This digital document was prepared for Cascade Historical Society by THE W. E. UPJOHN CENTER IS NOT LIABLE FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Western Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364 https://www.wmich.edu/geographicalchange [email protected] News Reporter Mrs. Ellyn BruinsSlot 676-1724 Please phone or send in your news as early as possible News Deadline Noon Monday Serving The Forest Hills Area VOLUME TEN-NUMBER FIFTY-ONE THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1965 NEWS ST AND COPY Sc Theodore J. Braun d1ies Adult variety Children's art exhibit Army Captain planned for Mar. 25-27; John Slanger retires at 84 followin9 lin9erin9 illness show planned Eighty-six year old Theodore entry deadline March 12 is awarded John Braun, 1065 Plymouth NE, A recent article in Suburban A children's Art Exhibit, co­ passed away February 24, after Life, announcing the plans for sponsored by the Almanac and as Ada building inspector Bronze Star a lingering illness. an adult variety show, has rais­ the East Grand Rapids Artists' Mr. Braun is survived by ed a few questions which we Association, will be held in the also devoted 28 years as Sun­ Army Captain Carl H. Konkle three daughters, Mrs. Jay (Mar­ would like to answer at this mall at the Breton Village Shop­ day School teacher at the Bethel son of Mrs. Gladys Konkle, 3584 tha) Horton of Grattan Town­ time. ping Center March 25-27. Reformed Church, of which he Goodwood Drive. SE, Grand ship, Mrs. John (Lottie) Van­ First, the show is tentatively All children, pre-schoolers was a charter member, and at Rapids, has been awarded the Belois of Grand Rapids, and planned for the week of April through 6th grade, are urged to the Knapp Street Church. Bronze Star Medal. Mrs. Harvey (Lavina) Antoni.des 18. participate. A ribbon will be John has five children, seven Captain Konkle was given of Fowler, Michigan; two sons, Second, the show will be open given for each entry. grandchildren, and 10 great­ this medal for "exceptionally William Braun and Theodore to all interested adults in the Work should be matted or grandchildren, most of whom meritorious service in connec­ William Braun, both of Grand community. All acts will be wel­ framed and submitted to the live in or around the Ada area. tion with ground operations Rapids; eighteen grandchildren comed. Auditions will determine principal's office at Collins Born in the Netherlands, he against a hostile force" in Viet and several great-grandchildren. final eligibility for the show. School, Heather Lane, SE, by came to America in 1892. He Nam. Funeral services were conduct­ Third, if there are further March 12. One entry per child. spent 13 years in New York, Security measures prevented ed in the Arsulowicz Brothers questions regarding the show, For further information call working in a spinning and weav­ him from commenting on the East Mortuary Friday after­ please contact Mrs. B. Provon­ Mrs. Joe Laidlaw at 949-3768, ing shop. In 1905, he came to specific actions that led to the noon. Interment was made in che, 676-1858 or J. Carrington, or Mrs. Jarrad at 949-0174. Grand Rapids and spent seven awarding of the medal. But Fairplains Cemetery. 949-1357. On February 28, 1965, John years at the YMCA learning de­ Konkle di<_l say, "I was just Fourth, all interested adults Slanger at the age of 84, re­ signing and detailing of furni­ there doing a job." are urged to contact the above tired as building inspector of ture. In 1910, he also worked for Konkle was graduated from Parishioners to named persons as soon as pos­ Indian customs Ada Township, after having ser­ the Luce Furniture Company of Godwin Heights High School and sible. The deadline for signing ved in that capacity for 15 Grand Rapids and when strike Michigan State University be­ up is March 31. displayed at years. put him out of work, he went fore enrolling at Howe Military hold centennial Let's show our youngsters that To represent Cascade at seminar John's career as inspector be­ to the Hesperlam Furniture Academy. He is assigned to talent is not just a teenage com­ Representing Cascade Christian Church at the 1965 Inter­ gan when the township voted in Company and made antiques by the Ordnance Guided Missile modity. Join the show and let national Affairs Seminar in New York City and Washington, Scout meeting a building and zoning ordinance hand. School at Redstone Arsenal. exhibit April 25 the world see you. Who knows D. C. will be (left to right) Dennis Byerly, Miss Susan Slater, in 1949, and the need for a He spent two years at Kel­ His wife, Laura, and two As part of their Centennial where it may lead you? Mrs. James Banta (advisor) and Miss Cheryl Crum. These The Cubs of Cascade Cub building inspector was apparent vinator of Grand Rapids and daughters reside at 2226 Nelson celebration. the Cascade Chris­ The music association urges young people will be part of a larger group of 150 young people Scout Pack 3334 and their fam­ to follow up on the code. So, then went to the Leonard Pro­ Avenue, SE, Grand Rapids. tian Church will have a Cen­ you to sign up now and avoid from Christian (Disciple) Churches across the nation. ilies were treated to a very in December of 1950, the town­ duction Engineering Company tennial Exhibit during the week the rush. Do it today, we need interesting and unusual program ship board, then consisting of and worked 22 years as an en­ of April 25. While in New York, they \vill. nually by the Christian Educa­ you. make a serious study of the tion Department of the United last week following their annual J. C. Ward, Blanche Loveless, gineer. Heart attack Pictures and articles from the Blue and Gold Banquet. Henry Fase, Neal VandePeerle, In 1933, he came to Ada and very early days up to World United Nations and internation­ Christian Missionary Society. al government in action. During the past four years, and Roy Richardson, appoint­ lived for sometime on Buttrick is fatal to War I will be on display for Tom Carew on Mr. and Mrs. John Bosin and ed Mr. Slanger as the first In Washington, D. C., the over 30 senior high students from son, Warren, gave a talk on Road. When a building became a whole week in Fellowship Hall building inspector of Ada Town­ available in t~e village, he pur­ young people have an opportun­ the Cascade Church have par­ Indian customs and ceremon­ snow shoveler for everyone in the community reception group ity to study and observe our ticipated in this program. ship. chased what is now Ada Hard­ Wilmot (Bill) Blain, aged 52, to view. ies. Mr. Bosin, is a full-blood­ John is also well known to ware and set up a job-shop. Tom Carew was se1ected to national government. There is In order to put more money ed Kiowa Indian, and Mrs. Bos­ of 5277 McCords Avenue, SE, The committee in charge of be on the reception committee opportunity for personal confer­ into the fund for this trip, the many of the younger residents Here he held many of his 4-H this Exhibit is making an appeal in is a full-blooded Chippewa of Ada for the work he did as Cascade Township, collasped for Lt. General T. P . Gerrity ences with governmental lead­ CYF is sponsoring its 4th an­ Indian. They performed several classes. In 1951, he sold this from shovelling snow last Thurs­ for the loan of an old buggy, cut­ at Washington, D. C. Tom is ers and sightseeing. nual Chicken 'n Biscuit Dinner leader of the handicraft classes building to Ada Hardware and ter or other articles. dances native to their individ· in 4-H. Many local youths got retired from his shop. day and was pronounced dead one of eight on the committee With the exception of one hun­ this Saturday, March 6, in Fel- ual tribes and their son per­ on arrival at St. Mary's Hos­ If you have anything relating who has attained the rank of dred dollars given them by the . lowship Hall. This dinner will their start in woodworking un­ On behalf of the present town­ pital. to the very early days of Cas­ formed some ceremonial dan­ der John's leadership. He re­ ship board and the many friends cade and vicinity that may be Eagle Scout. church, the CYF has raised the be served from 5 until 7 P. m. ces. Mr. Blain was an employee This is sponsored by the Eagle additional money to make this The admission charge is $1.50 cently was awarded his 30- of John in Ada, many thanks of the Kent County Road Com­ loaned to the church for this S c o u t Recognition program trip possible. The Cascade group for adults and $1 for children Mr. and Mrs. Bosin also help­ year pin by the 4-H division of to him for the hours spent as mission and its garage· super­ exhibit, please call Mrs. Den­ 12 and under. Make your res­ ed the Cub Master, Dr. Ellin­ the Kent County Extension Ser­ building inspector and for a nett at 949-1618. which provides opportunities for will leave for New York by intendent the last two years. scouts to "meet men of recog­ bus on March 12, returning to ervations now by calling Miss ger, with the initiation of new vice.
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