ADMITTED FROM/DISCHARGE TO ESTABLISHMENT LIST 2019-20 (ALPHABETIC) The establishment codes listed are the current codes that HMDS accepts to identify establishments for reporting purposes, and in the fields Establishment, Admitted From, Discharged To, and Contracted/Funding Establishment. Reporting hospitals must ensure that only the codes listed in this and the numeric list are reported in 2019/2020 inpatient data. If a code is not listed, please contact the Inpatient Data Collections Manager (refer to Part A:HMDS Reference Manual - Contact Details) so that it can be added to the lists. The establishments listed are sorted in alphabetic order by establishment name. In addition to the establishment code and corresponding name, the list includes four columns as follows: Report to HMDS indicates (with a ‘Y’) whether the establishment reports inpatient summary data to the Hospital Morbidity Data System or not. Est Type Specifies the establishment type. Possible types are: Code Description AH Acute Hospital AR Acute/Rehabilitation Hospital D2 Day Surgery (23/24 – Hr) DS Day Surgery (Other) DT Detention Centre NH Nursing Home NP Nursing Post OH Other Health Care Accommodation PA Palliative Care Hospital PH Psychiatric Hospital PI Prison PO Psychiatric Outpatient PR Psychiatric Residential PU Psychiatric Unit in an Acute Hospital RC Referral Code RH Residential Aged Care Service (RACS) Hostel SORL Shows which Source of Referral - Location value must be used in conjunction with the establishment code. Value labels are presented below for easy reference. For details, please refer to Section 6 Source of Referral - Location. Code Description 1 Home 2 Residential Aged Care Service 3 Other Health Care Accommodation 4 Acute Hospital Code Description 5 Psychiatric Hospital 6 Prison 7 Other MOS Identifies the valid Mode of Separation value associated with the establishment code. Value labels are presented below. More details are available in Section 6 Mode of Separation. Code Description 1 Transfer to Acute Hospital 2 Transfer to Residential Aged Care Service 3 Transfer to Psychiatric Hospital 4 Transfer to Other Health Care Accommodation 5 Statistical Type Change 6 Left Against Medical Advice 7 Discharge from Leave 8 Deceased 9 Other / Home The Source of Referral - Location (SORL) and Mode of Separation (MOS) values listed above refer to valid HMDS codes for these fields. Acronyms used in this appendix A number of acronyms and abbreviations are specified within the establishment list. These acronyms are described below. Acronym Description ACRAH Association for Care and Rehabilitation of Alcoholics, Drug Addicts and Homeless AHL Aboriginal Hostel Limited BBA Born Before Admission CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service CASP Community Accommodation Support Program CCN Community Care Nursing CPD Community Psychiatric Division Acronym Description CTO Community Treatment Order DIH Division of Intellectually Handicapped ECG Electrocardiogram ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy EEG Electroencephalogram FSH Fiona Stanley Hospital HMDS Hospital Morbidity Data System KEMH King Edward Memorial Hospital MH Mental Health MHIS Mental Health Information System MHS Mental Health Service NH Nursing Home PARK Peel And Rockingham/Kwinana health service PMH Princess Margaret Hospital (for Children) PSOLIS Psychiatric Services Online Information System RACS Residential Aged Care Service RPH Royal Perth Hospital SARC Sexual Assault Resource Centre SCGH Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital SW Social Work TOPAS The Open Patient Administration System WCHS Women’s and Children’s Health Service WERU WE Robinson Unit Current Establishment List (as at 01/09/2019) *Any new or updated establishments or establishment names since last publish date will be highlighted. Est Report Est Establishment Name SORL MOS Code to HMDS Type 0626 Abbotsford Private Hospital Y PH 5 3 0673 Absolute Cosmetic at Image 21 Y DS 4 1 4036 Acacia House Nursing Home NH 2 2 2255 Acacia Prison PI 6 9 0674 Academy Day Hospital Y DS 4 1 2131 ACRAH, Mt Lawley PR 3 4 0892 Activ Foundation - Res Unit PR 3 4 0802 Adventist Residential Care, Rossmoyne NH 2 2 0447 Aegis Alfred Carson Aged Care NH 2 2 4188 Aegis Amberley Aged Care NH 2 2 4166 Aegis Anchorage Aged Care NH 2 2 4182 Aegis Ascot TCP OH 3 4 0823 Aegis Balmoral Aged Care NH 2 2 0344 Aegis Banksia Park Aged Care NH 2 2 0810 Aegis Bassendean Aged Care NH 2 2 0820 Aegis Carrington Aged Care NH 2 2 4205 Aegis Ellenvale Aged Care NH 2 2 4037 Aegis Greenfields Aged Care NH 2 2 4195 Aegis Hermitage Aged Care NH 2 2 4055 Aegis Hilton Park Aged Care NH 2 2 0346 Aegis Karalee Aged Care NH 2 2 4079 Aegis Lakeside Aged Care RH 2 2 0494 Aegis Lincoln Park Aged Care RH 2 2 0819 Aegis Melville Aged Care NH 2 2 4235 Aegis Montgomery House Aged Care NH 2 2 4179 Aegis Orelia TCP OH 3 4 4170 Aegis Parkview Aged Care NH 2 2 0349 Aegis Sandstrom Aged Care NH 2 2 4089 Aegis Shawford Aged Care RH 2 2 0808 Aegis Shoalwater Aged Care NH 2 2 4117 Aegis St Francis Aged Care NH 2 2 0332 Aegis St James Aged Care NH 2 2 0861 Aegis St Michael's Aged Care NH 2 2 4118 Aegis Stirling Aged Care NH 2 2 4064 Aegis The Pines Aged Care NH 2 2 4176 Aegis Woodlake Aged Care NH 2 2 0701 Agmaroy Nursing Home NH 2 2 0322 Aitken House (CASP) PR 3 4 0097 Albany Adult Community Mental Health PO 7 9 5633 Albany Adult Step Up Step Down (MHS) PR 3 4 Est Report Est Establishment Name SORL MOS Code to HMDS Type 4194 Albany Community Care Respite Centre OH 3 4 0687 Albany Community Hospice Y PA 4 1 6019 Albany Day Hospital Y DS 4 1 0201 Albany Hospital Y AH 4 1 2101 Albany Regional Prison PI 6 9 5632 Albany Youth Step Up Step Down (MHS) PR 3 4 0054 Alex Miles Frail Aged Lodge Hostel RH 2 2 0334 Alice Ross-King Aged Care NH 2 2 4222 Alice Springs Hospital AH 4 1 4062 Allawah Grove Hostel (Aboriginals) OH 3 4 0941 Alma Street Adult Outpatients (MHS) PO 7 9 4213 Amana Living TCP Bull Creek OH 3 4 4206 Amana Living TCP Cottesloe OH 3 4 4207 Amana Living TCP Mosman Park OH 3 4 Amaroo Village Buckley Caring Centre 0773 RH 2 2 Hostel Amaroo Village McMahon Caring Centre 0328 NH 2 2 Nursing Home 0703 Anne Marie Nursing Home NH 2 2 0704 Annesley And Annexe, Nursing Home NH 2 2 Annie Bryson McKeown Lodge Hostel (Aged 0055 RH 2 2 Care) 4008 Annie Melsom House Hostel RH 2 2 0056 Archbishop Goody Hostel (Aged Care) RH 2 2 6008 Argera Anti-Aging Centre Y DS 4 1 0955 Armadale ATT (MHS) PO 7 9 0203 Armadale-Kelmscott Memorial Hospital Y AH 4 1 0623 Attadale Rehabilitation Hospital Y AR 4 1 0204 Augusta Hospital Y AH 4 1 4193 Balladong Lodge Aged Care Facility NH 2 2 2102 Bandyup Women's Prison PI 6 9 2103 Banksia Hill Detention Centre PI 6 9 4011 Banksia Lodge RH 2 2 0057 Barridale Lodge Hostel (Aged Care) RH 2 2 4048 Bassendean Lodge Hostel RH 2 2 4029 Bedford Hostel PR 3 4 0058 Bedingfeld Lodge Aged Care RH 2 2 0805 Belmont Community Nursing Home NH 2 2 0964 Belmont Hostel DIH PR 3 4 0534 Bennet Brook Hostel DIH PR 3 4 0947 Bentley CTT (MHS) PO 7 9 0553 Bentley Family Clinic PO 7 9 0255 Bentley Hospital Y AH 4 1 Est Report Est Establishment Name SORL MOS Code to HMDS Type 0060 Berringa Frail Aged Lodge Hostel RH 2 2 4220 Berrington Como Aged Care NH 2 2 4202 Berrington Subiaco Aged Care NH 2 2 0061 Bert England Lodge Hostel (Aged Care) RH 2 2 4175 Bethanie Beachside Aged Care NH 2 2 0178 Bethanie Edinboro House Hostel RH 2 2 0803 Bethanie Elanora Villas Nursing Home NH 2 2 4112 Bethanie Fields Aged Care NH 2 2 0383 Bethanie Geneff Hostel RH 2 2 4219 Bethanie Gwelup Aged Care NH 2 2 0172 Bethanie Illawong Hostel RH 2 2 0183 Bethanie Kingsley Lodge Hostel RH 2 2 4026 Bethanie Peel Lodge Hostel RH 2 2 4120 Bethanie Waters Aged Care RH 2 2 0064 Bethel Village Hostel (Aged Care) RH 2 2 0602 Bethesda Hospital Y AH 4 1 0401 Beverley Hospital Y AH 4 1 4139 Beverley Residential Aged Care NH 2 2 4059 Biala Therapy and Rehabilitation Centre PR 3 4 4097 Blake House, Dongara RH 2 2 0402 Boddington Hospital Y AH 4 1 2381 Boronia Pre-release Centre for Women PI 6 9 Boyup Brook Citizens Lodge Hostel (Aged 0070 RH 2 2 Care) 0432 Boyup Brook Soldiers Memorial Hospital Y AH 4 1 2603 BP Luxury Care, Maddington PR 3 4 0970 Bradford Hostel PR 3 4 4214 Braemar Cooinda Aged Care NH 2 2 Braemar House Nursing Home, East 0705 NH 2 2 Fremantle Braemar Village Hostel, Willagee (Aged 0073 RH 2 2 Care) 4074 Bremer Bay Health Centre NP 7 9 0707 Brentwood Nursing Home NH 2 2 0005 Bridge House Hostel (Alcohol/Drug Rehab) PR 3 4 0444 Bridgetown Hospital Y AH 4 1 0989 Brighton Hostel DIH PR 3 4 4103 Brightwater Balcatta (Disability) OH 3 4 4210 Brightwater Bentley (Disability) OH 3 4 0470 Brightwater Birralee Innaloo Nursing Home NH 2 2 0340 Brightwater Edgewater Aged Care Hostel RH 2 2 4065 Brightwater Ellison House (Disability) OH 3 4 0170 Brightwater Huntingdale Hostel RH 2 2 Est Report Est Establishment Name SORL MOS Code to HMDS Type 0464 Brightwater Joondalup Hostel (Aged Care) RH 2 2 4211 Brightwater Kailis House (Disability) OH 3 4 4226 Brightwater Kingsley TCP OH 3 4 4111 Brightwater Madeley Nursing Home NH 2 2 4106 Brightwater Manning (Disability) OH 3 4 Brightwater Marangaroo Discovery Way 4209 OH 3 4 (Disability) Brightwater Marangaroo Endeavour House 0467 OH 3 4 (Disability) 4119 Brightwater Maylands (Disability) OH 3 4 0503 Brightwater Oats Street (Disability) OH 3 4 0449 Brightwater Onslow Gardens Nursing Home NH 2 2 Brightwater Oxford Gardens Aged Care 4056 NH 2 2 Nursing Home 0468 Brightwater Redcliffe Hostel RH 2 2 Brightwater South Lake Care Facility (Aged 0465 RH 2 2 Care) 4123 Brightwater The Cove Facility NH 2 2 Brightwater
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