Hightstown Gazette. VOLUME XC HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1938 NUMBER 12 DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS FSCC Buys Three David C. Lewis Manasquan Plans AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT YMCA Sponsors The members of the American Le­ Suit has been filed in Mercer Circuit Million Pounds gion drum and bugle corps are prac­ Not a Candidate For Big Sea Day Court by Mildred Riley, of Jamesburg, ticing on Tuesday and Thursday eve­ and Wilson J. Coan, of Princeton, Campaign ‘How’s Of Jersey Crops nings on the grammar school grounds.. against William Scott, of Hightstown- The drills are witnessed by .many in­ For Mayor of Boro Celebration Your Horizion?’ terested spectators. Princeton road. Damages totaling $30,- 5\irpius Frosluce Purcliased at Farm­ CcMmcilman Frederick W. Branford An- Program of Competitive Sport Event* 000 are sought for injuries sustained ers’ Markets for Distribution Through, The leader, John Tash, taught them PI»n to Survey Local Intereat in In­ a new march during tbe past week, notmces That He Will Be a Candi­ For Saturday—Pri*e* Will Be Award­ when a car in which the plaintiffs were formal Learning for Adult*—^Variou* Relief Agencies—Help* Create Stable date—Petition Now Being Circulated. ed in 15 Event*. riding last July 9 figured in a collision Subjects Being Considered. Market. instructions are now being given for a fancy drills. The drummers receive in­ yvith an auto operated by Scott at an The political atmosphere in local af­ While arrangements for the dedica­ "'Vyell, how's your health?" might be Approximately three million pounds struction from Mark W. Swetland. Two intersection in Jamesburg. Miss Riley fairs w a s partially cleared yesterday tion of a new Manasquan River draw­ seeks damages of $25,000 for her in­ the inquiry of any good Hightstown of surplus cabbage, snap beans, beets, additional members became affiliated with the announcement of David C. bridge and the fireworks display have with the organization this week. juries and Coan $5,000. resident of his neighbor. However, a carrots and tomatoes were purchased Lewis, councilman and president of been stealing the limelight in early new greeting may soon be going the to July 29 in New Jersey by the Fed­ Any boy or girl who wishes to join Council, that he believes a public office plans for the “Big Sea Day” celebration may do so if their parents will furnish rounds of conversation. Would you eral Surplus Commodities Corporation holder should not seek an additional to be revived at Manasquan Saturday, Cream Prices Are know how to answer if a friend asked: in the current program for purchasing them with either a drum or bugle. office until he has completed the term August 13, a large committee has com­ "Well, how’s your horizon?" surplus truck; crops for relief distribu­ of office to which he was originally pleted arrangements for a lengthy pro-* Ordered Raised -A group of local YMCA men have tion, according to George Haines, presi­ Elected. gram of competitive sport events. dent of the Newark Farmers’ Market Crafts Exhibit been asking what Hightstown could do The announcement, addressed to the Valuable prizes will be awarded in 15 By Control Board to help itself through informed adult and chairman of a grower committee Editor of T h e Gazette, received events covering a wide age range. The which advises the Corporation in its On Tuesday at education to brighten your horizon. 'Wednesday, reads as follows: awards include cups, gold, silver and Effective on Monday, August IS—Heavy purchases. Learning is an ongoing process Grammar School Dear Editor: bronze medals, a fishing rod, reel and Cream to Coat Conaumer Five Centa whether it is inclosed in a school room Purchases in New Jersey are being line, and several cash prizes. They will More Per Quart, or in the everyday experiences. An made at farmer markets of Paterson, Inasmuch as 1 have been approached be handed down to winners in four Samples of Chi!<hren’s Sewing end by a number of friends and associates individual’s "slant” on life may be en­ Newark, Hightstown, Vinelan,d and beach sport events dosed to children, Cream prices will be advanced August couraged and enlarged by a willingness Glasslxtrd where representatiye groups Wooihvork Will Be^on Diiplay— with reference to seeking another po­ nine swimming races, a boat race and 15, The boost, ordered by the State Game and Play Actmtiet. litical office I feel it essential that I to learn to enjoy a larger horizon. of growers are cooperating with FSCC a casting contest. Two band concerts Milk Control Board, is attributed to Learning today means living tomorrow should advise you of my position in curtailment of supplies and losses sus­ purchasing agents in an advisory capa­ The children's playground, sponsored this matter. will round out the day’s activities. and enjoying today. city in conducting the purchases. by the WPA, invites all parents and According to George Peek, chairman tained by farmers through storm dam­ 1 am of the belief that any public age to hay and grains. Now, just suppose some local organi­ Purchases in New Jersey to July 29 friends of children to attend the an­ office holder should not seek an addi­ of the casting contest committee and zation of which you are a member asked included, in terms of pounds, snap nual exhibit of crafts and activities of a resident o f Manasquan beach, th e Producers will receive 15 cents more tional office uatil he has completed per hundredweight of Class Two milk, you whether you’d like to give one eve­ beans, 292,260; beets, 567,996; cabbage, these constructive community projects the term of office to which he was fishing rod, reel and line will be awarded ning a week during next fall or winter 1,7%,237; carrots, 350,350, and tomatoes, on, next Tuesday evening. Samples of the first three placers respectively. En­ which is milk separated into cream, originally elected. while resale prices will adavnee all along learning, doing, or hearing something 45,315, or a total of 3,052,158 pounds in the children’s sewing a n d woodwork Owing to the fact that the citizens tries will be accepted when the con­ of your choice with about fifteen other will be on display in the basement of test starts at 2 o’clock at the Mana­ the line. Heavy cream will cost the con­ all. of this community elected me last sumer five cents more per quart, and hke-mmded people. It matters little The purchase program was developed the grammar school. Exhibitions of fall to serve them as their councilman squan River inlet end of First Avenue. how much or how little education or g^me and play activities will be dem­ It h a s no rage or residential limits. there will be a two-cent boost on a by theA gricultural Adjustment Ad­ for a period of three years I deem half-pint of light cream. book learning” you’ve had. The thing ministration when it became advisable onstrated and the values in right atti-^ it my duty to respect their wishes and Scoring will be on distance. that counts is: Are you yourself willing tudes and skills will be evident to the Much interest is expected to be shown "Milk producers have informed the to divert quantities of surplus vege­ serve them in that capacity until the board the continued high temperatures, to start under your own “steam” to go tables from commercial channels, Mr. observant adult. expiration of my present term. the life boat race for the beach’s places on the horizon of happier living. lifeguard crews. Four crews are ex­ excessive humidity and general unfa­ Haines said. The surplus vegetables The local playground has been un­ Mr. Lewis has been urged to be a vorable weather conditions have caused , Saunders, as president of are being distributed through relief, usually successful in winning baseball candidate for the office of Mayor. pected to enter. It will be held in the the H^ightstown YMCA, appointed some Watson Creek tributary of the river at a drop in production estimated by many agencies to persons at nearby points. games. The record of games, reported Mayor E. Drew Silver, whose term ex­ at 15 to 25 per cent,” said the announce­ months ago a committee of men inter­ This method, Mr. Haines stated, ac­ by Mrs. Catherine Hiland and John pires January 1, 1939, may or may ndt 6:30 o'clock. The prizes arc cash. En­ ested in Hightstown’s horizon. These tries may be made in ail other events ment. “No immediate relief from, this complishes the double objective of giv­ Difenbach, local supervisors, shows be a candidate to succeed himself. He situation is anticipated, as it is claimed directors of the “Y” are asking folks ing needy families more adequate food eight victories in nine games played is now completing his second term. at the time they take place. once a cow goes off production it is and the organizatons to which they with visiting teams. supplies than they could obtain other­ Branford in Race A heavy entry is expected in the long practically impossible to recoup the loss belong whether Hightstown wants to wise, and of helping producers by cre­ The colored chiMren under the direc­ Coiincilman Frederick W, Branford distance swimming race. It will be held through feeding or artificial methods. to live near a "happier horizon” ating a more stable market for quan­ tion of Robert Owens have enjoyed advised The Gazette Wednesday after­ at the conclusion of the drawbridge “Storms that have accompanied the the things you really enjoy knowing tities needed commercially.
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