Accelerated Reader Test List Report Test Book Reading Point Number Title Author Level Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 122356EN The 100-Year-Old Secret Tracy Barrett 4.4 4.0 41025EN The 100th Day of School Angela Shelf Medea 1.4 0.5 128370EN 11 Birthdays Wendy Mass 4.1 7.0 107287EN 15 Minutes Steve Young 4.0 4.0 661EN The 18th Emergency Betsy Byars 4.7 4.0 7351EN 20,000 Baseball Cards Under the Jon Buller 2.5 0.5 11592EN 2095 Jon Scieszka 3.8 1.0 11592SP 2095 (Spanish) Jon Scieszka 3.8 1.0 30629EN 26 Fairmount Avenue Tomie De Paola 4.4 1.0 121986EN 42 Miles Tracie Vaughn Zimm 5.8 1.0 8001EN 50 Below Zero Robert N. Munsch 2.4 0.5 9001EN The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubb Dr. Seuss 4.0 1.0 413EN The 89th Kitten Eleanor Nilsson 4.7 2.0 71428EN 95 Pounds of Hope Gavalda/Rosner 4.3 2.0 29214EN A.A. Milne (Young at Heart) Jill C. Wheeler 4.7 1.0 123906SP ¡A comer! Pat Mora 1.8 0.5 123861SP ¡A la cama, Cucuy! Claudia Galindo 2.8 0.5 36423SP ¡A que no me alcanzas! Bernard Most 2.0 0.5 89267EN Abby Takes a Stand Pat McKissack 3.6 1.0 11151EN Abe Lincoln's Hat Martha Brenner 2.6 0.5 101EN Abel's Island William Steig 5.9 3.0 9751EN Abiyoyo Pete Seeger 2.2 0.5 86479EN Abner & Me: A Baseball Card Adve Dan Gutman 4.2 5.0 117747EN Abracadabra! Magic with Mouse an Wong Herbert Yee 2.6 0.5 69922EN Abraham Lincoln Cohn/Schmidt 4.2 0.5 40525EN Abraham Lincoln (Compass Point E Lucia Raatma 3.6 0.5 31812EN Abraham Lincoln (Pebble Books) Lola M. Schaefer 2.0 0.5 13551EN Abraham Lincoln (Read and Discov T.M. Usel 4.7 0.5 5524SP Abran paso a los patitos Robert McCloskey 4.1 0.5 17651EN The Absent Author Ron Roy 3.4 1.0 11577EN Absolutely Normal Chaos Sharon Creech 4.7 7.0 12573EN The Absolutely True Story...How Willo Davis Robert 5.1 6.0 41984SP La abuelita Fina y sus sombrilla Benjamin Alire Sáe 4.9 0.5 125820SP Abuelos (Spanish) Pat Mora 5.4 0.5 15175EN Abyssinian Cats Stuart A. Kallen 3.5 0.5 6001EN Ace: The Very Important Pig Dick King-Smith 5.2 3.0 116833SP Aceites Tea Benduhn 2.9 0.5 79264EN Achilles (World Mythology) Jason Glaser 3.6 0.5 62706EN Acid Rain (Our Planet in Peril) Louise Petheram 7.6 1.0 102EN Across Five Aprils Irene Hunt 6.6 10.0 17602EN Across the Wide and Lonesome Pra Kristiana Gregory 5.5 4.0 65164EN Action Jackson Greenberg/Jordan 5.2 0.5 36046EN Adaline Falling Star Mary Pope Osborne 4.6 4.0 1EN Adam of the Road Elizabeth Janet Gr 6.5 9.0 301EN Addie Across the Prairie Laurie Lawlor 4.9 4.0 7651EN Addy Learns a Lesson Connie Porter 3.9 1.0 7653EN Addy's Surprise Connie Porter 4.4 1.0 7652EN Addy Saves the Day Connie Porter 4.0 1.0 20251EN The Adventures of Captain Underp Dav Pilkey 4.3 1.0 138974EN The Adventures of Ook and Gluk, Dav Pilkey 2.5 1.0 401EN The Adventures of Ratman Ellen Weiss 3.3 1.0 125533EN The Adventures of Sir Givret the Gerald Morris 4.5 2.0 121945EN The Adventures of Sir Lancelot t Gerald Morris 4.9 2.0 64111EN The Adventures of Super Diaper B Dav Pilkey 2.5 0.5 9562EN The Adventures of Taxi Dog Debra Barracca 3.0 0.5 30525EN The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Gr Twain/Laiken 5.3 2.0 75079EN Aeneas (World Mythology) B.A. Hoena 4.2 0.5 61093EN Africa (Continents) Mike Graf 2.8 0.5 17201EN Africa (Eyewitness) Yvonne Ayo 8.3 1.0 66388EN African Rock Pythons Valerie J. Weber 4.9 0.5 46696EN After Hamelin Bill Richardson 4.2 8.0 10952EN After Pa Was Shot Judy Alter 5.2 6.0 5201EN After the Goat Man Betsy Byars 4.5 3.0 352EN After the Rain Norma Fox Mazer 3.7 8.0 353EN Afternoon of the Elves Janet Taylor Lisle 5.0 4.0 14651EN Afternoon on the Amazon Mary Pope Osborne 2.6 1.0 69037EN Agapanthus Hum and the Angel Hoo Joy Cowley 3.1 0.5 26911EN Aggie and Will Larry Dane Brimner 1.2 0.5 30904EN Aggressive In-Line Skating Anne T. McKenna 5.1 0.5 11401EN Agnes the Sheep William Taylor 4.7 4.0 104540SP Aguila real JoAnn Early Macken 3.3 0.5 70052EN Ah, Music! Aliki 5.6 0.5 104800EN Air Vic Parker 1.9 0.5 102137EN Airball: My Life in Briefs Lisa Harkrader 4.4 6.0 89183EN Aircraft Carriers (Lerner) Matt Doeden 3.2 0.5 65761EN Airedale Terriers (Dogs) Julie Murray 4.2 0.5 5101EN Airplanes David Petersen 3.2 0.5 5102EN Airports David Petersen 3.4 0.5 56043EN The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge: World' Mark Thomas 2.7 0.5 83024EN The Akhenaten Adventure P.B. Kerr 5.7 13.0 27701EN Akiak: A Tale from the Iditarod Robert J. Blake 3.3 0.5 74909EN Al Capone Does My Shirts Gennifer Choldenko 3.5 7.0 17502SP Al mar, al mar, osito polar Hans de Beer 3.3 0.5 109348EN Alabama Moon Watt Key 4.1 11.0 108644SP Aladino y la lámpara maravillosa Josep Vallverdú 4.3 0.5 13145SP El Alamo (Símbolos americanos) Lynda Sorensen 4.4 0.5 45187EN The Alamo Michael Burgan 5.5 0.5 47314EN Albert Donna Jo Napoli 3.2 0.5 107502EN Albert Einstein, Creative Genius Joanne Mattern 5.5 1.0 109491EN The Albertosaurus Mystery: Phili T.V. Padma 4.6 0.5 651EN Aldo Applesauce Johanna Hurwitz 4.7 2.0 5202EN Alex Fitzgerald, TV Star Kathleen Krull 3.5 1.0 69678EN Alex Ryan, Stop That! Claudia Mills 4.9 5.0 5451EN Alexander and the...Very Bad Day Judith Viorst 3.7 0.5 17503EN Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse Leo Lionni 3.0 0.5 35349EN Alexander Graham Bell: An Invent Elizabeth MacLeod 6.2 1.0 30949EN Alexander Graham Bell (Photo-Ill Greg Linder 3.9 0.5 7301SP Alexander, que era rico el domin Judith Viorst 3.4 0.5 27124EN Alexander the Great Robert Green 6.5 1.0 12751EN Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hea Judith Viorst 3.5 0.5 7301EN Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich L Judith Viorst 3.4 0.5 5451SP Alexander y el día terrible, hor Judith Viorst 3.7 0.5 2307SP Alexi Lalas: Sensación del fútbo Rob Kirkpatrick 1.1 0.5 87713SP Alfombras de aserrín Amelia Lau Carling 4.2 0.5 5052EN Alice in Rapture, Sort Of Phyllis Reynolds N 4.9 6.0 13604EN Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 7.7 10.0 52290EN Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 7.4 5.0 83029EN Alice the Fairy David Shannon 2.5 0.5 54803EN Alien and Possum: Friends No Mat Tony Johnston 2.1 0.5 130012EN Alien Feast Michael Simmons 6.0 6.0 86811EN Alien Invaders Lynn Huggins-Coope 1.4 0.5 10602EN Alien Invasions Benjamin Kendall 3.7 0.5 7870EN Alien Secrets Annette Curtis Kla 6.6 8.0 5339EN Aliens Ate My Homework Bruce Coville 4.8 5.0 73762EN Aliens Don't Carve Jack-o'-lante Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 10651EN Aliens Don't Wear Braces Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 402EN Aliens for Breakfast Jonathan Etra 3.2 1.0 5203EN Aliens for Lunch Jonathan Etra 3.7 1.0 56555SP Alimentos amarillos Patricia Whitehous 1.8 0.5 56556SP Alimentos blancos Patricia Whitehous 1.8 0.5 123212SP Alimentos negros Isabel Thomas 3.4 0.5 27368EN Alison Wendlebury Nette Hilton 2.3 0.5 9752EN Alistair's Time Machine Marilyn Sadler 3.3 0.5 59361EN All About Frogs Jim Arnosky 4.5 0.5 302EN All about Sam Lois Lowry 4.0 3.0 80586EN All About Sign Language: Talking Felicia Lowenstein 4.3 1.0 6202EN All about Stacy Patricia Reilly Gi 2.3 1.0 34798EN All Alone in the Universe Lynne Rae Perkins 4.8 4.0 83160EN All Because of a Cup of Coffee Geronimo Stilton 3.2 1.0 28566EN All I See Cynthia Rylant 3.9 0.5 15202EN All Kinds of Families Norma Simon 4.6 0.5 2EN All-of-a-Kind Family Sydney Taylor 4.9 5.0 9563EN All Stuck Up Linda Hayward 1.9 0.5 11351EN All the Places to Love Patricia MacLachla 3.9 0.5 53782EN All the Way Home Patricia Reilly Gi 4.5 5.0 58822EN All the Way to Lhasa: A Tale fro Barbara Helen Berg 2.4 0.5 115726SP Allá en el Rancho Grande Ethriam Cash Bramm 4.6 0.5 19934EN Alligator Baby Robert N. Munsch 3.3 0.5 75592EN Alligators and Crocodiles Diane Swanson 5.1 0.5 59284EN Alligators & Crocodiles (Wildlif John Bonnett Wexo 5.4 0.5 70012EN Almost Home Nora Raleigh Baski 3.9 5.0 17752EN Alphabet City Ballet Erika Tamar 4.0 5.0 62909SP Alphabet Fiesta (Spanish) Anne Miranda 4.2 0.5 110398EN Alphabet Rescue Audrey Wood 3.3 0.5 63019EN Alphaboat Michael Chesworth 3.0 0.5 130979EN Also Known as Harper Ann Haywood Leal 5.1 7.0 20252EN Altogether, One at a Time E.L.
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