Mississippi State University Scholars Junction “Dispatches from Grant” Newsletter Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library 2015 Dispatches from Grant - Summer 2015 - Volume 3 Issue 3 Mississippi State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/usgpl-newsletter Recommended Citation Mississippi State University, "Dispatches from Grant - Summer 2015 - Volume 3 Issue 3" (2015). “Dispatches from Grant” Newsletter. 9. https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/usgpl-newsletter/9 This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library at Scholars Junction. It has been accepted for inclusion in “Dispatches from Grant” Newsletter by an authorized administrator of Scholars Junction. For more information, please contact [email protected]. DISPATCHESNewsletter FROM Title GRANT Organization Name Newsleer Date Volume 1, Issue Lead Story Headline This story can fit 175‐225 words. In this issue: Newsletter Editor The purposeear Members, of a newsle er is to provide Meg Henderson Dspecialized There informa are concernson to a targeted I want to share with you. For many years, USGA has receivedaudience. Newslefinancialers awards can be froma great the way National to Historical Publication of Records StoryGuest Title Writers 1 Lee Schweickart Commissionmarket your product (NHPRC) or service, and the and National also Endowment for the Humanities Edward (NEH).create credibility This year and we build received your an NHPRC grant (July 2015 to June 2016) of only Headington $44,490,organizaon’s a drop iden ofty some among $30,000 peers, from two years previously. NEH has NOT Story______________ Title 1 renewedmembers, ouremployees longstanding, or vendors. three year financial award (2012-2015 of $117,986), and the present one will run out on September 30 of this year. Both federal award Contact First, determine the audience of the programs have suffered severe cuts in their budgets, and Congress does not Information Story Title 2 seemnewsle interesteder. This could in increasing be anyone whosupport might in the coming years. Future funding for USGAbenefit fromafter theJune informa 30, 2016on it iscontains, thus problematic for at best. The Ulysses S. example, employees or people interested in Grant Association As you know, President Frank Williams, Vice President Jim Bultema, and I have purchasing a product or requesng your Story Title 2 institutedservice. a program of donations to try to fill the gap. We have had some success, Mitchell Memorial around $16,000 in donations but not nearly enough to cover the loss of Federal Library fundsYou can When compile NHPRC a mailing cut list our from funding business seve ral years ago, the MSU Libraries supplementedreply cards, customer the Executive informaon Director’s sheets, salary by around $25,000 per year. USGA Box 5408 hasbusiness also cards established collected an at tradeendowment shows, or with the MSU Foundation, putting $35,000 of Mississippi State, Special points of MS 39762 ourmembershipCap fundson describing into lists. an Youpicture endowment. might or graphic. consider Last year we received an anonymous donation of $50,000,purchasing so a mailing our total list endowmentfrom a company. now stands at $85,000 plus interest. We have interest: Phone: 662-325- also increased the fee structure for membership in USGA and added a student If you explore the Publisher catalog, you will 4552 membership. Briely highlight find many publicaons that match the style your point of When I became Executive Director in 2008, I instituted a structure by which all our Fax: 662-325- of your newsleer. interest here. staff members are on “hard money.” They are employees of the MSU Libraries. I 0272 putNext, my establish salary howon “soft much money,” me and themoney financial awards from the federal usgrantlibrary.orgBriely highlight organizations. The Endowment of $85,000 is set as a beginning sum to raise your point of enough money to be able to employ the Executive Director both today and, more Secondary Story Headline interest here. importantly, in the future. USGA must find new sources of revenue. MSU has been amazingly generous to Briely highlight This story can fit 75‐125 contents of the story and us, providing over $200,000 per year in support of our operations. MSU, through a your point of words. draw readers into the story. state of Mississippi bond, is paying for the $7.2 million addition to the Mitchell interest here. Develop the headline before MemorialYour headline Library is an for our use as the Grant Presidential Library. Through the work of you write the story. This Presidentimportant part Mark of Keenum,the MSU is also providing over $2 million dollars for Briely highlight way, the headline will help your point of furnishingnewsleer andthe shouldnew addition be for our use. you keep the story focused. interest here. considered carefully. Examples of possible In a few words, it should headlines include Product accurately represent the USGA Newsleer • Summer 2015 1 DispatchesNewsletter from Grant • Summer 2015 Title • Vol. 3, Issue 3 Frank, Jim,Organization Name and I agree that USGA must increase If you haveNewsle anyer questions Date Volume or suggestions, 1, Issue contact our endowment dramatically, and we need to me at [email protected]; Frank Williams at produce additional revenues of all sorts to allow [email protected], or Jim Bultema at Lead Story Headline us to function in the manner of a true Presidential [email protected]. Library. We will continue our editorial work, but Our financial situation requires action now. The our mission is expanding to reach out to a public This story can fit 175‐225 words. legacy of USGA and the memory of a great wanting to learn more about General and In this issue: American, Ulysses S. Grant, requires nothing less. The Presidentpurpose of aGrant. newsle Forer thisis to yearprovide alone, we need specialized$50,000 informa plus additionson to a targeted to our endowment. In future years, with little chance of further funds Story Title 1 audience. Newsleers can be a great way to Frank J. Williams, President marketfrom your NEH product or NHPRC, or service, our and shortfall also will be close to $100,000. The salary of the Executive Director, create credibility and build your Jim Bultema, VP for Advancement organizafor example,on’s iden willty amongthen be peers, around $25,000 a year Story Title 1 members,with that employees revenue, or coming vendors. from the MSU Libraries. John F. Marszalek, Executive Director First,We determine need a the major audience infusion of the of funds, and we need it quickly. The Executive Director and staff are newsleer. This could be anyone who might Story Title 2 looking into other possible federal, public, and benefit from the informaon it contains, for private sources of revenue, but our opportunity to example, employees or people interested in do so is limited because of the heavy load of purchasing a product or requesng your Story Title 2 responsibilities we already carry. MSU has service. assigned a member of the MSU Foundation staff You tocan gather compile additional a mailing listfunds from for business the MSU Libraries, replyincluding cards, customer USGA, informa and weon are sheets, hopeful this will help us in the future. business cards collected at trade shows, or Special points of membership lists. You might consider CapHowever,on describing as picture an organization or graphic. that has set interest: purchasingstandards a mailing for many list from year a company.s, USGA must reach If youwithin explore itself the for Pub necessarylisher catalog, new you funding. will We have Briely highlight find nomany alternative publicaons if we that wish match to thecontinue style among the your point of of yourleaders newsle in ourer. field and especially with a new USGA facility on the horizon. The past interest here. Next,achievements establish how muchof USGA me andare moneysomething we can be proud of. However, without an executive director Briely highlight to provide day-to-day leadership and without your point of interest here. Secondary Story Headline funds to carry on our mission, the future will be a troubled one. Please respond to our financial Briely highlight This needsstory can as fi generouslyt 75‐125 andcontents as quickly of the as story you andcan. your point of words.Send funds to USGA, c/odraw John readers F. Marszalek, into the story. interest here. Develop the headline before YourExecutive headline is Director,an P.O.Box 5408, Mississippi you write the story. This importantState part, MS of 39762. the The Ulysses S. Grant Association Briely highlight way, the headline will help your point of newsleIn additioner and should to funding, be we also need to hear about has promoted historical you keep the story focused. interest here. consideredyour fund carefully. raising ideas and your willingness to scholarship on Grant and the Civil reach out beyond our membershipExamples of for possible further In a few words, it should War since 1962. financial help. headlines include Product accurately represent the USGA Newsleer • Summer 2015 3 DispatchesNewsletter from Grant • Summer 2015 Title • Vol. 3, Issue 3 Recent and Upcoming Events/Notices USGAOrganization Name Officers Newsleer Date Volume 1, Issue Fall 2015—Construction begins on the new facility for the Ulysses Frank J. Williams, President S. Grant Presidential Library at Mississippi State University’s Lead Story Headline Sheldon S. Cohen, Vice Mitchell Memorial Library. The project is projected to be completed President Emeritus in 18 months. To follow our progress, visit http://lib.msstate.edu/ James A. Bultema, Vice places/construction/mml-expansion/ This Presidentstory can fi tfor 175 Advancement‐225 words. In this issue: September 1—USGA membership structure changes for new The purposeUlysses of Granta newsle Dietz,er is Vice to provide members: Lifetime membership increases to $500; options for specializedPresident informa for onAcquisitions to a targeted annual membership at $100/year and NEW student memberships Story Title 1 audience.Harriet Newsle F.
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