VOL. 4, No. 12 TELEPHONE. CITY 6817. %J. I! THE <JA/V DEMPSTER LTD "RED, WHITE and BLUE" WHISKY (Eommanfaealil} ^Sank SPECIAL EASTER CASH of Australia DISCOUNT eSTABLISt1EI> 1012. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS of every description transacted at all branches APRIL in the principal cities and towns of Australia. OFF EVERY £l London (2) and New Guinea (2,. SAVINGS BANK INTEREST 3li per cent, on deposits up to £1.000. 3 per cent, on any additional balance up to £300 making A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ARTICLES a total of £1.300 on whicn interest is allowed. AT HALF PRICE TO CLEAR. SAVINGS BANK AOKNCIKS AKK ALSO RSTAHUSHKU AT TIIK KOLI/nviNU:- GAMDKN ISLAND (SVUNKVI SIVII. lUiltJT. Wll.l.IAMHTllWS (VurroKiAi H.M.A.8. TINOIHA H.M.A.S. RfttmAJiK AUSTRALIAN SVDNRV .. Pl.ATYl'LM SOUVENIRS MKI.HIII l;\K GKKANIUM ToRPKDO HoAT AOKNL'V Acting tlov*rnor: JAftES KELL. The N&vy League Journal OTHER DESIQNS Vol.. IV. No. 12. SVDNKY, APRIL, 1924. PRICK 3D. Boomerang Brooches Flannel Flower Broochoi Southern Crosa Broochrt Kookaburra on Boomerang Brooelie PERMANENT Coo.ee Snaka Brooch THE VISIT of the BRITISH WARSHIPS. TRUSTEE COMPANY OF N.S.W. LTD. SIIVBI plated Emu or '<iin(»roo Serviette Ring-. HEN the ships of the Special Service sion and divert it at the flood to absorptive fields Estates Under Control Exceed 12/8; let* IS percent. 10/6. Squadron return to England, their crews here. It is an opportunity not to be missed, an £8,000,00O. W will in due course be granted home leave. opportunity that the supporters of the White The services of this < 'ompany cover the whole fleM of AUSTRALIAN Then will begin in favourof Australia—and of things Australia policy must seize with both hands, lest it operations involved in efficient lru*Lce»hip. Absolute DESIGN security i- nonured. Under the ('ompany's Special Act Australian—one of the most effective publicity passes by. of Parliament the whole Capital—over £1.(00.000-is Paper Weirfhla campaigns our land has ever enjoyed. The cost liable for the protection of client*' intercuts. 31 years Paper Cullera In addition to any material benefits, direct or experience in the management of trust affairs en­ Match Slide. to the Commonwealth Treasury will be nil. sures careful ad ministration, judicious investment indirect, which may accrue to us, the visit of the As emissaries of emigration, without pay, the and efficient control. " S.S.S." has proved to the Empire and to the wide sailors will spread the glad tidings that a great I par cent . 71/6 world that Australia, by the spontaneity and warm ilirrctors: and almost empty Continent overflows with A LARGE VARIETY OF DESIGNS. heartedness of its welcome, is as inseparably a P. X. V Alt Wool.. Chairman. healthful sunshine and limitless opportunities. part of the Motherland as a child is of its p arents ALPRKD G. MUX IN. Q K FKIKND. Their tales of the prosperity of our people as a JAMRS MOIR. THOMAS HUCKI.ANU. whole, will decide hundreds of their countrymen's A. P. Bedford. Hon. Director. J. n. PEMPSTER LTD. It is a matter for rejoicing that between the old J. W. BAKNKS. K. V. T. WHITTLK. future. Towards the end of the present year a country and this healthily maturing youngster, Manager. Assistant Manager. Jeweller* Silvaramith* rising tide of interest in the Commonwealth will Australia, there is an unwritten and unvoiced deed Ayrshire House, assuredly ripple along the corridors of Australia of partnership which, sealed with the potent i jrce Kinf *nd York Streets, Sydney. House from the uttermost parts of Britain ; and it of sentiment, shall never be broken so loni, as our (J. at. Dempster Mana^ini Director) 25 O'CONNELL STREET, SYDNEY. is to be hoped that our recently created Migration honour remains untarnished and the language of and Settlement Department will rise to the occa­ our fathers is spoken. THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL CAPTAIN COOK * BY CAIT J. II. w ATSOV, K ICA.il H. ITH the approach of the anniversary of and handed the main and miz'n topsails, and got LIMITED. W the landing of Captain Cook at Botany down topg't yards," but no where is there any Bay, there have appeared in the press reference to a mizen top gallant yard or sail. AN AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE COMPANY. various items of more or less interest with regard Captain Bayldon has that in view in his sketch. to incident connected with his life and career. glivrctor*: There has also been many letters in the paper with reference to Cook's birth place, what his A. K. JAQl'KS, CHAIHMAN. The most important ol these, from my point of 0. C. UAI.K J. M. ATKINSON. view, is the publication in the Sydney Morning father was, about his descendants, and the monu­ THKO. J. MAKKS. 1.. J. DAVIKS. Herald on the 15th of March last of a "Dimen­ ments that have been erected to him. Nearly all sional Sketch of H.M.S. Endeavour," or as she these things are fully explained in " Captain James FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, WORKMEN'S was called in the official language of the day "The Cook," by Arthur Kitson, published in 1907, and COMPENSATION, BOILER EXPLOSION, MOTOR CAR, Endeavour Bark." which is far more interesting than these letters PUBLIC RISK AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE. Being thus described has led to endless con­ which only lead one astray. troversy, principally caused by people without any Then there is the parish register of Marton-in- Losses by Lightning, Bush Fires and Be Patriotic—Insure Australian Property knowledge of the distinctions of the rig of ships, Cleveland, wherein it is written " Novr. 3, 1728, James ye son of James Cook, day labourer, bap­ Gas Explosion Paid. in an Australian Insurance Company. or of the various technicalities conveyed in a seaman's language as used in description or log tized," which settles the question of James Cook's book, and as she was by Admiralty instructions position in the social scale. HEAD OFFICE: 16 MARTIN PLACE, SYDNEY. KELSO KING. MANAGER. "N -##sg?p£ rM$y U^X r/y feyi .S^„ H*.JX*$ Modern Passenger Interstate Steamship Sailings Steamers: KATOOMBA CANBERRA Regular Passenger and Freight Services LEVUKA COPY OF PORTION OF PAGE OF MARTON-IN-CLEVELAND P»RISH REGISTER. ZEALANDIA to all Australian Ports. "The Endeavour Bark," therefore she must be the, Then we have the statement of an ancient KAROOLA barque Endeavour. seaman who served his time " in a big barque of WYREEMA 317 tons out of Whitby, and received as a presen­ BUILT FOR SPEED AND COMFORT. No one in Sydney is better qualified than tation a volume " All About Ships," by Captain BOMBAI.A Captain F. J. Bayldon, who has contributed the Charles Chapman. There is a print in it of the DIMBOOLA sketch in question, to interpret from log book and brig Brotherly Love, the vessel Captain Cook went COOMA journal, and from the working drawing made in round the world in." How Editors' can publish Deptford dockyard, the language used, so as to such stuff is a puzzle to me, surely everyone of WODONGA FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO give what has long been wanted, a correct idea of them must know the name of the Endeavour. WYANDRA the vessel that the great navigator made the cele­ The ship Freelove that Cook served his appren­ Adelaide Steamthip Co. Ltd. 22 Bridge Street, Sydney ARAWATTA • 9520 brated voyage round the world in, which occupied ticeship in is often called the Truelove or Brotherly A. V. S. N. Co. •• 7 Bridge Street, Sydney •10665 nearly three years. Love by people who will not take the trouble to ARAMAC Aaetralian Steanrnkip Ltd. 3S0 George Stroll, Sydney S221 Mclhmraitk, McEackarn Lino 61 Pitt Street, Sydney • • 7SS8 That she was " ship " rigged there can be no look it up, and assert the correctness of their state- Hwddart, Parker, Ud. - 10 Bridge Street. Sydney 956B doubt for in Cook's log " close r3efd the topsails, (went in a most authoritative manner. WUkSomvnm Stoammkip Co. Lid. Cr. Clarence and Barrack Streett 8213 THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL SAINT CUTHBLRT5 The Aberdeen Line Regular Service between Australia and Southampton. Hull, and London via South Africa Highest Class Steamers on the Route. "EURIPIDES" - - I5.0C0 Torn Fitted with Wireless .. THEMBTOCLES • 11.250 .. -, Telegraphy and -DEMOSTHENES" - - ..So .. ^'^J^J Submarine • -SOPHOCLES" liSOO „ T—7T~ Signalling Gear. -"DIOGENES" - - 12.500 .. Carried. %tix2$s&%tiss£ £ DALGETY & COMPANY,. LIMITED "-var"" THE YORKSHIRE CHURCH WHERE «*PTAIN COOK WAS BAPTISED. Then again there is the very frequent assertion Noocka Sound, Vancouver, B.C., with this in­ that a person named is a descendant, or a direct scription : White Star Line descendant of the great navigator, Captain Cook. " Discovered by the great Captain Cook in There is not the slightest doubt thaf'he left no March, 1778. In July, 1789, Spain took descendants, and it is extremely-' doubtful if his '. possession and established a settlement until father has left any bearing the name of Ccolc. 1795. The capture of British vessels in Cabin Passengers Only. But family tradition has created many a false * 1789 almost led to war, which was avoided halo and placed it on the brow of some unknown by the Noocka Convention in 1793. Van­ Australia to Southampton, London and Liverpool person as the descendant of some illustrious in­ couver and Quadra met here in August, dividual, altogether forgetting that the public t79», to determine the land to be restored via South Africa.
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