ST. CHARLES AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH December 7, 2014 | 10:30 worship Second Sunday of Advent ST. CHARLES AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH December 7, 2014 | 10:30 worship Welcome to worship on this second Sunday of Advent. We are glad that you are here! The season of Advent invites us to listen to an entirely different message than that of culture, which assures us that the more we spend, the happier we will be. Instead, as God’s Word teaches, happiness comes from being forgiven and made new by the power of God, giving us new lives…a “fresh start.” Preparing for the celebration of Christ’s birth, as we do in Advent, means reorienting ourselves toward lives built solely upon the promises of God. GATHERING WELCOME Philip L. Stagg VOLUNTARY Steven B. Blackmon LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLE (responsive) Sarah and Fisher Alexander Voice One: We light this candle as a symbol of the purity of heart only God can bring. Voice Two: For God shall purify his people like gold and silver, until they shine forth his righteousness. All: Come, Lord Jesus, come! ANNOUNCEMENTS *CALL TO WORSHIP (responsive), from Psalm 85 Sarah Alexander God’s salvation is at hand for those who fear him, that God’s glory may dwell among us. Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other. Faithfulness will spring up from the ground, and righteousness will look down from the sky. The Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before him, and will make a path for his steps. Let us worship God! *PRAYER OF THE DAY *HYMN 104 “O Lord, How Shall I Meet You” valet will ich dir geben CALL TO CONFESSION Saints, let us trust in God’s love for us and confess our sin, confident in God’s mercy. Let us pray together. PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Gracious God, you have sent us prophets and we have not listened. We have not always made way for your sovereignty in our lives, our church, and our society. Forgive us, we pray, and renew your covenant within us, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. SILENT CONFESSION KYRIE ASSURANCE OF PARDON (responsive) Friends, I am confident of this: if we repent, God is sure to forgive us. The One who began a good work in us will bring it to completion. Grateful for the promise of joy and of peace, let us go forth living lives of perfect freedom in Christ. Amen. *Please stand as you are able. Please silence cell phones during the worship service. THE WORD PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION FIRST READING Isaiah 40:1-11 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. MESSAGE FOR THE CHILDREN Alex Spinks Children in the First Grade and under may now exit with church staff for a time of play. Parents may pick up their children on the playground following the worship service. SECOND READING Mark 1:1-8 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SERMON “Three Kinds of Repentance” Donald R. Frampton *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH from “A Declaration of Faith” God sent the promised Deliverer to his people. Jesus, the long expected Savior, came into the world as a child, descended from David, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of Mary, a virgin. We affirm that Jesus was born of woman as is every child, yet born of God’s power as was no other child. The coming of Jesus was itself the coming of God’s promised role. Through his birth, life, death, and resurrection, Jesus brings about the relationship between God and humanity that God always intended. *GLORIA PATRI 581, Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP At this time, please pass the Friendship Register, which enables worshippers to greet each other on their pew. You may also complete a prayer request card (in the pew rack) and place it in the offering plate.The pastoral and program staff will include your request in its weekly time of prayer. SERVICE OF ORDINATION AND INSTALLATION OF ELDERS Statement of Ordination and Installation Philip L. Stagg Presentation of Candidates Robbert W. Vorhoff Constitutional Questions Donald R. Frampton Prayer of Ordination Declaration of Ordination and Installation Welcome THE OFFERING Offertory Anthem "The Holly and the Ivy" trad., arr. Gjeilo The Chancel Choir *Doxology, 606, Glory to God:The Presbyterian Hymnal *Prayer of Dedication SENDING *HYMN 69 “Here I am, Lord” here i am *CHARGE AND BLESSING *CHORAL RESPONSE “A Scottis Blyssing” Blackmon/Willcox *VOLUNTARY If you are visiting with us today, please join us for refreshments in Frampton Fellowship Hall, following the service. WORSHIP NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS The Flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Hardy Henderson, and Mrs. Marietta Lawton Fabacher, by Bob, Lyn, Lawton, and Caroline Fabacher. Today’s ushers are: Roger Fleshman, Lawrence Hoffman, Stephanie Haniford, George Wilson, Maureen Herring, Casey Root, Sallee Benjamin and Jay Young. The Front Door Advent Wreaths are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Mrs. Richmond's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Berckes, by Mr. and Mrs. R. Randolph Richmond, Jr. The Christmas BannersThe cover art for today’s bulletin comes from our Christmas Banners, created in 2011 for SCAPC by church friend and local artist Patti Adams, and were made possible through generous gifts given in memory of Kathryn “Kit” Favrot. Session Class of 2017 - Today St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church proudly ordains and installs 17 men and women to the elder class of 2017. These individuals were duly elected by the congregation, completed a series of fall training classes, and were successfully examined by the Session. They are: Nathan Pankey Adams, III Seth Daniel Hagler Julianne Nice Patrick Elliott Adams (Youth) John Crawford Hope, IV Patricia E. Pannell Laura McLeary Avery John Clinton Martin Barry Alan Thompson W. Anderson Baker Casey Patrick Morriss Barbara Dours Weiser Catherine Cauley John F. Morton, Jr. Pierce Jonassen Young Jean Conger May Clinton Ashley Linfield Murphy (Youth) Like us on Facebook! SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES - 9:30-10:15 AM Nursery Care - The Nursery is open from 8:15-Noon every Sunday for children 0-3 years old. - First Floor Bible Adventures (3 years old – 3rd grade) - Second Floor, Grade Level Classes. Challenger Class (grades 4 & 5) - Second Floor, Challenger Classroom. Youth Class (6th-12th Grades) - Third Floor, Youth Room. 20/30 Class - Advent Devotional Study Join us as we journey through the 2014 SCAPC Advent Devotional book. We will spend time reading and discussing the devotionals and delving into the scripture behind each one. All are invited to spend this time together in thoughtful reflection on the Advent season. Led by: Stephanie Haniford | 3rd Floor Youth Room Who Wrote the Bible? This book by Richard E. Friedman is a fascinating, intellectual, yet highly readable analysis and investigation into the authorship of the Old Testament. Friedman delves deeply into the history of the Bible in a scholarly work that is as exciting and surprising as it is a good detective novel. Led by: Maureen Herring | through December 7 | Land Building, Lakeside Archaeology and the Christmas Story So much of our understanding of the first Christmas is colored by the lens of twentieth century society. Without an understanding of the context of the way people in Israel lived during the reign of Herod the Great, it is hard to understand the richness of the story. This class will focus on the archaeological excavations of the cultures in which Jesus was born. Led by: Crorey Lawton | through December 21 | Phifer Library St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church invites you to join us for these special events AdventAT ST. CHARLES AVENUE during the Advent season to share in the joy, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH love and celebration of our Savior’s birth! 20/30s Christmas Brunch and Gift Exchange Sunday, December 7 - 11:45 a.m. - Stillwagon home (440 Millaudon Street) Youth Group White Gift Shopping Sunday, December 7 - Jr. High at 4:45 p.m., Sr. High at 5:45 p.m. Presbyterian Women Christmas Worship Service and Reception Led by Don Frampton & Steven Blackmon Tuesday, December 9 - 6 p.m. Chapel, reception at Wright home (1518 State) Shades of Praise Gospel Choir at WNO Wednesday, December 10 - 6 p.m. Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Program White Gift Service Sunday, December 14 - 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary worship service Youth Group Celebration in the Oaks Sunday, December 14 - 5:00 p.m. Celebration of Carols, Orchestra and Choir Performance Sunday, December 21 - 10:30 a.m. Sanctuary worship service Youth Group Gift Exchange Sunday, December 21 - Jr. High at 4:45 p.m., Sr. High at 5:45 p.m. Carrollton Christmas Camp Mon, December 22 - Fri, January 2 (except Christmas Day & New Year’s Day) Lafayette Academy, Carrollton Avenue Christmas Eve Services Wednesday, December 24 - Sanctuary - Don Frampton preaching Family Service with Childcare - 5:00 p.m. Lessons and Carols without Childcare - 7:00 p.m. Sunday after Christmas Sunday, December 28 - one Sanctuary service at 9:30 a.m. - Phil Stagg preaching UPCOMING EVENTS TODAY IN FRAMPTON FELLOWSHIP HALL: SCAPC Christmas Village - Please join us in Frampton Fellowship Hall following this morning's service for the annual display of the SCAPC Christmas Village, created by Geoff Snodgrass. Special thanks this year to Debbie Rees for lending her Dickens Christmas Village buildings to the display. White Gift - TODAY is the last chance to grab an ornament from the White Gift tree to sponsor a child for Christmas and purchase gifts that address their needs and wants.
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