5. 2020-2021 Blackfeet Fish & Wildlife Annual Hunting Regulations BLACKFEET FISH AND WILDLIFE ANNUAL REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO COVID-19 7. Comply with all social- 6. The Outfitter must distancing, and CDC h-wnediately notify guidelines pertaining to Blackfeet Incident Pursuan.t to Blaclkfeet Covid-19, and oomlliY Command ifthey themselves. their client(s), Tribal Ordinance 121 AL-t: with the provisions established in Blackfeet or a person in their !!Q!!:!e§idg..LQef'soll1(s) Tribal Ordinance 121. client's party ~ntermg onto the shows/develops any Bia~k!~!lj OUTFITTER, symptoms of Covid-19. IndianReservation to hunt JRESPONSIBJLITIE§ and the hunt must be postponed until incident within the exterior It will be the responsibility of each command authorizes boundaries of the Blackfeet Outfitter to ensure that: further activity. Indian Rese"~tion wm adher~ t~ the folioVli!!g;, 1. The Outfitter and the Client(s) thereof are *IMPORTANT NOTICE * 1. They must Self- restricted from public Quarantine if traveling places dIDing their hunt: NON-RE~IDENT/NON- from. or through an 2. The Outfitter is MEMBER FISHING infected area: res,Qonsible for ensuring LICENSE SUSPENDED 2. They must immediately that face-masks are worn lJNTIL FURTHER NOTICE; notify Blackfeet Covid-Iv at all times, excej2t when Incident Command if they outdoors and where FURBEARl'"NG TRAPPING show/develoQ any social-distancing is LICENSE SUSPEi'IDED s.Y1m1toms of Covid-19 possible: UNTIL FURTIIER NOTICE: while on the Blackfeet 3. The Outfitter must Indian Reservation: BIRD HUNTING LICENSE ,., Qrovide Blackfeet Fish & Must wear a mask at all SUSPENDED UNTIL J. Wildlife, and the times in nubl:ic Qlaces on Blackfeet Revenue FURTHER NOTICE; the reservation: Department: ALL SDSPEtIDED 4. They must .Qrovide the 3A. The Name of PRIVILEGES MAYBE Blackfeet Fish & Wildlife their Clienti s l;_ REIN"STATED DEPENDENT De~artment the name and 3B. The Nameis) of ON THE COVID-19 address of where they will PANDEMIC be staving while on the any additional peo!lli! Blackfeet Indian traveling with the Reservation. and thev Clienus): must disclose the names all persons within their 3C. The daters) their hunting party; Clientis) will be on the Blackfeet Indian 5. Must Purchase their tazs Reservation: online at blackfeetfishandwildlife.n 4. The Outfitter must take et, or over the Qhone by the temperature of calling the Blackfeet Fish themselves. their clients, & Wildlife Dept. at and their client' s ~ daily. A temQerature (406) 338-72Q2. higher than lOO.4F in an 6. Non-Member & Non- adult, and a tem~rature Descendant Hunters must hig.iJ.er than 99.5F is f1l!rchase their tags considered a fever. through a licensed outfitter. BLACKFEET FISH AND WILDLIFE ANNUAL SPECIAL LOTTERY, HABITAT PROTECTION, and RECREA nON/CONSERV A nON REGULA nONS ~~2020-2021 SPECIAL LOTTERY HUNTING TAGS Mule Deer Rut Hunts: Section 5. Grazing Permits. No livestock pursuant Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife grazing permits will be issued in Special redeCodeChapter 14;1(0) A. There will be 3 Tribal Member tags Wildlife Management Areas. available Tribal Members and Descendants can B. There will be 3 descendant tags Section 6. Gathering of Animal Parts. purchase lottery chances on-line or at the available Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife Office (406) C. Each Lottery tag will cost Only Members and Descendants can 338-7207. Drawing results will be posted ~$10.00(one chance per hunter) gather, retrieve or hunt antlers andlor on October 28'", 2019 D. Season runs from November 1" gather wildlife parts on the Blackfeet Reservation. It shall be illegal for through November 30m anyone to hunt/gather Bighorn Sheep Member Moose Lottery: E. Valid in all zones horns or skulls on the Blackfeet A. A special number of moose tags will Reservation. White-Tailed Deer Rut Hunts: be available through a lottery draw for the reservation. The cost will be $5 RECREATION/CONSERV A TION A. There will be 3 Tribal Member tags per chance, with a limit of$200 per PERMIT COST AND RECREATION available person. ACTIVITIES- pursuant the Blackfeet B. There will be 3 descendant tags Fish and Wildlife Code B. There will be tliTee4Wemoose lottery available tags drawn the day before bow C. Each Lottery tag will cost Section 1. Recreation/Conservation Permit Costs. This permit allows non- hunting season opens. ~$lO.OO(one chance per hunter) D. Season runs from November lSI members to recreate on the Blackfeet Reservation. Per Blackfeet Tribal Business through November 30m C. There will be five moose lottery tags Council, shall restrict andlor close any area drawn the day before rifle hunting E. Valid in all zones of the Reservation as needed for safety, season opens. over-use and wildlife management reasons. BABITA T PROTECTION - SPECIAL Section 2. Members and Descendants. No Member Elk Lottery: WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS cost. Section 3. Non-Member AND RESTRICTIONS OF THOSE A. A special number of elk tags will be Recreation/Conservation Permit. The cost AREAS pursuant the Blackfeet Fish and available through a lottery draw for is $20, which permits the user recreational Wildlife Code Chapter 13;Sec. 10 Zone 1 (BoulderlFlattop Area) and access on the Blackfeet Lands. Section 4. Recreational Vehicle Permit Zone 4 (bow hunting only). The cost Section 1. Special Management Areas. Cost. The cost is $50, which permits the will be $S per chance, with a limit of Hunting is prohibited year round in the user recreational vehicle use on the $200 per person. Boulder- except for special lottery hunting Blackfeet Reservation. Permit is for RidgelFlattop Area (Zone 1) and recreational vehicle use only on established B. There will be three elk lottery tags Dog Gun Area (Zone 4). two-track roads and landowner permission drawn the day before bow hunting Section 2. Special Management Area required; decal provided. season opens (successful bow hunter Access. Section 5. Minors and All-Terrain will be unable to acquire a general elk Zone 1 - No motorized/mechanized Vehicles. See "John's Law" tag during rifle season). access (foot or horseback only) Section 6. Outfitter required for Non- e Zone 4 - Member bow hunting only. Tribal Members. All Non-Tribal Members C. There will be five elk lottery tags Section 3. Carrying a long gun (rifle). will have a Department approved Outfitter leading their group within the exterior drawn the day before rifle hunting Long guns (rifle) are illegal in Zone 4; season. boundaries of the Blackfeet Nation. Exception - Zone 4 Access for Section 7. Prohibited A TV Activity. No Members and Descendants only, A TV or snow mobile shall be used in the Member Big Horn Sheep Lottery: (per when crossing Blackfeet Reservation retrieval of a harvested Big Game. Contact policy, Bighorn Sheep will be hunted every to access Montana Hunting District other year): a Department Game Warden to verify 415. harvested animal (gutted and tagged. Section 4. Harassing Wildlife/Antler Section 8. Windsurfing. Four Hom Lake, A. One Big Hom Sheep tag will be Hunting and Gathering of Wildlife Parts. available. The cost will be $10 per Mission Lake, Duck Lake, and Lower St. No person shall drive or harass any Mary Lake shall be used for windsurfing. chance, with a limit of$500 per antlered animals to make antlers fall Section 9. Camping: Camping shall not be person. There will be one lottery tag off wildlife permitted on the following: drawn the day before rifle hunting No antler hunting before April 1 st Private lands without the owner's season opens. Lottery tag recipient e Antler hunting is prohibited for Non- permission. will be allowed two "helpers" to assist members e Along the Highway. them with retrieving the harvested Big e All antlers taken off reservation must Hom Sheep out of Zone L The have an export permit helpers must be Tribal Members " All buyers, of antlers and horns, must and/or Descendants and have proof of have a Blackfeet Tribal Business membership on their person while License. helping. Section 5. Flattop Lake and Flattop Area. Fishing is permitted, except during the general hunting season. Area closed to motorized vehicles, enter by horseback or foot only. BLACKFEET FISH AND WILDLIFE ANNUAL TRAPPING, FISHING, and BIRD HUNTING REGULA TrONS £G-t~w..92020-2021 FURBEARER TRAPPING C. Fishing Hours: No one shall begin Grouse, or Spruce Grouse. Possession Section L Member Trapping License fishing until Y, hour before sunrise limit is 2 times/daily limit One wing Cost, Trapping Season, Non-Member until Y2 hour after sunset. In addition, must remain naturally attached to Special Trapping and/or Predator Control no watercraft or ice fishing house carcass for identification. License: (any furbearer being taken off the shall be on a lake during closed hours. S. Hunti.n~ Zones reservation shall need an Export Permit) S e cnon 5. F ish Species Daily Limits. Zone 1- Closed Section 2. Logs Required. Trappers must SPECIES/categories DAlLY Zone 2 - 1st day of September provide a trapping log to the Department POSSESSION througb January lst, Except for male for all furbearers harvested. LIMIT Ring Necked Pheasant which is Section 3. Members and Descendants Trout Daily - 3 fish October 2nd througb November 30th. License. Trapping License Cost- (includes Rainbow only 1 may be Zone 3 - 1 st day of September Members and Descendants can purchase a Trout, Brown Trout, over 20 through January Ist, Except for male furbearer trapping license for $5. Zone 2 Cutthroat, and Arctic Inches and Ring Necked Pheasant which is and Zone 3 only. Grayling) only I fish may October 2nd througb November 30th. Section 4. Non-member License. Non- be Brown Zone 4 - Closed member Special Trapping and/or Predator Trout Section 2. Migratory Waterfowl Control License Cost - A non-member can Brook Trout Daily - 5 only purchase a Special Trapping and/or A.
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