-5 (Piątek) .
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