A SERIOUS COMPUTER X·l2• IN A DESKTOP PACKAGE Multiprocessor Technology - Combination of 8, 16 and 32 bit types 1.0 Megabyte Memory- Insures no limitation on programs "Winchester" Disk System- Fast response, large storage capacity UniFiex · Operating System- The standard of comparison Hardware Floating Point - Unmatched speed in a small system Up to Three Terminals - Instant expansion • T r�demark uf Technical Synems c:;onsultanu SOUTHWEST TECHNICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION 219 W. RHAPSODY SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78216 (512) 344-0241 Only Microware's OS-9 Operating System Covers the Entire 68000 Spectrum MICROWARE'S OS-9 UNIX ROM·BASED fi.OPPY..OISK BASED DID-lASED CONTROL PERSONAL INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS COMPUTERS smEMS HAND-HELD HARDWAREiSOFT'MRE ..,._SCALE COMPUTERS DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS ._....... IYIIIMI SMALL SYSTEMS LARIE SYSTEMS Is complicated software and expensive hardware VAX an d PDP-II mal-.c lt>ordinJtcd UnaxOS·l) ..ottw.tn• d w ptn keeping you back from Unix? Look mto 0$-ll the c Jo ent J rfc.J�Uft! orc.·rating �y�tcm fl'(lm Macr<w.arcthat giii('So8000 �y:.tt·m' SUPPORT FOR MODULAR SOFTWARE .a Unax-�tvlt• envan>nnwnt walh mulh ll"i� overhead .md - AN OS-9 EXCLUSIVE c<,mplt•\aiy. Ct,mprd,cn�I\C 'urp"rt 1<)1moduiM .,oilware put<. os.o •� wr�Jhlt•, delivers outstanding J .JheJd of II mulliplit� 0�-1.? anexpt'n'l\'t' anJ t-wncrJti.m otht•r upt•t.lhng.,y,ft'm!>. p<>rlormo�nl�' on .111y o,tzt• )y�ll'll1 1h(' OS-" £'Xt'tu llw b progrJtntTWr pnlliudt\'&lyand tnl'tnoryC'tial&Cn• y. ApplalJ· mwh )tnillll•t:1nd Iat mnrl· l'f- llon 'l'ltwan• can bt• buill lh t s trom andivadually lcst.thlc lllll'lll J n Unax bt"<.:.llN' a Key OS-9 Features At A Glance �"nltl'n 111 ta't C<lmpad J� ,,,Hw.lf<" m,�tfull"> mcludin� • Compact (16Kl ROMable executive written In assembly �rmhly IJn�uagt•, ma�ang tl st,Jnd.trd ''librarr'' module!-. language adt·allt1r criticaln•al-linw a1 · The nwJuiJr 'lrudun.' ll'l� • User "shell" and complete utility set wrrtten In C < H'UlO· plication� ()$.U (Jn tun on }'Oll U'tUtnlll' Jnd • C·source code level compatibility with Unix for spt'{tli{ J �ro.11l r,m�t' nl 8 lo J2 bit fi�url.'t)S.Il h.tn.l· • Full Multitasking/multiuser capabilities ea<.il\ '�·-l <'m'ba.,<·d on the o8000 ware and qwd,ly. • Modular design • extremely easy to adapt. modify, or M osou f.unily MI'U" fn,m A SYSTEM WITH expand ROM-b.�t·d mdu�tra.al Wra· A PROVEN • Unix·type tree structured file system lrt,llt-r.. up to IM�o�c rnultatNr • Rugged "crash•proof' file structure with record locking TRACK RECORD '"''"''· • Works well with floppy disk or ROM-based systems On{C an undf·r�round OS-9'S OUTSTANDING • Uses hardware or software memory management d,w.it. OS ..:) i., ncm ,, �olid C COMPTLER IS Q • High performance c. Pascal, Basic and Cobol compilers hit Since 1980 OS has YOUR BRIDGE TO UNlX bt•t•n pmt£>d lu lWt•r a hun· MamM'JI\'!t ClOill f'lll'f k•:h drl.'d o800 and o8000 noltl!olY '" antlthcr OS.0 adv,mt.:J�t· Th('wmpil1•r prcxiuc� ��·,tt?m� undl.'r liccrN'to sonw ell thr biAAt"•l nam('<> m the c\trt:mely lJ,l, tOnlpolLI anJ RO;\Iablt• nx1e \nu \.oln N�ily husint...S . ()S.Qh.!'> bt·en imb�·ddcd an lllll11lHlll�' COn,unWr, Jrvcltlp ,md pMl sy:.tcm or arpla�:atinn o,ollw.�rc hac!.. aml andustraal amJ 0[:�1 pro..lucto; and i<> suppmlctll>\' m.:�ny t�,rth to �toJnd.utf Um'{sy1-lem�. Cn��·C<lmpilcr vc�1on� tor independent 'nl h\olfl' supplaer' MICROWARE SYSTEMS CORPORATION Mlcrowa� Japiln, ltd t8o6 NW I 14th Street 3·8·9 Buakl, lchJkawa City Des Moines. low.a 50322 Chib• 272·01, Japan Phont' 515·224-1929 Phone 0473(2814493 Telex 910.520.2535 Telex 299·3122 0)4 • trJd<-m.l I"' Mo r'" •,.. •nd fl. 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Please Use A Or. Theo Elbert Car l Mann Dark Rlbbonll No Blue lnklll Single space on 8X11 Or. E. M. Pass bond Ibn Vo I ghts No Philip Lucido or better grade paper. hond written articles accepted. Disks should be In FLEX2 6800 or FLEX9 S'peclal Technl�l Pr'Oject'a 6809 any 'olerslon or OS-9 ony 'olerslon. CJ oy Abrams K6AEP The follow I n·g TSC Text Processor CO!Miands <JI..Y To111 Hunt • should be used: .sp space, PP paragraph , ·fl fill and CONTENTS .nf no fiJI. Also please do not tor-t within the text with •ul'tlple spliCeS • We will enter the rest ot time Vol.VII,Issue IV April 85 of editing. All STYLOGRAPH COIW!Illnds are ecceptable except .pg poge CO!Miand· We print edited text flies In contlnous FLEX USER Notes •••••••••.•••••• 7 Anderson text form. OS9 USER Notes ....••..•..•••••. 12 Dibble Letters To The Edl1or C USER Notes •.••••••...•••...•• 14 Pass 68000 USER Notes •...•......•.•• 18 Lucido All let ters to the editor should c0111ply with the obo.'e be slgfted. 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Minimum of .• r 68' Micro Articles 1984 Index 48 S7. 50 for fi st 20 .,.cis and • )5 per word after 20. be peld • aMftOe· It> CMJ CoCo Index Of Articles ••••• 49 All classlfleds must I classified ads occ,epted oter the phone. Bit Bucket •••••••••••••.••••••• 51 Classified Advertising •.•.••••• 59 2 '68' Micro Journal � GIMIXSTATE OF THE ART 6809 SYSTEMS FOR THE SERIOUS USER. � For the user who appreciates the need for a ll0 bus structured system using STATIC RAM GIMIX has 19MB or high performance and powered by a ferro resonant constant g --�_;:....::::; ,·-· ,, \ .;,;..._ ' - ; voltage transformer. • . ... .... 47MB Wlnc:hester Drive Systems ancllor 3 .:.,;..;\._.;.· -:-----:or-_..,., ,.a;· -'<J< ,· �-T" � GIMIXhas single user systems that cxm run !!!. W_ J ·�G"'l(. 6!D'Il'CI>\JS. .;::•·· . ; ' noppy Disk Drive Systems. l� •. bothFLEX and OS-9 or Mullluser systems for 11\, = . .- . - -: -�·.. -� : J ·'· . use with UniF'LEX or OS-9 . .... ... .. -- -�- · - ..· --· • ..,. '}'� · . --.. �--�·;:. \ ;---.,;;. , GIMIX verstons of OS9 and UruFLEX Ml " . -�-- , clude mamtenance and support by Micro­ln­ .... •. , , ware (90 days) and TSC (I year). Mamie- :\>::{���-;�II����- nance and supportafter this penod \,i1 ' are available at extra � �rtiiit cost . ,-t-_ (NOI'E:support this and � maintenance ts only for use with approved For the ultimate m performance. the Un1que GMX 6809 CPUUI, GIMIX hardware) using etther OS-9-GMXDI or UniFLEX GMXIII (available shortly). gives protection to the system and other users from crashes caused by defective user programs. e.g.
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