- . ' ' "ir tu-it.v- ri.iii'iiTii..rcfc,iCHifln'Mt"ii' jiJ)- - - mmiTT" i wt ' W 'fWjyw 'HHMI'm '' ( ""' rj??jrJxxZJhz Steame; T?ble. We don't promise the eaith for a nickle, but I FromJr EVERY " TIME " - av if. n VI "-- TJ S your name or tho J tiP .. I 1.7(1 "V y 4vi ff i urirk mi V your product lr.uWMlMMl--. ' ll 3 F, ' A WUF V yon are recervinjr gooci nq Is VffL. , .'I TWnerlca Mam if, vfrtlslng strlko to liicVwJ&4J " . NLOCVAlftmodn. fl the numbe!ltfipfc'vho j? y PFor Victoria. - HfcSUNDAY- j 1.1 rs 'h will keep Undoing this . i .V BULLETIN Aorangl jjjiiit JC"VV r- 'h TTre Advisor -rrs" From Victor! ' "v (Ja.ftH5S3:aiiowcra . WE GIVE THE BEST NEWSPAPER Vol. I. No. 17. 12 PAGESHONOLULU. TBRUITOKY OF HAWAII, SUNDAY MAY 18, 190212 PAGES PllIOB 5 OUNT Miss Alice L. McCully TWO HONOLULU LADIES Pacific Hardwares , Makes Pretty Bride WALK 28 MILES Are the Champions WEDDING IN CENTRAL UNION CHURCH WIN GRAND TUG-OF-WA- R TOURNAMENT TO THE HALEIWA HOTEL Returning to Visit Her Old Home She Meets Pulled from Public Works Boys in Twenty-tw-o the Man of Her Choice in and Half Minutes Close Pull Francis W. Smith Walalua, 3:05 p. m. (Special on Maul. The plucky Indies Immedi- Kaena Point lies before him, or her In Wela-ka-Ha- os Second. telephone message to Sunday Bu- ately were ready to prove what thej this Instance, Including tho vast cane-fiel- d were lletin) Arrived safely at Wala-lue- . able tb do and yesterdays trip of the Walalua plantation, tho was the result Ily losing the bet mill, the village Itself with the lazy The nonsensical notion that to wed ty filed down i'no aisle to Iho Inspir- Mr. Doyen left four miles At the end of last night's and prnjul the captain of the I.um the gentleman who made It had to rlters winding through the green fields ot May Is an omen of k ing strains of the "Bridal Chorus," boys pull- to " In the month behind. stand the hotel expenses of the party and finally way down by tho edge of when tho Pacific Hardware bernicn "fnn them becoming obsolete, by Prof, tngalls Prof. Pub- eems to he rendered and 4:30 p. m. Doyen arrived In and their return expenses by rail to the blue ocean the Halclwa Hotel, the ed away from the luggers oj the When the hojs of the Pacific Hard- as one of the mosl notable and bril- Amme on the organ and violin. Mr. good order. Honolulu tod n goal for the two weary travelers who lic Works, and so eamo through tho ware team and Public Works teams liant weddings of tho season (ook Smith, attended by Albert N. Camp Heforc the) started th6 two joung arrived there shortly after 3 o'clock tournament untouched by a single de- stepped up on the platform to pull Union jester-- bell, acting man, too ladles were confldrnt thev could jesterday having won their against each other there was a iplnce In Central Church ' as best entered If there nre any ladles on these that afternoon feat, the cheering and jelling and terrific easllj win. Thej nro both experienc- bet with almost nn to spare din Those backing thn Pacific Hard- elaj whore, nmld a wealth of tropical church from the side door and met tho who claim the championship as hour and general din were such ns might hnvo ed walkers and have tnken several having left the gentleman from tho wares were confident, It seemed, that greenery and bright blossoms, and in bride at the chancel. long distance walkers the will led casual visitor to believe that line hard tramps on these Islnnds. They nre Custom House fully mllis behind the the team which hnd not been beaten up to meet Miss Wynne, of the four I'unahoit thus probably the only ladles who ever them the majority of the Inmates of tho to that time would eume off victor then. Preparatory school, and Miss Hart, the r- .- Uland ol Maul The partj made Its odlclal start from Aala warehouse were craij On the other hand, thos" who backed ph steal Instructor of Oahti College, talked around the They made this trip In one week start- - the Kamehamehn schools at 4 a m That portion of the crowd hi sym- the Public Works team were hoping before their claim Is valid, as these two Ini. mm Mnbmi nn Qnm ftn.1ln d ... 1..1I .l...l .!. ., "'ft H"'" .,nttw u., wut.u. ttw. They rcuhed Alea. which Is about pathy with tho Pacini Hnrdwaro pull and betting that tho ns jet unvanqulsh-e- JMM1IK lUUIffl UllllllK UIL' IUIHI... JVW UU)3 , Makawno acted .. a ..l,l. and n .la seven miles from the Honolulu post-olT- Pacific Hardwares would bo woe- have taken long tramps which ......... ers dfmonstrated their rapturous feel panesn was taken along to carry thr nt fl 20. From there to Pcirl fully whipped that as pedestrians thej hav o few Ings by Jumping up In tho air, throw- unltnl. In HiA.n lalnmlA provisions The ladles carried their Clt) the walkers enjoyed the coo! At the crack of the pistol In the 1 V 11 IO ing their hats nt tho electric lights, lilfinbn.i. nml ihnnvni. nf nl,lllilnf Ihom morning weather but on the next stage starters band the rope strained nnd The last demonstration ladles hitting each other on tho back nnd these B(,VCB of tho trip the long up-hi- ll road from i irrnnnpil nml tho tnnrlcpr In thn rrntrr made walking of their superb qualities Th(1 trin n,oMnd that Island Is n verv Pearl Cltj the sun began tn make tho otherwise behaving uproariously. Ti iimerC(l on t,. Ilnc Then a couple of was given yesterday when they wnllt- - j ti jlng one and jet tho two plucky girls walking pntt) warm work The tra Athletic Club's hand did Its best to were gnlned by Hard-mak- e ( inches the Pacific ed from Honolulu to Walalua In 11 were so little Inconvenienced by It that velers trudged along nt n good clip its music heard above the nolso wares amid the tumultuous npplasc hours nnd 0 minutes. dtj-- s I during the last two of It thej innile however and after reaching Wahlawa of rejoicing but v lthout success of their friends The Public Works The ladles made a start from the Ka- - 23 miles a ilaj tramping from 0 n m tlie downhill Journej began Kven this Thorn nm ihrn.. niitlu ln.t nltrht 'team pulled like good fellows and did 11 p on day was not might expected mclmniehn school K H Ilnjen of the till m the last as easj ns be ,", "" ago flag- - Th.j were all strong pulls, and one of JJ'",,1 IT Custom House force, who Is n relative' Three weeks Miss Wynne and nnd despite the fuel that the tnll ."l. ZZ of ono of tho ladles nccompanjlng Miss Hnrl took a short wnlk pist Kvva pole of the Ilulclwa Hotel could be seen them wns a verj long cine ., ,.. ,, p. .in. ii,dwnres hid them also on font All preparation mill about 18 miles altogether, and on 'above tho waving pnlm tops of Wnla- - The first event wns between a coil K.,ncd almost eight liuhes This the for an earlj start had ben made on last SattiuUj thej took ft, little Jmnt lua vlllige noyen had to give up about pie of tennis picked up from among Hardwares kept for almost ten mln-th- e I'rlilaj evening pant Koko HpsiI fom mllei from Walnlu.i and take a people In the house The first null utei with perlnps the vnriitlon nf an JO trip which have At about 2 jesterdaj morning the The the ladles Just tnt nr thn evening between the n i?ul.ir lnrh "OR r""1 ,hcn f'ltlier w"5 thieo were to dress performed Is no sinecure. While there lu. fair pedestrians howevci. went 'l l' Pulling travelers moused l t. ims was between the Kant Kv Alls' wht th.c tPams and eat a hearty breakfast. It was Ik no dllllrullj m tar ns the toalhed ilglit alonp and at T 03 p m thej stood most twentj-tw- o minutes and the Pa- - ami the Lumbermen proved tn nu espeilallj hearty ono ns thej did Itself is concerned the road Is a verj on the hotel innl thus making the This lflc nlllwIireg ha(, not (l Rnnr,, a ' no pun I'l tflifefll AwfeiTtelMO not expect tn hove anjthlug to eat he- - disagreeable ono ns It Is verj duslj and Mp In 11 hours nml G minutes or 1," ini innposl nl tin. evening nnd rm)t ,m their opponents, the side that M.Vi. MKTv'VSIk.fCVrfl-X- T jond a sandwich before thej reached without the least bit of shade l'roni minutes less than the stipulated time fiom n point of comparative! merit, the held the advantage suddcnlj nndo .1 ' folisft """sswaraf Wiilaliu, there being no stores on tho this iltj to Pearl City It winds pi-.- t llovnn nrilvc.il nliuut an horn and n most Inti resting It took tlie Knnl Ke terrific spurt and amid the wildest 4 .. yfl ? greater part of tho road nnd thej did beautiful Moinalua thtougli the cane- - half later tiled but otherwise In good Ann Just twent nnd a hulf minutes to demnnstrttlim.
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