E 7.5 1 0.2. 0.6. GEOLOGIC ANALYSIS OF ERTS-1 IMAGERY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO Sandra Feldman 1 , Michael Inglis 1 , Karl Vonder Linden 2 Charles E. Chapin 2 , Rodney C. Rhodes 3 , and Frank E. Kottlowski 2 1 Technology Application Center spo0_er The University of New Mexico UtaIeW ~Ja\able un der' e i s Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 n i~ee j" i"e e' 2 New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral, oVam "o . Resources; Socorro, New Mexico 87801 an "se 3 Geology Department University of New Mexico Orig'I .photography may be purchased frow Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 EROS Data Center 10th and Dakota Avenue Sioux Fails, SD 57199 August 1974 Type III Final Report for the Period August 1972 - March 1974 N75-21731 75-2173 0 6 ANALYSIS OF ERTS1 (E75-102 ) GEOLOGIC Final IMAGERY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO Report, Aug-. ,1972 - MB ar. 1974 (New Mexico State Bureau of Mines and ineral) 105 p0HC Unclas26 L$5.25 ______ ___CSCL 08G G3/43 00206 . $5.25 Prepared for: NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER GREENBELT, MARYLAND 20771 Contract NAS5-21861 /?. 62 / RECEIv ED MAR 1 9 1975 SIS 1902.6 TECHNICAL REPORT STANDARD TITLE PAGE 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. 4. Tite and Sutitle 5. Report Dote Geologic Analysis of ERTS-1 Imagery for the August 1974 State of New Mexico 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s)S. Feldman, M. Inglis, K. Vonder Linden . Performirg Organization Report No. and F. E. Kottlowski 9. Performing Organizatior Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. New Mexico State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources; Socorro, New Mexico 87801 11. Contract or Grnt o. NAS5-21861 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Type III Final Report National Aeronautics and Space Administration August 1972-March 1974 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract The purpose of this study was 1) to study ERTS-1 images with emphasis on identifying and subsequently investigating, previously unrecognized geologic phenomena in New Mexico; and 2) to evaluate ERTS imagery as a geologic tool. Incoming ERTS-1 imagery of the state was studied and evaluated, and a mosaic of New Mexico was prepared using the best quality imagery received. Images of the Rio Grande rift and adjacent areas were analyzed for lineaments and circular features and then compared with existing geologic data. The information was then plotted on the New Mexico mosaic. Much of the information obtained remains to be field checked and correlated specifically with existing mineralized areas. It was concluded that ERTS-1 imagery alone cannot locate new areas of mineralization; but when combined with the study of low- altitude photographs, geological reports, and careful field checking, may lead to the discovery of new mineral deposits. 17. Key Words (S, lected by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement ERTS-1 analysis; lineaments, remote sensing; geologic structure; New Mexico, Rio Grande rift; circular anomalies 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price* NONE NONE 103 ii PREFACE The purpose of this study was to examine ERTS-1 images in order to identify and subsequently investigate previously un- recognized geologic phenomena in New Mexico and to evaluate the usefulness of ERTS-1 imagery as a geologic tool. Emphasis was placed on structural features in the Rio Grande rift and ad- jacent areas. Lineaments and circular features in the rift were plotted on the ERTS mosaic of the state which was prepared in conjunction with this investigation, and these were compared with existing data. It was concluded that ERTS-1 imagery is a valuable geologic tool and, when used in conjunction with existing data, low-altitude photographs, and field checking, may lead to the discovery of new mineral deposits. Work was begun on this project by Dr. Karl Vonder Linden who had played the major role in the ERTS investigation. In September of 1973, he resigned from the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. At that time, Sandra Feldman and Michael Inglis at the Technology Application Center (TAC), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico became the principal active investigators on the ERTS contract. TAC had followed the progress of Dr. Vonder Linden, and rapid transition was made. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page PREFACE . iii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . ..... .... ............ vi LIST OF TABLES . ..... .. ... ... .. viii I. INTRODUCTION . .. 1 A. Study Objectives. 1 B. Geomorphology and General Geology . .... 3 C. Mineral Deposits. 8 D. The Rio Grande Depression . 10 II. METHODOLOGY . 15 A. NASA Data Processing Facility (NDPF) Imagery . ...... ............. 21 B. Mosaic of the State of New Mexico . 22 C. Image Enhancement . ............. 25 III. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONS. 28 A. General Observations from ERTS.. 29 1. Lineaments . ...... ...... 29 2. Lithology . 30 3. Hydrology . ............. 32 4. Circular Features . 34 B. Investigation of South-Central and Southeastern New Mexico . 37 1. Land Use . ........... 42 2. Lithology . ............. 44 3. Structure . ............. 45 IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........... ... 47 V. RECOMMENDATIONS . .... ............... 48 APPENDIX A: Figures . 53 APPENDIX B: Tables. .. ... ......... ... .... 65 iv Table of Contents Continued. Section Page REFERENCES . .. 83 SUPPLEMENT A: "A Preliminary Investigation of the Mogollon- Datil Volcanic Field, Southwestern New Mexico, from ERTS-1 Imagery" by R. C. Rhodes.. A.1 SUPPLEMENT B: "An Evaluation of the Use of ERTS-1 Imagery in the Magdalena Mountains" by S. C. Feldman and C. E. Chapin. ............. B.1 v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Physical divisions of New Mexico. .... 4 2 Generalized map of the Rio Grande 'rift. 11 3 Tectonic map of the middle Rio Grande depression . 13 4 Flowsheet illustrating procedure to be fol- lowed with each set of images received . .. 16 5 New Mexico ERTS orbits and scene names. ... 18 6 Time sequence of ERTS images of Elephant Butte and Caballo reservoirs . ........ 33 7 Circular patterns from ERTS-1 imagery . ..... 35 8 Index map of south-central and southeastern New Mexico . 38 9 ERTS image 1189-17102-5 of the San Andres Mountains, White Sands, and the Sacra- mento Mountains, New Mexico. ........ 39 10 ERTS image 1098-17043-5 of the Pecos Valley New Mexico . 40 11 Index map showing the location of physical and political units in New Mexico. ..... 55 12 Generalized geologic map of New Mexico. ... 56 13 Generalized tectonic map of New Mexico. ... 58 14 Mineralized areas and earthquake epicenters (> 2.7 magnitude) in New Mexico . 61 15 Lineaments and circular features delineated from ERTS images . ... 63 vi List of Illustrations Continued. Figure Page Al ERTS mosaic of the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field, southwestern New Mexico . A.2 A2 Tectonic sketch map from ERTS imagery of the Mogollon-Datil volcanic province, southwestern New Mexico. ...... A.3 B1 Location map of the Magdalena Mountains, New Mexico . B.2 B2 The Magdalena Mountains, central New Mexico . B.6 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 ERTS-1 orbits of New Mexico and dates since launch . 19 2 Images used for ERTS mosaic of New Mexico . 23 3 New Mexico earthquakes with magnitude 2:2.7 between 1960 and 1971. ........... 67 4 Good quality ERTS-1 scenes of New Mexico dated between July 1972 and December 1973. 70 5 Gemini and Apollo New Mexico frames . 79 viii I. INTRODUCTION A.* Study Objectives The objectives of this investigation were twofold and as follows: 1. To study ERTS-1 images with emphasis on discovering, and subsequently investigating, previously unrecog- nized geologic phenomena in the state of New Mexico. 2. To evaluate ERTS-1 imagery as a geologic tool by comparing images with air photos, other satellite photos, geologic maps, and topographic maps of presently recognized features. We proposed to examine imagery of the entire state of New Mexico to discover additional geologic information, but with emphasis placed on areas which have undergone tectonic deformation and areas which are known to contain mineraliza- tion. The short-term objective was to identify previously unrecognized features with long-term emphasis on mapping and interpreting such features by comparison of ERTS-1 imagery with existing maps and photographs of corresponding areas. Both reconnaissance and later detailed field studies were to be carried out in conjunction with the study of imagery. Results anticipated prior to the actual study were: 1. More geologic information on the state of New Mexico. a. A better understanding of the major structural features of the state and of the tectonic forces responsible. b. A clearer definition of the major landforms and geomorphic processes. 1 c. More accurate locations of the boundaries of major drainage features and the identification of past and possible future drainage changes. d. Identification of areas which warrant future mineral exploration. 2. An evaluation of the usefulness of telemetered satellite imagery as a geologic tool in arid to semi-arid regions. This report contains a discussion of )l the general geology of New Mexico, 2) the methodology used in working with the ERTS imagery, 3) general observations in the state identified from ERTS, 4) a more detailed discussion of specified areas, 5) recommendations for future work, and 6) appendices contain- ing support data. A location map of New Mexico for reference throughout this report can be found in Appendix A. 2 B. Geomorphology and General Geology The state of New Mexico comprises four geomorphic prov- inces (Figure 1)--the Colorado Plateau (northwest), the Basin and Range (southwest and south-central), the Southern Rocky Mountains (north-central), and the Great Plains (east). Each of these provinces is distinct geologically and topographi- cally although boundaries between them are transitional.
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