September 12, 1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 30147 OLYMPIC SLAUGHTER The attack in Munich durihg the Olym­ Mr. Frank J. Belik, of Omaha, Nebr., I pic games was calculated to focus world would like to offer a few words of tribute attention on the cause of the Arab fa­ to a fine American statesman, former HON. JOHN J. ROONEY natics. It was calculated, too, to raise the President Harry 3. Truman. OF NEW YORK gorge of the Israeli people to the point Mr. Truman, once again residing in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where they would vent their justified his native Independence, Mo., presented Wednesday, September 6, 1972 rage on the Arab States thus destroying unique leadership qualities to America in the ongoing efforts for peace in that one of her darkest hours. Thrust into Mr. ROONEY of New York. Mr. Speak­ troubled part of the world. office in the midst of our country's in­ er, I sorrowfully join in supporting House Mr. Speaker, we can only pray that the volvement in World War II, President Resolution 1106 which mourns for the latter calculation wa.s wrong. We pray, Truman guided the United States in its dead Israeli athletes and calls for strict too, Mr. Speaker for the ea.sing of the transition from a wartime to a peacetime sanctions against the maniacal govern­ anguish that now fills the hearts of all economy. He continued to serve America ments which condone or encourage such Israel and in particular the families and for another 4-year term during which he acts of beastiality. Once again we find the loved ones of the slain athletes. May asserted himself a.s a clear-thinking, de­ ourselves numbly wondering what kind their souls rest in eternal peace. cisive leader. of mad dogs have been turned loose upon Today, at 88 years Of age, the former the world; wondering, too what kind of A TRIBUTE TO HARRY S. TRUMAN President is still an intellectually active mind equates publicity for a cause with American. He did not retire from the re­ the death of innocents. sponsibilities of American citizenry after I agree with the thoughts in House HON. JOHN Y. McCOLLISTER serving as President, but ha.s continued Resolution 1106 that sanctions must be OF NEBRASKA to participate in the American system as taken against the countries that harbor these murderers. Those countries and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a concerned, involved, and interested member. their leaders cannot be tolerated in a Monday, September 11, 1972 society of human beings, any more than Harry S. Truman-a living example of society can tolerate the thought of suc­ Mr. MCCOLLISTER. Mr. Speaker, at citizenship for all Americans to observe, cumbing to the demands of terrorists. the suggestion of one of my constituents, honor, and respect. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, September 12, 1972 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H.R. 1860. An act for the relief of David FORD to attend, on tlie part of the Senate, The Chapld n, Rev. Edward G. Latch, Capps, formerly a corpora.I in the U.S. Marine the Interparliamentary Union Meeting Corps; to be held in Rome, Italy, SetPtember 21 D.D., offered the following prayer: H.R. 5299. An act for the relief of Maj. Henry C. Mitchell, retired; to 29, 1972. Where the spir it of the Lord is there is The message also announced that the liberty .-II Corinthians 3: 17. H.R. 5315. An a.ct for the relief of Gary R. Uttech; Vice President, pursuant to section 14-0 . O Lord our God, and God of our fa­ H.R. 10635. An a.ct for the relief of Wil­ (g) of Public Law 92-318, appointed Mr. thers, we greet the coming of another day liam E. Baker; and PELL and Mr. BEALL a.s members, on the with joyful hearts and enter into Thy H.R. 12638. An act for the relief of Sgt. part of the Senate, of the National Com­ presence with thanksgiving. As Thou Gary L. Rivers, U.S. Marine Corps, retired. mission on the Financing of Postsecond­ didst lead our fathers to found on these ary Education. shores a nation of free men so do Thou The message also announced that the continue to lead their children in keep­ Senate disagrees to the amendments of ing the fiag of freed.om :flying in our day the House to the bill <S. 3755) entitled AMENDING STATUTORY CEILING that men everywhere may come to know "An act to amend the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, as amended, ON SALARIES PAYABLE TO and to enjoy the greatness of liberty. U.S. MAGISTRATES Amid all our blessings make us mind­ to increase the U.S. share of allowable ful of those who dwell in the land of project costs under such act; to amend Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr. oppression, who eat the food of affliction, the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to and who taste the bitter fruit of bondage. amended, to prohibit certain State tax­ take from the Speaker's desk the bill Particularly do we pray for our prison­ ation of persons in air commerce, and <H.R. 7375) to amend the statutory ceil­ ers of war and their families. Hasten the for other purposes," requests a confer­ ing on salaries payable to U.S. magis­ day when wars shall cease, the captives ence with the House on the disagreeing trates, with a Senate amendment there­ be released, and all mankind begin to be votes of the two Houses thereon, and to, and concur in the Senate amend­ blest with the joyful experiences of appoints Mr. MAGNUSON, Mr. CANNON, ment. brotherhood and peace. Mr. HART, Mr. COTTON, and Mr. PEARSON The Clerk read the title of the bill. In the spirit of Him wha sets men free to be the conferees on the part of the The Clerk read the Senate amend­ we pray. Amen. Senate. ment, as follows: The message also announced that the Page 2, line 2, after "$100" insert "nor Senate had passed bills of the following more than $15,000". THE ·JOURNAL titles, in which the concurrence of the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to The SPEAKER. The Chair ha.s ex­ Hquse is requested: S. 909. An act for the relief of John C. the request of the gentleman from Cali­ amined the Journal of the last day's pro­ Rogers; fornia? ceedings and announces to the House his S . 995. An act for the relief of Ronald K. Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, approval thereof. · Downie; reserving the right to object, I should Without objection, the Journal stands S . 2714 . An act for the relief of M. Sgt. like to ask the gentleman from Cali­ Ud)proved. William C. Hal'pold, U.S. Marine Corps, re­ fornia what changes, if any, were made There was no objection. tired, and in the bill as passed by the House. S. 3257. An act for the relief of Gary Went­ worth, of Staples, Minn. Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Speaker, the only change that was made, The message also announced that the I advise the distinguished minority A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar­ Vice President, pursuant to Public Law leader, was to limit the salary of part­ rington, one of its clerks, announced that 85-474, appointed Mr. PASTORE, Mr. JOR­ time magistrates to $15,000 per year. the Senate had passed without amend­ DAN of North Carolina, Mr. HARTKE, Mr. Under the bill passed in the B'.ouse, the ment bills of the House of the following Moss, Mr. BAYH, Mr. HOLLINGS, Mr. BENT­ salary of a part-time magistrate was titles: SEN, Mr. SAXBE, Mr. TAFT, and Mr. STAF- tied to that of a part-time referee in 30148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE September 12, 1972 bankruptcy and could have gone as high AMENDING TITLE 10, UNITED band of a person who, if not married to the as $18,000 per year. The Senate amend­ STATES CODE, TO ESTABLISH A person at the time she became eligible for retired or retainer pay- ment reduces that to $15,000, and I be­ SURVIVOR BENEFIT PLAN .. (A) was martied to her for e.t lea.st two lieve it is a good amendment. No part­ Mr. PIKE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ years immediately be'fore her deaith; or time magistrate can get more than $15,- mous consent to take from the Speaker's "(B) is ithe father of issue by toot mar­ 000 per year. desk the bill (H.R. 10670) to amend riage. Mr. GERALD R. FORD. In other chapter 73 of title 10, United States Code, " ( 5) 'Dependent child' means a person who words, the Senate amendment modifies to establish a survivor benefit plan, and is- the House version down and, in effect, " (A) unmarried; for other purposes, with a Senate amend­ "(B) (1) under 18 years of age; (ii) ait least is more restrictive than the House ver­ ment thereto, and concur in the Senate 18, but under 22, years of age and pursuing sion. amendment. a full-time course of study or itra:l.ning in a Mr. EDWARDS of California. That The Clerk read the title of the bill. high sohool, trade school, technical or voca­ is exactly correct. It is an economy The Clerk read the Senate amendment, tional institute, junior college, college, uni­ change. as follows: versity, or comparaible recognized educaitlonal Mr. Speaker, I believe that the amend­ institution; or (iU) incapable of supportiing ment to this measure adopted by the Strike out all after the enacting clause and himself because of a mental or physical in­ insert: oapaclity existing before his eighteenth ibiirth­ other body is both a constructive amend­ That chapter 73 of title 10, United States day or incurred on or af:ter thiwt birthday, ment, as well as an economy measure, Code, is amended as follows: but before his twenty-second birthday, while and I urge that we concur in that amend­ ( 1) The title of the chapter is amended by puTSuing such a full-time coursed!.
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