Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 9-23-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 23, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1983 Volume 69, Issue 25 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 23, 1983." (Sep 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Citizens protest nuclear dump Buzbee, Johns will veto Daily 'Egyptian cOlnpact if not amended 80uthem Dlinois University Friday, September 23. 1983, Vol.69, No.25 Jackson might run WASHINGTON (APl - The president of the Chicago-based -decision on the 1984 race. Rev. Jesse Jackson said civil rights organization since The seven candidates are Thursday he is taking a tem­ he founded it in llnl, said he will former Vice President Walter porary leave of absence from request a leave when the PUSH Mondale; Sens. Alan Cranston Operation PUSH so he can board of directors meets of California, John Glenn of devote all his time to exploring Monday. Ohio, Gary Hart of Colorado a p,,~sible bid for the .Jackson also said at a lun­ and Ernest Hollings of South Democratic presidential cheon sponsored by the local Carolina; former Sen. George nomination. PUSH chaprer that he may seek McGovern of South Dakota, and He said he \\till make a one more meetillg with each or former Florida Gov. Reuben decision on his candidacy the seven announced Askew. sometime next month. Demo.::ratic preSidential Jackson, who has been c,'lndidate:; before he mai;es'ilis See JACKSON, .-age 3 Park~r appointed to committee By Anne Flasza The awards win be issued to Staff Writer instructors at elementary, middle and senior high school James Parker, chairman of levels, Parker said. the Department of Educational "W ~ will have 500 excellent Leadership, was appointed rol~n,odels to look at. We'll be chairman of an B-member able to see what is being done by advisory committee to identify these people," he said. "It may and honor master teachers in help us to prepare other in­ Staff Photo by Joim Schrag Illinois by Gov. James structors in the future." Thompson Wednesday. Parker said the committee David Christiaasea, professor of geography, lestlftes al nuclear Funds totalling $637,000 have will not study merit pay. waste dis)JQ8al hearin-.:s iD Marloa. been appropriated by the state "Our charge at tms time is to $1,000 awar~ 500 to provide to advise the Illinois State Board p,~" "aren Torry the compact is now written. And outstanding teachers. Parker of Education on a system to stalf Writer the compact should be rewritten said Thursday. The instruetors identify a,d honor master will also receive thr,ee days of teachers," he said. The Illinois Senate shouldn't !~~~!cI~~~a~~~~1~~~t:~:! release-time to share their ratify the Midwest Interstate be aUowed, she said, adding skills, with colleagues, Parker The committee met for the Low-Level Radioa.:tive Waste that five of six shallow landfills .!!!~ . Jamel! Parker fIrst time Wednesday, Parker Compact as currently written, in the United States are now The remaining funds will be said, anti discussed possible about a dozen citizens told a leaking. used to reimbur:s,,; schOOl will UIk~ the release-time <u give criteria for determining senate committee public Kusick and others giving di!Sbicts for salaries of sut>­ demonstration lessons, lec­ teachir:g ability. hea.... ing Thursday in Mario:'. testimony complained that the atitute teachers used during this tures, or to observe other in­ Parker said he could not Illinois should not become a regional management plaf', tim~. structors and help make dumping ground for radioactive which would determine where Parker said. master teachers evaluations and suggestions. See PARKER. Page 7 waste from other states, several sites are located, what type of people told members of the storage is used and how the site Senate Agriculture, Con­ is operated, is not included ill servation and Energy Com­ the cornpact. According to the Sonrlt says $2 fee increase mittee, including State Sens. current compact, the Kenneth Buzbee and Gene management plan would be Johns. worked out by the commission The Midwest Compact would after the compact is ratified. won't serve 'llseful purpose' estabii::h a commission, con­ Kusick urgE>d that the com­ sisting of one representative pact be amendul to include the By Bruce Kirkbam go into a repair, Dlodemizatiun f'lll1er, USO co-chief of staff. from each state, which would management plan or to require Staff Writer and maintenance funti for SIU-C During last year's book co-op, choose disposal sitt>s for low­ that the plan be .1pproved by the athletic facilities. The the USO lost about $700, he said. levE'1 r2'dioactive waste General Assembly. President Albert Somit told remaining $3 would be used to The senate also approved generated within the 11 to 14 Myra Wood Bennett of the the Student S\;aate Wednesday offset the defIcit caused by $2,078 for the Carbor,dale Clean­ state region. Illinois, the fourth Save Our Shawnee Committee night that he thinks a $2 in­ declining enrollments. up Day, to be hek' Oct. 22 at largest generator of nuclear said that if lliinois hosts a dump Cl'l'ase in the student athletic Somit also informed the Turley Park. waste in the nation, is con­ site, it probably would be fee will not be enough ro offset senate that the Bracy Building Clean-up Day coordinator sider'~ the mos. likely choi:!e to located in Southern lllinois, the loss of ~ caused by Curtis McDaniel said the city is host a dump site. although L'le region may not be decreasing student t=~~ith~~d::~S::~i~ ~ provimng garbage bags and Ratifying the compact as an appropriate l()('.ation. enrollments. is now under tlJe jurisdictior! or truck& ior the event. Seven,Up, written is "equivalent to signing Bennett claimed there is a "The athletics programs face the Capital DeveJopmt'nt WT:iO and Tipton's Appliance a blank check," said Kathleen trend toward locating sites in very serious budgetary Board. Center are prOviding refresh­ Kusick or Illinois South Project, areas which are poor, sparsely problems next year," he said. In Ilther business, the senate ments, entertainment and noting that the compact levies 'populated and have a weak "A $2 dollar lee increase is not passed two funding bills for prizes for participant!,;. full financial liability for the political structure. But going to serve a very useful ann:::.l USO projects. The fIrst dump site on the host state. Southern IDinois, with its ex­ purpos.~ because the problem is bill allocates $2,025 for the third Kusick encouraged tht~ tensive farming and mining too bi". I see no reason to bother annual USO Book Co-op, which committee to amend the ~!1d, high water table and . stuOOnts with a $2 fee increase will be held u... first week of the compact to require aU states to fractured bedrock, is a poor that is not going to help the spring semester. equally share the responsibility choice to store radioactive situat'on very much." Students can sell their text­ and cost of operating and waste. she saM. The athletics budget is facing books through the book co-op at maintaining the site and of Both Bennett and David an estimated $100,000 decline in a price they determine them­ making remedial repairs in Christiansen; SIU-C geography available money because of a selves. After the book is sold, case of accident (>r leakage. professor. relaTed to recent projected steady decline ill the student receives the money The compact should mandate predictions that Southern student enrollment, said Tom from the sale, less a small that the site operator ~ase Illinois will suffer a major Busch of the president's office. handling fee. 'tho? maximum liability in­ earthquake within the next This projection comes from the The book C(H)f) also provides surance and set up a fund from decade. decrease of the number or It;gh an ouUet where students can fees cbloo .. ged to waste Christiansen urged the seiJooI graduates, he said. buy textbooks at reduced prices ~etrerators to pay for damage in committee to "go back to step Bruce Swinburne, vice because of the small markup Gas says Utey oUght to make a case of an emergency, Kusick one" and develop a new com­ president for student affairs, over the price ap!'eed upon by sporting deal of the athletks fee said. pac'~ .He argued tbat the federal said Thurnday that his offIce is the seller. ...:.. a dollar more for "f!rY game Kusick said fees ~harged to go\" ernmer.t" "bad handed eoosidering a pcssible $5 in­ The book co-op is a non-profit the foo&bli1U Salakis wiD, and two, waste generators should be rf'.sponsibility for lOW-leVel ,~ in the athletic. fee. Two operation offered as a service ~ hau. off for every ODe ., .~!d 00 wlume and level of dollanl of that increase would students, according to Bill . 1Gee. .," toxicity. not just on volume, "as See HEARING, Page :I Marcos tells soldiers toi ~ho'ot - ---Wews Roundup--.-. MANILA CAP) - President no reason to reimpose martial acti;"!sts have destroyed, Desegregation funding expected Ferdinand E. Marcos on law "just now," but implied in maimed, killed, I am now in the Thursday ordered soldiers to his nationwide address that he process of consulting wi&.
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