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S,O:>!Jawv fO Ma!A JaAaJ S9!1!1PDf puo a:>!AJas fD SIUaWaU!faJ AUOW a4~ 0~ UO!I!PPD UJ 3JI/\~3S dO 3..Lno~ 3H..l How d You trav I Q Q egree of pi e can make WAY business tri easure You d ~ World of d"ff, ~ MLINER WAY ~ MLINER Wh ps. eri'Ve from ' erence in the FOR PULLMAN AND RESERVED-SEAT en You h Your v COACH ACCOMMODATIONS, AND COMPLETE TO AND FROM TO AND FROM at its finest~. oose SEABOARD a cation and INFORMATION, SEE YOUR NEAREST dependable h . and have th , You experie SEABOARD REPRESENTATIVE: and re/a ands. The , e carefree f, J· nee raif travel Florida Florida time x, and meet . re s ample r ee tng of b . ATlANTA 3, GA.- R. A. Perkin, G PA , 67 Luckie St., N.W ., AND THE SOUTH AND THE SOUTH JAckson 2-5018. eri· , You select y Interesting p oom in Which emg in BALTIMORE 2, MD. -H. R. Hester, DPA , 5-7 South Colvert Street, toy them I . our favo . eopfe In to roa LE•ington 9-4135. hospitable ate,surely. Atte~'.te dishes a~d {our own goo~ BIRMINGHAM 3, ALA. - M. A. Chandler, AGPA, 30 South 20th Street, AL 2-5158. We apprec· mosphere thro;;~ service creat:;erages, and BOSTON 16, MASS. - M. P. Cleaves, NEPA, 80 Boylston Street, Liberty 2-2634. as pleasan/~te being Your ho out Your trip. a cheerful, BRUNSWICK, GA . -R. E. Southwell, P&TA, Travel Center, 504 " G" St., AMherst 5-5860. You aboard s Possible, for ~t and intend to . BUFFALO 3, N. Y. - Donald E. Paste, DPA, 205 Er ie -lackawa nna Terminal, TL 4-3736. .many times ~ e certainly hopmake Your trip CHICAGO 3, Ill. - R. C. Grant, DPA, 1460-1461 Marquette Bldg., STate 2-2185. m the future! e to Welcome CLEVELAND 15, OHIO - f. H. Ginrich, DPA, 2037 E. 14th Street, TOwer 1-61 55. COlUMBIA 1, S. C. - B. P. Beard, AGPA, Arcade Bu il ding, Alpine 2-8621 . Genera/ p /f?~ DURHAM, N. C.- Miss Eldorie lowry, CPA, 816 Ramseur Street, assen Phone 681 -2366. 9er rraffic M FT. lAUDERDAlE, FlA. - John L. Allen, DPA, 407 E. Broward Blvd., anager JAckson 2-4751. JACKSONVIllE 2, FlA. -H. T. Denning, GPA , 218 West Forsyth St., Elgin 3-1791. KEY WEST, FLA .-Simone's Tours, .514 Southard St., CYpress 6-5722. lAKE WALES, FlA. - G. K. Leftwich , DF&PA, Walesbilt Hotel. Phone 4-4251. MIAMI 32, FlA. - W. J. Ficht, GPA, 173 East Flagler Street, FR 1-6611 . MIAMI BEACH, FLA. - W. J. Ficht, GPA, 1553 Washington Avenue, FR 1-6611 . N~~~~~, 3~:rAMAS - Bahamas Tourist Co., ltd., Shirley Street, NEW ORLEANS 12, LA . - W. D. Chambers, SWF&PA, 914 Hibernia Bonk Bldg., JAckson 5-788B. NEW YORK 20, N. Y. - L. G. Webor, GPA, 12 Wou ""Street, Circle 5-7380. NORFOlK 10, VA.- G. W. Reddick, DPA, 7-9 Selden Arcade, 625-5896. PHILADELPHIA 3, PA.- F. J. Lopresti, OM-PS&S, 306 Transportation Center Bldg., LOcust 3-7154. Prr.:.:~~~~i~~- ::4 :.A . - W. G. Byrom, DM-PS&S, 953 Union Trust Bldg., RALEIGH, N. C.- H. E. Hitchings, AGPA, 922 Insurance Bldg ., TEmple 3-2714. RICHMOND, VA. - K. H. Huohes, AGPA, 3600 W. Broad Street Elgin 8-6797; 708 E. Grace.. Street, Milton 3-0291. ' ST. PETERSBURG 1, FLA . - F. R. Wiggins, Jr., AGPA, 415 first Avenue, North, Pnnceu Martha Hotel, Phone 7-5168. SAN JUAN 15, PUERTO RICO - Puerto Rico Tours, Inc., 309 Recinta Sur Street, Phone 3-2860. SA~.!~~T9~a!!~i>:- J. C. Dykeo, DPA, Main and Lemon Streets, SAXt'~-~JI3. GA. -J. H. Moon, DPA, 7 E. Congress Street, li'ort .r.. lli UdeJ"d'.aJe T"t~!n~A s;:.~~lLA . - J. L. Miller, CPA, Seaboard Passenger Station, Oll.r1o00(1 2 Hialeah TAMPA 2, FLA.- f . H. Bradley, GPA, Hillsboro Hotel Building Phone 229-8327. ' l:Uantt WASHINGTON 6, D. C. - T. W. Edwards, Jr .. GPA, 1625 K Street N W NAtional 8-0636. ' · ., WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. -John Callahan, DPA, 106 North Narcinus Avenue, TEmple 2-4174. WINTER HAVEN, FLA.- G. K. Leftwich, DF&PA, Central Arcade CYpress 3-6383. ' THE ROUTE OF COURTEOUS SERVICE THE ROUTE OF COURTEOUS SERVICE THE ROUTE OF COURTEOUS SERVICE 62. Printed in U.S.A. SEABOARD'S SILVER FLEET OF MODERN STREAMLINERS TO AND THE SILVER STAR-Morning departure from New York; afternoon departure FLORIDA SILVER FLEET ADVANTAGES: from Miami. Year-round service between northern cities and the east coast of Florida resorts; serves Florida's "SPACE TRAVEL DE lUXE" - In addition to your own Pullman or coach accommodations, attractive lounges east and west coasts during the winter season. Stainless steel private-room Pullmans and reserved reclining­ provide ample room in which to move about, relax, enjoy a beverage and snack, and meet interesting seat coaches. Spacious lounges; complete dining service. REGISTERED NURSE, Passenger Service Agent. people. MEAlTIME IS AN EVENT in Seaboard dining cars; dine early or late, selecting from a wide variety of expertly-prepared dishes. You'll be pleased with the gracious "Old South" service - and with the surpris­ irgly moderate prices! SEABOARD'S GAY "HOSPITAliTY HOUR" each afternoon in the dining car is an invitation to all passengers to join in a treat of Florida orange juice and coffee. There's a REGISTERED THE SILVER METEOR- Afternoon departure from New York; morning NURSE aboard - good news for parents traveling with small children. The PASSENGER SERVICE AGENT departure from Miami and St. Petersburg. Year-round service between the North and both coasts of is happy to assist you with travel details. If you travel by economical coach, the CHAIR CAR ATTENDANT Florida. Stainless steel private-room Pullmans and reserved reclining-seat coaches. Ample lounge accom­ sees that your surroundings are kept immaculate; he also assists with your luggage when you board or modations, including patio-like Pullma n-travel Sun lounge. REGISTERED NURSE, Passenger Service Agent. leave the Silver Fleet. Cheerful, willing Seaboard service makes your trip a most pleasant one. "RESORT TRAIN LUXURY" SEABOARD'S For Your Business and Vacation Trips FAMOUS Between New York- Washington and ~~ Paclage'Vcwations '' FLORIDA Under $1oooo from New York I may mean a daily round of sports-in-the-sun . the relax- INCLUDING: Round-trip Streamliner travel in reserved seats; 7 days and 6 nights at a luxurious ocean-front hotel in Miami Beach (two persons to hotel So many popular features of Seaboard's Florida ation of a beach chair beside a glamorous hotel pool . dancing and superb entertainment each evening ... a room) with private beach and pool privileges; planned entertainment; transfers Silver Fleet are found aboard the SilVER state-wide sampling of Florida's many scenic attractions. to and from hotel. "Packages" available at many Florida resorts. COMET that your overnight trip Whatever your preference, let Seaboard place you in (Low Package Vacation prices apply between May 1 your ideal vacation setting! on this lightweight, stainless and November 15, when special 30-day round-trip coach steel train is a real fares between the North and Florida cities are in effect.) travel treat - a little FROM THE SOUTH, Package Tours are available to Williamsburg, Washington, vacation in itself I Philadelphia, New York, New England and Eastern Canada. What better way to spend the time between busi­ ness days than in the relaxing atmos- NEW YORK CITY phere of modern Pullman or reserved, reclining­ FLORIDA CIRCLE THEATRE TOURS seat accommodations, club-like tavern car, hospitable TOURS offer a delightful variety may be taken individually or in groups. diner? Use these pleasant hours to "catch up of Sunshine State attractions.
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