A quarterly publication of the Overseas Ministries Study Center Vol. 2, No.1 continuing the Occasional Bulletin from the Missionary Research Library January, 1978 • • CCOSIOna etln Christian Mission in Context Efforts to relate the Word of God to the contemporary world of If Christ has broken down the walls of partition separating humanity are as old as theology itself. But the persistent gulf peoples, is it ethically responsible to encourage church growth between theory and praxis concerns Christian theologians in our along culturally homogeneous lines? That is the question squarely day as never before, giving rise to a whole cluster of adjectival faced in the article by C. Peter Wagner. prefixes to the word theology: black, red, feminist, third-world, liberation, and so on. Missiologists are characteristically in the vanguard of this Good News concern for contextualization, because cross-cultural communica­ tion adds further dimensions of complexity to the task. Again, In the year since the Overseas Ministries Study Center took over there is nothing new about the emphasis; it has been in the the publication of the Occasional Bulletin, circulation has more forefront of missionary thought from the first century onward. It than doubled. We want to double it again within the next six was articulated at great length in all the conferences of the Interna­ months. To help make this happen we have started a direct-mail tional Missionary Council from Jerusalem to Ghana, and it has promotional effort to solicit new subscriptions. If you are already a been prominent ever since in meetings convened by the World subscriber and you receive one of our promotional letters, or if Council of Churches, the Roman Catholic Church, and various you receive more than one copy of our letter, it is due to the fact evangelical mission associations. Yet the troublesome gap be­ that we are using a number of other mailing lists on which your tween intention and realization remains. Three articles in this name may be included. Please pass the letter on to a colleague or issue of the Occasional Bulletin reflect several of the cultural di­ friend with your recommendation to subscribe. lemmas encountered along the road to effective Christian mission today. Does Karl Rahner's controversial notion of the"anonymous Christian" undermine the missionary task of the Church? Robert OnPa~c J. Schreiter, C.PP.S., identifies the theological issues in Rahner's theory, isolates the major criticisms directed against it, and pro­ poses an alternative approach. Schreiter's corrective demands 2 The Anonymous Christian and Christology greater cross-cultural sensitivity: "One has to grapple with the Robert ]. Schreiter, C.PP.S. problems of translatability, contextualization, cultural universals and particulars, of literalism in the use of the Scriptures, of the 12 How Ethical Is the Homogeneous Unit Principle? differing horizons of meaning." C. Peter Wagner Focusing on Latin America as a case study, Mortimer Arias 19 Contextual Evangelization in Latin America: from Bolivia traces evangelization from the days of the conquista­ Between Accommodation and Confrontation dores to the present crisis in both Roman Catholic and Protestant Mortimer Arias thought. Arias' plea is for "prophetic contextualization" and "costly evangelization against the status quo," something quite 28 Book Reviews different from the forms of uncritical acculturation he sees as the 31 Fifteen Outstanding Books of 1977 for Mission Studies result of some previous missionary efforts. The vast majority of the world's Christian churches are cul­ 32 Response turally homogeneous, and there is no indication that the trend is 34 Dissertation Notices from reversing. But Donald McGavran's "homogeneous unit principle. Princeton Theological Seminary of church growth" is questioned by many people on the grounds that such churches share the blame for ethnically related social ills. 36 Book Notes of issionaryResearch The Anonymous Christian and Christology Robert J. Schreiter, C.PP.S. When one takes up the theme of Christ, salvation, and non­ issues that Rahner's theory brings together. Whatever the future Christian religions, and tries to sort through the complexity of of the anonymous Christian, or any alternate theory, it might be issues involved, one comes up eventually against the debate sur­ helpful to try to at least list these issues and themes that impinge rounding Karl Rahner's "anonymous Christian."" In the years upon our discussion so as to know better what kinds of problems since the idea was first put forward, it has generated a good deal of we will also need to take into account. Next, I hope to isolate the discussion and a large amount of literature. In that discussion, the major criticisms directed against the theory of the anonymous anonymous Christian has drawn alternately praise and criticism. Christian, since these are presumably also issues impinging upon On the one hand, the theory has been praised as a well­ the problematic of Christ, salvation, and non-Christian religions reasoned attempt to bring together imaginatively the doctrine of that Rahner's theory does not take up in a satisfactory fashion. the universal salvific will of God with the contingencies of the With that done, I would like to turn to a recasting of the missionary activities of the Church. In doing so, it accounts for concerns embodied in Rahner's theory. This will be done only in those people of good will who, through no fault of their own, have outline form, since space does not permit a full working out of not heard the Good News, yet still might enjoya special relation­ such an extensive theory as would be needed. The alternate pro­ ship with God. posed here will, of course, be slightly skewed by the fact that it is But on the other hand, the anonymous Christian has also had dominated by some of the major criticisms of Rahner's theory. But coals heaped upon his head. Among the major criticisms are that perhaps what is lost in proportion might become a gain in per­ this theory does not take into account sufficiently the fact that spective. Finally, I will explore briefly some of the implications of Christianity is by definition an explicit confession of faith in Jesus this alternate approach to the problematic of Christ, salvation, and Christ; that it owes more to Rahner's transcendental anthropology non-Christian religions, investigating what sorts of new pos­ than to the biblical witness; that it does not provide adequately for sibilities it might open up for us. the central Christian categories of justification and conversion; that it lacks specific Christological and kerygmatic content; that it might undermine the missionary task of the Church; that it clouds Themes and Issues seriously the meaning of Church; that it shows an insensitivity to the religious commitment of other peoples. As was noted above, the persuasive power of Rahner's theory of Yet for all these difficulties, the anonymous Christian has the anonymous Christian owes much to the fact that so many shown remarkable vitality. As recently as a few years ago, on the different and important themes of Christian belief, and so many anniversary of Rahner's seventieth birthday, a special Festschrift issues facing the Church in the multiplicity of situations and was planned devoted entirely to his notion of the anonymous cultures, are woven together into a single fabric. There are at least Christian.? For here lies the overriding significance of the theory five major topic areas that bring together such theological themes of the anonymous Christian, no matter what one's judgment upon and practical issues: the universal salvific will of God; creation it may be: Rahner has woven together into a single theological and redemption theology; Christianity and the Church; Christ, fabric a large number of disparate but related issues that surround Christology and soteriology; and culture. I would want to begin, the problematic of Christ, salvation, and non-Christian religions. then, by trying to indicate what seem to be the major themes and As he himself has pointed out on a number of occasions, one is issues clustering around each of these topic areas. free to accept or reject his theory of the anonymous Christian, but the issues with which the theory deals will eventually have to be faced by the believer in one way or another. 1. The Universal Salvific Will of God I do not intend to recapitulate the many treatments of the anonymous Christian here in any detail. Nor do I intend to work This topic area is central to the entire problematic of Christ, directly with Rahner's theory internally, by criticizing this point salvation, and non-Christian religions. For if Christians did not or amending that one. It seems to me that such an approach has believe that God wills his salvation for all peoples, the questions already been undertaken often enough, and that the major profit we are addressing here would not arise. to be gained from doing so has in the main already been achieved. First of all; belief in God's universal salvific will is central to But at the same time, one cannot ignore Rahner's anonymous the missionary activity. Without it, there would be no need to go Christian; the problems with which the theory deals are indeed out to engage in preaching and other activity. our problems and will remain with us. Second, how we understand the realization of God's salvific I would like to propose a different kind of approach. To begin, will, will determine the style of our missionary activity. To what I will try to locate the major clusters of theological themes and extent does it depend upon God's prior activity and to what extent upon the missionary's presence? Rahner's opting more for the former than for the latter has led to accusations that the theory of the anonymous Christian undermines missionary activity.
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