RICE UNIVERSITY Sixty?second Commencement Exercises SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1975, 7:00 P. M. EAST SIDE OF LOVETT HALL PROGRAM ACADEMIC PROCESSION V eni Creator Spiritus INVOCATlON DR. JEROME N. SHERMAN LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES fuCE UNIVERSITY Lord of All Being, Throned Afar CoNFERRING OF DEGREES IN CouRSE ANNOUNCEMENTS REMARKS DR. NoRMAN HACKERMAN America BENEDICTION RECESSIONAL The audience is requested to remain in place until after the recessional. VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS 1. Veni, Creator Spiritus, 2. Da gaudiorum praemia, Mentes tuorum visita, Da gratiorum munera, Imple superna gratia Dissolve litis vincula, Quae tu creasti, pectora. Adstringe pacis foedera. 3. Sit laus Patri cum Filio, Sancto simul Paraclito, Nobisque mittat Filius, Charisma Sancti Spiritus. Amen. LORD OF ALL BEING, THRONED AFAR 1. Lord of all being; throned afar, 3. Our midnight is Thy smile withdrawn; Thy glory flames from sun and star, Our noontide is Thy gracious dawn; Centre and soul of every sphere, Our rainbow arch, Thy mercy's sign; Yet to each loving heart how near! All, save the clouds of sin, are Thine. 2. Sun of our life, Thy quickening ray 4. Lord of all life, below, above, Sheds on our path the glow of day; Whose light is truth, Whose warmth is love, Star of our hope, Thy softened light Before thy ever-blazing throne Cheers the long watches of the night. We ask no lustre of our own. 5. Grant us Thy truth to make us free, And kindling hearts that burn for Thee, Till all Thy living altars claim One holy light, one heavenly flame. AMERICA I. My country, 'tis of thee, 3. Let music swell the breeze, Sweet land of liberty, And ring from all the trees Of thee I sing: Sweet freedom's song: Land where my fathers died, Let mortal tongues awake; Land of the pilgrims' pride, Let all that breathe partake; From every mountain side Let rocks their silence break, Let freedom ring. The sound prolong. 2. My native country, thee, 4. Our fathers' God, to Thee, Land of the noble free, Author of liberty, Thy name I love: To Thee we sing: I love thy rocks and rills, Long may our land be bright Thy woods and templed hills; With freedom's holy light My heart with rapture thrills, Protect us by Thy might, Like that above. Great God, our King. CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PAULA SuzANNE ALLOWAY. B.A. (Baylor University) 1970 FRANK M. DELNICK. B.S. (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Dissertation in Psychology: "An Analysis of the Effects of Va­ Technology) 1971 lence Severity of Consequences, and Intentionality on the Dissertation in Chemistry: "Kinetics of the Hexacyanoferrate Attribution of Responsibility" Redox Reaction on Passive Iron and the Subsequent Deter­ SEKANDAR AMANOLAHI-BAHARVAND. B.A. (Morgan State Col­ mination of the Electronic Structure of the Oxide Film" lege) 1968; M.A. (University of Maryland) 1971; M.A. JULIO CESAR DIAZ VELAsco. Licenciado ( U niversidad de los (Rice) 1974 Andes) 1970; M.A. (Rice) 1974 Dissertation in Behavioral Science: "The Baharvand, Former Dissertation in Mathematics: "A Hybrid Collocation-Galerkin Pastoralists of Iran" Method for the Two Point Boundary Value Problem Using DAVID JoHN BISHOP. B.S. (Saint Francis College) 1970 Continuous Piecewise Polynomial Spaces" Dissertation in Chemistry: "The Thermolysis and Photolysis RoDERICK JAMES DuNN, JR. B.A. (Rice) 1966; M.A. (Rice) 1971 of Azoalkanes" Dissertation in Mathematics: "An Error Expansion for a STEPHEN BRYAN BowLING. B.S. (University of North Carolina Finite-Element Solution of a Tw01-Point Boundary-Value at Chapel Hill) 1970; M.S. (Rice) 1973 Problem" Dissertation in Space Physics and Astronomy: "The Motion RoNALD 0. DuRHAM. B.A. (Eastern New Mexico University) and Magnetic Structure of the Earth's Magnetic Tail near 30 1953; S.T.B. (Abilene Christian College) 1968 RE" Dissertation in Religious Studies: "Process Thought and The­ BARBARA DALE BoYAN. B.A. (Rice ) 1970; M.A. (Rice) 1974 odicy: A Critique" Dissertation in Biology: "Mineral Metabolism in Pulmonate RoBERT LEE ENTZMINGER. B.A. (Washington and Lee Univer­ Molluscs" sity) 1970 MARGIE BURNS. B.A. (Rice) 1970 Dissertation in English: "Milton and Moral Aesthetics" Dissertation in .English: "The Theatrical Present in Six MusTAFA OzDER ERDIK. B.S. (Middle East Technical Uni er­ Shakespearean Comedies" sity) 1970; M.S. (Rice) 1973 DIXON MATLOCK BUTLER. A.B. (Harvard University) 1971; A.M. Dissertation in Civil Engineering: "Torsional Effects in Dy­ namically Excited Structures" (Harvard University) 1971; M.S. (Rice) 1974 Dissertation in Space Physics and Astronomy: "The Iono­ LARRY EuGENE EvANS. B.S. (University of Southern Califorina) 1962; M.S. (University of Southern California) 1962 sphere of Venus" Dissertation in Chemical Engineering: "Light Scattering from DAVID LEE CARI\"'ES, JR. B.S. (Allegheny College) 1968; M.A. (Rice) 1974 a Binary Mixture in the Liquid-Vapor Critical Region" Dissertation in Biology: "Some Aspects of Purine Metabolism JAMES MoNROE FoLTZ. B.S. (Swarthmore College) 1970; M.S. (Rice) 1972 in Isolated Bone Cells" RoBERT CARTIER. A.A. (College of San Mateo) 1968; B.A. (San Dissertation in Electrical Engineering: "Dark- and Light-Cur­ rent Noise in the Intact Retina" Jose State Co11ege) 1970; M.A. (Rice) 1972 Dissertation in Behavioral Science: "Syncretism in a Sanskri­ JosEPH T. FoRREST, JR. B.A. (Middlebury College) 1967; \LS. (University of South Carolina) 1969 tic Religion" RAYMoND THOMAS CASSERLY, JR. B.A. (University of St. Dissertation in Geology: "Geologic Evolution of a Portion of Thomas) 1970; M.S. (Rice) 1974 the Murphy Marble Belt in Southwestern North Carolina" Dissertation in Space Physics and Astronomy: "Birkeland ALAN WALLACE FRANCE. B.A. (Troy State University) 1969 Current Flow in a Structw·ed Auroral Arc." Dissertation in History: "Kulturkampf in Austria: The Vater­ ltind Circle and the Struggle over the Confessional Legisla­ LursETTA ENRICA CHOMEL. B.A. (University of St. Thomas) tion of May, 1868" 1969; M.A. (Rice) 1972 PATRICE ANN GAUDREAU. B.A. (Radford College) 1971; \LA. Dissertation in French: "Une Parente Morale: Leopardi et (Radford College) 1972 Vigny" Dissertation in Psychology: «Investigation of Sex Differences DoNALD S. CICCONE. B.A. (Upsala College) 1970; M.A. Across Job Levels" (Hofstra University) 1972 TIMOTHY O'DEA GAUHAN. A.A. (Foothill Junior College) 1964 Dissertation in Psychology: "Rehearsal Processes and the B.A. (San Jose State College) 1968; M.A. (San Jose State Retention of Paired-Associates" College) 1970; M.A. (Rice) 1973 GREGOR GEORGE Ct.EVELAND. B.S. (Louisiana Polytechnic In­ Dissertation in Political Science: "'Political Attitudinal Orien­ stitute) 1970; M.A. (Rice) 1973 tations in Three Low-Income Barrios of Bogota, Colombia" Dissertation in Physics: "The Influence of Pressure on the CHARLES JAMES GLOVER. _.B.Ch.E. (University of Virginia) 1968 Nuclear Relaxation of Protons in Aqueous Solutions and Skel­ Dissertation in Chemica] Engineering: "Dynamic Shear Mod­ etal Muscle" uli during Normal and Abnormal Plasma Clot Forrriation" J&'-iES ROBERT CLOUTIER. B. S. (University of Southwestern WILLIAM HENDON GoRDON III. B.A. (Rice) 1969 Louisiana) 1969; M.A. (Rice) 1974 Dissertation in Biology: "A Non-Linear Model of the 'Sus­ Dissertation in Mathematical Sciences: "The Computation of taining' Visual Interneurons of the Crayfish Optic Nerve" Optimal Controls in the Presence of Nondifferential Con­ YuAN-HsiN ALBERT Hu. B.S. (National Taiwan University) 1970 straints by a Sequential Conjugate Gradient-Restoration Dissertation in Chemical Engineering: "Nitric Oxide Reduc­ Technique" tion by Hydrocarbons over a Supported Platinum Catalyst" DouGLAs MICHAEL CoLDWELL. B.A. (Rice) 1971 JoHN lNDAKWA. B.A. (Howard University) 1963; M.P.A. Dissertation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and (George Washington University) 1967 Materials Science: «Thermodynamics of Ternary Interstitial Dissertation in History: "King Lewanika and the Expansion Solid Solutions" of British Rule in Barotseland: 1890-1923" LEE A. CoLLINS. B.A. (Rice) 1970; M.S. (Rice) 1973 MARION ANSLEY JmsA. B.A. (University of Iowa) 1963; M.A. Dissertation in Physics: "Rotational Excitation in Slow Col­ (Middlebury College) 1964 lisions of Helium with the Diatomic Hydrides: HF, DF, and Dissertation in French: "Themes in Voltaire's Nondramatic HCl" Poetry: Polemical, Didactic and Lyric" DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Continued) JIMMIE LYNN JoRDAN. B.S. (Lamar State College of Technolo­ FREDERICKA ANN MEINERS. B.A. (Rice) 1963; M.A. (Rice) 1972 gy)l971 Dissertation in History: "The Texas Governorship, 1861-1865: Dissertation in Geology: "Inert Gas Investigations of the Biography of an Office" Apollo 15 and 17 Landing Sites" SusAN CoNRY MEYER. B.A. (Rice) 1971; M.S. (Rice) 1973 CoiMBATORE NAGARAJAN Kru:sHNAN. B.Sc. (UniversityofDelhi) Dissertation in Electrical Engineering: "An Analysis of Two 1962; M.Sc. (University of Delhi) 1964 Models for Parallel Computation" Dissertation in Chemistry: "IR and ESR Studies of Reactions KENNETH R. MLADENKA. B.S. (Sam Houston State College) Involving Matrix Isolated Species" 1965; M.A. (Sam Houston State College) 1971; M.A. (Rice) MUN WooNG LEE. B.A. (Seoul National University) 1965; M.A. 1974 (Seoul National University) 1967; M.A. (Rice) 1971 Dissertation in Political Science: ''The Distribution of Urban Dissertation in Behavioral Science: "Rural North Korea under Public Services" Communism: A Study of Sociocultural Change" CLIFFORD DEAN MoRRis, JR. B.A. (Rice) 1970; M.S. (Rice) MICHAEL G. LEvY. B.A. (State University College) 1972 1973 Dissertation in Biology: "Relation of Tegumentry Phosphohy­ Dissertation in Space Physics and Astronomy: "Pulsar Mag­ drolases to Purine and Pyrimidine Transport in Schistosoma netospheres: The Aligned Rotator" mansoni' .. JoHN SANFORD MURPHREE. B.S. (University of Denver) 1969; Kou-LAUNG LrN. B. S. (National Taiwan University) 1968 M.S. (Rice) 1973 Dissertation in Chemical Engineering: "The Flow of Axisym­ Dissertation in Space Physics and Astronomy: "Frequency metric Suspended Objects in Capillaries" Analysis of the 4-6 Kev Electron Flux Associated with a LEE PHONE LIN.
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