ASMODEE NORTH AMERICA ACTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG EFFECTIVE JUNE 15TH, 2018 LAST UPDATED AUGUST 24TH, 2018 ASMODEE NORTH AMERICA ACTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG If you have questions about your account, please contact your authorized ANA distributor or visit www.asmodeena.com for more information. PROD- DESCRIPTION MSRP MINIMUM STUDIO NAME UPC UCT ADVERTISED CODE PRICE A5104 Love Letter (Clamshell) $9.99 $7.99 Z-Man Games 729220051042 A5108 Love Letter Wedding (AEG Version) $9.99 $7.99 Z-Man Games 729220051080 A5109 Love Letter (Small Box Edition) $9.99 $7.99 Z-Man Games 729220051097 A5122 Love Letter Premium Edition $29.99 $23.99 Z-Man Games 729220051226 A5123 Lovecraft Letter $29.99 $23.99 Z-Man Games 729220051233 ABY01 Abyss $59.99 $47.99 Bombyx 3770000010138 ABY03 Abyss: Kraken Expansion $29.99 $23.99 Bombyx 3770000010381 AD01 Android $59.95 $47.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781589943445 AD02 Android: Mainframe $34.95 $27.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333101343 AD03 Android: New Angeles $59.95 $47.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333101787 AHB01 Arkham Horror Third Edition $64.95 $51.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333107147 AHB02 Arkham Horror 3rd Ed Deluxe Rulebook $3.00 $2.40 Fantasy Flight Games 9781633443440 AHC01 Arkham Horror: The Card Game $39.95 $35.95 Fantasy Flight Games 841333101633 AHC02 Arkham Horror: The Dunwich Legacy Deluxe $29.95 $23.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333102296 AHC03 Arkham Horror: The Miskatonic Museum $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333102319 AHC04 Arkham Horror: The Essex County Express $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333102326 AHC05 Arkham Horror: Blood on the Altar $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333102333 AHC06 Arkham Horror: Undimensioned and Unseen $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333102340 AHC07 Arkham Horror: Where Doom Awaits $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333102357 AHC08 Arkham Horror: Lost in Time and Space $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333102364 AHC11 Arkham Horror: Path to Carcosa (Deluxe) $29.95 $23.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333103545 AHC12 Arkham Horror: Echoes of the Past $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333103996 AHC13 Arkham Horror: The Unspeakable Oath $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333104009 AHC14 Arkham Horror: A Phantom of Truth $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333104016 AHC15 Arkham Horror: The Pallid Mask $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333104023 AHC16 Arkham Horror: Black Stars Rise $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333104030 AHC17 Arkham Horror: Dim Carcosa $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333104047 AHC18 Arkham Horror: The Labyrinths of Lunacy $19.95 $15.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333104139 AHC19 Arkham Horror: The Forgotten Age Deluxe $29.95 $23.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333105112 AHC20 Arkham Horror: Threads of Fate $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333105365 AHC21 Arkham Horror: The Boundary Beyond $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333105372 AHC22 Arkham Horror LCG: Heart of the Elders $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333105389 AHC23 Arkham Horror: The City of Archives $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333105396 AHC24 Arkham Horror TCG: The Depths of Yoth $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333105402 AHC25 Arkham Horror TCG: Shattered Aeons $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333105419 Page 1 ASMODEE NORTH AMERICA ACTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG EFFECTIVE JUNE 15TH, 2018 LAST UPDATED AUGUST 24TH, 2018 AHC26 AH: Return to the Night of the Zealot $24.95 $19.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333105266 AHC27 AH: Guardians of the Abyss $19.95 $15.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333106584 AJM01 Attack of the Jelly Monster $19.99 $15.99 Libellud 3558380053231 AKH001 Arokah $39.99 $31.99 Asmodee Studio 0705632384503 AOT01 Age of Towers $59.95 $47.96 Devil Pigs 1944666610014 AOT02 Age of Towers: The Winx Expansion $19.99 $15.99 Devil Pigs 1944666610403 ARCH01 Archipelago $89.99 $71.99 Ludically 3760184940109 ARCH02 Archipelago: Solo Expansion $14.99 $11.99 Ludically 3760184940123 ATL01 Atlandice $39.99 $31.99 Ludonaute 3760269590106 BB01 Breaking Bad $39.99 $31.99 Edge 8435407617582 BLD01 The Builders: Middle Ages $17.99 $14.39 Bombyx 3770000010060 BLD02 The Builders: Antiquity $17.99 $14.39 Bombyx 3770000010237 BLIN01 The Bloody Inn $29.99 $23.99 Pearl Games 3558380032373 BLIN02 The Bloody Inn: The Carnies $14.99 $11.99 Pearl Games 3558380049517 BLK01 Blank $14.99 $11.99 Creativity Hub 602573199169 BRN01 Braintopia $14.99 $11.99 Captain Macaque 841333102807 BRN02 Braintopia 2 $14.99 $11.99 Captain Macaque 841333106010 BRN03 Braintopia Kids $14.99 $11.99 Captain Macaque 841333106027 BRU01 Bruxelles 1893 $59.99 $47.99 Pearl Games 3558380040453 CARD01 Cardline Animals $14.99 $11.99 Asmodee Studio 3558380018056 CARD02 Cardline Globetrotter $14.99 $11.99 Asmodee Studio 3558380019879 CARD03 Cardline Dinosaurs $14.99 $11.99 Asmodee Studio 3558380028963 CE01 Cosmic Encounter $59.95 $47.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781589944961 CE02 Cosmic Incursion $24.95 $19.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781589946866 CE03 Cosmic Conflict $24.95 $19.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781616610395 CE04 Cosmic Alliance $24.95 $19.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781616613624 CE05 Cosmic Storm $24.95 $19.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781616616519 CE06 Cosmic Dominion $24.95 $19.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781616619138 CE07 Cosmic Eons $24.95 $19.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333102173 CG02 Cash n Guns (2nd Edition) $39.99 $35.99 Repos Production 5425016922736 CG03 Cash n Guns 2E: More Cash More Guns Exp $29.99 $23.99 Repos Production 5425016923993 CG04 Cash n Guns: Team Spirit $29.99 $23.99 Repos Production 5425016921616 CHP05 AGOT: 2016 Joust World Championship $14.95 $11.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333103286 Deck CHR05 Chromino $29.99 $23.99 Asmodee Studio 3558380029434 CI01 Civilization Board Game $59.95 $47.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781589949355 CI02 Civilization: Fame and Fortune $34.95 $27.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781616611880 CI03 Civilization: Wisdom & Warfare $34.95 $27.96 Fantasy Flight Games 9781616616533 CIV01 Sid Meier’s Civilization: A New Dawn $49.95 $39.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333104719 CN3003 Star Trek Catan $55.00 $44.00 Catan Studio 029877030033 Page 2 ASMODEE NORTH AMERICA ACTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG EFFECTIVE JUNE 15TH, 2018 LAST UPDATED AUGUST 24TH, 2018 CN3004 Star Trek Catan: Federation Space $30.00 $24.00 Catan Studio 029877030040 CN3015 A Game of Thrones Catan $79.95 $63.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333103330 CN3016 Catan: A Game of Thrones 5-6 Player $49.95 $39.96 Fantasy Flight Games 841333106836 CN3025 Catan Junior $30.00 $27.00 Catan Studio 029877030255 CN3030 Candamir: The First Settlers $49.00 $39.20 Catan Studio 029877030309 CN3031 Elasund: The First City $49.00 $39.20 Catan Studio 029877030316 CN3071 Catan $49.00 $44.10 Catan Studio 029877030712 CN3072 Catan Ext: 5-6 Player $25.00 $22.50 Catan Studio 029877030729 CN3073 Catan Exp: Seafarers $49.00 $44.10 Catan Studio 029877030736 CN3074 Catan Ext: Seafarers 5-6 Player $25.00 $20.00 Catan Studio 029877030743 CN3075 Catan Exp: Explorers & Pirates $55.00 $44.00 Catan Studio 029877030750 CN3076 Catan Ext: Explorers & Pirates 5-6 Playe $32.00 $25.60 Catan Studio 029877030767 CN3077 Catan Exp: Cities & Knights $49.00 $39.20 Catan Studio 029877030774 CN3078 Catan Ext: Cities & Knights 5-6 Player $25.00 $20.00 Catan Studio 029877030781 CN3079 Catan Exp: Traders & Barbarians $49.00 $39.20 Catan Studio 029877030798 CN3080 Catan Ext: Traders & Barbarians 5-6 Pl $25.00 $20.00 Catan Studio 029877030804 CN3103 Catan Traveler $45.00 $36.00 Catan Studio 029877031030 CN3115 Catan Scenario: Helpers of Catan $5.00 $4.00 Catan Studio 029877031153 CN3116 Catan Scenario: Oil Springs $5.00 $4.00 Catan Studio 029877031160 CN3118 Catan Scenario: Rickshaw Run $15.00 $12.00 Catan Studio 029877031184 CN3119 Catan Scenario: Frenemies $5.00 $4.00 Catan Studio 029877031191 CN3120 Catan Dice Game $13.00 $10.40 Catan Studio 029877031207 CN3121 Catan Accessory: Base Game Cards $11.00 $8.80 Catan Studio 029877031214 CN3122 Catan Accessory: Cities & Knights Cards $11.00 $8.80 Catan Studio 029877031221 CN3123 Catan Accessory: Traders & Barbarians Ca $11.00 $8.80 Catan Studio 029877031238 CN3125 Catan Scenario: Santa Claus $8.00 $6.40 Catan Studio 029877031252 CN3126 Catan Scenario: Crop Trust $25.00 $20.00 Catan Studio 029877031269 CN3131 Rivals for Catan $25.00 $20.00 Catan Studio 029877031313 CN3132 Rivals for Catan Exp: Age of Darkness $15.00 $12.00 Catan Studio 029877031320 CN3133 Rivals for Catan Exp: Age of Enlightenme $15.00 $12.00 Catan Studio 029877031337 CN3134 Rivals for Catan: Deluxe $37.00 $29.60 Catan Studio 029877031344 CN3135 Catan: Age of Darkness Revised $20.00 $16.00 Catan Studio 029877031351 CN3136 Catan: Age of Enlightenment Revised $20.00 $16.00 Catan Studio 029877031368 CN3142 Struggle for Catan $13.00 $10.40 Catan Studio 029877031429 CN3173 Catan: Legend of the Sea Robbers $37.00 $29.60 Catan Studio 029877031733 CN3199 Catan Pre-2007 Adapter Kit $10.00 $8.00 Catan Studio 029877031993 CN3201 Catan Histories: Settlers of the Stone A $49.00 $39.20 Catan Studio 029877032013 CN3203 Catan Histories: Settlers of America $55.00 $44.00 Catan Studio 029877032037 CN3204 Catan Histories: Merchants of Europe $55.00 $44.00 Catan Studio 029877032044 CN3205 Catan: Rise of the Inkas $65.00 $52.00 Catan Studio 029877032051 Page 3 ASMODEE NORTH AMERICA ACTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG EFFECTIVE JUNE 15TH, 2018 LAST UPDATED AUGUST 24TH, 2018 CN3521 Catan Geographies: Indiana & Ohio (6 pac $30.00 $24.00 Catan Studio CN3522 Catan Geographies: DelMarVA (6 pack) $30.00 $24.00 Catan Studio 029877325221 CN3523 Catan Geographies: Penn-Jersey (6 pack) $30.00 $24.00
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