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A plurality of biosensors RECEPTORS can be used to detect the interaction of ligand ( s ) at a plurality of ectopic Olfactory Receptors . In an aspect, the plurality of REFERENCE TO SEQUENCE LISTING , TABLE 5 biosensors can represent the repertoire or a portion of the OR COMPUTER PROGRAM repertoire of the ectopic Olfactory Receptors found on a particular type of cell and /or tissue . For example , the plu The official copy of the Sequence Listing is submitted rality of biosensors can represent the repertoire or a portion concurrently with the specification as an ASCII formatted of the repertoire of ectopic Olfactory Receptors expressed text file via EFS - Web , with a file name of 10 on skin , brain , breast , colon , heart , kidney , liver, ovary , “ ARX013 _ ST25. txt" , a creation date of Feb . 26 , 2018 , and prostate , testis , white blood cells , lymph nodes , or other cells a size of 45 kilobytes . The Sequence Listing filed via and tissue in a subject . The plurality of biosensors can EFS -Web is part of the specification and is incorporated in represent the repertoire or a portion of the repertoire of its entirety by reference herein . ectopic Olfactory Receptors expressed on skin including , for BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 example , the Olfactory Receptor OR2AT4 . The plurality of biosensors can represent the repertoire or a portion of the The olfactory receptor genes have been characterized repertoire of ectopic Olfactory Receptors expressed on dop through homology as seven transmembrane domain G pro - aminergic neurons including , for example , OR51E1, tein - coupled receptors (GPCR ) . It is estimated that there are OR51E2 , and OR233 . probably 500 - 750 olfactory receptor gene sequences in 20 The biosensors may also include a G -protein complex and humans , while there are 500 - 1000 olfactory genes in rat and an adenylate cyclase . The G - protein complex can be com mouse . Olfactory receptors are concentrated on the surface prised of three subunits the Ga subunit , Gß subunit, and Gy of the mucus coated cilia and odorant molecules bind to the subunit. The adenylate cyclase and the G protein complex olfactory receptors in the olfactory epithelium . Since mam can be derived from the same species . Alternatively, the mals can detect at least 10 ,000 odors and there are approxi- 2525 adenylate cyclase and the G protein complex can be derived mately 1 , 000 or fewer olfactory receptors , many odorants must interact with multiple olfactory receptors. from different species . The G protein subunits also can be The discriminatory power of olfactory receptors is such derived from the same or from different species . The bio that it can perceive thousands of volatile chemicals as sensor polypeptides include polypeptides that have 70 % , having different odors . It is known that the olfactory system 80 % , 90 % , 95 % , and 99 % sequence homology with an uses a combinatorial receptor coding scheme to decipher thehe 30 ectopic Olfactory Receptor. odor molecules . One olfactory receptor can recognize mul The biosensor can have a dynamic range of six to seven tiple odorants and one odorant is recognized by multiple orders of magnitude , and the biosensor can detect binding of olfactory receptors . A slight structural change in the odorant odorants and other molecules in a range of 0 .
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