il n ... , I On the Inside , Th.Weath.r , "lJckey: ..-- ~ I on blil ~ Gnnmd~9 pnvlction: • Paqe 2 Partl, do"" aeaUere. arges h!-' PrilOD Break Folled .howerl or U.uder­ I in redo; • Paqe 3 .............,. bOt mada WhIte Sox WID. 9-5 ~hanl'e la te",ueratnr~ . Hartisont , •• Paqe , at oman Blrh ....,. ". lOP request: e t Moada", H: low. (Ii• . gralltedl Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto, UP Leaaed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday. July 17. 1951 - Vol. 85. No. 236 heys said! plea " be- appealJ: Council Okays $1,664 Project ~!::~ ~~;(eIOut.look .·.. F~r Peace 'Brighter" For City Streets &esolullons were adopted (It the city council meeting Monday ~l~.~~nw~h~~::~ As Tr' uce' f:a.lks·Enter Fifth Day nl,hI to receive bids at the next day to block a reported American eouncll meeting Aug. 6 on mac­ bid for a miUtary deal with Franco adam surfacing for tjlree streets Spain. and a sidewalk project Involving Hin~ Meetings Government spokesmen reported Iranian Chief three other streets. here and In paris that both na­ The proposl¥1 stree surfacing, t.ions have told the United States which will cost an estimated they oppOse: Supports West May Have New '7,884.55, Is for the following 1. Spaniah admlllion into thc atreets: 12-natlon Atlantic Pact. Marcy st. from Kirkwood to ! . Spanlllh tnJlltary "association" UN Negotiators Highland ave.; Ginter ave. from with any member of the Atlantic Over Russia Marcy to H<$r.rell sis. and Howell pact. B,. PHIL NEWSOM at. from Ginter to Kirkwood aves. NEW YORK IU'I - The leader 3. An t\merlcan plan to acquire TOKYO, (TUESDA YI 1m-The Aceordlnr to elfy Enlineer Prof. Emeritus and Mrs. Gilbert l. Houser of one of the most powerful tribes naval and air bases in Spain. in Iran Monday pledged his sup­ fifth Korean truce meeting opened Fred Garilke, the sidewalks Tne spokesmen said the U. S. port to the West in any conflict today in Kaesong in an air ot Ih ••ld ellSt lbout $2,'724. appears to have disregarded with the Soviet Union over the optimism and there were reports Sidewalk construction is plan­ BritiSh and French arguments control of the strategic middle ned for the following streets: Prof'. Gilbert L. Houser ,8S •.Dies that the move will profit only thc eastern cou ntry. 8 new team ot UN negotiators North side of Jefferson st., from Communists. They warned th~ t At the lime time. however. he would take over once a formal City Johnson to Dodge sts.; east side the fteds are sure to ex,plolt it warned the IUnlt'eel states arallUlt cease-fire program has been de­ of fourth ave., from Court st. to After Arranging Wife's funeral from one end of Europe to the "nollcy rrron" that mlrbt Injure cided. the high school parking lot; west other. the stronw American prestlre Britain, France, Norway and The outlook for peace was much side of Dearborn st., from Center Prof. Emeritus Gilbert L. Houser, 85, member of the SUI amoDI Iranians. to Muscatine aves. and the east J)enmark all regard Generalissimo brighter because of the concret side of Center' st., from lot 10, zoology department for the past 59 years, died of a heart attack at Francisco Franco's regime as Prince Khosrov Ghashghai, progre!B made at Monday's talk chieftain ot the 350,000-odcl and the friendly atmosphere of block 7 to Ronalds st. his home Monday, only a few hours after he bad completed ar­ fascist. They argue the Atlantic Allies Ghashghals who Inhabit the oil­ the meeting. No reports on to­ A public hearing was held in rangements for his wife's funeral. rich southern provinces of Iran, 100111 Iowan '''alo.l day's meeting are expected until connection with the council's sur­ and their cause will become Mr. Houser's body was ------ ------­ tainted if anyone of them makes said that his tribesmen would go the Allied team returns to the facing and sidewalk plans and on the war-path if Russia at­ Hancher Accepts Research Gift UN advanced camp. only one objection was voiced found by his brother-in-law, O. of Naturalists; Amerlciln society a military deal with Franco. of Zoology, and author of many Nevertheless diplomatic offl­ tacked Iran or it the outlawed PRESID6NT VlRGIL M. HANCHER accepted a check for '1,008 UnUed Preu lIofreJpenon& to the 81dewalk construction pro­ N. Riggs, R. R. 6, about 3 p.m. Tudeh (Communist) party gained gram on Dearborn st. articles and papers on zoology. elals In a position to know said a MOl1dar from the Damon Runyon Memorial fund to finance cancer Earne8t lIobercht reported from County coron,er George Callahan control of the Tehran government lhe UN ad.ance camp that a dif­ The other seven property The Rousers, m;lrrled in 1899. fonnal U. S. approach to Madrid research In UJe SUI colle,e of medicine. The presentalJon was maele said Houser lIad apparently died in an attempt to bring the country ferent or expanded UN delel'atton owners were In favor of the plan, celebrated their golden wedding on Ute whole broad, question of by Michael Wolf, Iowa city businessman reprellenUnl' the fund about 2 p.m. anniversary two yeal'S ago . spanl.h-'t\merlcan military co­ Into the Soviet sphere. rllaln, &roup. rna,. c.onduct the ad.1 cease­ however, and the resolution was Mr. Houser's wife, aaU.le, 7'7, The Ghashghais waged a suc­ fire talks to end the bloab Ko­ PiSSed. Mrs. Houser cradulled from oper.tlon Is lnun.lnent. died in Mercy hospital about 1 SUI In 1889. She was a cll_rter Franco, it is reported, has laid cessful recplt against the Iranian rean war once a formal Pl'OCI'alD Other bUllness at the council a.m. Monday. She had been In member of the Iowa City . Irt plans to prepare for that cooper­ government In 1945 to force the bas been adopled at KaeJonr. lIedlnl Involved transferrlnf a poor heal&h for some time and circle, II< member of the Iowa .Clty ation. An Associated Press dis­ ousting form the cabinet of Com­ The dispatch, Quotmg official credit of S16,802.67 from the Ben­ was admitted to the hospital Fri­ Woman's club, UnJveralty .: club patch from Madrid Saturday said munist ministers prior to the Azer­ 'Texas Democrat Charges sources who released the news loa brldn project to the City It. day. and was active In Presbyterian he will fesnuffle his cabinet thl~ baijan crisis. U.S. diplomats with for publication, saJd Lt. Gen. brldre appropriation fund ,.,11 The couple· llved at 430 Iowa church work. , week to strengthen Spain's ties experience in the middle east re­ James A- Van Fleet, head of the ,., repairIJ to the brldfe. ave. Mr. and Mrs. Houser are . sur­ with tne west. gard the Ghashghal tribesmen as Republicans Fear DiSalle Allied eighth army, may head the Gartzke reported tha t repairs to A double luneral service has vived by five sons, Arthur, Wood His plans were said to include one of America's most valuable UN grQup which works out the the bridge were three-fourths River, Ill,; Harold, Chl.cagc; PaUl, a message of press freedom and allies in Iran. WASHINGTON (UP) - A Texas Democrat said Monday the actual cease-fire. Vice-Adm. C. rompleted. bj!en tentatively set for 2 p.m. Thursday at the Hohenschuh mor­ Sioux Falls, S.1;>.; Ralph, a colonel other steps to make his regime Prince Ithosrov, a penonal RepubU,cans are shying away from efforts to kill the existing cattle Turner JOY is head of the present tuary. Burial will be ln Oakland in the ma,rine corps, San Diego, more acceptable to democracies. friend Of Premier Mohammed price rollback for fear of Price Chief Michael V. DiSaJle. group. cemetery. Calif., and Mark, New Haven, ~Jl\erlcan Naval Chlef .of stan Mosuelerh, Is In this country on Once the present delegations Conn. The complaint came as the house opened debate on a proposal Anti-Negro Handbills Mr. Houser was born on a farm Adm. Forrest P. Shennan arrived an unofficial I'ood-wlll mlulon on have agreed upon an agenda it Also surviving are 10 grand­ In Madrid Monday In the course of Mo,saderh's behalf. Hia aunrance to wipe out all farm price roll­ was believed both sides would in Lee county, July 9, 1866. He children. Mrs, Houser is also sur­ effect. The dispute broke oul attended - three Iowa schools, a IlWiJ16 tbrouah the capitals of of Ute trlbe'l anti-Communis' po­ backs-past, present and future have to spend some time Witll Circulate in Cicero vived by two brothers, O. N West Europe. .Ulon WIS made In In Interview. when Chairman Harold D. Cooley, their respective superiors, pr.(' par­ Whittier college, Salem, Iowa, and Rigg, R. R. 6, I 01l(a City. and In his capacity as secretary at - In connection with the new (D.-N.C.) of the agrlculturt' com­ Howe!! academy and Iowa Wes­ Members of the U.S. senate for­ ing tor the actual end-the ~w 8.J' Adm. ' Charle~ Riggs, Washington, U\e oil commrsson of the Iranan 10nl~anle CDlltrols law. mittee submitted his committee's Alter Violence Ends leyan college, Mt. Pleasant, be­ eign relations"' rommltee visited t9lk~ which may &ake conPler­ D. C. Madrid last week. majlis (parliament) Prince Khos- Administration leaders concede amendment to kill the existing able time. fore coming to SUI. Diplomatic officials sa.id Spain rov was larl!ely responsible for the kepubllcan-Southern Demo­ roLlhack and ban future farm CHICAGO ItPI - The court bases He received a B.S.
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